Dear committer.

We are pleased to announce that "Call for Papers" of "ApacheCON: Core" is
now open, please submit your presentation proposal(s) before July 1.

See Linux Foundation announcement:

Linux Foundation, that produces and are responsible for apacheCON,
decided together with the apacheCON team to split apacheCON with a goal
of having a more focused event alongside the traditional apacheCON.

The "ApacheCON: Core" is the traditional apacheCON representing our
communities and projects. There will be a community track as well as a
incubator track, the rest depend on what the projects submit.

We hope you as we see this as a great opportunity to promote your project.
We look forward to read your presentation suggestion(s).

Please use the link above (and select CFP) to submit presentations.


Software Integration Specialist

Apache Member
V.P. Apache Camel | Apache Camel PMC Member | Apache Camel committer
Apache Incubator PMC Member

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