Re: ActiveMQ broker discards messages for topic durable subscriber if they were sent to topic while client was offline due to unexpecteable lost connection

2019-10-24 Thread Justin Reock
Nice work, HappyMan -- glad to help!


On 10/22/19, 2:38 AM, "HappyMan"  wrote:

Hi, Justin.

I turned on InactivityMonitor and now everything works great. I set
keepAlive interval in MQTT client for 10 seconds and
defaultKeepAliveInterval on MQTT transport connectot in ActiveMQ.xml 60
seconds (if somehow keepAliveInterval from mqtt client will be 0, probably
it won't but for sure). If mqtt client unexpectedly disconnect and there is
no ping req/resp for 10 seconds connection closed on server side and Active
durable subscription becomes Offline and there are connection leaks and
message loss is very very low (only if message will be sent to topic
subscriber between unexpected disconnect and close connection on server
side, but quantity of incoming messages is very low and such probability is
very low).

Thank you for moving me in a right way thinking :)

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Re: ActiveMQ broker discards messages for topic durable subscriber if they were sent to topic while client was offline due to unexpecteable lost connection

2019-10-21 Thread HappyMan
Hi, Justin.

I turned on InactivityMonitor and now everything works great. I set
keepAlive interval in MQTT client for 10 seconds and
defaultKeepAliveInterval on MQTT transport connectot in ActiveMQ.xml 60
seconds (if somehow keepAliveInterval from mqtt client will be 0, probably
it won't but for sure). If mqtt client unexpectedly disconnect and there is
no ping req/resp for 10 seconds connection closed on server side and Active
durable subscription becomes Offline and there are connection leaks and
message loss is very very low (only if message will be sent to topic
subscriber between unexpected disconnect and close connection on server
side, but quantity of incoming messages is very low and such probability is
very low).

Thank you for moving me in a right way thinking :)

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Re: ActiveMQ broker discards messages for topic durable subscriber if they were sent to topic while client was offline due to unexpecteable lost connection

2019-10-21 Thread Justin Reock
Hi HappyMan,

You're welcome! 

That's good to know -- I figured the InactivityMonitor was enabled, good to 
know that it was disabled.  Enabling it will help I'm sure, you might need to 
tweak some of the timeout values, etc, but, good luck and keep us posted!


On 10/21/19, 3:30 PM, "HappyMan"  wrote:

Hi Justin,

Thank you ver much for your reply. It helps me to think in a right way (I
Not only I adjusted ActiveMQ broker. I checked broker file ActiveMQ.xml
again and find out that for mqtt transport connector was set parameter
"transport.useInactivityMonitor=false". It means that checking if connection
active or not was disabled...
Tommorow I wil turn it on and I will add keepAlive parameter for MQTT client
and I will set it 10 seconds. I hope it will work. Probably I think broker
will close connection in 10 seconds when pingreq/pingresp won't be passed
due to mobile internet will be off and connection on MQTT client will be
lost. In that case I really hope that Active durable subscription will
become Offline durable subscription.

All in all, thank you, will try tommorow.

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Re: ActiveMQ broker discards messages for topic durable subscriber if they were sent to topic while client was offline due to unexpecteable lost connection

2019-10-21 Thread HappyMan
Hi Justin,

Thank you ver much for your reply. It helps me to think in a right way (I
Not only I adjusted ActiveMQ broker. I checked broker file ActiveMQ.xml
again and find out that for mqtt transport connector was set parameter
"transport.useInactivityMonitor=false". It means that checking if connection
active or not was disabled...
Tommorow I wil turn it on and I will add keepAlive parameter for MQTT client
and I will set it 10 seconds. I hope it will work. Probably I think broker
will close connection in 10 seconds when pingreq/pingresp won't be passed
due to mobile internet will be off and connection on MQTT client will be
lost. In that case I really hope that Active durable subscription will
become Offline durable subscription.

All in all, thank you, will try tommorow.

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Re: ActiveMQ broker discards messages for topic durable subscriber if they were sent to topic while client was offline due to unexpecteable lost connection

2019-10-21 Thread Justin Reock
Hi HappyMan,

So, architecturally speaking, this is really something that should be handled 
at the client/application layer using your exception handling and 
try/catch/finally logic.  Your code should never be allowed to crash without 
releasing the connection, even with a hard kill of the process.  Be sure then 
that your client is doing adequate cleanup first.   

However, things like firewalls, etc, at the TCP layer can interfere here as 
well, so, once you are sure your client is solid, if you are still having the 
same issue then try turning off TCP keepalive by adding the parameter 
transport.useKeepAlive=false to the transport connector for MQTT in your 
broker.xml file, as described here:

That should force the connection to disconnect after no data on the line for a 
specified amount of time.  Your clients should be using the failover: prefix to 
ensure that they attempt to reconnect to make sure that any falsely 
disconnected clients are able to come back up.  

Hope that helps!!


On 10/21/19, 1:38 AM, "HappyMan"  wrote:

By the way forgot to wright. When it happens (unexpectable lost connection)
broker keeps this connection alive and logically it is ok because client did
not send any request for disconnect. And probably this subscription keeps
alive because broker still has infromation that client is connected.

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Re: ActiveMQ broker discards messages for topic durable subscriber if they were sent to topic while client was offline due to unexpecteable lost connection

2019-10-20 Thread HappyMan
By the way forgot to wright. When it happens (unexpectable lost connection)
broker keeps this connection alive and logically it is ok because client did
not send any request for disconnect. And probably this subscription keeps
alive because broker still has infromation that client is connected.

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