On 07/10/15 19:57, Regina Henschel wrote:
Have you really checked both options "Use only paper tray from printer
preferences" and "Use only size form printer preferences" in the tab
"Options"? After this options are enabled, the settings in the printer
properties should be enabled.

Duhh! I've just looked back, and that's exactly what you said originally. And I didn't. Sorry - and yes, that fixes it; thank you (twice!)

But - isn't this a bit of an odd user interface? You set the brochure option on /this/ tab, enable setting the paper size on /that/ tab, then click a button on yet another tab to open the dialogue to actually set the size. Could this not be tidied up? (And the defaults must have changed - I'm sure I've never had to worry about this before) Nor, AFAICS, is this mentioned anywhere in the help file (which I did read!)

Incidentally, I notice that the 'brochure' setting now is stored with the document (it used not to be), as is 'Use only paper tray....' whereas "Use only size from printer preferences" isn't saved and needs resetting every time the document is opened. But thankfully the paper size and orientation are saved. Curious design.

Anyway, problem solved; apologies again, and thanks for your patience.

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England

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