Re: Would DF welcome a phpbb forum?

2006-01-16 Thread Raphael Marmier

if, like me, you don't like mailing lists flooding your mailbox, you'll 
be glad to learn that those same mailing list are bridged to a nntp 

just subscribe, no need for tedious login, signup, etc... much more 
convenient than a those forum web app IMHO, despite it being "15 years 
old tech".




Indeed, it would be like users@, but consider:

1) In what way can you order threads in a mailing list? If we had a
web-based forum we could easilly have stuff related to hardware in one
forum, multimedia in another, pkgsrc in another etc., we could even have a
forum for non df-related stuff. Sure, you can make more mailing lists,
2) Assume that DF is going to gain much bigger popularity, im not talking
about hundreds of users like now, im talking about thousands. Can you
imagine users@ with 10x (or even more) people posting one over another all
different stuff? Thats confusion! You arent going to attract people to DF
with a mailing list like that.
3) When users want to ask questions to another users, whats easier than
sign up, log in and make a new thread and discuss whatever you wish.
Sorry, but a mailing list might have been a hype of 15 years ago when
people had a 14.4kbps dialup connection to the internet or even less, but
today? Sure its easy to open up evolution or mutt and send mails to
users@, but is this attractive to new users coming over over from Linux
and *BSD? The guy that wrote the review of DF 1.4 on Distrowatch was
correct when he said that DF is for hardcore geeks, because only geeks
like us would bother mailing questions to users@ today in 2006 when pretty
much every project that is trying to make it somewhere far has a proper
forum that suits the age (and for a reason!)

Dont take this as bashing please, i really _like_ what you guys are doing
in the software section. Im just trying to help out.


Re: DP performance

2005-12-12 Thread Raphael Marmier

Danial Thom wrote:

What do you think "my word" is? My only point was
that I use the usage level at which a machine
starts dropping packets to determine its point of
capacity. I don't see how I can be wrong about
anything, since its hard to argue against that
point. And what do you think Matt's point was? I
don't even think its relevant.


Whoever you are, you are maybe knowledgeable. I am personaly not able to 
judge. But your problem is psychological, not technical. I don't know 
what you are looking for by harrassing people on technical forums such 
as this one. But whatever you are looking, nobody can ever give it to you.

At this point, there is enough element here and then for you to realise 
the problem lies within you. Get the appropriate help (maybe even a 
psychatrist for a starter, tough to find a good one though).

best of luck


Re: DP performance

2005-12-02 Thread Raphael Marmier

Danial Thom wrote:

you also
obviously have no practical experience with
heavily utilized network devices, because you
seem to have no grasp on the real issues. 

you sound like a teenager telling his mum she has no experience in life 
and she can't "get it"...

Matt, I really appreciate your way of never getting tired of explaining 
the technical subtilities regardless of who is asking, and what 
motivates him. It looks like you have that obsession of turning even the 
sillyest question into an insightful answer. You should consider 
teaching, if that's not the case already.

best regards


Re: [OT] Micro$oft versus security

2005-09-22 Thread Raphael Marmier
For those, like me, who are not at ease with mathematics but still want 
to have a practical understanding of the problem, I can only recommand 
O'Reilly's "Secure programming Cookbook for C and C++". Although I don't 
 cod in C, it gave me a good insight into applied crypto and security 
in general.



Rob D. wrote:

walt wrote:

I just got this item from SANS, and I still can't quite believe
what my eyes are seeing:

  --Microsoft Bans Weak Crypto in New Code
(15 September 2005)
A new policy at Microsoft bans developers from using functions using the
DES, MD4, MD5 and in some cases the SHA1 encryption algorithms in their
code because increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks are threatening
the security of these algorithms.  Microsoft recommends the use of the
(Secure Hash Algorithm) SHA256 encryption algorithm and (Advanced
Encryption Standard) AES cipher.  The decision comes as part of
Microsoft's twice-a-year update to its Secure Development Lifecycle
policies.  The company also hopes eventually to remove the vulnerable
encryption from older code.,1217,a=160307,00.asp
[Editor's Note (Schultz): Microsoft deserves a proverbial round of
applause for its decision concerning use of cryptography in its
(Schneier): This will improve potential security for their products at
the cost of backwards compatibility -- I call that a good trade-off.]

I have Schneier's second edition of Applied Cryptography (which is
where I learned what little I know about the subject) and he does a
good imitation of someone who really knows the subject.

I can cite decades of bad (or ridiculous) decisions by M$ concerning
anything to do with security -- but seeing Schneier's name attached to
this article makes me wonder if things have changed...

Anyone here agree that MD5 and SHA1 are 'weak' crypto?  Any other
thoughts about the subject?

To many crypto/authentication algorithms, if two files (or messages)
have the same hash and same size, then they're identical.

I think the general consensus in the crypto community is that MD5 and
SHA-1 shouldn't be used in any new designs, especially considering that
stronger (and longer) hash algorithms already exist.  If the
researchers keep cracking away at MD5, schemes that already use it might
have to be outright replaced, if that's not already the case.

I wish I was more of an expert on this, and apologies to the crypto
community if I've misrepresented their views.

Re: Accessing 'hidden' sectors on hard drives

2005-09-02 Thread Raphael Marmier
And what happens when two programs use "sector 32" for storing their 
copy protection key? ;)



Jonathon McKitrick wrote:

I was reading recently about a copy protection scheme that stores data in
sector 32, which is apparently right after the partition info, correct?

The scheme I am looking at claims to defeat Norton Ghost and yet survive a
format... probably not low-level.  However, they will not reveal the details
of where the license info is, except to say it is not 'in the filesystem.'

Do these unused, reserved, or 'system' sectors exist on a UFS/FFS hard disk?
If I am 'dangerously dedicated,' does that extra space go away?  Is there any
way a copy protection scheme could be devised under FreeBSD that could access
that area, or another area beyond the reach of the filesystem?

Jonathon McKitrick
Hoppiness is a good beer.

Re: Compatability with FreeBSD Ports

2005-08-19 Thread Raphael Marmier
Your post further clarifies things. I am also of the opinion that what 
is lacking are tools above the purely build/packaging layer, as long as 
the latter provide the necessary services.

Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

As for an apt-get (or yum or up2date) replacement, we need a "available" 
database that lists detailed metadata about each available package. Then 
we need a tool to use this database to make smart decisions on ordering 
(deinstalls if needed) and installation. This is unrelated to pkgsrc. 
pkgsrc makes the packages. You provide the tool. I have provided example 
scripts, example databases and ideas for the "available" list.

Could you give me an url where you put these exemples and scripts?

Also, is it possible to have pkgsrc keep several installed package 

thanks in advance


Re: Compatability with FreeBSD Ports [debian package tools]

2005-08-18 Thread Raphael Marmier

Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 06:29:43PM +0200, Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:

If anything, it should be thought further (and some are already pressing
in that direction, notably Xen and VMware ESX): self contained
single purpose OS instances.

A nice hype, but IMO a nightmare for administration.

One machine might easily do both web and mailserving, but it would be
more secure to isolate the services...

It's called separate user accounts in Unix.

A package manager that can do something like that would be truly innovative.

No, because it wouldn't be package mangement at all. You end up with
extracting a tarball into a location and removing it for uninstall,
pretty much like Windows, just without messing in

Certainly not. A sandboxed app would be built by installing packages 
_into_ it. As as said, this is why it must be managed by a high level 
program, that not only gives the operator a clear picture, but allows 
him to upgrade whole "sandboxes", upgrade a single packages, a single 
package in all "sandboxes", etc...

As per config files, sure, this can be a pain. But nothing prevents to 
be smart and inovative, and have the package manager provide a list of 
the config file of all installed instance of a given package, along with
the modification date, and why not, diff between them, revision conrol, 
.. once the system is solid and predictable, you can put the wizardry 
in managing usefull info: the configs.

Frankly, are there so many dependency packages that need configuring 
beyond the defaults? Most of the time, I bet you need do so to taylor 
them to their dependent package. At this point, its really the same. I 
doubt there would be so much real config duplication.

All in all, you spend a little more energy and disk space at the install 
phase and maintenance phase, so you spend no energy in keeping the 
system from derailing, and no energy and disk space at the removal of 

In the current scheme, you spend as little energy and disk space as 
possible installing. Then spend vast amounts of energy at keeping the 
system from gaining entropy, then spend a fair amount of energy and a 
some disk space at the removal of components.

In the end, we are no so far from the windows world ;)


Re: Compatability with FreeBSD Ports [debian package tools]

2005-08-18 Thread Raphael Marmier

Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 01:39:05AM +0200, Raphael Marmier wrote:

While strictly copying MacOSX is not an option, our dream package 
management system should allow us to install an application and all its 
dependencies in its own directory, possibly with its own config space. 
This would be called "standalone" application, maybe.

This is what you can do already with pkgsrc or (perhaps to a slightly
lesser degree) with ports. Just build the "standalone" application and
its dependencies with a LOCALBASE of /opt/myapp and make a tarball of
the whole thing.

great, I'll give it a try!

The reason why this is not used by default for normal system
distribution is the high amount of redundancy and that not every
dependency just works out of the box. As soon as a library needs a
config file itself, you have to break the sandbox and you loose most
advantages in that case.
I'm not sure I understand. The config would go in the sandbox as well in 
a ./etc directory. Of course, it has the potential of duplicating 
configs as well.

But if you had to learn how to configure package x, you can configure it 
again without to much effort. And you don't have to struggle to make it 
work at the same time for package y and for package z.

In summary, this concept works best for distributing "shrinkware" like
Office programs, but is not such a good concept as general package
You have a point. However, little research has gone into this kind of 
system so its inherent difficulties haven't been tackled. Also, most 
software is written in the mindset of the "big holistic /usr/local", 
maybe adding further complication.

I've just come to think that such a system would fit nicely into the 
DragonflyBSD attitude to "simplify to scale".

I don't beleive that much in vfs voodoo anymore.

best regards to all


Re: Compatability with FreeBSD Ports [debian package tools]

2005-08-17 Thread Raphael Marmier

Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:

Long story short: the perfect system doesn't yet exist. OSX .app
approach comes close but is totally different paradigm and not really
what a BSD should be after. 
While strictly copying MacOSX is not an option, our dream package 
management system should allow us to install an application and all its 
dependencies in its own directory, possibly with its own config space. 
This would be called "standalone" application, maybe.

something like:

/usr/standalone/apache-2/bin ./etc ./lib ...

possibly, an option would have it installed in such a way that it is 
ready to be chrooted (maintaining a copy of the necessary system libraries)

This way, it is possible to separate important applications from the 
other stuff. Then you gain peace of mind. You can use apps such as 
portupgrade -a on the non important stuff and manage each critical app 
separatedly, which makes them much less dangerous to upgrade by the way.

Disk space is cheap so I don't mind the duplication of libraries caused 
by such a scheme.

And when you want to clean the mess, you just drag the app to the Trash 
.. er ... cp -R .

are views something like this?

please be kind, I am far from understanding the subject


Re: Possible Filesystem Corruption

2005-08-12 Thread Raphael Marmier

  I will wait for these big upcoming changes and set back up with
  crash dump support when I figure out how.

The wiki has a howto on the steps needed to get a core dump:

