I have a camel app deployed on JBoss-6, which is using HornetQ as the
JMS implementation.

There is a route which listens to JMS topic traffic between some 3rd
party MDBs, which,
I believe use durable, transacted topics, but since the camel route is
just listening (consuming)
I have the most basic configuration:


...where connectionFactory is what is returned by a JNDI lookup, of type
org.hornetq.ra.HornetQRAConnectionFactoryImpl - which is a JCA Resource Adapter.

When I run the process, everything works, but then JBoss complains of improperly
closed JMS sessions. In the server log, I see hundreds of messages like:

09:40:21,397 WARN  [org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.impl.RemotingConnectionImpl]
Connection failure has been detected: Did not receive data from invm:0.
It is likely the client has exited or crashed without closing its connection,
or the network between the server and client has failed. You also might have
configured connection-ttl and client-failure-check-period incorrectly.
Please check user manual for more information. The connection will now
be closed. [code=3]
09:40:21,397 WARN  [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.ServerSessionImpl]
Client connection failed, clearing up resources for session

...other times none of these warnings appear.   When run without the
camel part deployed, I never see these
warnings, so I'm thinking it's the Camel JMS component.  Is there a
way to log that session id to positively
verify this is the case, or not?

Also do I see to configure some other settings, such as TTL, etc.?

Any suggestions appreciated, thanks,


In JBoss, this is the setting to auto-cleanup RA resources, such as
JMS sessions:

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