

I'm using maildrop to support this, this the maildroprc file inside.


logfile "$LOGDIR/maildroprc.log"



to "|/usr/sbin/parsing.pl"


and this is the parsing.pl file inside..



use Shell;

#use strict;

use Mail::Internet;

use String::Rexx qw( :all );

use HTTP::Lite;


my $http = new HTTP::Lite;

#ambil header

my $header = Mail::Internet->new(*STDIN)->head()->header_hashref();

chomp $header->{$_}[0] foreach keys(%{$header});


#ambil subject,from,to daro header

my $subject = $header->{Subject}[0];

my $from = $header->{From}[0];

my $to = $header->{To}[0];


#ganti karakter2x yang tidak benar step 1

my $from1 = changestr('@',changestr('"',$from,'\"'),'\@');

my $to1 = changestr('@',changestr('"',$to,'\"'),'\@');


#ganti karakter2x yang tidak benar step 2

my $dari = bersihkan($from1);

my $ke = bersihkan($to1);


my $req =
$http->request("$dari&to=$ke";) or
die "Unable to open connection to sms notify: $!";


sub bersihkan {

if ($_[$from] =~ m/(.+)\s\<(.+)\@(.+)\>/) {

my $from =~ m/(.+)\s\<(.+)\@(.+)\>/;

my $panjang = length($2."\@".$3);

my $from = substr($2."\@".$3, 0);

} else {

my $from = $_[$from];




exit 0;






From: Joyce Gutierrez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:39 AM
To: Kannel users
Subject: Mail to SMS with Kannel


Hi guys,

I can now send SMS to phones with kannel. Now I am trying to integrate
Kannel with Postfix in a way that whenever a new message arrives at the
inbox it would be forwarded to the intended receivers to their mobile

I have read some posts about this, and have tried using procmail and a perl
script to parse the email and forward it to my /cgi-bin/sendsms,,

here is my .procmailrc

TO=`formail -xTo:`
SUBJECT=`formail -xSubject: \
| expand | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g' -e 's/[ ]*$//g'`
SENDER=`formail -xFrom: \
| expand | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g' -e 's/[ ]*$//g'`
BODY= `formail -I "" \
| expand | sed -e '1,/^$/ d' -e '1,/^$/ d'`
BODY=`formail -I "" `
SENDER=`formail -rtzxTo:`
| perl /home/sms/massms/newsms.pl $SENDER $TO $SUBJECT $BODY >>

Unfortunately, whenever I test sending an email, the mail is just received
by the procmail and nothing happens anymore,, The log I specified in
.procmailrc just remains to be empty,

Could there be any other way to implement Mail to SMS? Or couold any body
point ut what possibly is my problem?
I hope somebody could help me,

Thanks in advance



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