camel cxf more than one path param error

2017-07-24 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I am using camel cxfrs component to expose rest webservices. the interface 
below work fine with one @PathParam parameter.

public interface Service2 {
public Response hello2(@PathParam("id") String id) ;

However if I add one more @Pathparam annotated parameter than it throws the 
exception below. Any idea about what is the problem here or how to solve it?

public interface Service2 {




public Response hello2(@PathParam("id") String id,@PathParam("id2") String 
id2 ) ;

The exception:

2017-07-24 14:24:33.725  WARN 7840 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] 
o.a.c.j.i.WebApplicationExceptionMapper  : HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(

Camel cxf with Spring boot manual starting route

2017-07-18 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I am using spring boot with camel cxf to expose rest/soap web services. However 
since I have many services and some of them are not well defined, I want to 
register each of them one by one, catch if any exception occurs and continue 
with remaining valid services. But when I set I can not manage to open cxf service again. 
(Please note that timer route can be started by this way). Any solution or 
suggestion ?

Thank you

Here is the code :

public class TestRoutes {

 @Autowired CamelContext camelContext;
 @Autowired Swagger2Feature swagger2Feature;

 public void init(){
  try {
  } catch (Exception e1) {
  HelloResponse response = new HelloResponse();
  List providers = new ArrayList<>();
  CxfRsComponent cxfComponent = new CxfRsComponent(camelContext);

CxfRsEndpoint serviceEndpoint = new CxfRsEndpoint("/rest2", cxfComponent);

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder(camelContext) {
public void configure() throws Exception {
 .log("${header.operationName} message here")


  try {
  } catch (Exception e) {

Startup log:
017-07-18 10:50:49.076  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
ationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext : Refreshing 
 startup date [Tue Jul 18 10:50:49 EEST 2017]; root of context hierarchy
2017-07-18 10:50:52.413  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 
'org.apache.camel.spring.boot.CamelAutoConfiguration' of type 
 is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: 
not eligible for auto-proxying)
2017-07-18 10:50:53.063  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 
8080 (http)
2017-07-18 10:50:53.085  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService   : Starting service Tomcat
2017-07-18 10:50:53.086  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine  : Starting Servlet Engine: Apache 
2017-07-18 10:50:53.341  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/]   : Initializing Spring embedded 
2017-07-18 10:50:53.342  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.web.context.ContextLoader: Root WebApplicationContext: 
initialization completed in 4269 ms
2017-07-18 10:50:53.974  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.b.w.servlet.ServletRegistrationBean  : Mapping servlet: 'dispatcherServlet' 
to [/]
2017-07-18 10:50:53.976  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.b.w.servlet.ServletRegistrationBean  : Mapping servlet: 'CXFServlet' to 
2017-07-18 10:50:53.981  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean   : Mapping filter: 
'characterEncodingFilter' to: [/*]
2017-07-18 10:50:53.982  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean   : Mapping filter: 
'hiddenHttpMethodFilter' to: [/*]
2017-07-18 10:50:53.982  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean   : Mapping filter: 
'httpPutFormContentFilter' to: [/*]
2017-07-18 10:50:53.982  INFO 12052 --- [ost-startStop-1] 
o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean   : Mapping filter: 
'requestContextFilter' to: [/*]
2017-07-18 10:50:54.682  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
o.a.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext  : Apache Camel 2.19.1 (CamelContext: 
camel-1) is starting
2017-07-18 10:50:54.685  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
o.a.c.m.ManagedManagementStrategy: JMX is enabled
2017-07-18 10:50:54.999  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
o.a.c.i.converter.DefaultTypeConverter   : Loaded 214 type converters
2017-07-18 10:50:55.064  INFO 12052 --- [   main] 
o.a.c.i.DefaultRuntimeEndpointRegistry   : Runtime endpoint registry is in 
extended mode 

Polling consumer poll period

2016-11-01 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

Although timer period is 10 seconds , when i check the logs I can see this 
polling occurs every 1 minute. I changed the polling consumer timeout but same 
Why is this behaviour ?

Note : Using camel 2.18.0 with Spring Boot.

  .pollEnrich("imaps://"+host+":993 ",1000)


2016-11-02 07:23:05.375  INFO 22784 --- [timer://mytimer] route1
2016-11-02 07:24:05.376  INFO 22784 --- [timer://mytimer] route1
2016-11-02 07:25:05.376  INFO 22784 --- [timer://mytimer] route1

Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
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i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan sorumlu de?ildir. Bu mesaj?n 
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opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

creating spring beans in routes

2016-10-19 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

Can I define new spring beans in xml route. If yes, how can I do that ?

Thank you.;>

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i 
de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
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necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

Designing many service routes

2016-09-23 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have more than 2 thousands web services(SOAP/REST) and want to move them to 
camel cxf. My question is about designing routes. Should I be designing at 
least one route for each service or I should try to find a way one generic 
route for all services. If both possible what are the pros and cons  of each 
As far as I know in generic route for all services case I will not be able to 
manage routes like start, stop, easily since all services will be affected. 
What else ?

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olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i 
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i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
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opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

CXFRS swagger integration

2016-08-31 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have defined cxfrs route and its working fine. However when I integrate 
swagger2feature of cxf I can not see api docs. When i hit swagger.json path to 
get swagger response the request again hits my route which produces wrong 
I think requests for swagger api should not hit my routes, what I am missing 

url for get :

returns :

  "name": "name",
  "isbn": "isbn",
  "price": 10

url for getting swagger response :



  "name": "name",
  "isbn": "isbn",
  "price": 10

Here is my interface:

@Api(value = "/bookstore ", description = "Operations about books")
public interface BookStore {

List getBook(@PathParam("id") @WebParam(name = "id") Long id) throws 

Book addBook(Book book);


Here is the route:

.process(new Processor() {

  public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Book b = new Book();


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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
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de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
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necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

CXFRS vs New Rest DSL

2016-08-31 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

As company we have many soap and rest services and we want to rewrite our 
framework and move these services to camel-cxf.
I like the idea of having one interface definition and being able to expose it 
as soap and rest at the same time, I think we can do this with cxfrs.
However as far as I see camel community promotes new rest dsl which do not 
support cxf-rs currently.also swagger support also seem to be a question mark 
in cxfrs case.
Can somebody list pros and cons of these two frameworks, which one to choose in 
which condition especially if it will be used heavily.

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i 
de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan sorumlu de?ildir. Bu mesaj?n 
i?eri?i yazar?na ait olup, IBTech A.?.'nin g?r??lerini i?ermeyebilir.

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opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

RE: Printing message history during root debug

2016-06-09 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)
Hi Claus,

Is there a way to do this without changing the route, for instance in eclipse 
display window invoking some methods ?

I tried to print with expression below but not working.


-Original Message-
From: Claus Ibsen [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: Printing message history during root debug

If you are using Camel 2.17 you can use simple language to get it, and then log 
it easily


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software
Infrastructure) <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it  possible to print Message history (which is printed in case of errors 
> like below) during a route debug without error conditions. I just want to 
> learn how did I reach at that bean currently I am debugging. Is that possible 
> ?
> Message History
> ---
> RouteId  ProcessorId  Processor   
>  Elapsed (ms)
> [route25   ] [route25   ] [direct://FT_EXPORT_FILE
>] [ 0]
> [route25   ] [to109 ] [direct:pollOnDemand
>] [ 0]
> [route19   ] [bean179   ] 
> [bean[]] [   
>   0]
> [route19   ] [choice1   ] 
> [when[{header{header(pendingTranferExists)} == true}]choice[] 
>  ] [ 0]
> [route19   ] [bean180   ] 
> [bean[]  ] [   
>   0]
> [Facebook]<
> iP5bNGy5psx9M8o6d3uyfM6YnH3zfkzrrKKdsUggHYqvD7u3RC3DO6XVS6apoFVVjPrOxI
> nsCkx0YjITDzxqnJ-rIlOVViPhPTi-Y_ohVnTj4-mWmcminusaxPat_Ta0Wd5h-KrT0TA1
> WIQwQ7xWBRxjrGmYV1f6tgwWd11X7H0y6x003tIqUqyAk_inV3-3Kz_zAE4EclamEcozl7
> Np1hk-qtt7Nog1hTqvNhIZAZ4VC06pAfXVhpog/
> FFinansbank>  [Twitter] <>
> [
> .201611:5500]<
> ?date=09.06.201611:5500>
> Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. 
> Onay?m?z olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek 
> istendi?i ki?i de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech 
> A.?. bu mesaj?n i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda 
> bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun 
> i?eri?inden, iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan sorumlu de?ildir. 
> Bu mesaj?n i?eri?i yazar?na ait olup, IBTech A.?.'nin g?r??lerini 
> i?ermeyebilir.
> The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachments)is 
> confidential. It must not be disclosed to any person without our authority. 
> If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it from your system 
> immediately. IBTech A.S. makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness 
> of any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any 
> liability of any kind for the information contained therein or for the 
> information transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way 
> whatsoever. Any opinions expressed in this message are those of the author 
> and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

Claus Ibsen
 @davsclaus Camel in Action 2:

Bu e-posta'nin içerdigi bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak 
üzere) gizlidir. Onayimiz olmaksizin üçüncü kisilere açiklanamaz. Bu mesajin 
gönderilmek istendigi kisi degilseniz, lütfen mesaji sisteminizden de

Printing message history during root debug

2016-06-09 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

Is it  possible to print Message history (which is printed in case of errors 
like below) during a route debug without error conditions. I just want to learn 
how did I reach at that bean currently I am debugging. Is that possible ?

Message History
RouteId  ProcessorId  Processor 
   Elapsed (ms)
[route25   ] [route25   ] [direct://FT_EXPORT_FILE  
 ] [ 0]
[route25   ] [to109 ] [direct:pollOnDemand  
 ] [ 0]
[route19   ] [bean179   ] 
[bean[]] [ 
[route19   ] [choice1   ] 
[when[{header{header(pendingTranferExists)} == true}]choice[]  
] [ 0]
[route19   ] [bean180   ] 
[bean[]  ] [ 

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i 
de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan sorumlu de?ildir. Bu mesaj?n 
i?eri?i yazar?na ait olup, IBTech A.?.'nin g?r??lerini i?ermeyebilir.

The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachments)is 
confidential. It must not be disclosed to any person without our authority. If 
you are not the intended recipient, please delete it from your system 
immediately. IBTech A.S. makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness 
of any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any liability 
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transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way whatsoever. Any 
opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

ConcurrentModificationException during route listing

2016-05-13 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I am using camel version 2.15.1. Sometimes I see 
ConcurrentModificationException in logs with following trace. With test case of 
adding and listing routes  concurrently I could not regenerate exception. Any 
idea about reason ?

Trace :

at java.util.LinkedHashMap$
at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(
at java.util.ArrayList.(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor178.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Message History

RouteId  ProcessorId  Processor 
   Elapsed (ms)
[route24   ] [route24   ] [direct://FT_EXPORT_FILE  
 ] [ 34933]
[route32   ] [to112 ] 
] [   823]
[route33   ] [bean207   ] 
[bean[com.mft.helper.CommonHelper]  ] [ 
[route33   ] [doTry5] [doTry
 ] [   823]
[route33   ] [setHeader54   ] [setHeader[xfr]   
 ] [ 0]
[route33   ] [bean208   ] 
[bean[com.mft.helper.CommonHelper]  ] [ 
[route33   ] [to113 ] 
] [   823]
[route35   ] [doTry7] [doTry
 ] [   620]
[route35   ] [to117 ] [direct:receiveFile   
 ] [   620]
[route37   ] [dynamicRouter2] 
[dynamicRouter[bean{com.mft.MftTransferDynamicPipelineRouteBuilder, ] [   
[direct:dstrouter_r] [bean2295  ] 
[bean[com.mft.helper.CommonHelper]  ] [ 
[direct:dstrouter_r] [bean2296  ] [bean[bean{com.mft.MftLog, 
method=setLogStatus(${body},0, s)}]  ] [25]
[direct:dstrouter_r] [to1527] [direct:checkActivity 
 ] [ 0]
[route47   ] [bean218   ] 
[bean[bean{com.mft.helper.CommonHelper, method=checkActivity(${body}] [ 
[direct:dstrouter_r] [bean2297  ] [bean[bean{com.mft.MftLog, 
method=setLogStatus(${body},1, s)}]  ] [16]
[direct:dstrouter_r] [to1528] [direct:preReceiveCheck   
 ] [ 1]
[route43   ] [bean214   ] 
[bean[bean{com.mft.helper.CommonHelper, method=preReceiveCheck(${bod] [ 
[direct:dstrouter_r] [to1529] [direct:cr_download   
 ] [   508]
[route77   ] [bean248   ] 
[bean[]  ] [   
[direct:dstrouter_r] [to1530] [direct:postReceiveCheck  
 ] [ 0]
[route44   ] [bean215   ] 
[bean[bean{com.mft.helper.CommonHelper, method=postReceiveCheck(${bo] [ 
[direct:dstrouter_r] [bean2298  ] 

RE: Changing header value

2016-04-13 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

You mean since its a constant expression it is evaluated at the beginning and 
not changed after as far as I understand. So can I do it with simple expression 
instead of constant or should I introduce new processor to make it read current 
value of variable a.

Thank you.

-Original Message-
From: Siano, Stephan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: Changing header value


At the beginning of the route you are setting the header to the value a has 
when the route is started (it's a constant expression). In the processor you 
are incrementing the value and are then setting the header to the current value 
of the variable a, so the route behaves as one would expect.

Best regards

-Original Message-
From: Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure) 
Sent: Mittwoch, 13. April 2016 10:52
Subject: Changing header value


Can somebody please explain, why header value for starting always remains same 
although its changed in processor ?

İnt a=1
 .setHeader("myheader", constant(a))
 .process(new Processor() {
   public void process(Exchange exchange) 
throws Exception {
 a = a+1 ;

Log produced:

2016-04-13 11:45:47,894 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- starting...1
2016-04-13 11:45:57,899 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- ending...2
2016-04-13 11:45:57,900 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- starting...1
2016-04-13 11:46:07,900 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- ending...3
2016-04-13 11:46:07,900 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- starting...1
2016-04-13 11:46:17,901 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- ending...4

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Bu e-posta'nın içerdiği bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak üzere) gizlidir. Onayımız 
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içerdiği bilgilerin doğruluğu veya eksiksiz olduğu konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne şekilde olursa olsun içeriğinden, 
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transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way whatsoever. Any 
opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

Bu e-posta'nin içerdigi bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak 
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Changing header value

2016-04-13 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

Can somebody please explain, why header value for starting always remains same 
although its changed in processor ?

İnt a=1
 .setHeader("myheader", constant(a))
 .process(new Processor() {
   public void process(Exchange exchange) 
throws Exception {
 a = a+1 ;

Log produced:

2016-04-13 11:45:47,894 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- starting...1
2016-04-13 11:45:57,899 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- ending...2
2016-04-13 11:45:57,900 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- starting...1
2016-04-13 11:46:07,900 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- ending...3
2016-04-13 11:46:07,900 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- starting...1
2016-04-13 11:46:17,901 [imer://myTimer2] INFO  route1 
- ending...4

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Bu e-posta'nın içerdiği bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak üzere) gizlidir. Onayımız 
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RE: Camel reading file periodically

2016-03-25 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)
Thank you, now working.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Camel reading file periodically


With Noop=true, Camel will set idempotent=true as well, to avoid consuming the 
same files over and over again.
So just set idempotent to false.


Benjamin Girstl

> Am 25.03.2016 um 13:53 schrieb Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure) 
> <>:
> Hi,
> Why this route reads file for only one time, and what should I do to make it 
> work like excpected ?
> .log("starting...")
> .pollEnrich("file:d:/Workspaces/camel/demo-camel/src/main/resources?fileName=sample.xml=true=none",1000)
>.log("read message xml ${body}" );
> Prints:
> 2016-03-25 14:45:21,274 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - starting...
> 2016-03-25 14:45:22,287 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - read message xml
> 2016-03-25 14:45:22,287 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - starting...
> 2016-03-25 14:45:22,299 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - read message xml 
> 2016-03-25 14:45:23,288 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - starting...
> 2016-03-25 14:45:24,289 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - read message xml
> 2016-03-25 14:45:24,289 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - starting...
> 2016-03-25 14:45:25,290 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - read message xml
> 2016-03-25 14:45:25,290 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - starting...
> 2016-03-25 14:45:26,291 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1
>  - read message xml
> [Facebook]<>  [Twitter] 
> <>
> []<>
> Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. 
> Onay?m?z olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek 
> istendi?i ki?i de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech 
> A.?. bu mesaj?n i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda 
> bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun 
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> Bu mesaj?n i?eri?i yazar?na ait olup, IBTech A.?.'nin g?r??lerini 
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Camel reading file periodically

2016-03-25 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

Why this route reads file for only one time, and what should I do to make it 
work like excpected ?


.log("read message xml ${body}" );


2016-03-25 14:45:21,274 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- starting...
2016-03-25 14:45:22,287 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- read message xml
2016-03-25 14:45:22,287 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- starting...
2016-03-25 14:45:22,299 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- read message xml 
2016-03-25 14:45:23,288 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- starting...
2016-03-25 14:45:24,289 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- read message xml
2016-03-25 14:45:24,289 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- starting...
2016-03-25 14:45:25,290 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- read message xml
2016-03-25 14:45:25,290 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- starting...
2016-03-25 14:45:26,291 [timer://myTimer] INFO  route1 
- read message xml

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
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FTP and SFTP connect method difference

2016-01-11 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have a camel application which polls thousands of folders in both ftp and 
sftp modes. Because of too many connection overhead, I am trying to pool 
connections. I have tried to pool RemoteFileOperations objects using 
DefaultServicePool utility and it seem to be working good for sftp case. 
However it does not work for ftp case since it does not control if its already 
connected to ftp at the beggining of connect method.

SftpOperations case :
public boolean connect(RemoteFileConfiguration configuration) throws 
GenericFileOperationFailedException {
if (isConnected()) {
// already connected
return true;

Since FtpOperations does not have this control it always reconnects. Is this a 
development bug or done for purpose.
What do you suggest me as a workaround for this?

Thanks in advance.

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necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

FTP Connection Pooling in camel

2015-12-14 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I want to limit the total number of connections to a ftp server. For this I 
want to implement a connection pool for the ftp component which will be used in 
both consumer and producer mode by camel. My question is should I write it on 
my own, or is it possible with configurations ? I checked documentation but can 
not find something related pooling.

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RE: Using BeanInvocation in camel cxf

2015-11-18 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have following route, generating the BeanInvocation manually. I am still not 
sure if that was necessary for ws call.

//here we have beanInvocation as message

And I get following error.

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: 
org.apache.camel.component.bean.BeanInvocation incompatible with 

When I do that it works,

//here we have beanInvocation as message
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange e) throws Exception {
final BeanInvocation bi = e.getIn().getBody( 
BeanInvocation.class );
e.getIn().setBody( bi.getArgs() );

However in that case generating InvocationBean is not necessary I think, just 
setting the message with appropriate ws parameters will also work..

And finally when I invoke BeanInvocation it gets following exception.

//here we have beanInvocation as message

org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException: java.lang.NullPointerException

-Original Message-
From: Henryk Konsek [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: Using BeanInvocation in camel cxf

Hi Kasim,

Your route should work - it looks fine (just replace BeanInvocation with 
Can you send us the stacktrace you see?


wt., 17.11.2015 o 16:08 użytkownik Steve Huston <>

> I have this excerpt from a Camel route in blueprint XML:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure) 
> > []
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 4:23 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Using BeanInvocation in camel cxf
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to develop a framework to invoke different web services 
> > based on their db definitions of SEI names and web method names and 
> > parameters etc.
> >
> > To make this I found how to generate and BeanInvocation object from 
> > current web service definition. However I could not find any example 
> > on
> how
> > to invoke this beaninvocation object.
> >
> > Should it be something like :
> >
> > From(direct:start)
> > .bean(BeanInvocation,"invoke")
> >
> > When I try this I get null pointer and even I dont know if this is 
> > right
> way to
> > go.
> >
> > Can anybody send an example usage on camel routes please ?
> >
> >
> > [Facebook]<>  [Twitter] 
> > <>
> >
> > [
> > 11 
> > .201511:2300]<
> > date=17.11.201511:2300>
> >
> >
> > Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir.
> Onay?m?z
> > olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek 
> > istendi?i ki?i de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. 
> > IBTech A.?.
> bu
> > mesaj?n i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda 
> > bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa 
> > olsun i?eri?inden, iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan 
> > sorumlu
> de?ildir.
> > Bu mesaj?n i?eri?i yazar?na ait olup, IBTech A.?.'nin g?r??lerini
> i?ermeyebilir.
> >
> > The informati

Using BeanInvocation in camel cxf

2015-11-17 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I am trying to develop a framework to invoke different web services based on 
their db definitions of SEI names and web method names and parameters etc.

To make this I found how to generate and BeanInvocation object from current web 
service definition. However I could not find any example on how to invoke this 
beaninvocation object.

Should it be something like :


When I try this I get null pointer and even I dont know if this is right way to 

Can anybody send an example usage on camel routes please ?

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
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de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
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opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not 
necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

Dynamic reloading of spring xml

2015-11-16 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

When I was searching dynamic reloading  of spring xml in camel, I came accros 
with the following question in camel forum.

I have basically the same question, I want to be able to reload spring xml with 
bean definitions without camel restart.

Is the answer still no for this case ?


For productive use of Camel we would need to add, remove reload routes at 
runtime without interuption to other routes.
Most routes are defined using SpringXML. I have seen the smples of starting, 
stop and packageScan, but it seems they are
all for Java DSL. I have not seen a way to dynamically load Spring DSL routes.

What I have come up with so far is to have each route in a different camel 
context and load these multiple camel context
at runtime. I thought may be its a good idea to group a route and dependent 
beans into one camel context (and one Spring
XML), because shutdown / restarting a route with its dependencies in productive 
enviroment may not be trivial.

Is this the way of doing it?  Is there a better way?

thanks for your advice,



Spring doesnt support hot reloading of beans etc.
So usually if you run your application in a container (server) which
supports hot-deployment, then you just leverage that.
For example Apache ServiceMix supports that.

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necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

Binding ws parameters to method in cxf

2015-11-16 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have a web service proxy which has the signature below.

public interface CustomerService {
Customer[] listCustomers(BasicWebRequest bwr,CustomerInfo in);

When I route this service call to a bean in camel I can see only 
BasicWebRequest(first parameter) is bind and other parameter CustomerInfo is 

Bean method:
   public void handleForward(BasicWebRequest bw,CustomerInfo info, Exchange 

Exhange object shows that this parameters are set corectly:


BasicWebRequest parameter:


CustomerInfo parameter:

Can anybody explain what is the problem here ?

Thank you.

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i 
de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan sorumlu de?ildir. Bu mesaj?n 
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SimpleBuilder usage in camel

2015-11-12 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have following processor, when I run it from my route I get the following 
error.  I know exchange body is not null and you can see it in logs below. What 
is wrong with my usage of SimpleBuilder here ?

public class UpdateCustomerProcessor implements Processor {
public static final Logger log = 

public void process(Exchange exchng) throws Exception {
Customer c = (Customer) exchng.getIn().getBody(Object[].class)[0];
System.out.println("Updating customer " + c.getFirstName() + " " + 
${body.getFirstName()}").evaluate(exchng, String.class));
exchng.getOut().setBody(new Object[] {});


Updating customer kasim sert
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Failed to invoke method: .getFirstName() on 
null due to: org.apache.camel.language.bean.RuntimeBeanExpressionException: 
Failed to invoke method: getFirstName() on null

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de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
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RE: SimpleBuilder usage in camel

2015-11-12 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)
Thank you it works the way you suggest. By the way I can use the code below to 
get customer pojo. 

Customer c = exchng.getIn().getBody(Customer.class);

But when I use it in the SimpleBuilder i should use with array notation ? I did 
not get the reason well.

Thank you anyway.

-Original Message-
From: Joakim Bjørnstad [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: SimpleBuilder usage in camel


In your example, ${body} is still of type Object[]. So it seems the 
SimpleBuilder evaluates it to null since getFirstName() is not a method on the 
Object[] in body.


${body[0].getFirstName()}").evaluate(exchng, String.class));

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software
Infrastructure) <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have following processor, when I run it from my route I get the following 
> error.  I know exchange body is not null and you can see it in logs below. 
> What is wrong with my usage of SimpleBuilder here ?
> public class UpdateCustomerProcessor implements Processor {
> public static final Logger log = 
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpdateCustomerProcessor.class);
> public void process(Exchange exchng) throws Exception {
> Customer c = (Customer) exchng.getIn().getBody(Object[].class)[0];
> System.out.println("Updating customer " + c.getFirstName() + " " + 
> c.getLastName());
> System.out.println(SimpleBuilder.simple("Hello 
> ${body.getFirstName()}").evaluate(exchng, String.class));
> exchng.getOut().setBody(new Object[] {});
> }
> }
> Updating customer kasim sert
> org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Failed to invoke method: 
> .getFirstName() on null due to: 
> org.apache.camel.language.bean.RuntimeBeanExpressionException: Failed 
> to invoke method: getFirstName() on null
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> [
> .201514:1100]<
> ?date=12.11.201514:1100>
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Kind regards
Joakim Bjørnstad

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camel cxf web service returning empty response

2015-11-04 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I am new to camel and cxf. Trying to expose a basic web service from java 

Everything seem to be fine except returning response.

Here is my route

public void configure() {

.process(new Processor() {

public void process(Exchange in) throws Exception {
   MyOutput out = new MyOutput();

When I debug I can see everything is working fine in processor but I get the 
following empty soap as response.;>"/>

Can anybody help me about what is wrong here? May be some missing jars ?

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i 
de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti 
vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, 
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necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.

stackoverflow question

2015-11-04 Thread Kasim Sert (Ibtech-Software Infrastructure)

I have a  basic question about ws in camel. Can anybody please help me ?

Here is the link to stackoverflow.

Thank you.

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Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z 
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de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n 
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