Dear Libreoffice Team,

I just tried to run Libreoffice OS X on an OS X Mountaion Lion Installation. 
Sadly the binary seems not to be signed by an official OS X developer 
certificate generating an warning message to the user. Inside the Announce for 
Libre Office 4.0.3 their was a note "OS X Intel packages are now signed by The 
Document Foundation, to pass OS X Gatekeeper security without user 
intervention" saying the software should be signed already. The actual version 
4.0.4 seems not to be signed anymore.

Could you please inform me, if the missing Developer signature on LIbreOffice 
4.0.4 for OS X is a mistake or if there is a good reason for this?

I've downloaded my Version of Libreoffice from

Regards from Hannover, Germany
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