Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-17 Thread Thomas Schlesinger
Am Montag, 17. Juli 2006 01:00 schrieb walt:

 Hi James,

 I'm speaking as someone who's been asking dumb/newbie
 questions in these groups for several years now.

 I've never once been treated rudely or with 'attitude'
 so I hope you won't judge hastily from any one thread.

The regulars in these forums have been more than kind
 and patient with my off-topic nonsense over a long period
 of time.  In fact, I tend to post my dumb questions here
 because I know I won't be yelled at :o)

 Please stick around and I'm sure you will see what I


I as a fairly new (DragonFly-)BSD desktop user second that. The community was 
friendly and the developers even fullfilled my device driver wishes,

The problem is IMHO the lack developers.


Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-16 Thread Sascha Wildner

James Mansion wrote:

   Fine.  Go and do it, instead of complaining about it.

I'm sure you'll check the IP and find that actually I'm not
Danial/Dmitri/whatever, but please, take a step back before
writing this sort of thing.


no, we normally don't check IP addresses. Before em1897/Danial/Dimitri 
(please don't confuse him with Dmitri Nikulin who is a respected 
community member) hit the stage, I actually wouldn't have thought that 
this would ever be necessary.

If you browse the mail archive a bit, you'll find that his questions 
were initially responded to with long, friendly and very interesting 
explanations by Matt (some of which even made it to Justin's DragonFly 

It was only after it became clear that his intent was insulting people 
and their work that more drastic measures were invented. First, threads 
were simply terminated by making it impossible to continue them, then 
his email address was banned, now, ultimately, it's his IP address.

Please do not base your judgement on this one mail. It has a long and 
annoying history.



Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-16 Thread walt
James Mansion wrote:

 It really does make me question whether I want to use
 anything from projects with this attitude...

Hi James,

I'm speaking as someone who's been asking dumb/newbie
questions in these groups for several years now.

I've never once been treated rudely or with 'attitude'
so I hope you won't judge hastily from any one thread.

The regulars in these forums have been more than kind
and patient with my off-topic nonsense over a long period
of time.  In fact, I tend to post my dumb questions here
because I know I won't be yelled at :o)

Please stick around and I'm sure you will see what I

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-16 Thread Dmitri Nikulin

On 7/16/06, James Mansion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So please, don't respond to customer/user suggestions that
way, unless you want to be treated like an amateur having a
play to see what you can do.  I didn't think that *was*
what you wanted.

What's he supposed to say? Sure, I'll put down the important work I'm
doing to make this system unique and directly applicable to an
important niche market, and work on creating Yet Another Linux with no
hope of surviving?

Do you want a user community?  You need to respect users who
have no intention of developing your system.  They might have
enough on their plate solving their own development problems.

The developers here are very respectful of users, but they can't
reasonably chase every tangent. I do not necessarily agree with the
wording, but the point is correct - the developer resources are spread
too thin already, and following questionable technical decisions
(explained further down) is the last thing they want to do.

As it happens, I agree with the original post: if you are
too small to define de facto standards, and there is no
de jure standard to hide behind (not that they always matter
that much in reality) then practicality says that its
necessary to go with the flow and find a way to use whatever
is there, and if that's an NVidia blob for Solaris or Mac or
even Windows, then so be it.

I really wish it was that simple, but if we want open source code, we
need an immediate problem rather than a long-term one. The long-term
problem is that binary blobs might not be supported any more since the
profitability for the company drops over time. The short-term problem,
which is the good one because it encourages preventing the long-term
problem, is that here-and-now a lot of devices simply don't have any
driver available.

If developers do not see the long-term problem, as has so often been
the case, they might decide it's 'good enough' to have the binary blob
as the workaround for the short-term problem.

Bad enough that these blobs, even now, can have unspeakably terrible
security holes, even some deliberate ones, and short of an inhuman
reverse engineering effort we'll never really know.

OpenBSD's Theo is the most outspoken on the issue of binary blobs - it
might be nice for the popularity of a system to support every device,
but it's absolutely terrible for the durability.

Linux in particular is *already* a tightly knit mass of bugs, hacks
and security holes, and when they finally see the terrible situation
they're leaving themselves in by actually thanking vendors for binary
blobs instead of sending them packing. They have good people on their
side - the reverse engineering nForce ethernet driver is what helped
OpenBSD folks write nfe(4) which is quite good - but the spirit there
is to do everything possible even if it is going to hurt later.
They've been re-writing major parts of the kernel between every one or
two minor releases, because somebody didn't think ahead. Vendors have
to keep up with all of that mess when releasing drivers. BSD in
comparison is very easy to develop for, but it's not as profitable,
and it's hard to imagine vendors would care about much more.

Even if the entire BSD community announced its united love for a
single graphics vendor and only bought from them, it'd still be less
of a profit gain than releasing a slightly superior device with only a
Windows driver and some form of Linux adaptation which works okay on
Thursdays, thusly turning over some of the much larger market share
from a competitor. Hard to say which would be more expensive to
implement, but chances are using the existing masses of hardware and
Windows+Linux experts they have is cheaper than the overhead to even
get an NDA out to a BSD developer. At no point is releasing
documentation viable just because their business is secrecy, so even
if we did have vendor support it'd be just like with Linux, with
either really poor quality drivers (the Intel PRO Wireless ones) or
entirely closed and brittle ones (anything released from ATI or
nVidia, ever).

In the particular case of graphics drivers, its very much
more attractive to target a system which can also be the
desktop of choice.  Maybe second best would be decent Xen
guest support, but it surely must be a distant second.

Agreed, I too would really like having an operating system for
everything. But as long as vendors, hardware and software alike,
refuse to support BSDs, I am often limited in how I can run them as
workstations - and as long as Linux is absolute garbage in security,
stability and administrative sanity, I will hardly consider running it
as a server. Does it matter? Not much, I'm content to Linux as a
desktop (I don't, but I imagine I will later), and it's not as though
doing so will somehow prevent me from running a BSD server.

Remember that it's unreasonable to expect that BSDs could stay as
clean and robust as they are now if commercial vendors put their lust
for money into them. 

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-14 Thread Steve O'Hara-Smith
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:43:48 +0800
Bill Hacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Given half a century in information technology, I could fill a website with 
 good ideas that have been abandoned than kept.

That would be a valuable website - one that could be mined for good
ideas for decades to come.

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Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Dimitri Kovalov

--- Bill Hacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
  Dimitri Kovalov wrote:
  You have it backwards. The reason BSD is all 'black
  is that it is not competitive or good in the video

 *I* have it backwards?
 We should all be running WinWoes 'cos it is 'good in the
 video area?'

What does we have to do with it? I said BSD isn't
prevelant on desktops because its not good at video. Its
too much trouble. Productive people use windows, because
instead of spending a half a day getting a video card to
work, they can do something income-producing. Thats what
its all about.

  Apple can make it work because they sell the whole box
  can control the hardware.  But the open-source OSes
  have the resources to support video.
 Not so. You have cause and effect reversed.

No I don't.  getting vendors to write drivers for 1000s of
cards using their programmers who know the hardware is
advantages over trusting some guy from some country with
way too much time on his hands to write and maintain it.

 The F/OSS folks who *must have* a good video and GUI to
 get some *other* set of 
 tasks accomplished simply buy the commodity that suits
 Lots of *n*x developers use a Winbox or Mac with nary a
 care for the politics or 
 religion, just as they would a twist drill. Not
 throw-away, but expendable 
 The haven't time to play with these 'appliances', and
 begrudge even time wasted 
 on updates and fiddling (hence my move form OS/2 to OSX).
 Very much a minority market vs gadzillions of
 office-workers and home users.
 Those who would *like to have* a good video and GUI for
 reasons *other than* 
 getting some other job done, are more likely to use
 Linux, and DO spend a good 
 deal of time modifying and updating their personal WS.

Mostly they use Windows, not because its a better os, but
because it has more options and tools to get the job
Some people have jobs more complicated than Bill Hacker. I
guess from your hole you'd not understand it.

One big problem is that you guys, as BSD developers, are
not focused on what the public wants, you are focused on
your own, unusual needs. Which is why BSD is no good for
the public, only for hackers. The developers, who mostly
don't understand the real world, develop for other


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Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Bill Hacker

Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 05:04:22PM +0800, Bill Hacker wrote:

Old or new branches of X are rooted in a very different architectural 
philosophy than Win vid, and would have to start over from a clean slate to 
even match the sort of performance of an Amiga, BeBox, Warp/eCS or OS X 
deliver(ed) on comparable hardware.

While I agree on most point, this needs some comments. The problem of
current X11 based GUIs is not the protocol or architecture of the X
server. The 99% of the slowdown is to completely broken toolkit design.
Seriously, how could it have been possible to use a single 50MHz Power
CPU and a 10mbit network for a number of X11 terminals 12 years ago?
The difference is that applications and toolkits used an asynchronous
protocol and had been greatly optimised to keep as much work as possible
in the pipeline. Compare that to todays application. A simple GTK
program over a slightly laggy WLAN link is visibly drawing itself a
number of times whenever e.g. a menu has to be opened. *That's* why X11
performance today sucks. Everyone wants to program X11 like they program
Windows, completly ignoring the roundtrip time.


What is needed is really 'none of the above', IOW, there just *has* to be a 
better way.

Two hints that it is possible include:

- the snappy browser interface included with the QNX demo floppy of many years 

- the Bluebottle/Greenbottle UI on Aos / Oberon.

Lean, light, quick across the ground, and nearly indifferent to what video 
hardware is present, both of them.

Plan 9 is another. Not much to look at, but the 'plumbing' is straightforward 
and low-load.

'X' had a reason to live in its early distanced server-client incarnation.

Forget the KDE and Gnome resource hogs - even the so-called 'lite' desktops such 
as Xfce4 are slow and clumsy compared to a well-tuned Warp/eCS Workplace Shell.

Most are arguably inferior to Win 3.11 in responsiveness and polish, given the 
same hardware.

I don't see that much improvement is likely to happen on F/OSS - X or otherwise.

OS X has closed the gate at one end, Vista will retain MS dominance even if they 
lose 30% of what is now a maket so huge an entity can get fats on the leavings.

While we are generalizing, the 'C' language has long since become more a part of 
the problem than of the solution My tool of choice for I/O driver work was 
AS or Forth with  native-code-compiler inlining.

Never mind... I know where I can get a couple of nearly-new 17 G4 PowerBooks 
cheap when this one dies...

Meanwhile, back at the data centre, we have migrated the 1U servers to VIA C3 
with  FreeBSD 4.11-stable and the 2U servers to Intel core-duo and FreeBSD 
AMD-64 6.1-STABLE. Plus one Xeon using 6.1, i386.

Not sure DragonFly does C3 as well as 4.11, and reasonably certain DFLY is not 
AND-64 ready yet.

But we'll keep one eye open...



Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Justin C. Sherrill
On Thu, July 13, 2006 9:26 am, Dimitri Kovalov wrote:

 The truth is that 99% of customers can't do anything with
 source anyway. Which is the problem with BSD. Its only
 usable but hackers because its so hard to make the videos/X
 stuff work. And most 'BSD circles tell you to fix it
 yourself, you have source', which is bad marketing. No
 commercial concern want to use something like that.

There are people using BSD that have that attitude, but that isn't going
to necessarily apply to DragonFly.  I know that I certainly want more
usability out of the system, like minimal maintenance needs for pkgsrc or
a GUI that requires as little setup as possible.

In any case, there's no ideological requirement against binary products in
DragonFly, as there is with OpenBSD.  Binary drivers/programs can and do
have poor quality, and that can be frustrating when the resources exist to
fix it.  (Emiel Kollof and the NVIDIA driver, for instance.)  But that
doesn't mean a good one won't be used.  I can think of a good number of
programs that if they existed on DragonFly in binary-only form, I'd buy
immediately.  Cedega, or BBEdit, for instance.

This is a lot of blue-sky talking, anyway.  Until we actually have a
binary-only driver or application to bitch about, this issue won't have
any resolution.

 There are good vendors. Vendors that write bad drivers, you
 don't buy from them anymore. Its very easy.

This I definitely agree with.  Market forces are an excellent way to force
quality improvement.

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Matthew Dillon
   Er.  I don't think it has anything to do with video.  It is quite simply
   the fact that windows has tens of thousands of user-friendly GUI 
   applications and name brand software from thousands of vendors.  Even
   Apple can't really compete with them, and Apple arguably has some of
   the best video interfaces in existance.

   I don't really think it is possible for us to compete in that area, at
   least not by ourselves.  We have to rely on the larger open source
   community, in particular the more linux-centric community, to write and
   maintain the applications that drive a consumer market.

   If Open Source has an achilles heal then user-friendly application
   software is where it is.  There are only a handful of OSS applications
   that are comparable with regards to user friendliness and easy-to-use
   features, and plenty of really *BAD* examples of UI software gone
   wrong (gimp's horrendously bad UI comes to mind).

   The UI is certainly not DragonFly's focus, and it will never be.  We
   have to rely on the rest of the Open Source community to provide that
   piece of the puzzle.


Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Gergo Szakal
Matthew Dillon wrote:

There are only a handful of OSS applications
that are comparable with regards to user friendliness and easy-to-use
features, and plenty of really *BAD* examples of UI software gone
wrong (gimp's horrendously bad UI comes to mind).

GIMP's UI is not that bad IMHO, at least compared to PhotoShop. I do not
share your view in this, I think there are many OSS apps that have a
better gui than their proprietary alternatives.

The UI is certainly not DragonFly's focus, and it will never be.  We
have to rely on the rest of the Open Source community to provide that
piece of the puzzle.

Sure thing, but in my opinion a serious problem with open source
desktops is the poor integration with the base system.

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Dimitri Kovalov

--- Matthew Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Er.  I don't think it has anything to do with video. 
 It is quite simply
the fact that windows has tens of thousands of
 user-friendly GUI 
applications and name brand software from thousands of
 vendors.  Even
Apple can't really compete with them, and Apple
 arguably has some of
the best video interfaces in existance.
I don't really think it is possible for us to compete
 in that area, at
least not by ourselves.  We have to rely on the larger
 open source
community, in particular the more linux-centric
 community, to write and
maintain the applications that drive a consumer
If Open Source has an achilles heal then user-friendly
software is where it is.  There are only a handful of
 OSS applications
that are comparable with regards to user friendliness
 and easy-to-use
features, and plenty of really *BAD* examples of UI
 software gone
wrong (gimp's horrendously bad UI comes to mind).
The UI is certainly not DragonFly's focus, and it will
 never be.  We
have to rely on the rest of the Open Source community
 to provide that
piece of the puzzle.

Creating a wrapper that vendors could use to recompile
their windows drivers to work with your OS would solve the
resource problem. Maybe its not doable, but conceptually it
entices vendors to expand their market with minimal effort.
Who would have recommended NDIS for FreeBSD? Modules make
many things possible. Complaining that vendors don't make
source available is like complaining about the government.
You have to work within the environment that exists. So
make it easier for them to support your OS, and maybe they


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Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Vlad GALU

On 7/13/06, Dimitri Kovalov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Received: from [] by via HTTP;
Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:06:16 PDT
From: Dimitri Kovalov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Received: from [] by via HTTP;
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:12:51 PDT
From: Danial Thom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It's safe to ignore him :)

If it's there, and you can see it, it's real.
If it's not there, and you can see it, it's virtual.
If it's there, and you can't see it, it's transparent.
If it's not there, and you can't see it, you erased it.

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread James Frazer
Ever try to draw a straight line with the GIMP?
I had to read a tutorial on the internet just to learn how to draw a
straight line.  That's just bad UI design.

 GIMP's UI is not that bad IMHO, at least compared to PhotoShop. I do not
 share your view in this, I think there are many OSS apps that have a
 better gui than their proprietary alternatives.

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Bill Hacker

Dimitri Kovalov wrote:

--- Bill Hacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

AMD-64 6.1-STABLE. Plus one Xeon using 6.1, i386.

Talk about an expensive boat anchor!


Yes, boat anchors, at least for small craft, are considerably lighter and 

But they don't support 2+ Terabyte fast SCSI raid arrays with 4-hour-max on-site 
warranty service response nearly as well.

Horses for courses


Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Matthew Dillon
:On 7/13/06, Dimitri Kovalov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:Received: from [] by via HTTP;
:Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:06:16 PDT
:From: Dimitri Kovalov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:Received: from [] by via HTTP;
:Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:12:51 PDT
:From: Danial Thom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:   It's safe to ignore him :)

I've already told him to get off our mailing listss, several times now.
His IP is now filtered.

Matthew Dillon 

Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-13 Thread Bill Hacker

Joseph Garcia wrote:

Bill Hacker wrote:

- the snappy browser interface included with the QNX demo floppy of 
many years ago.

Are you talking about that QNX enviroment that fit on just a 1.44MB 
floppy? That was like 10 years ago wasn't it?

I have to admit. That thing was freaking AWESOME! It has a browser, 
networking, a GUI, start bar, and a few little tools/utilities that fit 
on FLOPPY! A freaking 1.44MB FLOPPY! Now-a-days you can't fit shit, or 
apple-butter, on a damn 1.44MB floppy.

Yep, that thing was neat. Does QNX still do stuff like that? I guess 
these days people are impressed if they get the same kind of stuff to 
fit on a 32MB USB drive. Although, I bet QNX can do alot with 32MB, but 
I haven't looked at what they can do in almost a decade.


Given half a century in information technology, I could fill a website with more 
good ideas that have been abandoned than kept.

Part of the 'challenge' is that the focus on *n*x and 'C', or 'the one true 
path' limits the scope of our vision.

A 'hull-down' or 'foxhole' mentality loses wars, too.


Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-12 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

Dimitri Kovalov wrote:

You have it backwards. The reason BSD is all 'black boxes'
is that it is not competitive or good in the video area.
Apple can make it work because they sell the whole box and
can control the hardware. But the open-source OSes don't
have the resources to support video. It would be a good
thing to have a model where vendors could easily take their
windows drivers and make them work with BSD as a module.
You know that vendors will make drivers for windows, so
making it easy for them to port to your OS is good for

Its time for open sourcers to realize they can't do
everything themselves. I don't care if a driver is binary
if it works. I want to have options.


A binary driver on a system doing public services?
Not on my box! That's about the most important reasons why my windows 
servers are always in a DMZ and my OSS boxes are mostly not. But for 
anything else I'll say yes that would be convenient. However I lost the 
faith in manufactures creating good drivers, whether they are windows or 
anything else, but I guess that most manufacturers don't want to provide 
too much specs or source because then it's quite easy to see what a mess 
they sometimes make of their hardware.


Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-07-01 Thread joerg
On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 01:35:08AM +0200, Jose timofonic wrote:
 While the following is focused on the NVIDIA FreeBSD
 graphics drivers, we
 believe the interfaces discussed below are generally
 applicable to any
 modern high performance graphics driver.

That's the part where I completely disagree with. The first time
I read the text I thought Oh, they could use this feature and this
feature and this feature. But that wouldn't work on Linux. 
I guess that pretty much boils down my position. And what Emil said.


NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-06-30 Thread Jose timofonic

I found this on osnews
( and maybe
it can be interesting for DragonFly too...

Here is a small part of the text:

NVIDIA has been looking at ways to improve its
graphics driver for the
FreeBSD i386 platform, as well as investigating the
possibility of adding
support for the FreeBSD amd64 platform, and identified
a number of
obstacles. Some progress has been made to resolve
them, and NVIDIA would
like to summarize the current status. We would also
like to thank John
Baldwin and Doug Rabson for their valuable help.

This summary makes an attempt to describe the kernel
interfaces needed by
the NVIDIA FreeBSD i386 graphics driver to achieve
feature parity with
the Linux/Solaris graphics drivers, and/or required to
make support for
the FreeBSD amd64 platform feasible. It also describes
some of the
technical difficulties encountered by NVIDIA during
the FreeBSD i386
graphics driver's development, how these problems have
been worked around
and what could be done to solve them better.

While the following is focused on the NVIDIA FreeBSD
graphics drivers, we
believe the interfaces discussed below are generally
applicable to any
modern high performance graphics driver.

Personally I don't like the use of closed-source
device drivers, but maybe some suggestions mentioned
on that message thread can be good for giving some
ideas and improving DragonFly in many tasks too.

Devs: What are your think about it? :)

Best regards,

PS: Sorry for the older message, I'm not in home and
did a mistake when sending the message.

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Re: NVIDIA FreeBSD Kernel Feature Requests, interesting info for dfly?

2006-06-30 Thread Emiel Kollof
Op zaterdag 1 juli 2006 01:35, schreef Jose timofonic:

 I found this on osnews
 ( and maybe
 it can be interesting for DragonFly too...

It's probably not. Here's why:

Short answer: 
NVIDIA apparently has no interest in DragonFlyBSD.

Long Answer: 
I used to be the maintainer of the DragonFlyBSD NVIDIA driver when the 
FreeBSD 4 userland and ours were the same ABI-wise. The only thing I needed 
to port was the kernel parts, and they were more or less open source (modulo 
one blob object which contained some OS-independant things). Suddenly, NVIDIA 
decided to ditch the FreeBSD 4 userland support and the only reply I got from 
them was similar to the short answer above minus the word apparently plus a 
lame excuse about not having the resources to release for another platform 
(which they contradicted by releasing drivers for Solaris).

Porting the kernel bits is easy, because hey, that stuff has source I can muck 
with. The userland parts are closed up and they won't provide binaries that 
are compatible with our userland. So that leaves us stuck.

Unless of course they suddenly contact us again about supporting DragonFlyBSD, 
but that doesn't seem likely.

The real fix here would be for NVIDIA to stop being bone-headed and just open 
source that stuff so more people can have a go at it, or, and that's a pretty 
big or, them talking to a developer (like, oh, say, me for example) that 
will do the porting for them. Unless they suddenly see the light, fat chance 
they will go for either.

[snip text from nvidia]

 Personally I don't like the use of closed-source
 device drivers, but maybe some suggestions mentioned
 on that message thread can be good for giving some
 ideas and improving DragonFly in many tasks too.

I doubt it.

 Devs: What are your think about it? :)

My opinion? Well nice for FreeBSD. But it's most probably not for us.

You need more time; and you probably always will.

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