Re: [libreoffice-users] libreoffice math formula editor color

2018-10-18 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca
Hi Albert and all:

As In understood you need to change the color of the letter,
variables and similar that you input in a formula that you make with
with Math. For this you need to select Attribute option from list below

I hope this help



El jue, 18-10-2018 a las 19:36 +0200, Albert Oszkó escribió:
> Hi all,
> I would like to write some mathematical equations in Writer with LO 
> Math. Unfortunately the formula editor background is dark grey with 
> black letters. How could I change the background color. I use LO in  
> openSUSE, tried to change desktop color schemes, window color
> schemes 
> but to no  avail. I also tried to modifx LO setting, but obviously,
> did 
> not find the correct one. In LO I also use a dark scheme but now I 
> cannot change it. I have LO and KDE .
> Thanks,
> Albert

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Great File size problem

2018-09-28 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca
Hi Remy:

Thank you for your answer an explanation. I'm sorry to answer
some days after but the e-mail was in the spam folder.

I know that I have only 1.5 GB free space on my hard disk.
Probably it is the problem if LibreOffice make a temp file wile running
it great than 1.5 GB when I'm increasing the spreadsheet size.


Jorge Rodríguez

El lun, 24-09-2018 a las 19:25 -0400, Remy Gauthier escribió:
> Hi,
> I have a spreadsheet that contains Canadian weather data since 1953
> (more or less) for 25 weather stations. For each station, there are
> 28
> columns and about 11000 rows of data, with one station per sheet. On
> top of that, there are some other sheets that I use to mine into the
> data. For good measure, I copied one of the worksheets 3 times, and
> added data via copy/paste to have 560 columns on the last worksheet.
> Overall, the "big" spreadsheet has these properties (file >
> Properties
> > Stats):
> 33 worksheets22134827 used cells368 pages10073 formula groups
> 53.1 MB of disk space used.
> It saved, no problem. HOWEVER, LO uses space in /tmp when it creates
> the ODS files (it is a ZIPped archive). While it was saving, I went
> to
> /tmp and looked at the files that were created during the saving
> process. This is the last "ls" before the save was finished:
> total 2756644drwx--  2 remy remy160 24 sep 19:06
> .drwxrwxrwt 18 root root420 24 sep 19:06 ..-rwxr-xr-x  1 remy
> remy   43484017 24 sep 18:57 lu4577gvthcz.tmp-rw---  1 remy
> remy   43484017 24 sep 19:06 lu4577gvthd0.tmp-rw---  1 remy
> remy  12288 24 sep 19:06 lu4577gvthd2.tmp-rw---  1 remy remy
> 2683118605 24 sep 19:06 lu4577gvthd4.tmp-rw---  1 remy
> remy   52688515 24 sep 19:07 lu4577gvthd6.tmp-rw---  1 remy
> remy458 24 sep 19:00 NewHelp0.html
> As you can see, there is quite a lot of disk space being used (more
> or
> less 2,7 GB). Could it be that the disk partition you are using to
> hold
> /tmp is almost full? My /tmp partition (Linux Fedora) is 4GB-large
> and
> when I look at its usage when saving the workbook, it goes up to 68%
> from 2% when nothing is happening.
> I can only assume the save fails because you run out of disk space.
> This will generate the error message, the ODS file will be small
> because pieces will be missing, and the in-memory copy of the
> spreadsheet will be intact, as if nothing happened.
> I hope this helps.
> Rémy.
> Le lundi 24 septembre 2018 à 15:02 -0600, jorge Rodríguez Fonseca a
> écrit :
> > Hi all:
> > 
> > I use LibreOffice Snap process and LibreOffice
> > Ubuntu 18.04.1 default.
> > 
> > I tried recently to make a spreadsheet with both LibreOffice
> > options and I had problems when the file reached more than
> > specified
> > size. In my case, the last size that I saw was 13.5 MB (512 columns
> > and
> > 8,000 rows, more or less)
> > 
> > Then when I included more data into the file, suddently it
> > can't be saved in any way, and lost all the content as I can see in
> > the
> > properties file because it had 35 kb instead 13.5 MB, but in the
> > screen
> > I could see the spreadsheet as nothing passed. With the file
> > browser
> > I
> > could confirm the size : 35 kb.
> > 
> > LibreOffice sent to my screen the following message (Please see
> > the link)
> > 
> > 
> >
> > -09-24.png?dl=0
> > 
> > It is in spanish but in english is something like this:
> > 
> > 
> > "Error when save the document: Sin titulo 1
> > Writing Error
> > It couldn't write"
> > 
> > I greatful with any help. It would be a bug ?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Jorge Rodríguez 
> > 
> > 

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[libreoffice-users] Great File size problem

2018-09-24 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca
Hi all:

I use LibreOffice Snap process and LibreOffice
Ubuntu 18.04.1 default.

I tried recently to make a spreadsheet with both LibreOffice
options and I had problems when the file reached more than specified
size. In my case, the last size that I saw was 13.5 MB (512 columns and
8,000 rows, more or less)

Then when I included more data into the file, suddently it
can't be saved in any way, and lost all the content as I can see in the
properties file because it had 35 kb instead 13.5 MB, but in the screen
I could see the spreadsheet as nothing passed. With the file browser I
could confirm the size : 35 kb.

LibreOffice sent to my screen the following message (Please see
the link)

It is in spanish but in english is something like this:

"Error when save the document: Sin titulo 1
Writing Error
It couldn't write"

I greatful with any help. It would be a bug ?


Jorge Rodríguez 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Flatpak Libreoffice - opens with "(as superuser)" in title bar

2018-07-27 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca

Snap system is a Sandbox way to install now programs in many
GNU / Linux distributions. It was develop by Canonical (Ubuntu) and put
able for all the distributios want to use. It try to solve the problems
of securities because as I understand the software installed by this
way can't access nothing than the place where it is installed. Another
benefits, it is easier to the own or develops of the programs to
prepare software to offer updates to the users (less complicated). It
benefits both sides.

In this links you can find the repositorie of software prepare with

and here:

you can find LibreOffice as snap installation.

Flatpak is other way that born, as I know, as the same time of Snap and
has similar features, but to know what are all the difference between
them, is necessary to googleing because I don't know all of them
although I red a year ago, more less, an articule in the web about this

If you have problems with the Flatpak installation in GNU / Linux Mint,
why not probe with the Snap option ?

I hope this help,

Jorge Rodríguez

El vie, 27-07-2018 a las 09:45 -0700, atlan escribió:
> I've never heard of snap and am looking for a solution not a
> workaround.
> I'm using Flatpak because it is installed by default in Mint 19 and
> there is
> loads of Flatpak software in the Mint Software Centre to install with
> a
> single click, which seems a great step forwards to me.
> --
> Sent from: http://document-foundation-mail-archive.969070.n3.nabble.c
> om/Users-f1639498.html

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Flatpak Libreoffice - opens with "(as superuser)" in title bar

2018-07-27 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca
I understand now your problem...but what is the difference between
LibreOffice version of Flatpak and Snap version ? Why you prefere
Flatpak version ? I've installed before in other computer the Snap
version and all were well, include I could keep the version .deb that
Ubuntu install by default and the more update version by Snap version,
and both run without problems.


Jorge Rodríguez

El vie, 27-07-2018 a las 08:36 -0700, atlan escribió:
> Thanks for your reply,
> I was not looking at uninstalling LibreOffice - just want to get the
> Flatpak
> version working without being in superuser mode.
> The reason I used the three commands -
> (sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice
> sudo apt autoremove
> sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get autoremove)
> - was to attempt to remove the previous repository/non-flatpak
> version
> fully. I did not do that before the first install of the flatpak
> version and
> subsequently wondered if that omission might have been responsible
> for the
> superuser message - but apparently not.
> I have also tried removing the Flatpak version using flatpak
> uninstall
> org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/x86_64/stable as well as with the
> Software
> Centre, then rebooting and reinstalling, but am still getting the
> superuser
> notification in the title bar.
> --
> Sent from: http://document-foundation-mail-archive.969070.n3.nabble.c
> om/Users-f1639498.html

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Flatpak Libreoffice - opens with "(as superuser)" in title bar

2018-07-27 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca
Hi Atlan:

   GNU / Linux Mint is a branch of Ubuntu. Ubuntu has a similar system
of install option known as Snap. You can find in the web as Snap
Repositories and then search LibreOffice. There you can install coping
the command into the terminal. To remove : sudo snap remove

   I guess that Flatpak use similar command and it is different to
usuall .deb options. When we install a .deb file we can use the command
apt-get or apt (only), but Flatpak and Snap use different commands
because use different program to manage the installations.

   If you goggleing as : How to uninstall a Flatpak file, you could
find the answer. It would use a command like this: sudo flatpak remove
"package file name"

I hope this help,


El vie, 27-07-2018 a las 07:17 -0700, atlan escribió:
> I'm using Linux Mint 19 (Mate 64 bit)
> Using software manager, I removed Libreoffice and then installed the
> Flatpak
> version of it.
> It now opens opens with "(as superuser)" in title bar.
> I have repeated the install after running:
> sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice
> sudo apt autoremove
> sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get autoremove
> - but the result is the same.
> I'd be grateful if anyone can tell me how to resolve this.
> --
> Sent from: http://document-foundation-mail-archive.969070.n3.nabble.c
> om/Users-f1639498.html

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Long comments in calc?

2018-06-02 Thread jorge Rodríguez Fonseca
Hi Rakidzija :

There is an option that you can use for input a comment into a
cell. If you right click mouse over a specific cell, you get a menu
with differents options. One of them is "Insert a comment" (The last in
my LO Versión:

Select that option an appear a little yellow rectangule where
you can write your comment about some issue of the content of it cell.
This rectangule grow when you input your sentence but when you ending
your wrotten the comment.

When you did it you, the comment closed an appear a red super
little point in the right top corner of the cell where you input the

Then, always over the cell that content the comment, you can
righ click mouse again and appear 3 more options in the context menu:
Edit, Delete and Show the comment. With each of them you can modify
your comment of the cell. By the way, only with Show Comment option you
can modify the form of the yellow rectangule making more wide (wider
?), for example, to structure the comment to your needs and your sheet.
For do this, you have to select the border of the yellow rectangule
when it is showed. Then if you click right again you can see again in
the menu context but only : Edit,hide (instead show) and delete option
menu. With hide option you can do it and show only the red point in the

I hope this help,


Jorge Rodríguez

El sáb, 02-06-2018 a las 11:34 +0200, David Rakidzija escribió:
> Hi,
> what's the best way to insert long comments into calc? A floating
> window that 
> does not interfere with the spreadsheet itself would be best.
> 1. the built in commentary for cells seems to be buggy, sometimes
> wound't 
> display corretly, cannot be resized... unusable for me if it's more
> than a 
> couple of words
> 2. merging cells is not what I want. Cannot really edit the box as if
> it were 
> a text box and resizing seems difficult
> 3. Supposedly there is a text box function, but whenever I click it
> nothing 
> happens (insert -> text box)
> I'm using LO 6.0.4.
> Thanks for your help.

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