Argh ... I mixed the sql-map and sql-map-config entries - so don't use
my examples literally.  The general idea is still right.

Jeff Butler

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/01/05 4:25 PM >>>
Replying back to the list so everyone can see...

This could be a known issue that was fixed in 2.1.5.  Did you just
recently change to the new URL from the  the old location
""; ?  You can only use the new location with iBATIS version 2.1.5.  Clinton
references the issue in the 2.1.5 release notes - something about
improved entity resolvers.

Also, the runtime validation checking is coded to automatically use
DTDs in the JAR file - you don't need to do anything to make this work.

To change it would involve compiling your own version of iBATIS
(probably not worth it for this issue).

My recommendation is to use with iBATIS version
2.1.5 and later, otherwise use
with older versions.

Jeff Butler

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