Hi All,

End-users are asking for the ability to edit PDFs.  Spotted this:

On Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:57:44 -0500
charles meyer <reachmepl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've discovered, at least with my new Libre Office, that I can
> open a PDF or .jpg in Writer and not have to open Draw.
> I can also insert images (from file) into these respective documents
> and then print them to a PDF, if desired, or save as .odt, MS Word,
> etc.
> This was a pleasure to discover and helps enormously.
> I hope it's helpful to others as well.

I know this does *not* work with the LO install on my Linux
Mint 13 Maya install.

Before I go to the trouble of manually installing later versions of LO
right-and-left, under Linux and Windows, to test this..

Question: Do recent (i.e. 4.3.x.x and later) versions of LO *capably*
allow the opening/editing/saving of PDF files that are writable and not
encrypted or otherwise protected?

Related: Another co-worker was asking about the ability to create PDF
forms.  Again: Can that be done with later/current versions of LO?

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