
You can use GString that let you put variables into double quotes more easy.


String text = "<id>${vars["id"]}</id>"

2018-09-25 10:56 GMT+03:00 Jmeter Tea <jmeter...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I have to
> concatenate a lot of variables in a script and I want to make it readable, 
> but I failed to separate lines as in java, The following code doesn't compile 
> due to:
> Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: 
> startup failed:
> Script1.groovy: 2: unexpected token: << @ line 2, column 1.
>    << vars["id2"] << "<id2>"
> Code:
> String text ="<id>" <<vars["id1"] << "<id><id2>" << vars["id2"] << "<id2>";
> Is there a workaround or a better way concatenation a string in groovy?
> Related question:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47786399/jmeter-
> groovy-script-concatenation-of-variables
> Thank you


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