Creating Slider in FlexJS

2017-01-05 Thread Lane
I'm working with Flashbuilder 4.7 and FlexJS 0.7.0 on Windows 10. The 
following code generates a slider on the Run command. However, it does not 
generate a slider when I do a release build. Is there something very obvious 
that I am missing?

Thanks so much,


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Re: Compiler directive

2016-12-05 Thread Lane
That is exactly what I am looking for.

Thanks so much,


-Original Message- 
From: OmPrakash Muppirala 
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 1:30 AM 
Subject: Re: Compiler directive 

I think this is what you are looking for


On Dec 4, 2016 10:29 PM, "Lane"  wrote:

I've got a mobile Android Flex app that is skinned with older mobile
components. I recently updated the app with a newly compiled version and it
has newer skins. For instance, on the tabs there is now a horizontal line.
The spinner wheel has a much lighter shade. I don't like the new washed-out

I think I used a compiler directive before to suppress this, but can't find
a record now of what I did. I'd be grateful if you could help remind me of
what is necessary to move back to the old look.



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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Compiler directive

2016-12-04 Thread Lane
I've got a mobile Android Flex app that is skinned with older mobile 
components. I recently updated the app with a newly compiled version and it 
has newer skins. For instance, on the tabs there is now a horizontal line. 
The spinner wheel has a much lighter shade. I don't like the new washed-out 

I think I used a compiler directive before to suppress this, but can't find 
a record now of what I did. I'd be grateful if you could help remind me of 
what is necessary to move back to the old look.



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Re: Slider and circular dependency

2016-10-28 Thread Lane
Thanks Alex. 


-Original Message- 
From: Alex Harui 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2016 9:22 AM 
Subject: Re: Slider and circular dependency 

On 10/27/16, 5:13 PM, "Lane"  wrote:

>Hi Alex,
>Thanks. I was placing the -remove-circulars in the wrong section. It
>after I applied the change, and then exited Flashbuilder completely and
>restarted it (just applying the change resulted in Flashbuilder being
>to find the program and delivering an error).
>There appears to be one final problem. I have an array. I want to sort
>array and have another array (not just a pointer to the same array). I'm
>using the following function:
>private function clone(source:Object):*
>var myBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
>myBA.position = 0;
>ByteArray appears to be related to Flash and doesn't compile. What
>substitute would one use in FlexJS?

We won't have a good clone() or deep copy mechanism until we get further
down the AMF path.
I'm sure you realize you can copy an Array of simple values via
Array.slice();  If you want to contribute a deep copy algorithm, you can
try using the Reflection APIs to do it.


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Re: Slider and circular dependency

2016-10-27 Thread Lane
Hi Alex,

Thanks. I was placing the -remove-circulars in the wrong section. It worked 
after I applied the change, and then exited Flashbuilder completely and 
restarted it (just applying the change resulted in Flashbuilder being unable 
to find the program and delivering an error).

There appears to be one final problem. I have an array. I want to sort the 
array and have another array (not just a pointer to the same array). I'm 
using the following function:

private function clone(source:Object):*
var myBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
myBA.position = 0;

ByteArray appears to be related to Flash and doesn't compile. What 
substitute would one use in FlexJS?

Thanks again,


-Original Message- 
From: Alex Harui
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Slider and circular dependency

On 10/27/16, 1:38 AM, "Lane"  wrote:

>The section on Circular Dependencies on the Apache site suggests that one
>might perhaps use the "-remove-circulars option" on the compiler (with
>word remove crossed out in the HTML which I find a bit puzzling). When I
>place the expression "-remove-circulars" (without the quotes) in the
>compiler (Project-Properties-Flex Compiler-Additional Compiler
>it is not accepted. Is this the best way to handle this particular
>dependency, and if so, what precise expression does one place in the
>compiler as an option so that it will be accepted?

From the menus: Run
  External Tools
   External Tools Configuration

Select: FlexJS (FalconJX Debug and Release Build)

And add -remove-circulars to the beginning of arguments list.

It may not work if you add it after the -fb argument.


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Slider and circular dependency

2016-10-27 Thread Lane
I'm preparing a release version of what appears to be a stable FlexJS 
program (my special thanks to those who have made this possible). It 
contains a slider, generated as follows:

The sliderChange method accesses the value of the slider, which by 
definition is always current after a mouseUp.

Two questions:

1) I am using mouseUp because there is apparently no change property 
activated yet for a Slider in FlexJS. It's not perfect, but it does the job 
(as long as one does not move the mouse a long distance from the slider 
before releasing it, or off the app itself, yielding an error). Is there a 
better way to capture slider movement than mouseUp and then slider.value?

2) To release the program, I go to Run, Express Tools, and then Option 7 
(Flashbuilder 4.7). I am receiving the following error:

Oct 27, 2016 4:52:41 PM 
SEVERE: ERROR - Circular dependency detected: org.apache.flex.html.Slider -> 
org.apache.flex.html.beads.controllers.SliderMouseController -> 

The section on Circular Dependencies on the Apache site suggests that one 
might perhaps use the "-remove-circulars option" on the compiler (with the 
word remove crossed out in the HTML which I find a bit puzzling). When I 
place the expression "-remove-circulars" (without the quotes) in the 
compiler (Project-Properties-Flex Compiler-Additional Compiler Operations), 
it is not accepted. Is this the best way to handle this particular circular 
dependency, and if so, what precise expression does one place in the 
compiler as an option so that it will be accepted?



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Tabbing in FlexJS Freezes

2016-10-24 Thread Lane
I modified the JSStore example to a simple tabbed template, using only two 
of the tabs and not displaying the third (but leaving unchanged the code 
that handles the third). I have received this error twice at run time. The 
app compiles and runs, the following notice comes up, and then after a few 
seconds the browser crashes (I have a few seconds to grab the text before 
everything freezes). If I start an entirely new project and copy over code 
(usually moving back a bit in the development process), it goes away. The 
time during development at which the error appears seems unpredictable and 
not clearly linked to anything that I am doing.

Is this related to the tabbing in FlexJS and the complexity that I have had 
to comment out in the JSStore example (the error notice does mention 
StatesWithTransitions)? Is there template code somewhere for a stable tabbed 
application in FlexJS (no animation, nothing fancy, only two or three tabs)?

VerifyError: Error #1030: Stack depth is unbalanced. 2 != 0.

at org.apache.flex.core::ContainerBase/set 
at ColorsFlexJS/prebake2()[C:\Users\fries\Adobe Flash Builder 
at Function/



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Re: Load External File

2016-09-30 Thread Lane
Works like a charm.  Thanks.


-Original Message- 
From: Alex Harui 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 6:39 PM 
Subject: Re: Load External File 

For FlexJS, HTTPService has a send() method.  You would set the url
property before calling send().


On 9/29/16, 1:23 AM, "Lane"  wrote:

>I'm wanting to load an external file, as in:
>var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
>myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
>myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myFile.html"));
>It appears that there is no 'load' option yet activated under URLLoader
>FlexJS. Is there a way to do this, other than using URLLoader and then
>This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Load External File

2016-09-29 Thread Lane
I'm wanting to load an external file, as in:

var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myFile.html"));

It appears that there is no 'load' option yet activated under URLLoader on 
FlexJS. Is there a way to do this, other than using URLLoader and then load?



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Re: FlexJS tying into HTML

2016-09-27 Thread Lane
Thanks for the response.

I recall increasing difficulties working with html text in a TextArea when 
transitioning from Web to Mobile development. It wasn't always stable, even 
with very small files. I couldn't imagine that things would suddenly become 
easy again in a 0.7.0 beta which in essence is not only Web but also Mobile 
(because it runs in the browser of mobile devices).

The html property in the Text Area has all the functionality that I require. 
This is going to be a lot of fun.


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FlexJS tying into HTML

2016-09-27 Thread Lane
I'm really enjoying FlexJS. I can't believe that I'm using MXML and it's 
working directly on a browser. Finally, a way to build a platform-agnostic 
Rich Internet Application that can't be stopped by anyone!

One question: How does one bring up the functional equivalent to an 
ActionScript MXML TextArea that can handle html? Now that one is accessing 
javascript within a browser, is it possible in some way to tie into the 
browser? Just the simple things - bold, italics, centered headings, embedded 
images that move with the text. Is it possible to instantiate (using 
ActionScript) some explanatory html-formatted text with a few small embedded 
images when the user presses a button.

There are tutorials at but they 
don't seem to have what I need (or perhaps I don't recognize it when I'm 
staring at it).

The ideal would be to embed the formatted text into the application so that 
it looks like a TextArea. Failing that, I suppose a popup from the browser 
might work (if ActionScript can generate it and communicate with it). I'm 
not sure how a mobile device would handle that, or if users would like it.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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FlexJS setup

2016-08-26 Thread Lane
I'm setting up FlexJS on IntelliJ according to excellent detailed 
instructions at

On Run Debug, I'm getting the error:

Error:[HelloIDEA]: command line: unknown configuration variable 

Scanning the Web suggests that I need to fix the bat file in 
js/bin/mxmlc.bat. However, the suggested changes already appear to be made. 
What am I missing?

---current mxmlc.bat file

if "x%FALCON_HOME%"=="x"  (set "FALCON_HOME=%~dp0..\..") else echo Using 
Falcon codebase: %FALCON_HOME%

if "x%FLEX_HOME%"=="x" (set "FLEX_HOME=%~dp0..\..") else echo Using Flex 

 -Xms32m -Xmx512m -Dflexcompiler="%FALCON_HOME%" 
"%FALCON_HOME%\js\lib\mxmlc.jar" -js-output-type=FLEXJS 



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ios Provisioning Profile

2016-08-02 Thread Lane Friesen
Apple recently changed their policy. It is now possible for a non-developer to 
run a program from XCode on an actual iOS device. Is it possible to do the same 
from a Flex mobile program on IntelliJ?
JetBrain instructions at the following address seem to indicate that the answer 
is No. You need to log in as a developer in order to get a provisioning profile.
Is this old information? Is there now a way for a non-developer to run/debug a 
vanilla Flex program (same restrictions as with XCode) on an actual iOS device 
(personal device only) via a USB cable as can be done with XCode? I have both a 
Mac and an Apple so can use either platform.
For instance, does XCode generate a non-developer’s provisioning profile that 
can be referenced by IntelliJ? Where would it be located?

Re: Loading FlexJS example

2015-05-09 Thread Lane Friesen
Thanks Alex. It used to be so easy when everyone was using Flex. You googled 
and there it always was. Now one doesn't even know where to look for any 
up-to-date answers. It's all years old. I'll peruse this link and all that's 
connected to it.

Thanks for repeating what is stated clearly elsewhere. You are very patient.


From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Loading FlexJS example

Have you read [1]?

The key pieces are:

1) Create a new Flex web project called ChartExample that uses the FlexJS
1a) Ignore errors after the project is generated.
2) Copy all of the files from the examples folder, replacing

In theory, that should create a runnable SWF.

Then, to build the JS version, use the launch configs as described in [1].


On 5/8/15, 6:09 PM, "Lane Friesen"  wrote:

I have successfully added the FlexJS sdk to Flashbuilder. How does one
the ChartExample in the FlexJS examples folder into Flashbuilder 4.7 so
it runs?

One way that does not work. It does not work to import it as a Flash

Does one start a new mobile project and add the files? What theme does
use, in that case? The mobile theme? In that case, what about handling
re-orientation events?

What precisely is necessary in order to get this example to compile
successfully and place something into a browser?

Thanks in advance,


Loading FlexJS example

2015-05-08 Thread Lane Friesen
I have successfully added the FlexJS sdk to Flashbuilder. How does one load 
the ChartExample in the FlexJS examples folder into Flashbuilder 4.7 so that 
it runs?

One way that does not work. It does not work to import it as a Flash 

Does one start a new mobile project and add the files? What theme does one 
use, in that case? The mobile theme? In that case, what about handling 
re-orientation events?

What precisely is necessary in order to get this example to compile 
successfully and place something into a browser?

Thanks in advance,


Download of FlexJS; installing on Flashbuilder and IntelliJ

2015-05-07 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Alex,

Verbose logging was the key. It turns out the JAVA_HOME environmental 
variable was not set. The sdk (nightly build) downloaded successfully. I 
have successfully added the sdk to Flashbuilder. I have also successfully 
added the sdk to IntelliJ, using the 'Flex/Air SDK' option. So far so good 
on IntelliJ.

I notice that the sdk has a folder called Examples. If I can open and place 
into a browser one of the examples, for instance ChartExample, then I should 
be up and running. I would appreciate it if Chris could walk me through the 
'geek steps' involved in making this (I hope) final transition.

Then we'll see what this new beast can do.


From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: Download of 0.0.2 (with Jburg)

Try the nightly build.  Start the installer, right-click, choose “Show Dev
Builds”.  Also choose “Verbose Logging” and post the log if it fails.


On 5/7/15, 4:45 PM, "Lane Friesen"  wrote:

Hi Alex,

I tried the 0.0.2 (with Jburg) option. Same result - it stopped after
boxes. The log is as follows:

-- log begins

Version 3.1.0 (windows)

Using Locale: en_CA

Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.

AIR version 16.0

Flash Player version 16.0

Creating Apache FlexJS home

Creating temporary directory

Downloading Apache FlexJS

Verifying Apache FlexJS MD5 Signature

The Apache FlexJS MD5 Signature of the downloaded files matches the
reference. The file is valid.

Uncompressing: C:\Users\Standard user\Desktop\Apache

Finished uncompressing: C:\Users\Standard user\Desktop\Apache

- log ends

I gave it about 20 minutes to make sure nothing else was going to happen.

Best regards,


From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: AW: Possible FlexJS Port

Lane, please try the nightly build or the 0.0.2 (with Jburg) option.  If
it stops prematurely, post the log.


On 5/7/15, 3:52 PM, "Lane Friesen"  wrote:

Hi Chris,

As per Om's suggestion, I downloaded FlexJS using the SDK Installer. It
stops after four boxes. It did that twice. Is that the full download? (I
recall from previous e-mails that it can be necessary in the case of the
Flex sdk to try several times, especially when you are accessing the

Assuming it was the full download, I tried adding it to Flashbuilder as
additional sdk. It didn't recognize it as an sdk. I gather from your
here that I'm missing things.

If it's just a few steps of monkey see - monkey do through the 'Geek
to get it installed, then I'd like to do it. If things remain
after installation and into programming, then I'll wait for you to push
things down.

Best regards,


From: "Christofer Dutz" 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:18 PM
Subject: AW: Possible FlexJS Port

Well if you need help with that Flexmojos & Maven Geek stuff ... I'm
to assist you ;-)
But at the moment I do agree FlexJS IS definitely Geekstuf, but I'm
to push down the boundaries to intermediate level in the next few


Von: Lane Friesen 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015 02:14
Betreff: Re: Possible FlexJS Port

Hi Om,

That is truly amazing that a site with this kind of intricacy could
be ported into something that would run on an iPAD Safari browser,
the Apple AppStore.

I'm quite comfortable with pulling in screens one by one and adjusting
things until they run - that's my preferred method of development. If
are bugs, then I'll work around them. I'll find a way. What I'm not
about is how to install the FlexJS sdk. You mentioned in your talk
sdk can be installed on Flashbuilder. You did not mention IntelliJ. I
IntelliJ to be superior in just about every measure. Does it work on
IntelliJ? If not, then how precisely would one install it in

I am not at all familiar with Flexmojos or Maven or any of the
required to work with them. That stuff is complete Greek to me.
once I have an sdk installed on a system such as (hopefully) IntelliJ,
I'm off and running. Is there something like the Apache Flex SDK
that can download a FlexJS sdk, in the same way that one downloads

Thanks in advance,


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" 
Sent: Thursd

Download of 0.0.2 (with Jburg)

2015-05-07 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Alex,

I tried the 0.0.2 (with Jburg) option. Same result - it stopped after four 
boxes. The log is as follows:

-- log begins

Version 3.1.0 (windows)

Using Locale: en_CA

Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.

AIR version 16.0

Flash Player version 16.0

Creating Apache FlexJS home

Creating temporary directory

Downloading Apache FlexJS 

Verifying Apache FlexJS MD5 Signature

The Apache FlexJS MD5 Signature of the downloaded files matches the 
reference. The file is valid.

Uncompressing: C:\Users\Standard user\Desktop\Apache 

Finished uncompressing: C:\Users\Standard user\Desktop\Apache 

- log ends

I gave it about 20 minutes to make sure nothing else was going to happen.

Best regards,


From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2015 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: AW: Possible FlexJS Port

Lane, please try the nightly build or the 0.0.2 (with Jburg) option.  If
it stops prematurely, post the log.


On 5/7/15, 3:52 PM, "Lane Friesen"  wrote:

Hi Chris,

As per Om's suggestion, I downloaded FlexJS using the SDK Installer. It
stops after four boxes. It did that twice. Is that the full download? (I
recall from previous e-mails that it can be necessary in the case of the
Flex sdk to try several times, especially when you are accessing the

Assuming it was the full download, I tried adding it to Flashbuilder as
additional sdk. It didn't recognize it as an sdk. I gather from your note
here that I'm missing things.

If it's just a few steps of monkey see - monkey do through the 'Geek
to get it installed, then I'd like to do it. If things remain complicated
after installation and into programming, then I'll wait for you to push
things down.

Best regards,


From: "Christofer Dutz" 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:18 PM
Subject: AW: Possible FlexJS Port

Well if you need help with that Flexmojos & Maven Geek stuff ... I'm
to assist you ;-)
But at the moment I do agree FlexJS IS definitely Geekstuf, but I'm
to push down the boundaries to intermediate level in the next few weeks


Von: Lane Friesen 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015 02:14
Betreff: Re: Possible FlexJS Port

Hi Om,

That is truly amazing that a site with this kind of intricacy could
be ported into something that would run on an iPAD Safari browser,
the Apple AppStore.

I'm quite comfortable with pulling in screens one by one and adjusting
things until they run - that's my preferred method of development. If
are bugs, then I'll work around them. I'll find a way. What I'm not sure
about is how to install the FlexJS sdk. You mentioned in your talk that
sdk can be installed on Flashbuilder. You did not mention IntelliJ. I
IntelliJ to be superior in just about every measure. Does it work on
IntelliJ? If not, then how precisely would one install it in

I am not at all familiar with Flexmojos or Maven or any of the
required to work with them. That stuff is complete Greek to me. However,
once I have an sdk installed on a system such as (hopefully) IntelliJ,
I'm off and running. Is there something like the Apache Flex SDK
that can download a FlexJS sdk, in the same way that one downloads Flex

Thanks in advance,


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: Possible FlexJS Port

Here is the link to the video again:

Lane, I looked at the site.  It does not look too
difficult to convert it into a FlexJS application.  Although, I will
Alex or Peter answer this questions with more authority.

I do see that there are some audio elements used.  I am not sure if
supports audio yet.

Best approach would be to start playing with FlexJS and get comfortable
with getting the example apps up and running.  Then, you can start
the screens one by one to FlexJS.  If you run into issues, you can
ask here.  We can help answer and even better, add features to FlexJS

Hope that helps.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 2:03 AM, Miguel Ferreira <> wrote:

I missed the link can anyone share it again please.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Possible FlexJS Port
> Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 18:01

Re: AW: Possible FlexJS Port

2015-05-07 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Chris,

As per Om's suggestion, I downloaded FlexJS using the SDK Installer. It 
stops after four boxes. It did that twice. Is that the full download? (I do 
recall from previous e-mails that it can be necessary in the case of the 
Flex sdk to try several times, especially when you are accessing the builds 

Assuming it was the full download, I tried adding it to Flashbuilder as an 
additional sdk. It didn't recognize it as an sdk. I gather from your note 
here that I'm missing things.

If it's just a few steps of monkey see - monkey do through the 'Geek stuff' 
to get it installed, then I'd like to do it. If things remain complicated 
after installation and into programming, then I'll wait for you to push 
things down.

Best regards,


From: "Christofer Dutz" 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:18 PM
Subject: AW: Possible FlexJS Port

Well if you need help with that Flexmojos & Maven Geek stuff ... I'm here 
to assist you ;-)
But at the moment I do agree FlexJS IS definitely Geekstuf, but I'm hoping 
to push down the boundaries to intermediate level in the next few weeks 


Von: Lane Friesen 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015 02:14
Betreff: Re: Possible FlexJS Port

Hi Om,

That is truly amazing that a site with this kind of intricacy could 
be ported into something that would run on an iPAD Safari browser, 

the Apple AppStore.

I'm quite comfortable with pulling in screens one by one and adjusting
things until they run - that's my preferred method of development. If 

are bugs, then I'll work around them. I'll find a way. What I'm not sure
about is how to install the FlexJS sdk. You mentioned in your talk that 

sdk can be installed on Flashbuilder. You did not mention IntelliJ. I find
IntelliJ to be superior in just about every measure. Does it work on
IntelliJ? If not, then how precisely would one install it in Flashbuilder?

I am not at all familiar with Flexmojos or Maven or any of the 

required to work with them. That stuff is complete Greek to me. However,
once I have an sdk installed on a system such as (hopefully) IntelliJ, 

I'm off and running. Is there something like the Apache Flex SDK Installer
that can download a FlexJS sdk, in the same way that one downloads Flex

Thanks in advance,


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: Possible FlexJS Port

Here is the link to the video again:

Lane, I looked at the site.  It does not look too
difficult to convert it into a FlexJS application.  Although, I will let
Alex or Peter answer this questions with more authority.

I do see that there are some audio elements used.  I am not sure if 

supports audio yet.

Best approach would be to start playing with FlexJS and get comfortable
with getting the example apps up and running.  Then, you can start 

the screens one by one to FlexJS.  If you run into issues, you can always
ask here.  We can help answer and even better, add features to FlexJS as

Hope that helps.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 2:03 AM, Miguel Ferreira <> wrote:

I missed the link can anyone share it again please.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Possible FlexJS Port
> Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 18:01:40 +0900
> Hi Om,
> I watched your video with interest. Is it possible to translate the
> code
> found at into javascript using FlexJS? This
is an
> ancient and poorly organized Flash-based website that badly needs
> into the current edited version of the material (which has been
> extended
> into 650 lessons and tested over the past several years with 
> students).

> Could something similar to this code be ported into javascript through
> FlexJS so that it runs on a browser without the Flash plugin?
> Please note the tab structure on the bottom. Choosing a lesson from 
> the

> Lessons tab sets up exercises for that lesson in the other tabs. This
> is
> therefore a program with multiple aspects, not a web site in the
> ordinary
> sense.
> I own both Flashbuilder 4.7 and IntelliJ Ultimate and could use either
> as
> required. If it's helpful, I could send you the Flex-based Android apk
> of the current app, which is highly tested, popular with students and
> to final release, so that you can see exactly what would be involved 
> in

> actual port.
> Best regards,
> Lane.

Re: Possible FlexJS Port

2015-05-06 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Om,

That is truly amazing that a site with this kind of intricacy could actually 
be ported into something that would run on an iPAD Safari browser, bypassing 
the Apple AppStore.

I'm quite comfortable with pulling in screens one by one and adjusting 
things until they run - that's my preferred method of development. If there 
are bugs, then I'll work around them. I'll find a way. What I'm not sure 
about is how to install the FlexJS sdk. You mentioned in your talk that the 
sdk can be installed on Flashbuilder. You did not mention IntelliJ. I find 
IntelliJ to be superior in just about every measure. Does it work on 
IntelliJ? If not, then how precisely would one install it in Flashbuilder?

I am not at all familiar with Flexmojos or Maven or any of the manipulations 
required to work with them. That stuff is complete Greek to me. However, 
once I have an sdk installed on a system such as (hopefully) IntelliJ, then 
I'm off and running. Is there something like the Apache Flex SDK Installer 
that can download a FlexJS sdk, in the same way that one downloads Flex 

Thanks in advance,


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" 
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: Possible FlexJS Port

Here is the link to the video again:

Lane, I looked at the site.  It does not look too
difficult to convert it into a FlexJS application.  Although, I will let
Alex or Peter answer this questions with more authority.

I do see that there are some audio elements used.  I am not sure if FlexJS
supports audio yet.

Best approach would be to start playing with FlexJS and get comfortable
with getting the example apps up and running.  Then, you can start porting
the screens one by one to FlexJS.  If you run into issues, you can always
ask here.  We can help answer and even better, add features to FlexJS as

Hope that helps.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 2:03 AM, Miguel Ferreira <> wrote:

I missed the link can anyone share it again please.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Possible FlexJS Port
> Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 18:01:40 +0900
> Hi Om,
> I watched your video with interest. Is it possible to translate the 
> code

> found at into javascript using FlexJS? This
is an
> ancient and poorly organized Flash-based website that badly needs
> into the current edited version of the material (which has been 
> extended

> into 650 lessons and tested over the past several years with students).
> Could something similar to this code be ported into javascript through
> FlexJS so that it runs on a browser without the Flash plugin?
> Please note the tab structure on the bottom. Choosing a lesson from the
> Lessons tab sets up exercises for that lesson in the other tabs. This 
> is
> therefore a program with multiple aspects, not a web site in the 
> ordinary

> sense.
> I own both Flashbuilder 4.7 and IntelliJ Ultimate and could use either 
> as

> required. If it's helpful, I could send you the Flex-based Android apk
> of the current app, which is highly tested, popular with students and
> to final release, so that you can see exactly what would be involved in
> actual port.
> Best regards,
> Lane.

Possible FlexJS Port

2015-05-06 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Om,

I watched your video with interest. Is it possible to translate the code 
found at into javascript using FlexJS? This is an 
ancient and poorly organized Flash-based website that badly needs updating 
into the current edited version of the material (which has been extended 
into 650 lessons and tested over the past several years with students). 
Could something similar to this code be ported into javascript through 
FlexJS so that it runs on a browser without the Flash plugin?

Please note the tab structure on the bottom. Choosing a lesson from the 
Lessons tab sets up exercises for that lesson in the other tabs. This is 
therefore a program with multiple aspects, not a web site in the ordinary 

I own both Flashbuilder 4.7 and IntelliJ Ultimate and could use either as 
required. If it's helpful, I could send you the Flex-based Android apk file 
of the current app, which is highly tested, popular with students and close 
to final release, so that you can see exactly what would be involved in an 
actual port.

Best regards,


Re: Access mp3 files in iOS

2015-04-03 Thread Lane Friesen

Thanks Om.

This is valuable information. I suspect it will become a reference for other 
users with similar challenges in the future.

Thanks again,


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: Access mp3 files in iOS

Using Adobe AIR's File class would be the best option for this.  This 

ensure that the app works correctly in a cross-platform way.

Here are all the locations you can access on iOS:





Support/applicationID/Local Store




not accessible






not accessible

In your case, using File.applicationStorageDirectory
or File.documentsDirectory seems most appropriate.

There is a detailed reference here:

Hope this helps.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Lane Friesen 

In Android, a file myFile in directory myDirec on device storage is
accessed (read-only) by

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(file://mnt/sdcard/myDirec/myFile));

The files have been placed onto the device by the user previously, 

through a USB connection.

What is the best practice method for placing a directory with mp3 files,
xml files and images into local Apple iOS device storage and then 
the storage on a permanent basis later on from a Flex app, similar to 
I am doing with Android? Payment is not an issue. I am concerned only 
the convenience of internal storage as opposed to reliance on the 

Specifically, what is the best location to place the files? What is the
optimal way to load the files initially? What is the best way for Flex to
access the files?

Thanks in advance,


Access mp3 files in iOS

2015-04-01 Thread Lane Friesen
In Android, a file myFile in directory myDirec on device storage is accessed 
(read-only) by

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(file://mnt/sdcard/myDirec/myFile));

The files have been placed onto the device by the user previously, usually 
through a USB connection.

What is the best practice method for placing a directory with mp3 files, xml 
files and images into local Apple iOS device storage and then accessing the 
storage on a permanent basis later on from a Flex app, similar to what I am 
doing with Android? Payment is not an issue. I am concerned only with the 
convenience of internal storage as opposed to reliance on the Internet.

Specifically, what is the best location to place the files? What is the 
optimal way to load the files initially? What is the best way for Flex to 
access the files?

Thanks in advance,


Scaling an app

2015-02-15 Thread Lane Friesen

Some thoughts,

I do all scaling manually. First, I write all (non-animated) programming for 
600 pixel width and 1024 pixel height, hard-coded. Then I define a variable 

if(mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.aspectRatio == "portrait")
   screenRatio = (this.width)/600;
   screenRatio = (this.width)/1010;

Most (non-animated) components are then scaled in the init() function, as in 
component.scaleX = screenRatio, and component.scaleY=screenRatio. This 
automatically takes care of some fontScaling as well.

I set up an event handler in the init() section:


The function shiftTheFrame contains

if(mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.aspectRatio == "portrait")
   here I adjust component width and height for portrait view
   here I adjust component width and height for landscape view

This allows the device to be rotated. paddingTop for a TextArea and other 
parameters may need to be scaled as well and can be altered in a rotation. 
It can be easier to scale something like a button by scaling the label; this 
is done with code such as:

helpButton.setStyle("fontSize",new String(26*screenRatio));

Placement of scaled sections is best left to MXML, meaning that the 
components are defined using MXML and not dynamically by ActionScript.

Animations work faster in components that are not scaled. I thus place 
animations in segments defined by

component.height = this.height
component.width = this.width
or width=100% if defined in MXML.

These various corrections are placed not only in init() but inside 
shiftTheFrame as well, so that the component sizes are properly adjusted as 
the device is rotated. Sometimes it is easier to develop separate 
presentations for portrait and landscape view and then to adjust visibility 
in shiftTheFrame (component.visible=false or component.visible=true as 
required). Alternatively, components can be removed or added to other 
components as necessary (as long as they don't contains html; the coding 
will not fully survive a move).

Scaled and unscaled (animated) components are placed into the same page; 
that can be a bit tricky because MXML can no longer do this for you. For 
instance, one might define one component's position absolutely in relation 
to the x- or y-coordinate of some named aspect of another (the tricky part 
is that this does not always reflect the scaling). Also, you have to be a 
bit cautious with height; give it a bit of leeway because of differing 
aspect ratios.

A page with text that needs to be read must have options to alter the font 
size - some people like the text larger and others appreciate it smaller. I 
do that by placed html in the text such as . I then do a 
global search and replace for this text and replace the number with 
something else (eg 32), depending on how the size has been altered. I store 
the value in the persistence manager so that it is used and a replacement 
automatically made the next time the app is launched. This allows me to 
leave a TextArea unscaled; the adjustment for fontSize for various device 
screen densities is folded into the initial one-time sizing of the text as a 

I might add that I handle all persistence issues manually view by view and 
use persistence only in views or components that require it. Everything in 
one view is cleaned up manually before transiting to the next view. This 
creates a snappy and highly stable app even with something that finally 
becomes rather complex and even in some really old hardware.

I've generated an app (600 English lessons with integrated animated 
exercises backed by multiple hours of either on-device or on-demand audio 
presenting text with over 3500 new vocabulary words) using these techniques 
that scales seamlessly and automatically (same identical apk file) from 480 
X 300 all the way up to 2560 X 1600. It's just as fast with scaling as it 
would be if there were no scaling (since any sections that require 
animations remain unscaled; TextArea segments remain unscaled and thus 
continue to scroll smoothly and easily).


From: "Deepak MS" 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 1:29 PM
Subject: runtimeDPIProvider in mx:Application?

Just like retina display ipads, off late, there have been laptops with
higher DPIs. And we have some of our flex 3 applications in which all the
components look too small in overall size on screen in new laptops
(something like the screenshots shown here in this link: )

We can achieve it in flex 4 :

But I want to know if there is anything I can try to achieve it in flex 3
we applications, as it doesn't have "runtimeDPIProvider" property.

Appreciate your help.


Re: TLF tables examples

2015-02-13 Thread Lane Friesen
Thanks Piotr. I gather from your example that the following html code cannot 
be inserted into text.


That is, html markup has not been expanded to handle tables. Tables can be 
used only if coded specifically as in the example at Tables work only with RichEditableText and not 
with TextArea or anything else.


From: "piotrz" 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: TLF tables examples

Hi Lane,

Draft of the documentation provided by Harbs and Jude:

Some sample application with Tables:


Apache Flex PMC
View this message in context:

Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

TLF tables examples

2015-02-13 Thread Lane Friesen
Can someone point me to actual coded working examples of the use of tables in 
TLF in 4.14.0. Is there documentation?


Re: Downloading SDK Problem Solved

2015-02-04 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Alex,

Aha, that's it. Hate to admit it, but I'm still using Windows XP for 
production. Everyone else in our home is on Windows 7 and I maintain their 
machines, but mine still works great (never any problems before this one) 
and I've got a lot of integrated software on it.

Point is, I also always use Firefox and never IE. When I went to IE (version 
8) as you requested, it wanted me to load the latest Flash Player for IE. It 
installed OK but after a successful install no longer brought up the SDK 
Installer successfully. That's the problem. Something about the combination 
of Windows XP, IE 8 and the various versions of Flash doesn't mesh properly 
with the SDK Installer.

Of course, when I went to another machine, it was Windows 7, because no one 
else in our home is still on XP. Then it worked properly, even though I 
again used Firefox. I presume the IE libraries were OK on the newer machine.

Perceptive on your part,


From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: Downloading SDK Problem Solved

Hi Lane,

Glad to know you found a way to get working.  We just found out in a
different thread that some other user proved that the Installer uses some
Internet Explorer libraries to do downloads on Windows and by tweaking his
IE settings he was able to get things working.  When you tested manually
downloading the file that was failing for you, which browser did you use?
If not IE, can you try it with IE?  I think you were having an issue with
this url:


On 2/4/15, 12:58 AM, "Lane Friesen"  wrote:

It appears this error is computer-dependent. I used another computer to
download the 4.14.0 SDK using the Installer on the Apache Flex site - no
problems. Then I manually moved the downloaded 4.14.0 folder on the other
computer to a memory key and to the appropriate location in the sdks
within Flashbuilder on my own computer and hooked things up as normal.
Problem solved.

Thanks Alex for your helpful comments on Ant.


From: "Lise Friesen" 
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 9:06 PM
Subject: Downloading SDK

On the seventh box in the SDK installer, I get the error:

(IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable-false
text='Error #2032" errorID=2032)

I tried again; same error. Any suggestions?



Downloading SDK Problem Solved

2015-02-04 Thread Lane Friesen
It appears this error is computer-dependent. I used another computer to 
download the 4.14.0 SDK using the Installer on the Apache Flex site - no 
problems. Then I manually moved the downloaded 4.14.0 folder on the other 
computer to a memory key and to the appropriate location in the sdks folder 
within Flashbuilder on my own computer and hooked things up as normal. 
Problem solved.

Thanks Alex for your helpful comments on Ant.


From: "Lise Friesen" 
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 9:06 PM
Subject: Downloading SDK

On the seventh box in the SDK installer, I get the error:

(IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable-false eventPhase=2 
text='Error #2032" errorID=2032)

I tried again; same error. Any suggestions?



Re: Downloading SDK

2015-02-02 Thread Lane Friesen

Yes, I can manually download it. I have it in my downloads folder right now.

I do not have Apache Ant installed. I haven't worked with it before but I 
have seen what appear to be good instructions posted. I can download it and 
follow the instructions on installing the SDK with Ant if you would suggest 
going that route. I would then bypass the SDK Installer from now on.



From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 3:11 PM
To: "Lane Friesen" ; 
Subject: Re: Downloading SDK

Interesting.  Can you manually download ?

If you have Apache Ant installed, you can also try downloading the file from the link in the log, expanding it into a folder, making
that folder the current directory then running ant -f installer.xml


On 2/1/15, 6:42 PM, "Lane Friesen"  wrote:

Hi Alex,

Same error once again. Here's the log:

Version 3.1.0 (windows)
Using Locale: en_US
Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
AIR version 16.0
Flash Player version 16.0
Creating Apache Flex home
Creating temporary directory
Downloading Apache Flex SDK from:
Verifying Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature
The Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature of the downloaded files matches the
reference. The file is valid.
Uncompressing: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder
Finished uncompressing: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder
Downloading Adobe AIR Runtime Kit for Windows from:
Validating download: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder
Finished uncompressing: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder
Installing Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc from:
Validating download: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder
Downloading from:
 [get] [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false
eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]



From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 12:38 AM
To: ; "Lise Friesen" 
Subject: Re: Downloading SDK

Please post the log.
Sent via the PANTECH Discover, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Lise Friesen  wrote:

On the seventh box in the SDK installer, I get the error:

(IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable-false
text='Error #2032" errorID=2032)

I tried again; same error. Any suggestions?



Re: Downloading SDK

2015-02-01 Thread Lane Friesen
Tried deleting contents of folder, retaining only a named empty folder which 
is chosen then as the SDK destination, and loading only required items and 
not the optional items. Same error again.


From: "Mukesh Sharma 3" 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: Downloading SDK

I get the same error, delete the complete SDK folder and installed only
required items. This worked for me.

On 2/1/15, 5:36 PM, "Lise Friesen"  wrote:

On the seventh box in the SDK installer, I get the error:

(IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable-false eventPhase=2
text='Error #2032" errorID=2032)

I tried again; same error. Any suggestions?



Re: Downloading SDK

2015-02-01 Thread Lane Friesen

Hi Alex,

Same error once again. Here's the log:

Version 3.1.0 (windows)
Using Locale: en_US
Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
AIR version 16.0
Flash Player version 16.0
Creating Apache Flex home
Creating temporary directory
Downloading Apache Flex SDK from:

Verifying Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature
The Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature of the downloaded files matches the 
reference. The file is valid.
Uncompressing: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 
Finished uncompressing: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 
Downloading Adobe AIR Runtime Kit for Windows from:
Validating download: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 
Finished uncompressing: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 
Installing Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc from:
Validating download: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 

Downloading from:
 [get] [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false 
eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]




From: "Alex Harui" 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 12:38 AM
To: ; "Lise Friesen" 
Subject: Re: Downloading SDK

Please post the log.
Sent via the PANTECH Discover, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Lise Friesen  wrote:

On the seventh box in the SDK installer, I get the error:

(IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable-false eventPhase=2 
text='Error #2032" errorID=2032)

I tried again; same error. Any suggestions?



Re: Korean text not displayed on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro

2014-12-01 Thread Lane Friesen
Thanks Om. I see the approach you are taking. I'll explore the options and 
see what is possible.

Just as a general comment. I'm using Flex to build a rather complex app (600 
separate English lessons teaching 3500 new words with multiple instructional 
components, audio and games as rewards). I'm continually amazed at how well 
things work across devices (even down to Android 2.2 and quite primitive 
phones) and from Android to iOS to the web. The components are much more 
pleasing to the eye than stock Android elements. Why in the world would 
Adobe drop such a fantastic product, just when they had solved most of the 
problems? I can only imagine that the decision was imposed by a dumb CEO 
afraid of profits in the short term. Does anyone know the inside story 
behind the decision?


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: Korean text not displayed on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro

Have you tried using the 

If you are adventurous, you can get the nightly build and try
the spark.skins.android4.StageTextAreaSkin which has been newly added.


On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Lane Friesen 

I'm using a TextArea with the following parameters:

It's loaded by


I'm using Flashbuilder 4.7 with the latest updates. Korean text comes up
blank on a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro. There is no problem on the emulator or
on devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

I noticed others having the same problem:

Is there a workaround?


bouncing messages

2014-11-30 Thread Lane Friesen

Thanks for the note on the bouncing messages. It sometimes happens in Korea, 
though usually not with hotmail.

Best regards,


Korean text not displayed on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro

2014-11-28 Thread Lane Friesen

I'm using a TextArea with the following parameters:

	selectable="false" x="20" y="295"
paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="25" verticalScrollPolicy="on" 

height="200" width="550" fontSize="25" 
skinClass="" />

It's loaded by


I'm using Flashbuilder 4.7 with the latest updates. Korean text comes up 
blank on a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro. There is no problem on the emulator or on 
devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

I noticed others having the same problem:

Is there a workaround?
