Let's Attack Garry ! was : Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> Jason you lost Vesa's game!

   Yes he did  .

> I've been over ten years on this list but there has never been so much
> negative energy. Garry (right with two "R") tries to destroy this list.

ooops , and now you ! 

> Unfotunately the mailinglist admin seems to be tolerating pissing and
> spitting on the most gratefull artists. 

Wow ! Vacation , anyone ?

> It's a big big shame that an amoeba
> from budweiser and stripbar can bring so much trouble here.

Vesa's advice to ignore flamebait is a wise one .

> First he asked for tutorials, then he gets them, oki then he asks for
> project files. I guess he needs them to make the first great image on
> his renderfarm. Man ... my bloodpressure goes now nowhere and I can't
> understand what's going on. Toleration has somewhere it's end. For me
> it's since last week reached.
> Bye
> Boris

  I asked where are the concrete HTML Tutorials from Jason , with
links to project files and textures ? They are non-existent and
will perhaps always be so .

  Where are your Concrete HTML Tutorials concerning your ever
evolving "Female Creations" ? Same place I guess . You constantly
use this list to attempt to pump up your ego , by posting a link
to your latest never ending effort , but where is the "Give-Back"?

   ... doesn't exist . That is not a personal attack on you , just
the bitter truth . Same with Jason . I was not attacking him , just
pointing out the same sad truth .

   For some advanced users here , it is very very simply , all
about them , and them alone .

  Sorry if the truth hurts . Strip clubs ? Yes , try one some-
time you may even become properly inspired at last . Mine has
ice cold Buds on sale tonight . 

  Yep , ice cold beer delivered by gorgeous naked girls as a
$50,000 sound system pumps out awesome tunes . Ya , that's a
terrible thing now , isn't it ?

  I feel so very hurt by your cruel cutting words .


> > This is not what you asked for Gary ?
> > 
> > You got know where near asking for this.  Instead you were abusive to me and
> > eventually my wife for no founded reason other than your frustration of the
> > lists lack of response to your general ranting.  You accused me of giving
> > nothing to the list of which I have disproved with these previously
> > mentioned emails alone and my years of contributions to the beta testing and
> > development which you have never been privee to see and could not possibly
> > have any idea of what you are talking about.
> > 
> > I have shown you in the previous emails my working methods which have NO
> > GREAT SECRET you keep eluding to, just hard work of tweaking and testing.
> > You now choose to ignore this information as I have proved you wrong and
> > instead find a new reason to complain to me and others.
> > 
> > Why was I suddenly to be named as solely responsible for the Realsoft user
> > list demise in your previous email, when GI is only a small part of Realsoft
> > 3D ?  You chose to slander and critisize me and now I have proved your
> > accusations to be misplaced you still cannot bring yourself to apologise
> > for your behaviour.  I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your opinion
> > on this list and hope you are not permitted to speak to anyone else the way
> > you have to me ever again.
> > 
> > What is so odd is that you could have asked me in a nice pleasant manner as
> > you have managed to do in the past and I would have no doubt found the time
> > to answer your concerns as best I could.
> > 
> > You contradict yourself over and over.  If you know GI very well then you
> > can surely apply a sky texture map as an illumination channel in a single
> > shader to a skydome sphere, throw in your scene, a GI shader, a light and
> > tweak the controls as explained.  This is no secret and it's how I make my
> > images as I have told you over and over.  You clearly have a lot more time
> > than many of us here, so if you are not doing it for you alone, perhaps you
> > can put your time where your mouse is and upload the project file yourself.
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > >  Somehow , you 2 percieve a tiny possibility that I am
> > > asking for myself . If I was , I wouldn't attemp to shame
> > > someone into finally sharing some concrete tutorials , of
> > > course .
> > 
> > Shame someone into creating concrete tutorials ???  None of us are under any
> > obligation to provide any tutorials especially in the manner in which you
> > ask.  This kind of pressure would scare people away as they would feel any
> > kind of presence on the list would warrant they must create a tutorial to
> > stay around.  This is a free community list to help each other out as and
> > when we can and know how to.
> > 
> > What you are suggesting is re-inventing the user list into a different
> > approach from what we have come to know.  While you do have some points that
> > are worth discussing as you and the list currently are, your approach to
> > saving good information is entirely different

Let's Attack Garry ! was : Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> I am amazed you are still allowed to voice your opinion
> on this list 

> You contradict yourself over and over.

> really what planet are you on...  

> Jason

  Yep , these are the kind of personal attacks Vesa has
suggested that we ignore , so I will . 

   Just more time wasting teeth gnashing anyway , still
no concrete HTML examples for the Realsoft user base .

  ... oh well .


Let's Attack Garry ! was : Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread studio
> I will resurrect myself from the dead, to say that Garry must go. Now. I
> have waited a long time to say that. He was given a second chance, probably
> more than once, before and he continues to abuse the priviledge. If he does
> not go, I suggest we take the mailing list to a new forum and ban his
> account.
> Miles/.. (sorry Vesa, but it has to be said)

  Well said , and thanks for the many many awesome tutorials
you have provided through all these many years . So glad you
were not one of those people who just kept posting about their
problems and their creations .

  Many here have left their mark on this community , some ...
just a quickly fading , and very odd looking stain .
