
2017-12-21 Thread Francisco Javier Arenales CASTRODEZA

OpenSMPP - Kannel configuration

2014-12-30 Thread Francisco Javier Arenales CASTRODEZA
Hi folks,

At the moment, I have set up Kannel (1.5) with OpenSMPP to test 
my own gateway. The schema is the next:

[My Gateway,OpenSMPP  (Port 2775)  ,BearerBox  (Port 17601)  ,HTTP 
Server  (Port 28080)]

[Http SMS Center  (Port 17612)]

Everything is OK for functional testing, but I need to run loading tests in My 
Gateway and this architecture with Kannel could be a bottleneck for my purposes.

I was wondering if it's possible to configure Kannel to do it 
easier and run my loading tests the best way possible. I'd like something like 
the next:

*For MT messages:

o   I only want to test SMPP signaling between My Gateway and OpenSMPP, so that 
all MT SMPP from My Gateway (with submit_sm operation) should be answered as 
soon as possible.

o   I don't need to process the SMPP or forwarded it to HTTP Server.

*For MO messages:

o   For this case, I want to follow this design because I need to check MO 
message (sending by HTTP to Kannel) is received my gateway.

Is there any way to do this? (Attached you have my 
configuration files).

I'd appreciate any kind of hint or help.


Javier Arenales

Description: image001.emz

Description: image002.emz

Description: image003.emz

Description: image004.emz

Description: image008.emz

Description: kannel.conf

Description: opensmpp.conf

Delays between submit_sm and bind_transmitter - Kannel OpenSMPPBox

2014-12-29 Thread Francisco Javier Arenales CASTRODEZA

I've configured Kannel with OpenSMPPBox and SMS Center HTTP to test my gateway 
which uses SMPP protocol. The flow is, in short, the next:

1)  My gateway sends submit_sm to OpenSMPPBox (port: 2775).

2)  OpenSMPPBox sends bind_transmitter to BearerBox (port: 17601).

3)  BearerBox sends GET request to SMS Center HTTP (port: 28080).

The point is I can see a great delay since OpenSMPPBox receives submit_sm and 
it sends bind_transmitter (almost 1 second, the most of times). I was wondering 
if there's some kind of parameter or configuration to improve this.

By the way, I've read this SMPP parameter and I don't if I can configure some 
like that or it's involved in my issue (I'm not an SMPP expert):

session_init_timer  --> This timer specifies the time lapse allowed between a 
network connection being established and a bind_transmitter or bind_receiver 
request being sent to the SMSC. This timer should be active on the SMSC.


Javier Arenales

RE: Send unique GET request from Kannel (not fragmented)

2014-11-12 Thread Francisco Javier Arenales CASTRODEZA
Hi Mathieu,

Thanks for your response. I’ll try to explain to you what I’d 
like to do.

I have an external gateway which sends SMPP messages and I’d 
like to connect to Kannel. For that, I’ve configured Kannel to be used as 
OpenSMPP, just like this:

OpenSMPP config:

group = core

group = opensmppbox
bearerbox-host =
#bearerbox-port: same as smsbox-port in bearer.conf
bearerbox-port = 17601
opensmppbox-id = opensmpp1
opensmppbox-port = 2775
log-file = "/export/home/ejuegao/kannel/smsc_conf/log/opensmpp.log"
log-level = 1
our-system-id = opensmpp
#route-to-smsc = cardboard
use-systemid-as-smsboxid = true
smpp-logins = /export/home/ejuegao/kannel/smsc_conf/opensmpp_logins.txt

Gateway and OpenSMPP connect through port 2775.

On the other hand, I have this in my Kannel configuration:

group = core
admin-port = 17600
smsbox-port = 17601
admin-password = 'mysecrect'

group = smsbox
smsbox-id = enduser
bearerbox-host =
sendsms-port = 17602

###Credentials for sending MT messages in http protocol group = sendsms-user
#group = sendsms-user
#username = john
#password = wayne
##default-smsc = loop1
#max-messages = 10

#routing of messages inside bearerbox
group = smsbox-route
smsbox-id = system
smsc-id= mouser

#SMS Center HTTP (system)
group = smsc
smsc = http
smsc-id = mouser
system-type = generic
smsc-username = john
smsc-password = ford
port = 17612
status-success-regex = "ok"
status-permfail-regex = "failure"
status-tempfail-regex = "retry later"

My target is, when OpenSMPP receives SMPP messages, resend the 
same message by HTTP GET request. For that, I’ve configured a SMS Center HTTP.

This SMS Center HTTP doesn’t allow parameter ‘concatenation = 
true’, so my question is: How can I do this? Should I use one ‘sms-service’ 
instead of SMS Center HTTP?


Javier Arenales.

From: Mathieu Bruneau [mailto:roun...@gmail.com]
Sent: miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014 4:10
To: Francisco Javier Arenales CASTRODEZA; users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: Send unique GET request from Kannel (not fragmented)

This should go to users mailing...

And did you tried concatenation = true in your sms-service configuration?

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Francisco Javier Arenales CASTRODEZA 
Hi guys,

I’m using Kannel as SMSCenter, receiving MT messages and 
responding to those messages by HTTP GET. Kannel receives fragmented SMPP 
messages and it responses by HTTP GET with fragmented messages as well.

My question is: is there any way to send a unique HTTP GET from 


Javier Arenales

aka ROunofF
