Re: [users@httpd] Please respond so I know I'm not Spam

2020-01-30 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
 It gotten through

En viernes, 31 de enero de 2020 3:15:29 CET, Robert Snakard 
 Hi I think I may be stuck in the spam folder. Would somebody please respond to 
this message so I know my question has gotten through?
Thanks,   - RS
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Re: [users@httpd] .php3 files recognised but .php files not

2018-06-10 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
What the error_log says?

Paul Gardiner  wrote:

>I have just installed openSUSE Leap 15.0 on a server including Apache 
>2.4.33 and php 7.2.5.
>If I attempt to access .php files, I'm offered them as downloads, 
>although renaming them to .php3 makes them work fine. I have this file 
>amongst my apache config
>SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
>SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source
> DirectoryIndex index.php4
> DirectoryIndex index.php5
> DirectoryIndex index.php
>I tried adding an extra FilesMatch clause, matching precisely .php, just 
>in case something has become broken with regular expression matching, 
>but that didn't help.
>Please can someone suggest a way to track down the problem?
>I see nothing relevant in the logs.
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Re: [users@httpd] mirror a html site

2017-12-24 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
Not sure why it is marked as spam from your system, i will investigate.

I apologize if someone felt bothered by my mistake. Some lists show the list 
and the replier email addresses when you reply.

I will whip myself after dinner.


D'Arcy Cain  wrote:

>On 12/24/2017 12:54 PM, Jonathan Sélea wrote:
>> Offtopic, but why do is your email ""?
>The purpose is to lower his spam by making you do some work to to help
>him.  In other words, he's making his spam problem your problem.
>At least it isn't as bad as making you go to a web page before it will
>accept your email.
>Things like this are why I usually reply to the list rather than to the
>sender or all.
>D'Arcy J.M. Cain
>System Administrator, Vex.Net
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Re: [users@httpd] Virtual Host Not working

2016-05-14 Thread miguel gonzalez
I always have used either the ip address or the wildcard * in the virtualhost 

Have you checked the logs?

Beech  wrote:

>I have added a new virtual domain and it's not working. No error 
>messages, just won't connect. I have triple checked the paths and 
>spelling. DNS is propagated and dig returns the correct IP.  The other 
>domains work. Here's the setting, it's Apache24:
> ServerAdmin
> DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/fishing/htdocs"
> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> ErrorLog "/usr/local/www/fishing/logs/greatlandfishing-error_log"
> CustomLog "/usr/local/www/fishing/logs/greatlandfishing-access_log"
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> AllowOverride All
> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
> Order Allow,Deny
> Allow from All
>Does anyone have a suggestion? The other vhosts have almost identical 
>configs and work.
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[users@httpd] using server-status in default virtual host

2013-11-22 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
Dear all,

  This probably is very easy but I can't get it to work.

  I have enabled server-status in my apache 2.2 installation. I have several 
virtual hosts in 8080 http port, but when I try to reach: 

  It defaults to the first virtual host.

  Googling around I got this thread:

  I added this right before a rewriterule that I had in my first virtual host 
entry but still get a 404 error 
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/server-status

 Do I have to add that rewrite condition in every rewritecond I have in all my 
virtual hosts or is there any way to have a default virtual host that enables 



[users@httpd] Cdorked.A backdoor

2013-05-02 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
Dear all,

  I've been searching in the archives of the mailing list and I don't see any 
reference to the Cdorked.A backdoor:

  Anyone knows any way of detecting the binary has been compromised? 



[users@httpd] Plesk 11 virtual hosts and port changes

2013-01-23 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
Dear all,

   I have a VPS with Plesk 11. Although It seems a Plesk issue I'm wondering if 
anyone in the list have experienced this.

   I know how to create virtual hosts in Apache and change default ports to 
different values but since Plesk is running and have its own settings I would 
like to keep both, Apache and Plesk configurations.

   So I did add a domain in Plesk. I had the default domain 
for the VPS which was something like 

   Since I'm running tomcat in 80 and 443 (SSL) ports I want to move Apache to 
81 and 7443 (SSL).

   A few things I've noticed:

   -  Default domain virtualmachine documentroot is set to 
/var/www/vhosts/ However when I create it creates a structure under /var/www/vhosts but documentroot 
is created under 

   - Following some instructions I created two files in 
/var/www/vhosts/, vhost.con and vhost_ssl.conf, however 
reconfiguring Plesk domains seems to ignore those files.

   So summarizing:
   Anyway to configure my virtual hosts in different ports and setting a 
different documentroot like /var/www/vhosts/ ?



[users@httpd] embedding videos in an Apache server

2013-01-15 Thread Miguel Gonzalez
Dear all,

  I am pretty new to video streaming so pardon me if my questions are too 

  I have configured an Apache Web server for video downloading. My client needs 
that videos are embedded for HTML files.

  I have read around and after configuring my apache server with the proper 
handlers and AddTypes I see If we want to leverage embedded videos we would 
need to install a viewer like SWFObject in our server.

  I have a few questions:
  - SWFObject is the best open source solution available for Apache?

  - Is this tool (or any other tool you recommend) easy for embedding videos 
for any web browser? (IE, Firefox, Chrome) ?



[users@httpd] simple easy way to turn to maintenance mode

2012-05-27 Thread Miguel Gonzalez

Dear all,

   I'm administering Apache and Tomcat web servers. From time to time we have 
to turn the web server down and would be nice to have a maintenance mode 
message to the users.

   The version of Plesk we have doesn't support this so maybe there is any easy 
way to do this. I've thought about setting up a different instance of the web 
server or configure a different web server but maybe I'm missing an even 
simplier way to do this. In fact we only want to send a simple html response to 
the user.



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