Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-07-01 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Stephan,

On 01/07/11 10:00, Stephan Zietsman wrote:

I've had a look at the spreadsheet, and tried a few formulas.  It
seems that to do this with formulas is quite tricky and unfortunately
I couldn't get it done.  I tried a few different approaches and I
think it is technically possible.  However, I also think that it would
take quite some time to write such a formula (if it is indeed

As was mentioned before, it can be done with macros.  Would you
consider using a macro instead?

Continued thanks for all your efforts. If I could whip up a macro like 
buttered toast I'd do so, but unfortunately for me that would first 
involve giving myself a grounding in writing bespoke LO macros. I can 
however write a bit of Perl, and I've started trying to tackle the 
problem that way :-) Although I think I'll have to finish the current 
batch by hand for now, because unlike writing code at least that has a 
definite end point...

LO macros would definitely be a good skill to learn eventually, even if 
it's not at the top of my todo list at the moment. I haven't yet 
searched for any tutorials or the like, but I'd be interested to hear if 
you have any personal favourites which you think would suit someone who 
knows general programming and just needs an intro to the syntax, 
conventions and frameworks / objects involved in LO scripting.

That said, I've noticed there are at least four different languages one 
can use. I don't know if any of them would allow writing scripts which 
are broadly cross-compatible with other office suites (even if a little 
tweaking is needed) but my preference would be for that, so I could help 
non-LO-using friends and such.

Thanks again and best regards,


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[libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-06-30 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi all,

Is the operation in the subject line possible?

More info (maybe I'm asking the wrong question):

I have a (long) list of URLs, and want to categorise them. The 
categories themselves could be pretty broad: news sites, search engines, 
music sites, etc. Similar URLs (different pages on the same site) come 
up many times. So what I'd like to do is define regexes to say If the 
URL has '' in it, make it a 'News' site.

Sheet 1 (list to process; I want to insert the categorising function in 
col B)

A | B

Sheet 2 (columns of site name regexes; col A is news sites, B is search 
engines, etc)

A | B

cnn | google
guardian | duckduckgo
 | bing

The SEARCH function doesn't seem to take a range or array as its findtext.

Any ideas on how to go about this?

Many thanks!


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-06-30 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Stephan,

On 30/06/11 15:22, Stephan Zietsman wrote:

could you possibly upload a sample file to look at?  I have a possible
idea of what to do, but I think the best way for me to check would be
by using an example.

Thank you very much for the offer (and the upload site tip).

This is set up pretty much how I'd like it to work (without the looong 
list of input on the first sheet).

I wasted half my day Googling this and trying various things, and the 
IRC channel has declared it impossible without a macro.

If you've thought of a winning formula I'll be hugely grateful!



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

2011-06-30 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Jorge,

On 30/06/11 17:16, jorge wrote:

El jue, 30-06-2011 a las 10:09 -0600, jorge escribió:

I would suggest to do as this (If you have order the information as you
explain and show in your e-mail):

1) Sheet 1:


Thanks for your explanation. I get what you were saying, but what I'm 
looking for really is a way to avoid having to look at each and every 
URL in column A and in column B say which category they're in, whether 
that's indicated with a number or with the word 'news', 'search engine' etc.

I don't think I explained the problem very well to begin with, 
especially with my poor attempt at representing sheets with text (I 
forgot I could switch Thunderbird's mail editor to not use rich text :s)

You might get a better idea of what I'm after by looking at the example 
file ( ) 
but of course you've already spend time writing two emails, for which 
I'm very grateful :-)



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[libreoffice-users] Preserve non-sequential numbering?

2011-05-19 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello all,

Rather than spending a lot on statue books I'll only use once, I'm 
compiling a collection of legislation I need for an upcoming exam by 
taking the relevant provisions from a government website and arranging 
them in LO.

I've defined a Numbering Style for all headings: Act title, part number, 
crossheading, provision number, sub-provision. I only need certain 
provisions from  different Acts - Charities Act provision 13, Trustees 
Act provision 2, etc.

At first I tried arranging everything in the same document, but I found 
that even if I selected a certain provision (provision A)and 
explicitly started the numbering where I wanted (eg 13, by right-click  
Numbering/Bullets  Options tab  Start at ), this would change if I 
start inserting new provisions (provision B) from a different Act 
above provision A in the document. Then I thought I might be able to get 
around it by using a Master Document with sub-documents, but the 
numbering of provisions is still interdependent because they all use the 
same styles.

I realise most of you will read the above and say, Well, obviously - 
that it's all correct behaviour! It's just me having an awkward use-case 
where when I tell something to be number 13, I want it to stay number 13...

In terms of behaviour I was a little surprised that the Master Document 
solution didn't work, and more surprised that options set with 
right-click  Numbering/Bullet seem to affect the style itself, rather 
than the particular instance. As far as I can make out, this is in 
contrast to the behaviour of right-click  Paragraph options.

Is there any way I can get round this? Sections or something? Or will I 
just have to keep /completely/ separate documents and print them all one 
at a time?



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Same-line headings? (feature discussion)

2011-05-12 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On 12/05/11 05:24, toki wrote:

On 11/05/2011 16:19, Ryan Jendoubi wrote

I've seen in certain textbooks a style where a 'heading' will take the form of 
the first sentence of a paragraph. This seems impossible to do in LO,

Tutorial can be found at

Ha, never say never! Thank you for solving my immediate problem :-)

Do you think that a 'native' way to do inline headings is unnecessary 
then? I'd accept that most people who really want them would have the 
technical capacity to follow those instructions, but there are certain 
disadvantages, like the extra steps involved in editing the heading 
text, having to account for the space introduced by the 'invisible' 
line, etc.

I thought Todd's idea sounded very elegant: just introduce a 
character-level marker that would 'eat' a preceding newline (if that's a 
legitimate summary), which would be much better for his caption use-case.

In the meantime, this is a very clever solution.


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[libreoffice-users] Same-line headings? (feature discussion)

2011-05-11 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello all,

I've seen in certain textbooks a style where a 'heading' will take the 
form of the first sentence of a paragraph. This seems impossible to do 
in LO, since all Heading styles used for Outline purposes are paragraph 
styles. Is there any way around this? I can't think of one; I think it 
would be a feature to add.

I think it could potentially be achieved by making the 'newline' after 
paragraph styles optional. I know that could possibly break a lot of 
logic, but in the process of implementing it it would be interesting to 
look into another problem people have, whereby they would like the 
spacing after a paragraph to only appear when the following paragraph is 
a different style - in essence, to have attributes of paragraph styles 
conditional on context. It's been noted elsewhere that this ability 
would remove the need to have a set of three styles for list paragraphs 
(Start, Cont, End).

This is just daydreaming but it seems to me these two features might 
have some relation to each other. Thoughts?



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Ellison's Oracle washes hands of OpenOffice

2011-04-16 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On 16/04/11 07:09, aqualung wrote:

It could be risky for them to reveal much while the situation
is in flux. At the same time there are hundreds of thousands of users who
are probably quite anxious to find out what's in the cards for their
preferred office software.

I thought ODF was meant to free people from software lock-in? ;-)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] question

2011-04-13 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Csenger,

On 13/04/11 09:06, Csenger Attila Szabó wrote:

I know that those who get used to the menu-style won't like any other
solution, but you are not the only ones.
So what about the plugin/extension thing?

To answer your original question, I think it's safe to say that no-one 
is planning to make LibreOffice look like MS Office 2007/10.

That said, the LibreOffice developers include You, since it's all 
developed in the open. So if you think a lot of people would benefit 
from your idea, get stuck in.

Something like changing the whole GUI is a huge task, and I'd actually 
be surprised if you could achieve such a thing with the extension system.

However, there's been some talk on the Development wiki (admittedly on 
the Crazy Ideas page: of 
refactoring LO to use an external cross-platform GUI library. I think 
wxWidgets is a better choice than Qt (as commented on the wiki), and I 
know wxWidgets has a Ribbon interface that could be useful for doing 
what you describe. Check it out, it was a GSoC project:

So... go learn C++, refactor the entire LO codebase, *then* you can have 
your ribbon :p



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Re: [libreoffice-users] question

2011-04-13 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Csenger,

On 13/04/11 09:55, Csenger Attila Szabó wrote:

Unfortunately I can't program in any language, yet, because in this
year I'll go to university and learn it. :)

Y'don't need no fancy university to learn coding! Go search learn C++ 
or C++ tutorial and get started :-) I've never learned programming 
formally... which explains why I'm not great at it!... but really I 
think learning by doing is better than learning in a class. And that's 
more true for programming than almost anything else because All the 
tools and resources and peers and mentors you could need are right at 
your fingertips.

I'm particularly enjoying exploring the LibreOffice codebase 'cause 
they've got an OpenGrok set up, as well as Doxygen. Have a look around 
(I've linked to what I'm looking at currently):

Yesterday I set up Cscope so I can get those kinds of benefits directly 
from Vim (

Seriously, jump in. It'll put you five steps ahead for your upcoming 
formal studies Plus it's Fun, damnit :-)

I thought a new GUI wouldn't be too hard to create, because no change
would be in functionality, it just looks otherwise.

That's would be the ideal :-) Depends how well the code is structured 
though. I know for instance the designers of Ardour pride themselves on 
the fact that the GUI is completely separable from the backend engines. 
I just wouldn't take it for granted, especially with something of the 
size and complexity of LO.

I hope someone will be willing to help me in this project.
And I'm asking those who don't like the ribbon to be open-minded,
because this is (or would be) the power of open-source

Well, code is law after all. Fastest way to be listened to is make a 
proof of concept. See over-optimistic encouragement above ;-)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] INCLUDETEXT

2011-04-09 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Joseph,

On 05/04/11 17:38, Joseph Nierenberg wrote:

Unfortunately, the solution does not seem to work.

Hm. I tried it again, and it's working for me! I'll write below exactly 
what I did to test it. First though...

I played around with inserting sections, both as links and as 
links/DDE, but that didn't seem to work, either.

Yea, I couldn't get that one to work. Specifically, the conditions in 
the source document don't get applied automatically to the target 
document. So let's stay with conditional fields rather than sections.

Source document = where the text I want to include resides
Target document = where I want the included text to appear

When I copied the text of the source document and special pasted it 
into the target document, doing so as a LO Writer object inserted the 
whole text.  But doing so as a DDE object, which is what you 
suggested, does... nothing.  Nothing appears in editing mode, nor in 
page preview mode.  (I didn't look at the XML, because if the 
functionality isn't there, I don't really care what's under the 
hood.)  Special pasting the DDE link onto an existing piece of text in 
the target document deletes the pre-existing text but replaces it with 

Here's what I just did to test:

1. Ctrl-n to create a new document in Writer.
2. Ctrl-F2 for Insert Fields, tab over to the Functions tab, going for a 
Conditional Text.
3. Say my username (hence the name to which Writer attributes documents 
by default) is Ryan. To test, first put in an erroneous username:

Condition: user_firstname == alf
Then: Hi Ryan!
Else: You're not Ryan.
4. Insert, Close.

For me, this now shows: You're not Ryan.

5. Put cursor to start of the field, then Alt-E, i for Edit  Fields...
6. In the Condition input box, change alf to Ryan, hit Enter

Text in the document now shows: Hi Ryan!

7. Save document as doc1.odt.
8. Ctrl-n for new document.
9. Save it as doc2.odt.
10. Go back to doc1, select all, Copy.
11. Go back to doc2, Ctrl-Shift-v to bring up the Paste Special dialogue 
box. DDE Link is the last option, select it and hit enter.

doc2 now says this too: Hi Ryan!

12. Save and close doc2.
13. In doc1, edit our field again so that the Then text field reads 
simply: Salutations!
14. Hit Enter to get out of the Edit Fields: Functions dialogue and 
apply the change to the document.

doc1 should now just say: Salutations!

15. Save and close doc1.
16. Open doc2. Presented with a dialogue that says: This document 
contains one or more links to external data. Would you like to change 
the document, and update all linsk to get the most recent data? [ Yes ] 
[ No ]. Choose Yes.

doc2 now says: Salutations!

So, that's all I have to go on. I'd be happy to look at some minimal 
non-working examples if you want to send them off-list.

(Even if it worked, it would be a little kludgy, because a user would 
have to first go to the source document to copy.  If the target is a 
template, that wouldn't be too difficult, but it's not the same as 
browsing and clicking.)

I am in complete agreement with you there.

All the best,



On 1:59 PM, Ryan Jendoubi wrote:

Hi Joe,

On 28/03/11 19:39, Joe Nierenberg wrote:

I would like to include text from a closed file into the open file.
However, rather than have all of the text there, reproduced in the
open file, I want only the field name. (The reason is that it is
conditional text, that might not always be included.) According to my
searches, there is no LO Writer equivalent to MS Word's INCLUDETEXT
field; there is only the menu command to insert a file, which gives
the entire text. Ideas?

I /might/ have found an answer for this. The answer came from finding
out what DDE actually stands for. From the Writer help:


DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange, which is a predecessor of OLE,
Object Linking and Embedding. With DDE, objects are linked through
file reference, but not embedded.

You can create a DDE link using the following procedure: Select cells
from a Calc spreadsheet, copy them into the clipboard and switch to
another spreadsheet and select the *Edit - Paste Special* dialogue box.
Select *the Link* option to insert the contents as a DDE link. When
activating a link, the inserted cell area will be read from its original

I did this, copying a footnote field from one document and
paste-special-ing it into another (Ctrl-Shift-v). While editing, the
pasted field seems to contain only the text DDE field but a print
preview shows that it contains the proper value.

In order to get the fields to update you have to go Tools  Update 
Links rather than Tools  Update  Fields, so F9 doesn't do it (under
the default config). Also, links sometimes appear to become disconnected
(right-click  Fields...: 'Status' column for link no longer says
'Automatic'). I haven't been able to work out when / why exactly this

I haven't tried this with conditional fields. I would be very interested
to know

Re: [libreoffice-users] I am downloading LibreOffice to try it out.

2011-04-07 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Landis,

On 07/04/11 16:34, Landis Gurney wrote:

Is there a module like MS Outlook, that can be tied into MS Exchange mailboxes? 
 I also use MS Access to tie into another database's tables through ODBC, is 
that feature available?

LibreOffice doesn't include an email client. I would suggest you try out 
Mozilla Thunderbird instead :-)


-- Ryan

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Re: [libreoffice-users] I am downloading LibreOffice to try it out.

2011-04-07 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Diane,

On 07/04/11 17:25, Diane Marie wrote:

I have no idea what this means: LibreOffice doesn't include an email client. I
would suggest you try out Mozilla Thunderbird instead :-)

Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express are just email clients. Email 
clients are just programs that you run on your own computer, which 
download your email for you so you can read it. The alternative to using 
an email client is using webmail - viewing your email on the web 
somewhere, like Hotmail or Gmail.

So what I was saying was no, LibreOffice does not include an email 
module as you called it (it's more accurate to call them applications 
than modules).

And I was suggesting that if you want an alternative email client to any 
flavour of Outlook, you could try Thunderbird, which is a widely used, 
mature application developed by Mozilla, who also make the Firefox web 

To get a response to my original question, I enabled MS outlook Espress. That
didn't work?

I don't know what you mean here. But in any case, this mailing list is 
not for help with Outlook or general tech support, so if you're having a 
problem with Outlook you'll have to ask elsewhere.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Pie chart in .doc not showing.

2011-04-05 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi again Steve,

On 30/03/11 22:14, Steve Edmonds wrote:

I have a report in .doc format that has some pie charts (which seem to
be from an embedded sheet).
These show the labels but no pie in Suse 11.0 X-64, LO3.3.0, 3.3.2,
These show ok in OSX 10.6.7, LO3.3.1

Just upgrading the mac to LO3.3.2 the pies no longer show.

Something seems to have been fixed in 3.3.1 and then undone in 3.3.2.

I've been trying to reproduce your symptoms.

I can confirm that the pie doesn't show in LO3.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.4. Nor 
did the bars in the bar chart.

As I said, I've set up a LO build environment in the hope of narrowing 
down the regression between 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.

Unfortunately I've just built 3.3.1 and the pie is still not showing in 
my system - although annoyingly, the bars in the bar chart Are now 
showing. Would have been nice if it were the same issue at play for both 
types of chart, ey?

Questions now:

1) Did the bars in the bar chart show on your systems in 3.3.1 / 3.3.2?

2) What was the exact version of 3.3.1 which worked for you? The one 
I've built is:

LibreOffice 3.3.1
OOO330m19 (Build:8)
You can get this info in Help  About LibreOffice

Considering the difficulties I've had so far getting old versions to 
build, I have to again entreat you not to get your hopes up. But just 
maybe we'll be able to discover something and make things just a bit 
better for all LO users.

All the best,


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Re: [libreoffice-users] The text:s/ tag

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi James,

On 04/04/11 08:31, James Wilde wrote:

If this is a double post I apologise.  I can't see that the original message 
has appeared, neither in my in-box (no, I don't use gmail) nor in nabble.

I didn't see a double post :-)

I have had a problem arise in connection with converting an odt file to another 
format, mobi.  The problem is apparently caused by a mistranslation of a tag 
which occurs very often in LibO (and OOo) documents, the text:s/ tag.

Can someone please give me a pointer to a document that includes and explains 
this tag.

I found this:

Look under the Whitespace heading.

It looks like an oversight in the OASIS spec that text:s isn't 
actually spelt out, although they take the time to spell out text:c.

Does OASIS have a pretty open participation system like the IETF? Sounds 
like you should submit a patch for their docs which explains things 
better, after getting confirmation that link I found is accurate. The 
front page of that subdomain indicates that the material was originally 
published 30 Jul 2004, although the online version /may/ have been 
updated since then.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] broken documenatation link

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi \_w_/,

On 04/04/11 05:47, * William wrote:

I want to report a broken link on the get-help page.  This link to
'download documenation' falls over:

   - (goes clunk

Well spotted!

On, there's another 
list called

I'd suggest reporting it there, just in case those folks don't pay close 
attention to the users list.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't open files with special characters on their pathname

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Gabriel,

On 01/04/11 14:15, gabspeck wrote:

I'm using LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.10 (with the packages from the
official PPA).

Whenever I try to open a file with special characters on their pathname
(such as é, á), LibreOffice pops up the following message:

 does not exist.

However, it displays the pathname with garbled characters in place of the
special characters. For instance, for a file located at
/home/gabriel/Documentos/editáveis/documento.odt, the message is:

/home/gabriel/Documentos/edit??veis/documento.odt does not exist.

My LANG is set to en_US.utf8.

Has anyone else ran into this issue

I could not reproduce this on Ubuntu 10.4. I created a folder called 
editáveis like you did and tried an é in the file name, and 
everything seemed to work fine, both by using File  Recent, File  Open 
and clicking on the file in Nautilus.

However, I've been uninstalling  reinstalling new LibreOffice versions 
manually from the .debs rather than using any PPA. My version 
information in Help  About LibreOffice is:

LibreOffice 3.3.2
OOO330m19 (Build:202)
tag libreoffice-

Is this the version you're using?

Which of the three methods I mentioned are you using to open the document?



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Some ideas regarding LibreOffice development

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Ilya,

On 30/03/11 23:48, Ilya Chernykh wrote:

I just want to propose two ideas regarding LibreOffice which I feel important.

First, I think it would be great if LibreOffice set had its own browser.

With respect, I think this is a bad idea :-) Nothing makes a bad 
application like feature creep. Given there are already fantastic, 
freely available, open source browsers out there, I can see no reason 
whatsoever for putting a full browser inside of an office suite.

It's not just that it's a duplication of effort; I can't even see any 
reasons for this. I don't understand the reasons you gave.

- Make it easy to embed web pages in LibreOffice documents

What do you mean by this? Why would one want to embed a web page 
inside a document?
If one wanted to show something from a website to someone, one should 
use a screenshot, since the website in question might change at any time.
If one is interested in showing some particular data from the web, I 
believe LO has functions for importing data from online sources.

- Make interaction with online web pages easier

Again, how is a word processor document meant to interact with a web page?

- Provide a useful browser well integrated with other LO applications

Again, what does this mean? Why does a spreadsheet or database need to 
be integrated with a web browser?

which could be also well integrated with KDE4, KDE3, Gnome (as Libre Office is 

As I said above, there are plenty of browsers that run in all these 
environments. In terms of integration, if any desktop environment 
community wanted to integrate a browser directly into the desktop, I'm 
sure they would have done so. I would suggest the reason they haven't is 
that a browser doesn't belong in the desktop, just like it doesn't 
belong in an office suite ;-)

- It cannot resolve URLs provided as just a site name. I.e. it can open (  but cannot 
just (

That's because isn't a document - it's an address, which 
will first be interpreted by a DNS, which will direct your browser to a 
server, which will interpret your request and /maybe/ serve you a static 
page, but /maybe/ (and quite probably these days) will create something 
completely dynamic.

I might add that even though a URL ending in .htm implies that you're 
accessing an .htm document, there's no guarantee of that (if the site 
you're accessing particularly wanted to confuse people or obfuscate the 
way it worked).

- It displays the web pages in editing mode with service information which is 
not normally displayed in the viewing mode.

If you want to see what it looks like in a browser, why not go look at 
it in a browser?

- There are no navigational buttons and address bar.

Well, that's because it's a word processor.

Basically, Writer is not Dreamweaver, just the same as Microsoft Word is 
not Dreamweaver. If you're trying to use Writer to edit websites, I'd 
strongly suggest you check out KompoZer, Bluefish or Amaya instead, or 
Google open source web editor or something, I'm sure there are other 
projects I haven't even heard of.

I think you'll have much more success and be much happier using those 
tools than trying to use a word processor for something it's just not 
designed to do :-)

This hasn't been designed to just criticise your ideas for no reason - 
if there is a real problem with Writer not doing something it's supposed 
to do, I'd like to understand what that problem is. And at the same 
time, if you're really swimming against the current, trying to use a 
spanner to hammer in nails, I would like to see your needs satisfied in 
a better way, probably with a different tool.

Second, I suggest to make the Basic IDE a stand-alone LO component.

It can be currently started with command soffice .uno:BasicIDEAppear and as I 
know there is a separate icon for Basic IDE.

It would be great if a menu entry for this IDE was created by default, the menu 
of the IDE included all necessary entries for creating a new macro etc on their 
usual positions (i.e. in file menu) etc.

As creating a compiler could be a very difficult task, it still could be used 
as interpreter for creating separate VB script files and run them from the 
console much like Python interpreter does.

I haven't played with macros in LO much, but This sounds like a much 
better idea :-)

Best regards,


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Re: [libreoffice-users] About some problems

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Rezwan,

On 30/03/11 12:18, Md. Rezwan Saki Alin. wrote:

But, I face to some problem. When I type anything with 'Avro Bangla
Keyboard' then 'qutation' and some other items are broken. They are mixed
with the words.

*Main problem about 'Unicode Bangla Typing' are not support with
'LibreOffice' like 'MS Office 2007'.*

Do you have the appropriate language pack installed correctly?

What operating system are you using?

What exact version of LibreOffice and of the language pack are you 
using? (you can find this out from the menu About  About LibreOffice)

I'm unlikely to be able to help you, but perhaps if the problem can be 
diagnosed with sufficient specificity someone else might be able to do so.

Best regards,


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Add to Dictionary with Right Single Quote as Apostrophe

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi ssanders

On 30/03/11 18:10, ssanders wrote:

When I spell-check and add to dictionary, LibO fails to add any word with a
right single quote (’) as the apostrophe.

If I change the right single quote to a straight one ('), LibO will add the
word, plus it will remove the red underlines from any  matching words with
right single quotes too.

OOo behaves like this too last I checked.

You're right, this sounds like silly behaviour. There should be some 
smarts to realise that certain different characters can mean the same 
thing when acting as an apostrophe. I'd imagine the time to check it 
would be when the Add to dictionary function is called - if the word 
appears to contain a straight quote Or a single right quote, add one 
canonical version (maybe the single-quotes one) but let the spellcheck 
function accept both ' and ’ as matching.

Have you filed a bug report about this at

If not, I think you should :-)



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem selecting objects

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Linus,

Did you manage to solve your problem after upgrading to 3.2.2?

On 28/03/11 11:30, Linus Paulsson wrote:

1. I start a blank text document.
2. I insert a textField (textField A).
--- There is no problem selecting and deselecting textField A.
3. I import page style from another document.
4. I apply the imported page style to the (only) page.
--- There is still no problem selecting and deselecting textField A.
5. I insert a new textField (textField B).
--- There is still no problem selecting and deselecting textField A.
--- TextField B on the other hand is not selectable.

LibreOffice 3.3.1
OOO330m19 (Build:8)
tag libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.1-1ubuntu3~maverick

I tried to reproduce it on

LibreOffice 3.3.2
OOO330m19 (Build:202)
tag libreoffice-

...on Ubuntu 10.4.

I didn't know what you meant by textField. I thought you meant a Frame, 
since you didn't specify what kind of Field you used, which made me 
think you weren't talking about Fields (unless you just meant any old 
Field, I guess, but then your example still wouldn't really make sense).

Anyway, I couldn't reproduce the problem with Frames in 3.2.2. Please 
let us know if you've got sorted out yet.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with Impress.

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On 04/04/11 18:10, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:

Ok. I manually imported an image. I then stretched it to take up the full
size of the slide. I then sent to back. I saved it and re-opened it and it
appears now.

However, in my mind, we shouldn't have to do it that way. It's a pain and
not very intuitive. We should be able to just change the background on a
slide by slide basis.

Sure, I agree with you

Me too. Just 'cause there's a workaround doesn't mean it's not a bug.

Please consider filing a bug report on the LibreOffice bugtracker at (if you search and find it hasn't been 
reported yet).



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Re: [libreoffice-users] INCLUDETEXT

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Joe,

On 28/03/11 19:39, Joe Nierenberg wrote:
I would like to include text from a closed file into the open file. 
However, rather than have all of the text there, reproduced in the 
open file, I want only the field name.  (The reason is that it is 
conditional text, that might not always be included.)  According to my 
searches, there is no LO Writer equivalent to MS Word's INCLUDETEXT 
field; there is only the menu command to insert a file, which gives 
the entire text.  Ideas?

I /might/ have found an answer for this. The answer came from finding 
out what DDE actually stands for. From the Writer help:


DDE stands for Dynamic Data Exchange, which is a predecessor of OLE, 
Object Linking and Embedding. With DDE, objects are linked through 
file reference, but not embedded.

You can create a DDE link using the following procedure: Select cells 
from a Calc spreadsheet, copy them into the clipboard and switch to 
another spreadsheet and select the *Edit - Paste Special* dialogue box. 
Select *the Link* option to insert the contents as a DDE link. When 
activating a link, the inserted cell area will be read from its original 

I did this, copying a footnote field from one document and 
paste-special-ing it into another (Ctrl-Shift-v). While editing, the 
pasted field seems to contain only the text DDE field but a print 
preview shows that it contains the proper value.

In order to get the fields to update you have to go Tools  Update  
Links rather than Tools  Update  Fields, so F9 doesn't do it (under 
the default config). Also, links sometimes appear to become disconnected 
(right-click  Fields...: 'Status' column for link no longer says 
'Automatic'). I haven't been able to work out when / why exactly this 

I haven't tried this with conditional fields. I would be very interested 
to know if this solves your problem.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Debug information

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Daniel,

On 24/03/11 23:46, Daniel Espinosa wrote:

I'll try...

Any luck creating a minimal example? I'm afraid I don't have a copy of 
MS Office to try with.

Does the problem occur when editing just any footnote created with Word, 
or is there something else unusual about the document?

Which version of Word?

Which version of Windows?

Which version of LO?

Such info might help other people reproduce your problem :-)



2011/3/23 Miklos

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 05:51:04PM -0600, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:

I think that is very important for developers to get backtrace


on crashes of any component of LibreOffice, then why don't distribute


information DEB or RMP packages in pre-realises in order to help and add
this information to a bug report?

Have you tried constructing a minimal example that still reproduces the
crash but is no longer confidental?

That's especially important for regression testing.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] request a feature

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi
Sorry to revive an old thread, but in case any dev-minded people are 

On 24/03/11 03:47, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Yes, you can do THAT. But ...It switches lower case to upper case, but does not 
TOGGLE between
those two states. You need to assign lowercase (or initial caps for example) 
to a
different shortcut. (I hate MS Word, but at least it gives you the toggle 
between these
attributes - which is the convenience users (like me) are looking
for.) I have asked similar questions several times already (that was about
highlighting) Apparently, this is either technically not possible - or nobody
knows the answer.


I cannot understand why this is NOT available for attributes like
bold, highlight, upper case etc. Is there any essential difference between one 
font attribute and
another??? (again: I did ask this question many times already)

A generalised solution to this would be a ToggleMaker feature / plugin, 
which would let users assign any two styles to Toggle1, then assign 
Toggle1 to a shortcut key. Voila, everything toggleable, everybody happy.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Pie chart in .doc not showing.

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Steve,

On 04/04/11 22:42, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2011-04-05 04:12, Ryan Jendoubi wrote:

Hi Steve,

On 30/03/11 22:14, Steve Edmonds wrote:

I have a report in .doc format that has some pie charts (which seem to
be from an embedded sheet).
These show the labels but no pie in Suse 11.0 X-64, LO3.3.0, 3.3.2,
These show ok in OSX 10.6.7, LO3.3.1

Just upgrading the mac to LO3.3.2 the pies no longer show.

Something seems to have been fixed in 3.3.1 and then undone in 3.3.2.

Did you ever get an explanation for this?

The fact that you've narrowed it down could be very useful to developers.

Have you looked for relevant bugs on the tracker?

No reply to date.
No bug that I could find on the tracker.
I could file a bug and can supply the file off list to a developer.


Please do! And the bug tracker, unlike the mailing list, does allow 
attachments, so you could upload the offending file there.

Just don't hold out for a speedy solution from the developers (-: But a 
well-researched bug report (like you've done) is all one can do without 
diving into code...

Btw, I've noticed several other people recently asking about issues 
which have been fixed in previous releases. This is why a thorough 
test suite is important.

Anyway, thanks for helping the project forward :-)



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Re: [libreoffice-users] OpenOffice Spreadsheet LibreOffice Calc

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello rrand,

On 24/03/11 00:27, rrand wrote:

There is a difference in the way these two handle linked cells.  If you have
a cell linked to another spreadsheet in OpenOffice then if you open it in
LibreOffice the value is not automatically updated if it changes/or has
changed in the spreadsheet it is linked to.  LibreOffice seems to only
'remember' the old value even if you relink the cell.

This could pose problems when one wishes to no longer use OpenOffice in
favour of LibreOffice as you do not know if any linked values are being
updated properly.

I've not experienced your problem directly, but I know that in Writer 
the default settings for updating linked Fields are sometimes not intuitive.

Maybe there's a preference you can set somewhere about automatic vs 
manual updating of links?



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Filelist to short, option to show only filename?

2011-04-04 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Lennart,

On 23/03/11 08:51, Lennart Aangeenbrug wrote:

The filelist in File  recently used files is too short for me. I've
several files on a server and i see only the first 40 (?) characters. When
i've opened 8 files from the server, i see 8 times the path to the server
and some dots. Hoovering will not show me the filename.

Is there an option to show only the filename? Or to trim the entry to the
filename + first characters (like other programs do)?

As far as I know there's no option for configuring the recently used 
files menu at the moment.

But this sounds like a very nice, reasonable, simple enhancement request.

I'd encourage you to file it as an enhancement request for LibreOffice 



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bug in calc?

2011-03-28 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On 28/03/11 18:33, MR ZenWiz wrote:

Has anyone else seen this problem or something like it?  I can try
some more testing along these lines when I get back home later, but I
was curious if I'm alone on this one.  I'll file a bug if anyone else
can confirm this (didn't see one just now yet).

Can't reproduce on 32bit Ubuntu 10.4

-- Ryan

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Bug in calc?

2011-03-28 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On 29/03/11 00:51, MR ZenWiz wrote:

Clarification - Maverick 64-bit, LibO from TDF debs.

PS: Thanks for the Not seen here responses, but I don't really need
to know that.  I will assume a lack of response constitutes a
negative.  :-)

Noted - although if people posted enough detail about their systems, we 
might be able to narrow down the case.

Nice 64bit system you have there ;-)

Are you able to reproduce it again?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] build forms: how to

2011-03-27 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi Renato,

On 26/03/11 16:39, Renato Pontefice wrote:

I would use Form, to made mask to insert data on table.
I've many prob.

Is there some good guide to use it

Download chapter 8, about Base. The stuff about forms starts on page 16.

Don't know how good it is, but I hope it helps!


-- Ryan

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Impress: Importing multiple pictures, one per slide?

2011-03-22 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Jeff Praterj...@thoughtreactor.comwrote:

I need to make a presentation w/ 300 pictures. This is going to be a
relatively simple presentation--one picture per slide. Is there a way to do
this in Impress? I can't find an option to do this. I found a macro called
Photo Album Creator, but it doesn't work in LibO 3.3. Any ideas? Is this
possible because I really don't want to have to import 300 photos one at a
time. Thanks!

Jeff Prater

On 22/03/11 23:05, Jeff Prater wrote:

In case anyone is interested, I opened an enhancement bug to have this
feature added. Maybe I'll get lucky!

Jeff Prater

Sounds like a prime candidate for an extension, I imagine it could come 
up quite often, esp. for people planning Ignite talks and the like.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Ignore spacing before and/or after paragraph possible for paragraphs of same style?

2011-03-19 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

On 18/03/11 16:16, Sisyphos wrote:

is it possible to set this in writer? I would like to have no space
between several headlines, lists or numbered lists without the need to
define for each of that cases a new paragraph style.

I've had need for this recently too, would be interested to hear how to 
do it.


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[libreoffice-users] Styles and keyboard shortcuts: best practices?

2011-03-19 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hi all,

Would like your opinion on the following.

When I'm make styles for a new template, I always create New styles, 
usually with a common prefix in the name, to avoid some hypothetical 
namespace conflict in the future, e.g. when copying or including parts 
from one document to another.

I'm always wondering though whether it wouldn't be better to just modify 
the Default styles instead of creating new ones? So for example, instead 
of having an Essay Para style in and Notes Para in, just modify Text Body or something in each template to 
what I want the standard paragraph style to be for that template.

The possible utility of this has just occurred to me now I've started 
fussing around with keyboard shortcuts for styles. Since shortcuts are 
saved in LibreOffice (or at least in Writer) as opposed to along with 
Templates or with individual documents, if I set a shortcut for e.g. 
Essay Para for use with my Essay template, that shortcut key is 
useless for working in any other template that doesn't have the Essay 
Para style.

All my programming genes tell me to avoid namespace conflicts, inherit 
and specialise, etc. And there other way of getting around the problem 
above is to say that keyboard customisations in LibreOffice Writer ought 
to be saved with the Template somehow, as opposed to being universal. I 
certainly think there's something to be said for that.

What do y'all think? How do you manage and apply your templates and 
styles effectively?

-- Ryan

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Has it all except ... #2

2011-03-15 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Mark,

On 15/03/11 08:14, Mark Stanton wrote:


I'm trying to shift away from Windoze and VA is one of my few remaining apps 
there, so moving it to include
other platforms would be a big plus from my pov.


Point taken about Thunderbird and the need, or not, of having a mail
facility integrated into LO.  My starting point here was the LO/OO claim
to match M$. Clearly neither of them do since there is no mail package
included. This is, I suspect one of those points that is a real
stumbling block for takeup by businesses since many make extensive use of
Outlook. It's not hard (in relative terms) to produce an email app
better than Outlook, it's pretty appalling, and in fact it's
integration into M$Office is fairly limited as far as I can see.
However, LO/OO do not have a related email facility..

I think you would get further if you thought of it not as shifting away 
from Microsoft to LibreOffice, but from Microsoft to F/LOSS software.

I understand what you mean. Although I don't agree that LibreOffice 
claims to match M$ (which wouldn't even make any sense), it certainly 
does claim to be an alternative to Microsoft's Office suite.

The problem is that MS and the open source world approach things from 
diametrically opposed starting points. MS, being a huge corporation and 
justifiably always wanting to sell more and capture new markets, thinks, 
LET'S DO EVERYTHING!, and as you said yourself, doesn't do a great job 
at some of the component parts of 'everything'.

Meanwhile in F/LOSS land, small communities and passionate individuals 
think, Let's do One thing, and do it Well, and make it Interoperable 
with other things.

The bottom line is that, given that there are already mature alternative 
F/LOSS email managers, I would put money on the assertion that 
LibreOffice will /Never/ include an MS-Outlookalike :-) Quote me on that!

But that does create an issue for people in your position, who are used 
to a simple life, where there is the One True Solution ;-) So perhaps 
what we /Should/ do is work on our cross-marketing. Use the LibreOffice 
document creation suite along with the Thunderbird email manager, and 
vice versa.

-- Ryan

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering

2011-03-14 Thread Ryan Jendoubi

Hello Mr Sochet,

I'm a law student, would also be interested in finding answers to the 
points you raise. This long email doesn't provide any, but hopefully 
provides some possible ways of solving the problems.

On 11/03/11 00:23, gmanrpi wrote:

1) If I use Roman Numerals for my Article numbers my child outline members
are numbered using roman numerals for the show parent numbering even when I
select Arabic numerals for my section.
I want:


2.01 Formation

I get:


II.1 Formation

Is there an existing, easy not bend over backwards way to accomplish the

I tried this. The only way I could get was defining two separate 
numbering styles and using the second one for the 2.01 line, and 
starting that style at numbering level 2, if you understand what I mean. 
If you apply these numbering styles to two corresponding paragraph 
styles you can get some degree of automation using 'Next Style', but I 
agree this requires a lot more work than it should, and since you're 
using two different numbering / paragraph styles the results could be 
tricky for TOC's etc.

2) [...] I would like there to be a leading zero.

3) Once Outlining is going, I would like the section number to non-bold, and
the section name to be bold. [...]

No luck on either of those. I was particularly surprised about number 
3). I didn't fully understand your example, but for me while I can apply 
a character style to make numbering bold when my text is non-bold, I 
can't do the reverse, i.e. what you want, having the number non-bold 
when the text is bold. That seems more like a bug than an unimplemented 

I think one way people in our position could help in addressing these 
shortcomings would be in making some quite precise specifications or 
even visual mock-ups of how the options we require would be presented. 
Very often creating a usable, logical UI for new features is as much a 
challenge as the behind-the-scenes work.

For your point 1), I would imagine we could use presentation of options 
the same as for 'Structure' on the 'Entries' tab in the 'Insert 
Index/Table' dialogue. This would be added in to the 'Options' tab on 
the 'Numbering Style:' dialogue. One could use that 'Structure' 
formatting to specify the formatting of the numbering for every 
individual Level of the Style. So in your example, when you first looked 
at the formatting for Level 2 of your Numbering Style, it would look 
something like this:

-  [ I ]  [ 1 ]  -

... because it's taken the default 'I', meaning Roman-numeral numbering, 
from the Level 1 format. So for your requirements, you would change it to:

-  [ 1 ]  [ 1 ]  -

... where putting a '1' in the boxes indicates that you want regular 
arabic numerals used. Can you see what I'm imagining here?

As regards your problem 2), I guess you could solve it by inventing more 
new syntax for the same 'Structure' option. The rule could be that if 
you want leading zeros then before the 'formatting' character (i, I, 1, 
a, A...) you include the number of leading zeros you want. So for example:

-  [ 01 ]  [ 001 ]  -

Would be the formatting for the way many law textbooks number their 
paragraphs, e.g. 02-013.

Come to think of it, this could add great flexibility. Currently we can 
only set a character or string to appear before or after all of the 
numbering at each Level (which in itself is very flexible and useful). 
But if we used the 'Structure'-option style of codes in boxes instead, 
we could do things like:

Level 1: -  [ I ] [.]  -
Level 2: -  [ 01 ] [-] [ 001 ]  -

Which would display like so:


Putting the dash between the 'levels' of numbering is something we can't 
currently do. All the above is probably complex enough to merit being 
hidden in a 'More options' pane on the Numbering Style Options tab.

As I said, no actual solutions here, but I hope as a proposal, for 
presentation if not implementation, it might at least be enough to get a 
developer interested.

Best regards,

-- Ryan

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