Re: Still problems using the installer

2017-06-02 Thread Josh Tynjala
I don't know exactly what is planned for the Flex SDK Installer. However,
for the Feathers SDK Manager, I'm waiting on Adobe to release a stable
build of AIR that supports 64-bit Windows captive runtime. They had a beta
on Adobe Labs, but I'm not sure when they plan to release a stable version.

For those who are not aware why this error happens, here's the gist: The
file size of the AIR 25 SDK is significantly larger than previous SDKs, and
a 32-bit version of AIR can't allocate enough memory to properly download
it and unzip it. 64-bit apps are able to allocate more memory, so this
error will not happen with a 64-bit version of AIR.

Hypothetically, some of the code in the installer, and the unzip library it
uses, could probably be rewritten to use URLStream and FileStream to load
only a small portion of the file into memory at a time. I'm not familiar
enough with the zip file format to tackle that part, but if Adobe takes
much longer on 64-bit Windows support, I guess I'll have no choice but to
dig in and figure it out. Unfortunately, I also haven't been able to
reproduce this issue in my Windows VM, so that's going to be a challenge.

- Josh

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Hans Nuecke  wrote:

> Since a long time the installer (Flex, AIR) always stops with an error
> after downloading the air SDK:
> Installation abgebrochen (Installation aborted)
> Error #1000
> Lade Adobe AIR Runtime Kit für Windows von:
> ir/win/download/25.0//
> I know this can be fixed in downloading the air sdk directly using that
> link or from
> But especially for people considering starting with Flex this can be a
> pain and show stopper.
> Is it just me or is this still a know and accepted/ignored problem?
> I know you have a lot of tings on your plate, that's why I waited at least
> half y ear before asking ;-)
> Thanks for (at least) an update on the status!
> Regards
> Hans
> --

Re: Datagrid Sorting Problem on Mobile

2017-06-02 Thread Fréderic Cox
bilbosax wrote
>  So it is happening straight down the middle of the iPad.  SURELY, there
> is nothing that I am doing to cause this, is there?

Thanks for this info, it is very valuable. It got me to the cause of the
problem. The problem is in spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup, in there
is a function mouseEventHeaderView which is called to determine which column
was touched. In there a function containsMouseEvent is called on the
spark.components.gridClasses/GridColumnHeaderView. In that function we find
the following code:

 public function containsMouseEvent(event:MouseEvent):Boolean
const eventStageX:Number = event.stageX;
const eventStageY:Number = event.stageY;
const origin:Point = localToGlobal(zeroPoint);

origin.x += horizontalScrollPosition;
if (layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.RTL)
origin.x -= width;

origin.y += verticalScrollPosition;

return (eventStageX >= origin.x) && (eventStageY >= origin.y) && 
(eventStageX < (origin.x + width)) && (eventStageY < (origin.y +

The problem is that width is half the size as it should be. Now I am trying
to find the cause why this is an incorrect value and hope I find a fix. Any
help appreciated!

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Re: Datagrid Sorting Problem on Mobile

2017-06-02 Thread Fréderic Cox
I'm having the exact same issue and it is driving me nuts! For me it is the
first 4 columns that are working but the others are not. Did you ever find a
solution to this problem?

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