
I’ve enabled a shacl endpoint as described in Apache Jena Shacl 
<https://jena.apache.org/documentation/shacl/> and have some questions.

Our objective in using the endpoint is to be able to validate a given resource 
graph in the tdb:unionDefaultGraph against a given shapes graph.

1) I added:

    fuseki:endpoint  [ fuseki:operation fuseki:shacl ; fuseki:name "shacl" ] ;

to the Fuseki assembler file for a dataset and restarted, and it is reachable. 

One observation is that using the above “new style” endpoint declaration 
apparently can be replaced by:

    fuseki:serviceShacl          "shacl" ;

I’m not sure about this but the comment in the doc:

> This is not installed into a dataset setup by default; a configuration file 
> using fuseki:serviceShacl is necessary

seems to suggest it sort of.

2) In any event, when I call the endpoint like:

curl -s GET http://ldspdi-dev.bdrc.io/shapes/core/PersonShapes | curl -XPOST 
--data-binary @-  --header 'Content-type: text/turtle' 

I see a result like:

[ a            sh:ValidationReport ;
  sh:conforms  false ;
  sh:result    [ a                             sh:ValidationResult ;
                 sh:focusNode                  bdr:UNKNOWN_Person ;
                 sh:resultMessage              "minCount[1]: Invalid 
cardinality: expected min 1: Got count = 0" ;
                 sh:resultPath                 bdo:personName ;
                 sh:resultSeverity             sh:Violation ;
                 sh:sourceConstraintComponent  sh:MinCountConstraintComponent ;
                 sh:sourceShape                bds:PersonShape-personName
] .

which is surprising given that there’s no reference in the graph 
http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/P707 <http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/P707>  that refers 
eventually to bdr:UNKNOWN_Person. The P707 graph is a Person graph. I’ve also 
tried using an encoded url, http%3a%2f%2fpurl.bdrc.io%2fgraph%2fP707, but that 
makes no difference.

In fact, using a non-Person graph like http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/W12827 
<http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/W12827> produces the same result. As does, 
submitting a non-existent graph URL like http://no.such.org/flip/flop 

This all leads me to conclude that SHACL-Validation#L61 
 isn’t getting in a way that I understand. 

I haven’t found any logging that gives any helpful entries and so I’m asking 
questions rather than diving deeper for now.

If I use another shape graph like 
<http://ldspdi-dev.bdrc.io/shapes/core/WorkShapes>, then I get a result like:

[ a            sh:ValidationReport ;
  sh:conforms  true
] .

again regardless of the graph argument.

I don’t understand the results.

3) This result leads to a related question. It seems that a result of:

    sh:conforms  true

means that the data graph conforms to the shapes graph in all respects where 
the shapes graph picks out features in the data graph, even if the shapes graph 
picks out nothing at all in the data graph.

Is there any way to tell whether the shapes graph in some sense doesn’t apply 
to the data graph? This seems like an important distinction.

I appreciate any help on these questions,

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