Re: [users@httpd] pf 2017

2016-12-31 Thread Jim Walls

On 12/31/2016 16:51, Spork Schivago wrote:

I don't understand why I'm receiving this e-mail. Is this spam?

I'm assuming it is something to be avoided.  Sort of standard procedure 
for a file with a link and no other explanation.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [users@httpd] Configuration Problem - VHosts on Apache 2.2

2016-09-26 Thread Jim Walls

On 9/26/2016 14:26, Milt Spain wrote:
I would much prefer to move on with Apache 2.2 but I can't get the 
configurations to work and I have to get on with life.

I'm gathering that you are trying to migrate from1.3 to 2.2. If this is 
the case, why are you not moving to 2.4?

I don't do anything with cgi so I can't help you with that part.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

re: [users@httpd] chinese char URL encoding/decoding fails

2016-09-14 Thread Jim Walls
I don't read Chinese, but it appeared to work on this old XP computer running 
FireFox as a browser.

 Jim Walls

 From: "Oliver Klein" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:55 PM
Subject: [users@httpd] chinese char URL encoding/decoding fails
Hello mailing list,

a warm hello from Frankfurt.

I am first time using this mailing list, so I hope I do everything the right 
way. I appreciate any help, thank you.
(I don't even know if that is a server problem I am facing)

I am experiencing an issue with our website
If you go to the website and right click on any navigation item and select 
"copy link" and paste this link (#1) into a new browser tab, the page will open.
If you stay on that page, copy the URL that is now displayed within the same 
browser tab, paste this link (#2) again into another or same browser tab, the 
page gives me a 404.

If you take link #1 and #2 next to each other is exactly the same link.

Same effect: just open any page on the website and click in the browser's URL 
bar, and just hit enter. It gives you a 404.

As you can see, the page uses chinese characters also in the URLs.
Before the relaunch, it worked well on the same server with the same wordpress 

The only thing I found out:
When copy the link from the HTML page itself, the Link looks like that (with 
lowercase letters):
if I copy it from the browser bar, it looks like that:

Hope anyone has an idea what that might be and how to fix that?

Best regards,

Re: [users@httpd] 2.4 named virtual hosts question

2016-09-11 Thread Jim Walls

On 9/11/2016 19:00, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

Eric Covener <> wrote:

The first one will always be a default. You can make a dedicated one for it.

Thank you.  I appreciate your timely reply, however I think that maybe
you didn't quite get my point and/or my question.

I simply do not want there to exist a default vhost, period.

Isn't there any magic directive like "SetDefaultVhost none" or some
such thing like that?

Not that I've ever heard of.  Keep in mind that the only time someone 
should get to the default is if they point to the IP rather than a 
domain, or there is a DNS problem somewhere that is pointing some other 
domain to your IP address.  You could just have a simple page that 
advises that there was an error.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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re: [users@httpd] Files and Require

2016-06-23 Thread Jim Walls
Looking at my own config file, you have three extra characters.  No ~ after 
Files, and no ^\ before .ht.
 Note that this is on a Windows server and I am aware that there are some 
differences between Windows and the various unix variants. 

Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 1:55 PM
Subject: [users@httpd] Files and Require   

I just upgraded from 2.0.55 to 2.4.20. I'm getting a syntax error on
startup on this:

Require all denied

in the main configuration. Everything I've found in the docs say this is
how it's done. Is this supposed to be in a container or something?

Michigan VHF Corp. The Foggy Mist Emporium

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages - Success!

2016-01-15 Thread Jim Walls
 Thank you to Kevin and Yann in particular along with others that added 
comments.  A couple hours after I posted my last comment about not wanting 
to make multiple changes to resolve the problem, it stopped responding 
again.  So I remoted into the server and added the two lines for 
AcceptFilter to the configuration and restarted Apache.  Confirmed in the 
error log that the AcceptFilter directives were in place.  I'm now getting 
close to 3 days without a failure.  So it looks like that was the 

 Thanks!  Jim

Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-12 Thread Jim Walls
Thanks for the more detailed answer.  I was not familiar with the 
AcceptFilter command.  Since it was in Apache, I assumed (incorrectly) that 
it was controlling filtering in Apache.  I did a Google search and quickly 
found that it is actually controlling Winsock, so now it makes sense that 
it would not show up in the Apache error log.
 Learn something new every day!  I kind of dislike making multiple changes 
to resolve a problem because then you may not know which one solved the 
problem.  Even if the change to 32 bit fixed the issue, I will add this in 
a week or two cause it does sound like a good idea!

 From: "Yann Ylavic" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages   
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Jim Walls <> wrote:
> Yann Ylavic asked:
>> Did you try Kevin's proposal, that is :
>> AcceptFilter http none
>> AcceptFilter https none
> I don't remember seeing that message, so no I didn't.
> However, If that was causing a problem, I would think that after setting 
> error log to debug level, I would have seen it in the error log.

Not necessarily because httpd won't see any request unless "delivered"
by the OS accept filters.
This is worth a try IMHO.


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Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-12 Thread Jim Walls
Personally I loved windows 2K.  I had several user PCs running 2K Pro at 
home, and ran the computer I used as a server under 2K Server for almost a 
decade until it died a little over a year ago.  Only reason I replaced it 
was because it died - leaking caps on the mother board.  I was given a 64 
bit Dell server that I loaded up with Server 2012 R2 and like you it seemed 
reasonable to install 64 bit Apache.
 It's now been about 12 hours since I "upgraded" to a 32 bit version and so 
far it's stable.  I won't really call it fixed for at least a week, but 
based on the recent track record, this is doing pretty good.  I will be 
taking the server down this weekend for an hour or two for it's annual dust 
cleaning, and I'm going to add some RAM to it.  And depending on how much 
money is left after today's bill paying (today is payday for me), I might 
increase replace the hard drives in the data RAID array to increase 

 From: "Lester Caine" <>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages   
On 12/01/16 06:01, Jim Walls wrote:
> "Upgraded" from 64 bit 2.4.12 (using VC11) to 32 bit 2.4.18 (using
> VC14). Running after the upgrade. We'll see what it does...

I have a system that has run for many years on local intranets and was
being served by windows 2k and XP machines which were essentially 32bit
set-ups. Moving to W7 the replacement machines were inevitably
configured 64bit and so the obvious action was to add 64 bit server
code, but the day in day out reliability disappeared. Did try a 32bit
stack on the 64bit windows, but are now running 32bit windows as well.
Of cause we were told that we should be using server versions of windows
for this, but these machines manage perhaps 1% active time and the only
reason not to use 'virtual' servers on some other hardware is to
maintain sub second responses when doing things like printing a ticket
or receipt. ( How many of you have experienced the 30 second delay
waiting for windows to process a network print request after hitting the
finish link on a session. Very annoying for staff and customers when
there is a queue at the reception desk! )

Where we have moved to a Linux based stack things have been even more
responsive, back to the 24/7 stability that W2k and NT4 provided and
even smaller percentages on the active working times :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

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Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-12 Thread Jim Walls
Yann Ylavic asked: > Did you try Kevin's proposal, that is :
> AcceptFilter http none
> AcceptFilter https none
 I don't remember seeing that message, so no I didn't.
 However, If that was causing a problem, I would think that after setting 
the error log to debug level, I would have seen it in the error log.

Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-11 Thread Jim Walls
It is the 64 bit version (using VC11) from Apache Lounge.  I can 
certainly try it from 32 bit versions easily enough.

On 1/11/2016 20:17, Yehuda Katz wrote:
Are you using a 64-bit version of Apache or a 32-bit version? Where 
did you download it?
I often have issue with the 64-bit Windows builds, so I usually stick 
to the 32-bit builds from Apache Lounge.

- Y

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:32 PM, Jim Walls < 
<>> wrote:

I asked the question below about my Apache server stopping serving
pages.  Since then, the server has continued to stop serving pages
periodically, and is getting more frequent.  A couple days ago,
wondering if there could be something competing for the IP port, I
changed the port from 81 to 8180, and then updated to port
forwarding in the router.  I really had no reason to believe that
port 81 was getting any other activity, but it was an easy test. 
This did not make any difference.  Today I changed the error log

level to debug to see if anything showed up.  Since that time, the
server has stopped three more times.  In each case, I remoted into
the server, and again was not able to access any web pages from a
web browser on the server. As soon as I restarted Apache, it
started working correctly.  Looking at the error logs, there is
absolutely nothing to indicate a problem.  Similarly, the access
log only showed that there was no activity from the time it
stopped serving pages, until I restarted the server, and then
normal activity.

I'm running out of ideas.

Anybody else?

    Jim Walls

On 1/5/2016 11:05, Jim Walls wrote:

I have Apache 2.4.12 running on a 64 bit Windows Server 2012 R2
installation that periodically just stops serving web pages. 
Usually it will start working after an hour or two, or if I'm in

a position to remote into the server I can restart the service
using the Apache Service Monitor, and normally get it to start
without waiting.  There is absolutely nothing in the error or
access logs.  I have not seen anything that seems to relate in
the Windows logs either.  I thought it might be having a firewall
(either Windows or router), but last time it stopped, while
remoted into the server, I brought up Firefox and tried to access
a web page or two.  I get the browser error that the web server
is not responding (or something along that line).  That should
eliminate the router, or Windows firewall I would think.  As soon
as I restart the Apache service, both Firefox on the server and
on a remote computer are able to access pages.
The server gets restarted every Friday afternoon, and last Friday
Apache stopped within a couple hours.Problem happen anywhere
from a few hours to several days apart.  This is a very plain
vanilla server that is serving three Virtual Hosts (all are
affected at the same time), with no dynamic content - just plain
old html
Any good ideas of a cause or where to start looking?
    Jim Walls <>


Jim Walls - K6CCC <>
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-11 Thread Jim Walls
I asked the question below about my Apache server stopping serving 
pages.  Since then, the server has continued to stop serving pages 
periodically, and is getting more frequent.  A couple days ago, 
wondering if there could be something competing for the IP port, I 
changed the port from 81 to 8180, and then updated to port forwarding in 
the router.  I really had no reason to believe that port 81 was getting 
any other activity, but it was an easy test.  This did not make any 
difference.  Today I changed the error log level to debug to see if 
anything showed up.  Since that time, the server has stopped three more 
times.  In each case, I remoted into the server, and again was not able 
to access any web pages from a web browser on the server.  As soon as I 
restarted Apache, it started working correctly.  Looking at the error 
logs, there is absolutely nothing to indicate a problem.  Similarly, the 
access log only showed that there was no activity from the time it 
stopped serving pages, until I restarted the server, and then normal 

I'm running out of ideas.

Anybody else?

Jim Walls

On 1/5/2016 11:05, Jim Walls wrote:
I have Apache 2.4.12 running on a 64 bit Windows Server 2012 R2 
installation that periodically just stops serving web pages.  Usually 
it will start working after an hour or two, or if I'm in a position to 
remote into the server I can restart the service using the Apache 
Service Monitor, and normally get it to start without waiting.  There 
is absolutely nothing in the error or access logs.  I have not seen 
anything that seems to relate in the Windows logs either.  I thought 
it might be having a firewall (either Windows or router), but last 
time it stopped, while remoted into the server, I brought up Firefox 
and tried to access a web page or two.  I get the browser error that 
the web server is not responding (or something along that line).  That 
should eliminate the router, or Windows firewall I would think.  As 
soon as I restart the Apache service, both Firefox on the server and 
on a remote computer are able to access pages.
The server gets restarted every Friday afternoon, and last Friday 
Apache stopped within a couple hours.Problem happen anywhere from 
a few hours to several days apart.  This is a very plain vanilla 
server that is serving three Virtual Hosts (all are affected at the 
same time), with no dynamic content - just plain old html

Any good ideas of a cause or where to start looking?
Jim Walls

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Re: [users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-11 Thread Jim Walls
"Upgraded" from 64 bit 2.4.12 (using VC11) to 32 bit 2.4.18 (using 
VC14).  Running after the upgrade. We'll see what it does...


On 1/11/2016 20:56, Jim Walls wrote:
It is the 64 bit version (using VC11) from Apache Lounge.  I can 
certainly try it from 32 bit versions easily enough.

On 1/11/2016 20:17, Yehuda Katz wrote:
Are you using a 64-bit version of Apache or a 32-bit version? Where 
did you download it?
I often have issue with the 64-bit Windows builds, so I usually stick 
to the 32-bit builds from Apache Lounge.

- Y

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:32 PM, Jim Walls < 
<>> wrote:

I asked the question below about my Apache server stopping
serving pages.  Since then, the server has continued to stop
serving pages periodically, and is getting more frequent.  A
couple days ago, wondering if there could be something competing
for the IP port, I changed the port from 81 to 8180, and then
updated to port forwarding in the router.  I really had no reason
to believe that port 81 was getting any other activity, but it
was an easy test.  This did not make any difference.  Today I
changed the error log level to debug to see if anything showed
up.  Since that time, the server has stopped three more times. 
In each case, I remoted into the server, and again was not able

to access any web pages from a web browser on the server.  As
soon as I restarted Apache, it started working correctly. 
Looking at the error logs, there is absolutely nothing to

indicate a problem. Similarly, the access log only showed that
there was no activity from the time it stopped serving pages,
until I restarted the server, and then normal activity.

I'm running out of ideas.

    Anybody else?

Jim Walls

    On 1/5/2016 11:05, Jim Walls wrote:

I have Apache 2.4.12 running on a 64 bit Windows Server 2012 R2
installation that periodically just stops serving web pages.
Usually it will start working after an hour or two, or if I'm in
a position to remote into the server I can restart the service
using the Apache Service Monitor, and normally get it to start
without waiting.  There is absolutely nothing in the error or
access logs.  I have not seen anything that seems to relate in
the Windows logs either.  I thought it might be having a
firewall (either Windows or router), but last time it stopped,
while remoted into the server, I brought up Firefox and tried to
access a web page or two. I get the browser error that the web
server is not responding (or something along that line).  That
should eliminate the router, or Windows firewall I would think. 
As soon as I restart the Apache service, both Firefox on the

server and on a remote computer are able to access pages.
The server gets restarted every Friday afternoon, and last
Friday Apache stopped within a couple hours.Problem happen
anywhere from a few hours to several days apart.  This is a very
plain vanilla server that is serving three Virtual Hosts (all
are affected at the same time), with no dynamic content - just
plain old html
Any good ideas of a cause or where to start looking?
Jim Walls <>


Jim Walls - K6CCC <>
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

[users@httpd] Apache stops serving pages

2016-01-05 Thread Jim Walls
 I have Apache 2.4.12 running on a 64 bit Windows Server 2012 R2 
installation that periodically just stops serving web pages.  Usually it 
will start working after an hour or two, or if I'm in a position to remote 
into the server I can restart the service using the Apache Service Monitor, 
and normally get it to start without waiting.  There is absolutely nothing 
in the error or access logs.  I have not seen anything that seems to relate 
in the Windows logs either.  I thought it might be having a firewall 
(either Windows or router), but last time it stopped, while remoted into 
the server, I brought up Firefox and tried to access a web page or two.  I 
get the browser error that the web server is not responding (or something 
along that line).  That should eliminate the router, or Windows firewall I 
would think.  As soon as I restart the Apache service, both Firefox on the 
server and on a remote computer are able to access pages.
 The server gets restarted every Friday afternoon, and last Friday Apache 
stopped within a couple hours.Problem happen anywhere from a few hours 
to several days apart.  This is a very plain vanilla server that is serving 
three Virtual Hosts (all are affected at the same time), with no dynamic 
content - just plain old html
 Any good ideas of a cause or where to start looking?
 Jim Walls

Re: [users@httpd] Limit the number of connection per virtual host

2015-06-12 Thread Jim Walls

On 6/12/2015 5:28 AM, Sylvain Goulmy wrote:

Thank you for your feedback.

But do you protect your platform then without such a functionality ?

I'll bite - protect it from what?

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server failing

2015-05-17 Thread Jim Walls

On 5/17/2015 8:45 PM, Kurtis Rader wrote:
On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 8:24 PM, Cathy Fauntleroy wrote:

I am having a very similar problem as you are experiencing and
have (like
you) tried many things in attempt to fix.  However, I did not
build the
server and was not aware of IIS-like services called by another
name.  Would
you please tell me what the service is called?  I need see if it is
installed on my Win 2012 server and, if it is, remove it.

Open a command window and run netstat -a | more and look for a line 
that says :80 (or :443) and LISTENING. If present it means there 
is a process acting as a web server. If you have the necessary 
privileges you should be able to run netstat -a -b to see the name 
of the process. Note that I say this as someone who has almost no 
knowledge of MS-Windows (my expertise is with UNIX like systems) but 
verified it with my MS-Windows Vista virtual machine. There is 
probably a GUI (graphical user interface) means of ascertaining the 
same data but I have no idea how to do so since I generally prefer 
old-school CLI methods.

Kurtis Rader
Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

It operates under PID 4 which is system.  Google Server 2012 port 80 and 
you'll find all kinds of information.  It can be one of several 
different things.  Many have suggestions for removal - of which none 
have worked so far.

One website gave a suggestion for a work around which is both easy and 
working perfectly.  I setup the configuration for Apache to operate on 
port 81 instead of 80 and then set the port forwarding in my router to 
forward external traffic on port 80 to internal port 81.  I will spend 
some more time trying to figure it out, but for the time being, at least 
I have the website that runs on it working correctly.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server failing

2015-05-17 Thread Jim Walls

On 5/17/2015 11:31 AM, Kees Nuyt wrote:

On Tue, 12 May 2015 14:28:23 -0700, you wrote:

IIS is NOT running - one of the first things I checked after installing
windows.  I will NEVER run IIS and make sure it's dead right away.  Checked
again and it's did not resurrect itself from the dead.

Oops, sorry, I should have read a bit more before replying :(

Turns out that it is - although it's not called IIS in Windows 2012.  
When I installed the OS onto brand new drives (so there is no 
possibility of some leftover from something previously installed), there 
is an option to install IIS services which I unchecked and had assumed 
that it really was not there.  There is nothing to indicate that IIS (by 
that name) is there either, but that functionality is there.  Found lots 
of on-line sources to indicate that it's there with instructions for 
removal - none have worked so far.  Still poking at it...

I will report here when I get it working right...

Jim Walls - K6CCC

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[users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server failing

2015-05-12 Thread Jim Walls
Help!  I have been running Apache 2.2 for quite a few years on an old 
Windows 2000 Server that recently died.  I have a new Windows 2012 R2 
server and trying to get Apache loaded on the new server.  It seemed like a 
good opportunity to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4 in the process so that is what 
I installed on the new server.  I went through the config file and changed 
the few things that I caught that had to be changed, but the Apache service 
wont even start.  If I go into services and manually start it, I get an 
error message that says the service could not be started and gives a very 
generic error message that says to look in the Windows System event log for 
details.  When I look in the Windows System event log, all is says is that 
the service shut down due to an invalid function.  Finally renamed config 
files so that it had the default  It works configuration, and get the 
same problem.
 Anyone have an brilliant ideas?

Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server failing

2015-05-12 Thread Jim Walls
Binaries downloaded from:
 Version 2.4 12 Windows 64 bit version (yes, I am running a 64 bit computer 
and OS.
 There is nothing at all in the Apache log except the original install log 
entry.  I assume because the service never starts.
 IIS is NOT running - one of the first things I checked after installing 
windows.  I will NEVER run IIS and make sure it's dead right away.  Checked 
again and it's did not resurrect itself from the dead.

 From: Yehuda Katz
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server 
  Which distribution are you using (a.k.a. where did you download from)?
Is there anything in the apache error log?   
 The first thing that comes to mind is make sure IIS is not running.
 - Y

   On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Jim Walls wrote:   
Help!  I have been running Apache 2.2 for quite a few years on an old 
Windows 2000 Server that recently died.  I have a new Windows 2012 R2 
server and trying to get Apache loaded on the new server.  It seemed like a 
good opportunity to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4 in the process so that is what 
I installed on the new server.  I went through the config file and changed 
the few things that I caught that had to be changed, but the Apache service 
wont even start.  If I go into services and manually start it, I get an 
error message that says the service could not be started and gives a very 
generic error message that says to look in the Windows System event log for 
details.  When I look in the Windows System event log, all is says is that 
the service shut down due to an invalid function.  Finally renamed config 
files so that it had the default  It works configuration, and get the 
same problem.
 Anyone have an brilliant ideas?

Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server failing

2015-05-12 Thread Jim Walls
Thank you for that suggestion.  I had not tried running it except as a 
service, so I tried it remotely a moment ago.  It did not do anything at 
all, and there was nothing in either the Windows logs or not Apache log.
 Since I have the server desktop in front of me, I will give the specific 
error messages.  When I try to start the Apache2.4 service I  get a popup 
box with the following:
 Windows could not start the Apache2.4 on Local Computer. For more 
information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft 
service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error 
code 1.
 When I look at the Windows System Event Log, I get the following two 
 Event ID 7036  The apache2.4 service entered the stopped state.
 Event 7024  The Apache2.4 service terminated with the following 
service-specific error:
 Incorrect function.
 There are no other events in any of the server logs.

 From: Yehuda Katz
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:29 AM
To:, jim
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server 
 Can you run httpd from the command line instead of as a service?  
 - Y

   On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Jim Walls wrote:   
Binaries downloaded from:
 Version 2.4 12 Windows 64 bit version (yes, I am running a 64 bit computer 
and OS.
 There is nothing at all in the Apache log except the original install log 
entry.  I assume because the service never starts.
 IIS is NOT running - one of the first things I checked after installing 
windows.  I will NEVER run IIS and make sure it's dead right away.  Checked 
again and it's did not resurrect itself from the dead.

 From: Yehuda Katz
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server 
  Which distribution are you using (a.k.a. where did you download from)?
Is there anything in the apache error log?
   The first thing that comes to mind is make sure IIS is not running.

   - Y

 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Jim Walls wrote:
Help!  I have been running Apache 2.2 for quite a few years on an old 
Windows 2000 Server that recently died.  I have a new Windows 2012 R2 
server and trying to get Apache loaded on the new server.  It seemed like a 
good opportunity to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4 in the process so that is what 
I installed on the new server.  I went through the config file and changed 
the few things that I caught that had to be changed, but the Apache service 
wont even start.  If I go into services and manually start it, I get an 
error message that says the service could not be started and gives a very 
generic error message that says to look in the Windows System event log for 
details.  When I look in the Windows System event log, all is says is that 
the service shut down due to an invalid function.  Finally renamed config 
files so that it had the default  It works configuration, and get the 
same problem.
 Anyone have an brilliant ideas?

Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server failing

2015-05-12 Thread Jim Walls
Second reply to this suggestion.
 The first time I tried it not as a service, I did it from Windows 
Explorer, and nothing happened.  I tried it again (as you suggested) from a 
command prompt.  This time I got an error message that told me what was 
going on.  The error message (and I'm not going to quote it) was that it 
could not bind to port 80.  So I rather quickly edited the httpd.conf file 
to try port 81, and again started it.  This time it started just fine.  
Pointed a web browser at the local IP (since I had not changed my router to 
pass port 81), and it came right up to the web page.  Shut it down and 
tried to start it as a service and again it came right up and worked.  
Obviously, I have substantially narrowed down the issue.  Just for good 
measure, I tried pointing a web browser to port 80 and got a 404 error 
page.  Now to figure out what is running on port 80.  Netstat and task 
manager comes up with NT Kernel  System...
 Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction...

 From: Yehuda Katz
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:29 AM
To:, jim
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server 
 Can you run httpd from the command line instead of as a service?  
 - Y

   On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Jim Walls wrote:   
Binaries downloaded from:
 Version 2.4 12 Windows 64 bit version (yes, I am running a 64 bit computer 
and OS.
 There is nothing at all in the Apache log except the original install log 
entry.  I assume because the service never starts.
 IIS is NOT running - one of the first things I checked after installing 
windows.  I will NEVER run IIS and make sure it's dead right away.  Checked 
again and it's did not resurrect itself from the dead.

 From: Yehuda Katz
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Help - 2.2 to 2.4 migration onto new server 
  Which distribution are you using (a.k.a. where did you download from)?
Is there anything in the apache error log?
   The first thing that comes to mind is make sure IIS is not running.

   - Y

 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Jim Walls wrote:
Help!  I have been running Apache 2.2 for quite a few years on an old 
Windows 2000 Server that recently died.  I have a new Windows 2012 R2 
server and trying to get Apache loaded on the new server.  It seemed like a 
good opportunity to upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4 in the process so that is what 
I installed on the new server.  I went through the config file and changed 
the few things that I caught that had to be changed, but the Apache service 
wont even start.  If I go into services and manually start it, I get an 
error message that says the service could not be started and gives a very 
generic error message that says to look in the Windows System event log for 
details.  When I look in the Windows System event log, all is says is that 
the service shut down due to an invalid function.  Finally renamed config 
files so that it had the default  It works configuration, and get the 
same problem.
 Anyone have an brilliant ideas?

Re: [users@httpd] apache won't start after adding virtual hosts

2014-08-24 Thread Jim Walls

On 8/24/2014 20:24, Matthew Smith wrote:
I installed apache and then coldfusion 11.  Worked fine until I 
fiddled with the conf and extra, adding a couple of vhosts.  Really 
need this to work, please help!

VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot C:/Users/Mary/My 

ServerName theartoflovingcatsanddogsdotcom
ErrorLog logs/
logs/ common


VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot C:/Users/Mary/My Documents/wwwroot/fatcate-juice_com
ServerName fatcate-juicedotcom
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ common

Do you really have the server names ending with dotcom as opposed to .com?
The first VH has a proper notation, but these two do not.
I know people on this list regularly edit config files to conceal 
information, but that one would not make sense, hence the reason for asking.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Re: [users@httpd] How do I keep Virtural hosts from seeing the others document root?

2011-03-06 Thread Jim Walls

On 3/6/2011 2:43 PM, wrote:
I have apache2 running virtual hosts. Ive fingered out how to jail a 
user that uploads files to the document root using jailkit and only 
allow SFTP access. What I have not fingered out is how to keep a user 
from reading other files on the system such as other virtual host 
document roots by uploading a phpshell which runs under the www-data 
user which is not jailed.

Maybe I'm not understanding the problem.  As I understand it, you dont 
want a user that has ftp access to one of your virtual hosts to be able 
to have read access to another of the virtual hosts.  What's the 
problem?  As I understand the question, this has everything to do with 
the security and setup of your ftp server and nothing to do with 
apache.  I have this very easily.  I use Bulletproof FTP server and I 
can easily allow a user ID whatever access and to whatever directories I 
want.  The two virtual servers have completely different document 
roots.  Let me give an example:

I have a virtual server that is with a root of C:\Program 
Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\
I have a second virtual server that is with a root of 
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\

In my ftp server, the user IDs that are there for access to have 
no access above C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\ and 
the user IDs that are there for access to have no access above 
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\

Did I just answer the question or am I completely missing the question?

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

Re: [us...@httpd] domain point to apache

2010-06-21 Thread Jim Walls

Nasir Zia wrote:


If i point a new domain in my DNS to my web server running Apache 2.2. 
It will automatically load the existing web site.

I have two sites already running on my server. I want to point a 
different web site to my server it will show me the index pages of my 
already running site. How can i manage this on Apache level that if i 
point a new site in my dns to my web server it shows nothing unless 
define a Virtual Host for that new site.

Which configuration i need on Apache side for implementing this

If there is no matching virtual server, you will get the first virtual 
server in your config file.  Create a dummy virtual server as the first 
entry and it will do what you want.  Mine is:

VirtualHost *
 DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs

That's the page you will get if you go to my server using the IP address 
(for example).  It gets a simple page that lists all the sites (current 
and former).  It's a way that I can still see sites that no longer have 
a registered domain (such as my kid's baseball team from several years ago).

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [us...@httpd] Something's fishy going on: dead server no log messages

2010-01-31 Thread Jim Walls

Paul McFerrin wrote:

John Hudak wrote:

Some things that come to mind:
1. Is your router properly configured for port forwarding?
2. is the service you are using to do host redirection properly 

I already found the problem.  I used my son to do the initial load of 
the OS and knew nothing of how the router was setup.  Port forwarding 
only works correctly on static IP addressing.  He had chosen DHCP, not 
fully understanding the needs.  Just a communications error.

Yep, that would do it!  Glad you found it pretty quickly...

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: Building Apache 2.2 without IPv6

2009-12-07 Thread Jim Walls

What would be really helpful here is a comparison table, listing (as 
rows) the various things you are/are not allowed to do, and as columns 
the various religions.  Then you could just check yes/no at the 
intersections.  That would make the choice easier.

Any chance of getting this back onto Apache related stuff?

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [us...@httpd] Re: GUI for configuring Apache httpd by editing httpd.conf

2009-02-15 Thread Jim Walls

Mohammed obaidan wrote (in part):

Since Apache is used on more UNIX machines than Windows machines, it
seems that the audience here are Linux users and are willing to edit
the file by a text editor without any helping tool. However, in my
point of view, I think when a Windows user want a simple web server
will go for IIS because it has a GUI. This will affect Apache usage
share, though not that much but at least will have an impact.

As an Apache under Windows user, I would strongly disagree with that 
statement.  The ability to use a GUI had absolutely no bearing on my 
decision to use Apache over IIS.  It was totally based on lack of 
security of most of the Microsoft products.  OK, I might be a little 
biased due to a problem many years ago when I needed to get a ftp server 
up that would only be used for one event lasting less than one day.  Set 
up ftp using IIS and got virused within hours even with latest version 
of IIS and all the updates at the time.  Turned out to be a well known 
security hole that MS had not yet fixed at that time...

Short version is that I could not care less if Apache used a GUI or not.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [us...@httpd] Virtual Hosts Problem - Many hours - No Luck

2009-01-06 Thread Jim Walls

Joseph Morgan wrote:

I am having a problem configuring virtual hosts on my Apache 2.2.6
server. Apache ALWAYS serves up the first virtual host regardless of
the actual host requested.

Well, that does not look close to my Virtual Hosts section of my 
httpd.conf - excerpted here:

NameVirtualHost *

VirtualHost *
 DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs

VirtualHost *
 ServerAlias *
 DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/

VirtualHost *
 ServerAlias *
 DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache 


VirtualHost *
 ServerAlias *
 DocumentRoot C:/Program Files/Apache 


The first is the default if someone comes in looking for the IP 
address.  This works...

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache and router

2006-09-03 Thread Jim Walls

John Tunstall wrote:

Hi. I have a problem!
I am using Apache along with a software system on a server at a club. 
The system is accessed over Internet to make bookings. There is a 
router in between the club LAN and the Internet. There is a static IP 
address for the server. The first message from the Internet to the 
club that activates two introductory screens works fine and you will 
see an example with amended - for security reasons -  IP addresses 
below. The first interaction from the customer, when booking details 
are sent to the server over Internet, causes the http IP address to 
change to that of the router after which the booking sequence falls 
over because the server can no longer be accesed over Internet.


First screen




3rd screen where problem begins and router IP address is substituted

Sure will cause a problem!  You are using an address that can not EVER 
be accessed via the internet.  Your 192.168... address is the NATed 
address on your LAN, and is in one of the private IP ranges that works 
fine on a local LAN, but not on the internet.  For someone to access 
your server from the internet, they must specify (or follow a link to) a 
public IP address (the WAN side of your router), or a URL that can point 
to public IP address via DNS.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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2006-03-02 Thread Jim Walls
I will very shortly be turning up PHP on my Apache 2.0.54 server (on a 
Windows 2000 Server).  Any pitfalls I should be aware of from those that 
have already done so?

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Filename Access

2005-12-29 Thread Jim Walls

Sean Davis wrote:

On 12/29/05 2:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sean - I have created a directory in the public area, and
added the following to my config file:

Directory /srv/www/htdocs/KAR/websites/pub/computing/apache-test
 Options None
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all
 Files *.php
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all

(I restarted apache with /etc/init.d/apache2 stop, then start.)

If you go to that directory, you will get permission denied.

If you then add the following filename, get_vars.php, you
will be able to access that file - well I can from localhost

Is this normal behaviour. I think I may need to re-write my
config files from scratch, after carefully reading the

I certainly don't see why that is the case.  I hope someone else can answer
your question so that I can learn as well.

I have a restricted directory on one of my sites and I looked at my 
config to see what I have listed.  I also tried the same test that you 
did on my site.  When I try to access the directory, I get a request for 
 a logon and password (as expected).  When I entered an invalid 
password, I gave me the Authorization Required page.  I then tried to 
directly access a file in that directory and got exactly the same 
response.  Lastly I verified that I was getting the filename right by 
entering the correct password when prompted and was able to access the 
file.  Here is an extract of my confd file if that helps.  This is 
obviously on a Windows based Apache.

Directory C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny
Allow from all


# Allow Override for .htpasswd access to xxxFiles directory

Directory C:/Program Files/Apache 

  AllowOverride AuthConfig

In the last Directory statement, it really is one line, but may split in 
the E-Mail...

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2.0.55 or 2.2.0?

2005-12-29 Thread Jim Walls
Have enough people run 2.2.0 long enough to know that it's stable?  I am 
 currently running 2.0.54 and I see that 2.0.55 is out as a bug fix and 
also 2.2.0 is out.

Any opinions on taking the plunge to 2.2.0 or should I just stick with 
2.0 and update to 55?  .0 always makes me nervous.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .htaccess Creation Under Windows

2005-11-28 Thread Jim Walls

Michael Avila wrote:

Is there a way to create an .htaccess file under Windows XP Pro? I would
like to locked down a directory from direct outside connection but Windows
does not like that type of filename. Would it be easier just to rename all
of the .htaccess files to something else and change the Apache conf file to
reflect the change? I prefer not to do that because of all of the
applications that come with .htaccess files. I'm liable to forget to rename

I was about to say that you were crazy because I have no problem with 
.htaccess on my server.  However a little further testing and I found 
you were right.  I also found a partial workaround however...  Let me 
explain my network and the testing I did.

I have Apache running on a Windows 2000 Server computer.  Most of the 
management (including .htaccess stuff), I do from this Windows XP 
computer with the C: drive on the server mapped as Z: on this XP box.  I 
have no problems at all reading or editing an existing .htaccess file on 
the XP computer.  However, as you reported, I could not create a new 
.htaccess file on the XP computer.  I could even copy an existing 
.htaccess file (either locally on the XP computer or remotely from the 
2000 server) to the local XP computer and then edit it.

The workaround would be create a .htaccess file on another computer and 
copy it via a floppy, USB drive, CD, etc to your XP computer.  I even 
tried sending myself an e-mail with a .htaccess file as an attachment. 
When I received it on the XP computer, I had no problem saving it, and 
then reading, copying, or editing it.  To that end, I will happily send 
you a dummy .htaccess file as an attachment.  If your computer is like 
mine, you should then be able to edit or copy it to fit your needs.

Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc:  818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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