Re: unable to reconnect after exception Channel was inactive for too long

2015-06-21 Thread Tim Bain
There may very well be a bug in the implementation of the InactivityMonitor
code in ActiveMQCPP compared to the Java implementation; I'd recommend you
submit a bug in JIRA, ideally with the client code that produces this
behavior.  This one may be harder for someone to track down, because I
don't know of a way to reliably produce Channel was inactive for too
long. exceptions.  (If someone knows of a good way to do that, I'd love to
know it.)

Once this occurs, if you stop your application (but leave the broker up)
and start a new one, does that eliminate the error?  Knowing that will let
us determine whether the bad state is in the client or in the broker.

I can't think of any URI options that would help you work around the issue,
though if the restart I asked about in the previous paragraph results in
correct behavior, you could simply exit when you detect the problem and
have the script that started it recognize that it was dead and start a
fresh one.  It's not a great workaround, but it might be better than what
you have right now.  Or of course you could turn off inactivity monitoring;
you said you don't want to do that, but it might be better than the other
alternatives, at least till someone figures out what's going on and
implements a fix.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 1:25 PM, jeffrey wrote:


 I'm not sure if the Java application ever gets the exception, but if it is,
 then it's reconnecting quickly.

 I don't think my application can really control which port it is getting
 moved to, that would be decided after I connect to the server on 61616 and
 we negotiate to a new port.

 Are there any transport connector options on the client or server that
 help me here?


 Tim Bain wrote
  Do you ever get the channel inactivity exception in the Java client?  If
  so, does it reconnect gracefully?
  Those error messages make it sound like the TCP connection is being
  instead of starting a fresh one.  Is there any chance you're reusing the
  same ephemeral port, where the server wouldn't be able to tell that it
  wasn't simply additional data on the old connection?

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Re: Potential threading bug in MemoryMessageStore.

2015-06-21 Thread Tim Bain
But that's the thing; I think that method is properly synchronized, and
many of the other methods are over-synchronized.

Here's the code in question: from

messageTable is a synchronized map obtained from
Collections.synchronizedMap(), so get() acquires the intrinsic lock before
issuing the get() against the underlying Map.  The various other methods in
the class explicitly acquire that intrinsic lock via synchronized
(messageTable) {} blocks, so they're each acquiring the same lock (and
hence thread-safe).  The other methods generally invoke only one other
method inside the synchronized block, and that method will acquire the same
intrinsic lock the sychronized block already holds; this works (because
intrinsic locks are reentrant), but it's unnecessary and your point about
double synchronization is accurate (but applicable to more than just

I am, however, concerned that lastBatchId should probably be volatile since
it looks like it could be set from multiple threads.  Either that, or
resetBatching() and setBatch() both need to use a synchronized block.


On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

 I didn’t.. it’s a race so if it’s happening is probably happening not that
 often .  Maybe a test could be created to try to introduce the race.

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 9:57 PM, Tim Bain wrote:

  Did you look at this any further?  Looking at the code, it looks like the
  call will be protected without explicit synchronization by the intrinsic
  lock on the synchronizedMap (and I think that some other methods such as
  delete() and addMessage() that just call a method on the synchronizedMap
  could have their synchronized blocks removed), though I might be looking
  that wrong.
  On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
   Pretty sure getMessage() in MemoryMessageStore has a bug.
   All access to messageTable is synchronized.  this method is not.  This
   means that there’s a race where a message can go into the queue but the
   thread reading it may have a cache copy of the data structure meaning
   would get a cache miss
   Also, it looks like “addMessage” is doubly synchronized.
   public Message getMessage(MessageId identity) throws IOException {
   return messageTable.get(identity);
   … I’m going to migrate to using a PriorityBlockingQueue for this and
   all the synchronization and will try to submit a patch. Also I think
   PriorityBlockingQueue will lower memory usage by 40%
   Location: *San Francisco, CA*
   … or check out my Google+ profile


 Location: *San Francisco, CA*
 … or check out my Google+ profile

Re: ActiveMQ master-slave topology issue[BUG]

2015-06-21 Thread Tim Bain
Thanks for the feedback and questions.

I hadn't considered any of the buffering/flushing/synchronization aspects
of the underlying NFS configuration, but you're absolutely right that the
guidelines for how to configure this solution need to acknowledge the
interplay between the two sets of settings and provide guidelines for how
to select settings for each one in order to achieve the goals.  I have no
experience with configuring NFS, so although I understand the theory that
writes can be deferred, it would be great to have people who understand
those aspects be involved when that documentation gets written.

Re: the type of lock to be used in the solution I'm using, I have no idea
(due to lack of experience with NFS other than as a user) and would
appreciate suggestions from those who are more knowledgeable about NFS.  I
had assumed we'd use the same type of lock as is currently being used (with
the current behavior in the face of network failures), but if another type
would be more appropriate, that would be great to know about.

Re: the master re-reading the data file, I wasn't planning on it but it
could be done.  What I proposed would have a separate thread checking the
content of the file on the same periodicity (but not necessarily
synchronized so not necessarily occurring at the same time) as the writing
thread.  If locking is working correctly and network access is reasonably
stable, if another process has written to the lock file (such that the
write thread would see a difference just before it wrote), then the write
would fail if the other process still held the lock, and it would succeed
(as you'd want it to) if the other process had lost the lock due to losing
network access.  So under normal conditions, there wouldn't be a need to
check content before writing.  The only scenario I can think of where it
might gain you something is if network access is winking in and out rapidly
for the different processes, so they get writes in and then immediately
lose the lock and someone else gets a write in and immediately loses the
lock.  If that's happening, and if the reading thread is timed so that it
reads the file after the write thread writes to the file and before the
other processes write to the file during this cycle, then multiple
processes could think each think they've got the lock long enough to become
master.  That seems like a very unlikely scenario, but easy enough to guard
against by doing the read-before-write that you asked about, so I think
it's worth doing.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 10:19 AM, James A. Robinson

 On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:08 AM Tim Bain wrote:
  It seems pretty clear that the assumption that acquiring a single file
  without doing any further checks will provide thread-safety in all cases
  not an accurate one.
  As I see it, here are the failures of the existing approach:
 - Failure #1 is that when an NFS failure occurs, the master broker
 recognizes that an NFS failure has occurred and never recognizes that
 slave broker has replaced it as the master.  The broker needs to
 those things even when it has no other reason to write to NFS.
 - Failure #2 is that the slave broker believes that it can immediately
 become the master.  This wouldn't be a problem if the master broker
 instantaneously recognized that it has been supplanted and immediately
 ceded control, but assuming anything happens instantaneously
 across multiple machines) is pretty unrealistic.  This means there
 will be
 a period of unresponsiveness when a failover occurs.
 - Failure #3 is that once the master recognizes that it no longer is
 master, it needs to abort all pending writes (in a way that guarantees
 the data files will not be corrupted if NFS returns when some have
 cancelled and others have not).

 I don't know if this has been called out already, but it will
 important for users to coordinate how their NFS is configured.  For
 example, activating asynchronous writes on the NFS side would
 probably make a mess of any assumptions we can make from the client
 side.  I also wonder how buffering might affect how a heartbeat
 would have to work, whether or not mtime won't get propogated until
 enough data has been written to cause a flush to disk.

  I've got a proposed solution that I think will address all of these
  failures, but hopefully others will see ways to improve it. Here's what
  I've got in mind:
 1. It is no longer sufficient to hold an NFS lock on the DB lock file.
 In order to maintain master status, you must successfully write to the
 lock file within some time period. If you fail to do so within that
 period, you must close all use of the DB files and relinquish master
 to another broker.
 2. When the master shuts down during normal NFS circumstances, it 

Re: Performance issues regarding authentication

2015-06-21 Thread Tim Bain
Since you're not getting any response here, I'd recommend you submit an
enhancement request in JIRA.  If there's a better way to do this, you'll
get that feedback, and if there's not, you'll get a fix (eventually).


On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Shilen Patel wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I'm running 5.11.1 and trying to get ActiveMQ to authenticate users
 against an LDAP via JAAS.  I'm trying out
 org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule but noticing a couple of issues.

 First, it doesn't seem to re-use LDAP connections (i.e. pooling) and on
 top of that, it doesn't seem to close connections that it creates (until
 they eventually timeout due to idling).

 Second, there's no caching.

 So the result that I'm seeing is if I send 100,000 messages (via the REST
 API in this particular case) and I authenticate as the same user each time,
 then that ends up authenticating the user 100K times against the LDAP using
 100K different LDAP connections and without closing any of the 100K
 connections.  What am I missing?  Is there a better way to authenticate
 users against an LDAP?


 - Shilen

Re: How to get added to the support page as a listed company

2015-06-21 Thread Tim Bain
I can make that change.  All the other entries on that page use
third-person voice, so to be consistent how about the following:

TytoEASE offers support, consulting and
training on enterprise ready open source projects including ActiveMQ.
 Support offerings are at three levels with guaranteed SLA's. The company's
consulting work is short term to help troubleshoot, fine-tune, do
architectural reviews or help with initial design.  TytoEASE's focus is on
the Enterprise with how customers integrate open source with their current


On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 7:25 AM, Matt Atwater

 I was hoping to find out who to contact about getting our company listed
 as one of the commercial support offerings.  If we could get added to the below is the text we would
 like.  I appreciate everyone help.

 Matt Atwater

 TytoEASE offers support, consulting and training on enterprise ready open
 source projects including ActiveMQ.   Support offerings are at three levels
 with guaranteed SLA's. Most of our consulting work is short term to help
 trouble shoot, fine tune, do architectural reviews or help with initial
 design.  Our focus is on the Enterprise with how you integrate open source
 with your current technologies.
 Our site is www.tytoease.com, with details on
 our ActiveMQ offering at

Re: Active MQ 5.11.1 MQTT Message is automatically sent to subscriber when it is connected

2015-06-21 Thread Tim Bain
I'm at a bit of a loss.  Your expectation that a durable subscriber should
only get delivered those messages it hasn't already received is correct, so
there's probably a bug here.  I'd like you to submit a bug in JIRA along
with your broker config and client code and a description of the behavior
(creating a durable subscriber from the web console, etc.).

But before we do that, there's one other thing I want you to check.  Please
use JMX (JMX != web console, use JConsole or your favorite JMX viewer) to
confirm that for your topic only one subscriber exists, that the
DequeueCount really is going up (not just the DispatchCount), and that all
information about the subscriber is the same from one re-connection to the
next.  If all of those check out, then there's a bug and you should submit
a JIRA entry.

BTW, are only the messages from before the first connection being
retransmitted, or all messages?  That is, if you send messages 1-5 before
the first connection, 6-8 while you're connected the first time, and 9-10
while you're disconnected, do you get 1-10 when you reconnect or only 1-5
and 9-10?  Knowing that might help someone track down what that root cause


On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:37 PM, SummerScent

 Hi Tim,

 Here is an example of the dispatched queue, enqueue, dequeue count.

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Re: Using MessageListener to read up to a limit of message?

2015-06-21 Thread Christopher Shannon
Right, you will continue to receive messages if you process them.  The
prefetch size is used as an optimization and doesn't have anything to do
with message acknowledgement.  The broker will always try and keep your
prefetch full on your client so you can quickly consume messages. As you
process messages the broker will dispatch more to you regardless of whether
or not you have called commit or acknowledged the messages.  The broker
will keep track of all messages until you actually acknowledge them.

If you want to pause message acknowledgement and wait before consuming more
messages then you should probably use a synchronous consumer instead and
just call consumer.receive() and not try and use a messageListener which
is asynchronous.

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

 I have a threaded app .. so let’s say I have 100 threads waiting to do

 I want an async message listener to read these messages, UP TO 100
 messages, until I can process and commit() them.

 But I don’t think there’s a way to do this.

 I had ASSUMED that setting a prefetch of say 10, and a message listener,
 would only give me 10 messages, until I acknowledged them.

 But this doesn’t seem to be the case. I keep receiving messages on the


 Location: *San Francisco, CA*
 … or check out my Google+ profile

Re: Do all Message usage have to be within onMessage?

2015-06-21 Thread Hadrian Zbarcea
In JMS 2.0 one has shared subscriptions for topics. There was more 
interest recently around JMS 2.0. I think all the primitives are in 
place in AMQ, it's just a matter of implementing it. What is a bit of a 
cause for stress (for me) is the time it takes to run the unit tests.

@Christopher, in addition to not being able to roll back you basically 
take responsibility for the message. If you don't persist, you risk 
loosing the message if the consumer process goes down.

The question is valid though, @Kevin, what exactly are you trying to 


On 06/21/2015 09:14 PM, Christopher Shannon wrote:

Usually, if you think you might need to rollback a message you should just
want to handle that message in onMessage. What is the reason to share
messages between threads?  Is it just to be able to consume more than one
message at a time?  If so I would encourage you to just start multiple
consumers instead of trying to pass messages to another thread from one
consumer.  On of my favorite ways to have multiple consumers and to handle
messages concurrently is to use Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer.

JMS is really designed to handle messages in the same thread they were
consumed.  A Session and a MessageConsumer are both only single threaded
and shouldn't be shared across threads, for example.   In the past I have
done something where i've had a message listener receive messages and then
pass them to other threads in a thread pool to increase throughput but I
immediately acknowledged the messages before passing them.  This has the
disadvantage of not being able to roll back if something happens during

If really want to try and pass messages to other threads you might be able
to get something to work if you use individual acknowledgement since only a
single message will be acknowledged. (I haven't tested this so I could be
wrong) Trying to forward a message to another thread while using
transactions won't work because when you call commit all messages received
since the last commit would be committed. The same for client acknowledge

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

If you’re using a MessageListener, what’s the best way to use that Message
in other threads? I was thinking of reading the message as a string, then
forwarding the *string* to other threads, with just a reference to the
message.  Then stick it back in a queue so that the original thread can
commit the message.


Location: *San Francisco, CA*
… or check out my Google+ profile

Re: Active MQ 5.11.1 MQTT Message is automatically sent to subscriber when it is connected

2015-06-21 Thread SummerScent
Hi Tim,

Thanks so much for your consideration.

Last time the subscriber automatically receive the message when connected is
because I publish the message with RETAINED flag.

But I have the trouble with the durable subscription created by Web Console:
Some durable subscriptions are working well with offline messages (It keep
all offline message as Pending state and when the actual subscriber is
connected, all these messages are delivered to it). But some durable
subscriptions are not working ( they keep the offline message as Pending,
but they does not deliver these message to the actual subscriber when it is

I don't know why the ActiveMQ remove all the durable subscription when it is
re-started. I mean that: My actual subscriber is already connected to
ActiveMQ and subscribe some durable topic with clean Session is FALSE  but
when ActiveMQ restart, it remove all these durable subscription. That's why
I need to create some durable topic subscription when the ActiveMQ is

Thanks so much!

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ActiveMQ Apollo Advisory Connection

2015-06-21 Thread SummerScent
Hi all,

I am investigating ActiveMQ Apollo.

In ActiveMQ, I use OpenWire protocol to receive
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Connection topic to check the connection status of

Can anyone let me know how to do that with ActiveMQ Apollo?

Thank many in advance.

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Re: Do all Message usage have to be within onMessage?

2015-06-21 Thread Christopher Shannon
Usually, if you think you might need to rollback a message you should just
want to handle that message in onMessage. What is the reason to share
messages between threads?  Is it just to be able to consume more than one
message at a time?  If so I would encourage you to just start multiple
consumers instead of trying to pass messages to another thread from one
consumer.  On of my favorite ways to have multiple consumers and to handle
messages concurrently is to use Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer.

JMS is really designed to handle messages in the same thread they were
consumed.  A Session and a MessageConsumer are both only single threaded
and shouldn't be shared across threads, for example.   In the past I have
done something where i've had a message listener receive messages and then
pass them to other threads in a thread pool to increase throughput but I
immediately acknowledged the messages before passing them.  This has the
disadvantage of not being able to roll back if something happens during

If really want to try and pass messages to other threads you might be able
to get something to work if you use individual acknowledgement since only a
single message will be acknowledged. (I haven't tested this so I could be
wrong) Trying to forward a message to another thread while using
transactions won't work because when you call commit all messages received
since the last commit would be committed. The same for client acknowledge

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

 If you’re using a MessageListener, what’s the best way to use that Message
 in other threads? I was thinking of reading the message as a string, then
 forwarding the *string* to other threads, with just a reference to the
 message.  Then stick it back in a queue so that the original thread can
 commit the message.


 Location: *San Francisco, CA*
 … or check out my Google+ profile

Re: Do all Message usage have to be within onMessage?

2015-06-21 Thread Christopher Shannon

Right, thanks for clarifying that point.  I realized I wasn't super clear
but that's what I was trying to say, that the client takes responsibility
of the message from the broker. The only time I've done that in an
application was rare cases where losing a message was an acceptable trade
off to increase performance.


On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea

 In JMS 2.0 one has shared subscriptions for topics. There was more
 interest recently around JMS 2.0. I think all the primitives are in place
 in AMQ, it's just a matter of implementing it. What is a bit of a cause for
 stress (for me) is the time it takes to run the unit tests.

 @Christopher, in addition to not being able to roll back you basically
 take responsibility for the message. If you don't persist, you risk loosing
 the message if the consumer process goes down.

 The question is valid though, @Kevin, what exactly are you trying to


 On 06/21/2015 09:14 PM, Christopher Shannon wrote:

 Usually, if you think you might need to rollback a message you should just
 want to handle that message in onMessage. What is the reason to share
 messages between threads?  Is it just to be able to consume more than one
 message at a time?  If so I would encourage you to just start multiple
 consumers instead of trying to pass messages to another thread from one
 consumer.  On of my favorite ways to have multiple consumers and to handle
 messages concurrently is to use Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer.

 JMS is really designed to handle messages in the same thread they were
 consumed.  A Session and a MessageConsumer are both only single threaded
 and shouldn't be shared across threads, for example.   In the past I have
 done something where i've had a message listener receive messages and then
 pass them to other threads in a thread pool to increase throughput but I
 immediately acknowledged the messages before passing them.  This has the
 disadvantage of not being able to roll back if something happens during

 If really want to try and pass messages to other threads you might be able
 to get something to work if you use individual acknowledgement since only
 single message will be acknowledged. (I haven't tested this so I could be
 wrong) Trying to forward a message to another thread while using
 transactions won't work because when you call commit all messages received
 since the last commit would be committed. The same for client acknowledge

 On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

  If you’re using a MessageListener, what’s the best way to use that
 in other threads? I was thinking of reading the message as a string, then
 forwarding the *string* to other threads, with just a reference to the
 message.  Then stick it back in a queue so that the original thread can
 commit the message.


 Location: *San Francisco, CA*
 … or check out my Google+ profile

Do all Message usage have to be within onMessage?

2015-06-21 Thread Kevin Burton
If you’re using a MessageListener, what’s the best way to use that Message
in other threads? I was thinking of reading the message as a string, then
forwarding the *string* to other threads, with just a reference to the
message.  Then stick it back in a queue so that the original thread can
commit the message.


Location: *San Francisco, CA*
… or check out my Google+ profile

Using MessageListener to read up to a limit of message?

2015-06-21 Thread Kevin Burton
I have a threaded app .. so let’s say I have 100 threads waiting to do work.

I want an async message listener to read these messages, UP TO 100
messages, until I can process and commit() them.

But I don’t think there’s a way to do this.

I had ASSUMED that setting a prefetch of say 10, and a message listener,
would only give me 10 messages, until I acknowledged them.

But this doesn’t seem to be the case. I keep receiving messages on the


Location: *San Francisco, CA*
… or check out my Google+ profile