Hello everyone,


first of all a happy new year to all of you! :-)


I am doing some kind of PoC and want to use a load balancer in front of the
console proxy and the secondary storage vm to offload ssl connections. I do
not get it to work.


I am using a load balancer on a public IP where "console.domain.tld" (of
cause I am using a working tld!) is referring to via DNS record. I
configured the domain in CS via consoleproxy.url.domain.

A working certificate is installed on the load balancer and offloading is
active. This means the lb is taking care of port 443 and the encryption and
forwarding the traffic to port 80 on the console proxy public IP not

I do get the page of the console proxy, but on this page the noVNC is not
loading and the connection failed to the console itself.


Is my setup even possible? Thx for any idea and help!


Cu Swen 

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