Re: [ClusterLabs] Coming in Pacemaker 1.1.17: container bundles

2017-06-30 Thread Ken Gaillot
On 06/30/2017 12:10 PM, Valentin Vidic wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 05:43:02PM -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>> Here's an example of the CIB XML syntax (higher-level tools will likely
>> provide a more convenient interface):
> Would it be possible to make this a bit more generic like:
> so we have support for other container engines like rkt?

The challenge is that some properties are docker-specific and other
container engines will have their own specific properties.

We decided to go with a tag for each supported engine -- so if we add
support for rkt, we'll add a  tag with whatever properties it
needs. Then a  would need to contain either a  tag or a

We did consider a generic alternative like:


But it was decided that using engine-specific tags would allow for
schema enforcement, and would be more readable.

The  and  tags were kept under  because we
figured those are essential to the concept of a bundle, and any engine
should support some way of mapping those.

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Re: [ClusterLabs] Coming in Pacemaker 1.1.17: container bundles

2017-06-30 Thread Valentin Vidic
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 05:43:02PM -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> Here's an example of the CIB XML syntax (higher-level tools will likely
> provide a more convenient interface):

Would it be possible to make this a bit more generic like:


so we have support for other container engines like rkt?


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[ClusterLabs] pcs 0.9.159 released

2017-06-30 Thread Tomas Jelinek

I am happy to announce the latest release of pcs, version 0.9.159.

Source code is available at:

This is mainly a bug-fix release to 0.9.158. There is one new feature
added and that is support for meta attributes in bundle resources.

Complete change log for this release:
### Added
- Option to create a cluster with or without corosync encryption
  enabled, by default the encryption is disabled ([rhbz#1165821])
- It is now possible to disable, enable, unmanage and manage bundle
  resources and set their meta attributes ([rhbz#1447910])
- Pcs now warns against using the `action` option of stonith devices

### Fixed
- Fixed crash of the `pcs cluster setup` command when the `--force` flag
  was used ([rhbz#1176018])
- Fixed crash of the `pcs cluster destroy --all` command when the
  cluster was not running ([rhbz#1176018])
- Fixed crash of the `pcs config restore` command when restoring
  pacemaker authkey ([rhbz#1176018])
- Fixed "Error: unable to get cib" when adding a node to a stopped
  cluster ([rhbz#1176018])
- Fixed a crash in the `pcs cluster node add-remote` command when an id
  conflict occurs ([rhbz#1386114])
- Fixed creating a new cluster from the web UI ([rhbz#1284404])
- `pcs cluster node add-guest` now works with the flag `--skip-offline`
- `pcs cluster node remove-guest` can be run again when the guest node
  was unreachable first time ([rhbz#1176018])
- Fixed "Error: Unable to read /etc/corosync/corosync.conf" when running
  `pcs resource create`([rhbz#1386114])
- It is now possible to set `debug` and `verbose` parameters of stonith
  devices ([rhbz#1432283])
- Resource operation ids are now properly validated and no longer
  ignored in `pcs resource create`, `pcs resource update` and `pcs
  resource op add` commands ([rhbz#1443418])
- Flag `--force` works correctly when an operation is not successful on
  some nodes during `pcs cluster node add-remote` or `pcs cluster node
  add-guest` ([rhbz#1464781])

### Changed
- Binary data are stored in corosync authkey ([rhbz#1165821])
- It is now mandatory to specify container type in the `resource bundle
  create` command
- When creating a new cluster, corosync communication encryption is
  disabled by default (in 0.9.158 it was enabled by default, in 0.9.157
  and older it was disabled)

Thanks / congratulations to everyone who contributed to this release,
including Ivan Devat, Ondrej Mular and Tomas Jelinek.



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Re: [ClusterLabs] Question about STONITH for VM HA cluster in shared hosts environment

2017-06-30 Thread Klaus Wenninger
On 06/29/2017 07:23 PM, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> On 06/29/2017 12:08 PM, Digimer wrote:
>> On 29/06/17 12:39 PM, Andrés Pozo Muñoz wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am a newbie to Pacemaker and I can't find the perfect solution for my
>>> problem (probably I'm missing something), maybe someone can give me some
>>> hint :)
>>> My scenario is the following: I want to make a HA cluster composed of 2
>>> virtual machines running on top of SHARED virtualization hosts. That is,
>>> I have a bunch of hosts running multiple VMs, and I would like to create
>>> an HA cluster with 2 VMs (Ubuntus running some app) running in
>>> (different) hosts.
>>> About the resources, I have no problem, I'll configure some VIP and some
>>> lsb services in a group.
>>> My concern is about the STONITH, I can't find the perfect config:
>>> * If I disable STONITH I may have the split brain problem.
>>> * If I enable STONITH with external/libvirt fence, I'll have a
>>> single point of failure  if the host with the Active VM dies, right?
>>>  (Imagine the host running that active VMs dies, the STONITH operation
>>> from the other VM will fail and the switch-over will not happen, right?)
>>> * I can't use a 'hardware' (ILO/DRAC) fence, because the host is
>>> running a lot of VMs, not only the ones in HA cluster :( I can't reboot
>>> it because of some failure in our HA.

If for whatever reason, be it physically separated networks or
the unwillingness to share the credentials with you / respective
your VMs, you don't have access to the ILO/DRAC/powerswitch ...
or even worse you don't even have access to VM-management
for similar reasons going with SBD (Storage-Based Death)
might be something to consider under certain circumstances.

The usefulness of SBD stands and falls with the availability of
a reliable watchdog on each of the cluster-nodes. Although
it has storage in the name the really important part is a
watchdog - in fact under certain circumstances there wouldn't
even have to be (a) storage device(s).

Anyway given that the implementation of the virtual watchdog
in a VM is reliable enough - e.g. guarded by a hardware
watchdog on the host - SBD can be used inside virtual machines
as well.

Basic idea that makes the difference in your case is that you
don't have to have a positive feedback about a node being
fenced but that you have something reliable enough in place
so that if you don't have a reply within a certain time you
can be sure the other side has committed suicide and thus
has brought all resources down the hard way.

SBD can run on a watchdog + pacemaker-quorum on 3 and up nodes,
on a watchdog + cluster-membership + a disk on 2 and up nodes
(very recent snapshot of SBD required) or without relying on input
from the cluster on 3 disks.
Of course the disks can be virtual as well as long as they are shared -
and that is something you might rather get than access to
VM-Management or even fencing-devices that kill the hosts.


>>> Is there an optimal configuration for such scenario?
>>> I think I'd rather live with the split brain problem, but I just want to
>>> know if I missed any config option.
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andrés
>> You've realized why a production cluster on VMs is generally not
>> recommended. :)
>> If the project is important enough to make HA, then management needs to
>> allocate the budget to get the proper hardware for the effort, I would
>> argue. If you want to keep the services in VMs, that's fine, get a pair
>> of nodes and make them an HA cluster to protect the VMs as the services
>> (we do this all the time).
>> With that, then you pair IPMI and switched PDUs for complete coverage
>> (IPMI alone isn't enough, because if the host is destroyed, it will take
>> the IPMI BMC with it).
> To elaborate on this approach, the underlying hosts could be the cluster
> nodes, and the VMs could be resources. If you make all the VMs into
> resources, then you get HA for all of them. You can also run Pacemaker
> Remote in any of the VMs if you want to monitor resources running inside
> them (or move resources from one VM to another).
> Commenting on your original question, I'd point out that if pacemaker
> chooses to fence one of the underlying hosts, it's not responding
> normally, so any other VMs on it are likely toast anyway. You may
> already be familiar, but you can set a fencing topology so that
> pacemaker tries libvirt first, then kills the host only if that fails.
> ___
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