no-smsc = false [Default] Is this a bug?

2011-01-14 Thread Helen Sang
Dear Kannel users,

I tested phone with kannel, and find a strange behaviour:

If the no-smsc clause in modems.conf is explicitly set to false, which is 
default, kannel will NO pre-fix 00 to the string it send to phone.

I have this line in my modem.conf

 no-smsc = false [Default]

And Kannel send this string to phone:

2011-01-13 15:28:47 [8114] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyACM0]: -- 

Note that the string is not prefixed with '00', which means use default smsc 
number from SIM card.

The phone returns error on this string.

After I comment off the above no-smsc clause in conf file, kannel will pre fix 
'00' to the string and phone will send sms out as expected.

However, Kannel user manual said no-smsc default value is false,  which is same 
as the no-smsc clause in conf file.  So someone please check if the clause is 
parsed correctly.

I am still not able to receive sms.  Will probe further, and may post here 



Re: no-smsc = false [Default] Is this a bug?

2011-01-14 Thread Helen Sang
 = 460800 [Default]
# enable-hwhs = AT+IFC=2,2 [Default]
 need-sleep =  [Default]
 no-pin = false [Default]
# no-smsc = false [Default]
 sendline-sleep = 100 [Default, miliseconds]
 keepalive-cmd = AT+CMEE=1 [Default]
 broken = false [Default]
 message-storage = SM
 enable-mms = false [Default]

group = modems
id = wavecom
name = Wavecom
detect-string = WAVECOM

group = modems
id = premicell
name = Premicell
detect-string = PREMICEL
no-pin = true
no-smsc = true

group = modems
id = siemens_tc35
name = Siemens TC35
detect-string = SIEMENS
detect-string2 = TC35
init-string = AT+CNMI=1,2,0,1,1
speed = 19200
enable-hwhs = AT\\Q3
need-sleep = true

group = modems
id = siemens_m20
name = Siemens M20
detect-string = SIEMENS
detect-string2 = M20
speed = 19200
enable-hwhs = AT\\Q3
keepalive-cmd = AT+CBC;+CSQ
need-sleep = true

group = modems
id = siemens_sl45
name = Siemens SL45
detect-string = SIEMENS
detect-string2 = SL45
init-string = AT+CNMI=1,2,2,2,1
keepalive-cmd = AT+CBC;+CSQ
speed = 19200
enable-hwhs = AT\\Q3
need-sleep = true
message-storage = SM

group = modems
id = nokiaphone
name = Nokia Phone
detect-string = Nokia Mobile Phone
need-sleep = true
keepalive-cmd = AT+CBC;+CSQ
enable-mms = true
# detect-string = MODEM
# detect-string2 =  [Default]
 init-string = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
# init-string = AT+CNMI=3,1,0,0,0;+CMEE=1
 speed = 9600 
# enable-hwhs = AT+IFC=2,2 [Default]
# need-sleep = false [Default]
# no-pin = false [Default]
# no-smsc = false [Default]
# sendline-sleep = 100 [Default, miliseconds]
# keepalive-cmd = AT [Default]
# broken = false [Default]
# message-storage = SM
# enable-mms = false [Default]

group = modems
id = falcom
name = Falcom
detect-string = Falcom
#no-smsc = true

group = modems
id = ericsson_r520m
name = Ericsson R520m
detect-string = R520m
init-string = AT+CNMI=3,2,0,0

group = modems
id = ericsson_t68
name = Ericsson T68
detect-string = T68
init-string = AT+CNMI=3,3
keepalive-cmd = AT+CBC;+CSQ
broken = true

group = modems
id = sonyericsson_gr47
name = Sony Ericsson GR47
detect-string = GR47
message-storage = ME
# use this init-string for non sim-buffering
init-string = AT+CNMI=3,2,0,0
# use this init-string for sim-buffering
#init-string = AT+CNMI=3,1,0,0
reset-string = ATZ
broken = true

group = modems
id = alcatel
name = Alcatel
detect-string = Alcatel
init-string = AT+CNMI=3,2,0,0

group = modems
id = sonyericsson_T630-T628
name = Sony Ericsson T630-T628?
init-string = AT+CNMI=2,3,2,0,0;+CMGF=0?
keepalive-cmd = AT+CBC;+CSQ;+CMGF=0?
broken = true

group = modems
id = sonyericsson_p1i
name = Sony Ericsson P1i
detect-string = Sony Ericsson P1i
init-string = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
message-storage = SM
reset-string = ATZ
broken = true 

I am using a MOTOROLA U9 phone.  The phone can send and read SMS with manual AT 
command, in both Text and PDU mode.  Now I can send, but not yet receive.  When 
new sms arrives, no acknowledgement was detected by bearerbox.

In minicom, the phone return to +CNMI query like this:

+CNMI: (0,3),(0-2),(0),(0),(0)    

That's why i set 

 init-string = AT+CNMI=3,2,0,0,0 

I am not sure if there is any other thing to change.  I am thinking of reading 
Kannel users manual again in the evening train ride :)


--- On Fri, 1/14/11, Joseph Koech wrote:

From: Joseph Koech
Subject: Re: no-smsc = false [Default] Is this a bug?
To: Helen Sang
Date: Friday, January 14, 2011, 6:26 PM

Which kannel version are you using? Post more details (e.g your .conf file) so 
that we can help you.

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Helen Sang wrote:

Dear Kannel users,

I tested phone with kannel, and find a strange behaviour:

If the no-smsc clause in modems.conf is explicitly set to false, which is 
default, kannel will NO pre-fix 00 to the string it send to phone.

I have this line in my modem.conf

 no-smsc = false [Default]

And Kannel send this string to phone:

2011-01-13 15:28:47 [8114] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyACM0]: -- 

Note that the string is
 not prefixed with '00', which means use default smsc number from SIM card.

The phone returns error on this string.

After I comment off the above no-smsc clause in conf file, kannel will pre fix 
'00' to the string and phone will send sms out as expected.

However, Kannel user manual said no-smsc default value is false,  which is same 
as the no-smsc clause in conf file.  So someone please check if the clause is 
parsed correctly.

I am still not able to receive sms.  Will probe further, and may post here 
