Re: Felix + Gemini JPA issue?

2012-04-16 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Even when I think I would not use dot instead of slash, I think there
is something in the spec open to interpretation.

3.9 reads

The following sections define the factors that influence the runtime
class loading and then define the exact search order the Framework
must follow when a class or resource is loaded.

And then 3.9.1 (entitled Bundle Class Path) reads

The dot ('.' \u002E) container path is a synonym for slash ('\') or
the root of a container. [...]

Now, this is in a section that in about to introduce the concept of
bundle class path (so it is not clear that this applies in other
contexts outside of of a bundle class path definition), but at the
same time it talks about container path (that would imply that this
is more generic and involves al resource resolutions).
At the end of the day, I think Richard is right and a slash should be
used to conform to a more strict interpretation, but at the same time
I cannot say that what Equinox does is wrong by understanding path in
the more relaxed interpretation.


On Apr 16, 2012, at 11:35 PM, Michael Van Geertruy wrote:

 What's saddest about this is the Equinox is supposed to be the reference 
 implementation of the spec. The fact that this bug exists is, in itself, 
 highly problematic.

 On 4/16/2012 3:33 PM, Richard S. Hall wrote:
 On 4/16/12 15:10 , Michiel Vermandel wrote:

 I am experimenting with Felix and Gemini JPA.

 I encounter an issue when I 
 useexclude-unlisted-classesfalse/exclude-unlisted-classes  in the 
 The Gemini JPA example then produces a nullpointer exception.
 In the BunldeArchive.getEntries they use the current bundle to get all 
 .class entries in this way:
 entries = bundle.findEntries(.,*.class, true);
 If I try that myself - for example in the start method of the bundles 
 activator, this statement produces a null object.

 however entries = bundle.findEntries(/,*.class, true);
 produces a enumerator with all class files.

 Could it be that Eclipse Equinox produces a valid entries list with 
 findEntries(. and Felix requires findEntries(/ ?

 Looks like that is the case. The spec says this: public EnumerationURL findEntries ( String path , String 
 filePattern , boolean recurse )
 path - The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the 
 root of this bundle and may begin with /. A path value of / indicates 
 the root of this bundle.

 It looks like the Gemini guys rely on non-standard behavior provided by 
 Equinox, at least according to my interpretation of the spec. Perhaps you 
 should file a bug against Gemini and ask them to use /.

 - richard

 Any ideas how to solve this?

 Thanks a lot!
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Issues while updating gogo bundles

2012-04-02 Thread Lucas Galfaso
  It looks like there are some issues while refreshing gogo bundles

This is what you get when updating gogo runtime

Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo

g! lb
   ID|State  |Level|Name
0|Active |0|System Bundle (4.0.2)
1|Active |1|Apache Felix Bundle Repository (1.6.6)
2|Active |1|Apache Felix Gogo Command (0.12.0)
3|Active |1|Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (0.10.0)
4|Active |1|Apache Felix Gogo Shell (0.10.0)
g! update 3
Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo

g! lb
gosh: java.lang.IllegalStateException: session is closed
gosh: stopping framework
[here, the framework stops]

And this is when updating gogo shell

Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo

g! lb
   ID|State  |Level|Name
0|Active |0|System Bundle (4.0.2)
1|Active |1|Apache Felix Bundle Repository (1.6.6)
2|Active |1|Apache Felix Gogo Command (0.12.0)
3|Active |1|Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (0.10.0)
4|Active |1|Apache Felix Gogo Shell (0.10.0)
g! update 4
Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo

g! lb
gogo: CommandNotFoundException: Command not found: l
gogo: CommandNotFoundException: Command not found: b
[here the shell is very close to unusable]

Are these bundles meant to ever be refreshed?


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Re: Exposing/Including dependencies to/in Bundles

2012-02-27 Thread Lucas Galfaso

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 4:45 PM, David G. wrote:
 Quick question about including/exposing dependencies for bundles running 
 under felix.

 As I understand it, there are predominantly 2 ways of exposing 3rd party libs 
 for use in our bundle:

 1) Include the 3rd party jar files in the bundle's /lib folder - which 
 exposes all packages of the jar(s) to the code in the bundle.

Just to add to what Richard pointed out, there is no need to export
these external libs.

 2) Package the 3rd party jar/jars as an OSGi bundle, exporting the requisite 
 packages in the bnd by way of the manifest.

 I seems like the first strategy encourages potential for future conflicts (if 
 another bundle exports the same packages) but reduces the dependencies for 
 the bundle, since its self-contained.

Here I agree with Richard, I do not see how this causes future conflicts.

 The second strategy allows for reusability of code (all bundles that need 3rd 
 party library X can get the dependencies for the same bundle) however this 
 adds extra dependencies to the bundle deployment lifecycle (you may have 
 ensure that when Bundle A is deployed, there is process in place to deploy 
 3rd party bundles X, Y and Z).

  - Thoughts around when to use one over the other?

In a perfect OSGi world, the later approach is best, unluckily for us,
we are not in that world. Here is where my experience differs from the
experience Richard had. We found that if we always aim for the later
approach we see two issues. (1) We go into a bundle-boom effect where
we end up with many bundles and it is very hard to know what depends
on what without a very high diligence and being sure that we do not
have superfluous bundles takes a lot of time, and (2) if we have to
work with legacy libraries that expect a single class loader that has
it all, then the former approach makes everybody's life a lot easier.

 - Are there any other dangers to using either method I didn't outline above?

Here I agree with Richard, both ways work well, but there is no one
size fits all approach. You can mix and match both approaches as

  - Any other options?

When we go for the later approach, we try to keep everything into two
types of bundles. (1) Bundles that just expose the interface to a
service, and (2) bundles that export as few packages as possible and
all the services definitions are declared thru DS (and, if possible,
we export no package and only import the definition from the services
we want to expose)

Just to be clear, we do know that this approach does use more memory,
does not allow for class loader short circuits and the class loader
has to work more (once).



 David Gonzalez
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Re: Could not create framework :java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework ?

2011-06-20 Thread Lucas Galfaso
  In a strict sense, if you include osgi.core.jar v4.3, then you will
fix this, but this is embedded inside the felix framework jar. What
version of Felix are you using?


On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Gaetan Abessolo wrote:
 Could not create framework 
 :java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework ?

 how to solve this problem ?
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Re: Implementing the OSGi logging service

2011-06-07 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Just a note, even when the approach you are following to have a Log
Service implementation that uses SLF4J would work, the overall
strategy would be wrong. It is a cleaner implementation to keep the
existing Log Service and create a bundle that registers a LogListener
that sends the LogEntry to SLF4J.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:07 PM, Richard S. Hall wrote:
 On 6/7/11 15:52, Christopher BROWN wrote:

 Thanks Richard.  I'd tried looking at the OSGi alliance, just saw docs
 and specs...  Anyway followed your advice, seems fine, so I'm assuming
 all that remains to be done is to extract the org.osgi.service.log
 classes from the JAR and rebuild the MANIFEST.MF to reflect the API
 export and build my implementation.

 Just to be clear, the JAR file includes the source files too, so you can
 just copy them into your project if you want, not merely the classes.

 - richard

 Will get on with that now :-)


 On 7 June 2011 21:20, Richard S.  wrote:

 On 6/7/11 15:09, Christopher BROWN wrote:


 I chose Felix to add embedded OSGi capabilities to an existing host
 application, and am happy with that choice.  The host application
 already uses a logging framework (SLF4J with Logback Classic as the
 bound implementation), so I exported the SLF4J API -- not the Logback
 implementation -- using system packages extra and that's fine too.

 However, I'd like to provide an implementation of the standard OSGi
 logging service APIs that delegates logging to SLF4J so that I can
 hide that implementation choice a bit more.  The felix logging
 implementation bundle includes both the API and the Felix

 My question is: where can I get the logging API without the Felix
 implementation?  I'd like to get it from the same source as Felix,
 without having to hack at the Felix bundle to strip out the
 implementation that isn't necessary in my situation.

 Just download the org.osgi.compendium JAR file from the Maven repo, it
 contains the source code as well as the class files.

 You can also get it directly from the OSGi Alliance.

 -  richard


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Low ports and non-root

2011-04-03 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Hi all,
  In an application we are developing we need to open low ports and
run as another user with lower permissions than root. To do this we
have plan to
  - Start Felix as root
  - Have a bundle with native bindings that knows when all the
required ports are open
  - This native bundle will then change the current user from root to
the right one

The problem we have is that the application will need a full restart
to update the bundle that serves the web app. The question we are
facing is that just like any other resource, a server socket is
something that should be opened once (by one bundle or the framework
itself) and given to the specific bundle that needs it, do you know if
there is any such an effort to make any of the current standard
bundles work this way?
I know there are many workarounds possible, but it just feels natural
for the server socket resource to be provided as a service that the
Http Service (or any other service that needs a server socket
resource) requests. I also know that an update on this other bundle
will imply a restart, but I think an update here would be unusual at


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2010-06-13 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Hi All,
  I am trying to figure out how EventAdmin actually works. Is it
possible for an EventAdmin implementation to call an
EventHandler::handleEvent while this handler is processing another
event by another thread? Is this different if the event is synchronous
or asynchronous? And if the event that is waiting to be processed was
triggered by the same EventHandler?


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OSGi and Jaas (Authentication)

2009-03-29 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Hi All,

  I am working on a project were we are trying to prototype the
exposure  of some of Jaas functionality in an OSGi way. For the
authentication part, the requirement was the following:
  - You should be able to authenticate users using the current Jaas mechanism
LoginContext ls = new LoginContext(name,...);
  - There has to be a mechasnism to define new LoginModule(s) and bind
a new AppConfigurationEntry[] to a login context name.
  - There should be a mechanism to bind a LoginModule to a realm.
  - There should be a mechanism to define new realms.

The approach was the following:
  - Bundle 1:
. Defines an interface so new bundles can define a new
AppConfigurationEntry[] and bind it to a name (defining a new OSGi
. Defines the interface for a realm.
. Overrides the default Configuration with a new implementation
that looks for the service that specifies an AppConfigurationEntry[]
for a given name.
  - Bundle 2:
. Implements a new LoginModule, the binding of this LoginModule is
done using the configuration admin service.
. Specifies a new AppConfigurationEntry[] (this may be done in
another bundle).
  - Bundle 3:
. Defines the realm
  - Bundle 4
. Performs the login.

Now LoginContext performs the following to load the LoginModule
(slightly simplified)
contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
c = Class.forName(loginModuleName, true, contextClassLoader);
constructor = c.getConstructor(...);
module = constructor.newInstance(...);

So, to make this work, we need to force Bundle 4 (and every bundle
that performs a login) to execute
before performing the login and to have
Dynamic-Import: *

Is there a better way for this? Is this the standard pattern to work
around this specific issue? It looks like asking dynamic import * and
asking to setup the classloader is asking for too much.


PS: I will post the questions we had on the authorization part of Jaas
into another email as the use cases are more complex.

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Re: Felix and Fragments

2009-03-03 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Hi All,

 Once we get the next release (1.6.0) out, I will once again try to make some
 time to further this part of the implementation.

 - richard

Is there a roadmap that has a (tentative) feature/release at the site?
The feature that I would like to know if/when it will be implemented
is boot classpath extensions (and I do know that this cannot be
implemented in a portable way).


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Re: Bundle update not following the spec?

2008-06-24 Thread Lucas Galfaso
Thanks Richard. It is perfect!

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Richard S. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I updated the FAQ, does it make more sense now?

 - richard

 Lucas Galfaso wrote:


 The standard also reads
 4.3.10 Updating Bundles
 The update process supports migration from one version of a bundle to
 a newer version of the same bundle. The exports of an updated bundle
 must be immediately available to the Framework. If none of the old
 exports are used, then the old exports must be removed. Otherwise, all
 old exports must remain available for existing bundles and future
 resolves until the refreshPackages method is called or the Framework
 is restarted.

 Now, this is somehow different from what
 reads, this may not be too bad as you may say that the wiki is just
 slightly incomplete. Just as I said, not Not too bad.

 Why is it incomplete?

 The wiki reads (cut some cutpaste to make it clearer)

  1. Your bundle does not export any packages.
 - The updated classes should become available immediately.
  2. Your bundle exports some packages, but does not import those same
 - The updated classes should become available immediately.
 - However other bundles using the exported packages from the
 updated bundle will not start using the new classes until
 PackageAdmin.refreshPackages() is called (this can be invoked in the
 Felix shell using the refresh command).
  3. Your bundle exports some packages and also imports those same
 packages (see the importing and exporting FAQ below).
 - Neither the updated bundle nor any bundles importing packages
 from the updated bundle will see any updated classes until the
 packages are refreshed.

  1. If no bundle is wired to the old module by the use of an import or
 dynamic import.*
 - The updated classes should become available immediately.
 - The old module will be removed and cannot be used to resolve a
 * Note: If your bundle does not export, then no bundle can create a wire
 to it.

  2. There is a bundle wired to old module by the use of an import or
 dynamic import (this bundle may be the same bundle being updated).
 - Existing wires to this bundle will not start using the new
 classes until PackageAdmin.refreshPackages() is called.
 - The old module will remain and may be used to resolve a bundle
 until PackageAdmin.refreshPackages() is called.
 - New bundles and bundles that are updated may use the new or old
 module of the updated bundle.
 - All bundles using dynamic import may pick the new or old module
 of the updated bundle when creating a new wire.

 Is the above right? Even if the above is right, I think that using a
 simpler wording is better as a simplified interpretation of the FAQ
 may be after you update a bundle, execute a refresh and this is what
 90% of the users want to know.

 Now, the issue is that using the Felix IModule naming, would it be
 correct to say that the spec implies that:
 - If we have a module X that is being updated, and there is another
 module Y that is wired to X, then X must remain available to future
 resolves. This future resolves includes new bundles.



 Hope this helps.

 It helped a lot, huge thanks.




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Re: Bundle update not following the spec?

2008-06-16 Thread Lucas Galfaso

 The standard also reads
 4.3.10 Updating Bundles
 The update process supports migration from one version of a bundle to
 a newer version of the same bundle. The exports of an updated bundle
 must be immediately available to the Framework. If none of the old
 exports are used, then the old exports must be removed. Otherwise, all
 old exports must remain available for existing bundles and future
 resolves until the refreshPackages method is called or the Framework
 is restarted.

 Now, this is somehow different from what
 reads, this may not be too bad as you may say that the wiki is just
 slightly incomplete. Just as I said, not Not too bad.

 Why is it incomplete?

The wiki reads (cut some cutpaste to make it clearer)

 1. Your bundle does not export any packages.
 - The updated classes should become available immediately.
 2. Your bundle exports some packages, but does not import those same packages.
 - The updated classes should become available immediately.
 - However other bundles using the exported packages from the
updated bundle will not start using the new classes until
PackageAdmin.refreshPackages() is called (this can be invoked in the
Felix shell using the refresh command).
 3. Your bundle exports some packages and also imports those same
packages (see the importing and exporting FAQ below).
 - Neither the updated bundle nor any bundles importing packages
from the updated bundle will see any updated classes until the
packages are refreshed.

 1. If no bundle is wired to the old module by the use of an import or
dynamic import.*
 - The updated classes should become available immediately.
 - The old module will be removed and cannot be used to resolve a bundle.
* Note: If your bundle does not export, then no bundle can create a wire to it.

 2. There is a bundle wired to old module by the use of an import or
dynamic import (this bundle may be the same bundle being updated).
 - Existing wires to this bundle will not start using the new
classes until PackageAdmin.refreshPackages() is called.
 - The old module will remain and may be used to resolve a bundle
until PackageAdmin.refreshPackages() is called.
 - New bundles and bundles that are updated may use the new or old
module of the updated bundle.
 - All bundles using dynamic import may pick the new or old module
of the updated bundle when creating a new wire.

Is the above right? Even if the above is right, I think that using a
simpler wording is better as a simplified interpretation of the FAQ
may be after you update a bundle, execute a refresh and this is what
90% of the users want to know.

 Now, the issue is that using the Felix IModule naming, would it be
 correct to say that the spec implies that:
 - If we have a module X that is being updated, and there is another
 module Y that is wired to X, then X must remain available to future
 resolves. This future resolves includes new bundles.



 Hope this helps.

It helped a lot, huge thanks.




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