Re: python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)

2022-01-22 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Friday, 21 January 2022 18.34.17 WET Patrick Dupre wrote:
> ello,
> How can I get
> python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)
> python3dist(wurlitzer)
> ?
> Thanks

Hi Patrick,
  repoquery is your friend. :-)

# repoquery --whatprovides 'python3dist(wurlitzer)'
Last metadata expiration check: 1:00:21 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 07:32:37 AM WET

# repoquery --whatprovides 'python3dist(sphinx-math-dollar)'
Last metadata expiration check: 1:03:31 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 07:32:37 AM WET

Repoquery uses the dnf mechanism and so the usual options can be used. As an 
example sometimes I need to see what packages provides a dependency in 

# repoquery --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rawhide --whatprovides 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:07:43 ago on Sat 22 Jan 2022 08:31:15 AM WET

I hope that this helps. :-)
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Re: gsl

2021-06-21 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Saturday, June 19, 2021 2:38:02 PM WEST Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,
> There is a new version of gsl (2.7).
> What are the plans to have it available in fc34?

Historically all the new releases of gsl where never released in stable 

I am guessing that this pattern will be repeated this time as well.

> Thanks
> ===
> Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
> Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
>  9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
>  Tel: +33 (0)380395988| | Room# D114A
> ===

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Re: M2 on laptop

2021-04-09 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Friday, April 9, 2021 1:11:01 AM WEST Greg Woods wrote:
> Dell likes to configure the SSD as a RAID in the BIOS. Even though their
> Windows installation is not using it as a RAID device.  When it is set to 
> RAID in the BIOS, Linux cannot see it. For Linux to run, it must be set to
> AHCI mode. In my relatively new Dell workstation, this is under System
> Configuration -> SATA Operations.
> It "should" be safe (all I can say is that it was for me) to go in and
> verify that your SATA mode is set RAID (in which case this is likely the
> cause of your problem), set it to AHCI, and then boot your Linux USB stick.
> It should then see the SSD.
> Unfortunately, Windows will now not boot unless you change it back to RAID.
> If you were planning to keep the installed Windows system (which I wanted
> to do), then there is a procedure you can Google for (it might have even
> been referred to on this list) that will allow the Dell-installed Windows
> to boot in non-RAID mode. I followed the directions and can now dual boot
> Windows and Linux out of the GRUB menu.
> --Greg

This is +1 message. :-)

Yesterday I had precisely the same issue and the solution that Greg stated was 
the solution. This was a Dell XPS 15.

In this case the windows version was erased so there was no need for the 
workaround. Looking in the BIOS, in the storage section, was enough to see 
that the chosen configuration was RAID, changing it to AHCI allowed the 
installer to see the disk and to proceed with the installation.

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Problem with bluetooth on Fedora 33

2020-12-02 Thread José Abílio Matos
  in this laptop I am unable to have bluetooth running.

I have followed the instruction at 

# hciconfig
hci0:   Type: Primary  Bus: USB
BD Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx  ACL MTU: 1021:6  SCO MTU: 255:12
RX bytes:1566 acl:0 sco:0 events:170 errors:0
TX bytes:35258 acl:0 sco:0 commands:170 errors:0

Trying to bring it to a working state does not work either:

# hciconfig up

shows the same output as above.

# lsusb | grep -i blue
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 13d3:3548 IMC Networks Bluetooth Radio

This pair shows up in drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c

Yet something seems to go awry since:

# systemctl status bluetooth
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; 
vendor preset: enabled)
 Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-12-02 07:02:48 WET; 7h ago
   Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
   Main PID: 842 (bluetoothd)
 Status: "Running"
  Tasks: 1 (limit: 37766)
 Memory: 1.6M
CPU: 58ms
 CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
 └─842 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d

Dec 02 14:29:03 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_ref() 
0x55fc8419fac0: ref=1
Dec 02 14:29:03 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:register_agent() agent :
Dec 02 14:29:25 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_disconnect() Agent 
:1.3771 disconnected
Dec 02 14:29:25 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_destroy() agent :
Dec 02 14:29:25 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_unref() 
0x55fc8419fac0: ref=0
Dec 02 14:29:42 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_ref() 
0x55fc8419fac0: ref=1
Dec 02 14:29:42 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:register_agent() agent :
Dec 02 14:29:59 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_disconnect() Agent 
:1.3775 disconnected
Dec 02 14:29:59 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_destroy() agent :
Dec 02 14:29:59 griffin bluetoothd[842]: src/agent.c:agent_unref() 
0x55fc8419fac0: ref=0

Any help is appreciated. :-)
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Re: Differences between versions of wine on FC31 and FC32? 5.19/5.22

2020-12-02 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Wednesday, December 2, 2020 5:39:38 AM WET Samuel Sieb wrote:
> Notebook hard drives are really slow now, but I've never seen one take
> that long.

I saw. :-)

[Oh, wait let me change that emoji to :-( ;-)]

> This is why I put SSDs in everything.

And as you correctly point this is the main issue. A SSD in an old computer 
will make the computer fly because in some cases the performance bottleneck is 
the I/O component, and that clearly is the case when installing/updating 
thousand of packages.
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Re: F32 => F33 Error: Transaction test error: [unseen space]

2020-10-30 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Friday, October 30, 2020 4:47:00 PM WET Beartooth wrote:
> Running ]#  dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=33
> --allowerasing
> gets me a transaction test error saying
> At least 674MB more space needed on the / filesystem.
> But gparted shows /dev/sda with 111.79 GB including 87.94 GB
> unused, and /dev/sdb1 with 1.8 TB, and only  4 MB used.
> Partitioning seems simple till I have to use it, and then
> immediately bewilders me. What do I have to do??

Could it be the /boot partition that is the culprit here? Do you have a 
separate boot partition?
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Re: X Org Server is abandonware

2020-10-29 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Monday, October 26, 2020 11:46:00 AM WET George N. White III wrote:
> One of the motivations for Wayland was that the X.Org was becoming
> unmaintainable and suffered from design choices that are no longer
> relevant.  It has been clear for some time that X Org was not getting much
> attention, but Wayland has been around for a while and still many drivers
> (Wacom professional drawing tablets) require X (and don't work with
> X-Wayland).   An additional problem is that developers with decades of X11
> experience are aging out.
> The Phoronix post has 100's comments, so far I haven't seen them degenerate
> to politics.

I am surprised that no one mentioned Adam Jackson (ajax) blog on the issue: 

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Re: Any subs for Libreoffice?

2020-08-12 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Wednesday, 12 August 2020 13.15.43 WEST Tony Nelson wrote:
> Lyx.

The list of user of LyX is quite varied.

Quite surprising to me was that there were people from law, linguists and also 
for Hollywood and Broadway scripts.

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Re: non-rpm R libraries not accessible now w R v 4.0.x

2020-07-19 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Sunday, 19 July 2020 13.15.06 WEST Max Pyziur wrote:
> ip <- installed.packages()
> ip["R6", c(2,3,16)]
> > ip <- installed.packages()
> > ip["R6", c(2,3,16)]
> LibPathVersion  Built
> "/usr/lib64/R/library""2.4.1""3.6.2"

That makes (some) sense.

I get this:

> ip["R6", c(2,3,16)]
   LibPathVersion  Built 

Note that the difference comes from the package location.

I can probably see this from running:


So that probably means that you have two packages installed, one in /usr/
lib64/R/library and another in /usr/share/R/library. You will see from running 
the command above that /usr/lib64/R/library comes first and so that is the 
package used.

I hope that this makes sense.

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Re: non-rpm R libraries not accessible now w R v 4.0.x

2020-07-19 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Saturday, 18 July 2020 23.58.04 WEST Max Pyziur wrote:
> I got this far: when doing
> dnf install R-CRAN-matlib
> the command comes back with a boatload of dependencies, including the
> request to install R-CRAN-R6.
> R-R6 as an F32 rpm is already installed; there are other instances where
> an RPM-CRAN-* rpm is requested to be installed as a dependency when the
> comprable F32 rpm is already installed.
> This doesn't seem to be prudent.
> Max

The packages are, by design, parallel installable with Fedora's packages.

FWIW there is a mailing list specialized in the relation between R and Fedora:

Most of the Fedora R packagers are there, including Iñaki who created the rpm 
cran repository, so it is a nice place to ask these questions.

BTW what are the results when you run

dnf list R-R6

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Re: non-rpm R libraries not accessible now w R v 4.0.x

2020-07-19 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Saturday, 18 July 2020 23.46.07 WEST Max Pyziur wrote:
> R6 is available as a F32 RPM; however, it comes back w the above error
> message, fyi.

Are you sure? :-)

What does the following code returns?

ip <- installed.packages()
ip["R6", c(2,3,16)]

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Re: non-rpm R libraries not accessible now w R v 4.0.x

2020-07-18 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Saturday, 18 July 2020 21.22.17 WEST Max Pyziur wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've installed some R libraries that are not available as rpm packages,
> specifically matlib and a few others.
> Recently, R was ported to version 4.0.x and these libraries are not
> callable. When I remove them and try to install them all sorts of
> dependencies are either removed or become problematic.
> Any advice?
> Much thanks,
> Max Pyziur

What are the errors you are seeing?

All packages need to be rebuilt for R 4.0 be it installed from rpms or 
otherwise. That is a requirement from R 4.0 and not from our installation.

FWIW you can also install packages from cran as rpms using: 

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Re: USB rtl8192eu not connecting.

2020-05-27 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Tuesday, 26 May 2020 21.54.55 WEST Michael D. Setzer II via users wrote:
> make[1]: *** [Makefile:1683: /root/RTL8192EU-master]
> Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> '/usr/src/kernels/5.6.13-100.fc30.x86_64'
> make: *** [Makefile:1829: modules] Error 2
> So, that is as far as it gets.
> Thanks.

I have been this driver from[1] 

That should now be merged back into Mange.

I have been using it with Fedora 32 and dkms and it works here.

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Re: fc25 --> fc31

2020-04-15 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Wednesday, 15 April 2020 23.41.49 WEST ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is it possible to upgrade FC25 to FC31?
> Any special instructions?  Or just the usual?
> Many thanks,
> -T

Just like Ed I would strongly recommend a backup of important data.

In order to minimize the problems I would probably break the update in two 
parts, e.g. 
from f25 -> f28 and from f28->f31.

FWIW I did the last part with any issues in a laptop last month. For f28 -> f31 
I used the 
dnf plugin.

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Re: Mostly OT: recommendations for simple personal static website generator (Fedora 30)

2019-07-29 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Saturday, 27 July 2019 14.12.23 WEST Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> Dear friends,
> After over 20 years, I am having to create a new personal website. I looked
> around a little and feel that I would like to have a static website. So, I
> was wondering about possible recommendations available on Fedora 30 (ideal)
> but otherwise that would be easy to get started on. I found something
> called but I was wondering if there are other more preferred
> options.
> Many thanks and best wishes,
> Ranjan

That is not what you are asking but I like nikola. :-)

There are others options so just pick the one you feel more comfortable with.

Popular options are:
 * Jekyll
 * Hyde
 * Hugo
 * Pelican

among others. While searching I found where a (very) extensive 
list can be found.
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Re: Upgrade 28 to 30

2019-06-10 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Sunday, 9 June 2019 10.18.45 WEST Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Here is the list
> AdobeReader_enu, perl-Chart-GRACE, perl-PDL-Graphics-PLplot,
> python2-ecryptfs-utils, python2-rpkg, system-config-firewall, python2-ZEO,
> sagemath, ImageMagick-perl, perl-Color-Scheme, perl-B-Utils
> perl-Bit-Vector, texlive, perl-Cairo, perl-Class-XSAccessor, perl-Clone,
> perl-Compress-Bzip2, perl-Forest, perl-Graphics-Primitive,
> perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2, perl-Geometry-Primitive perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS,
> perl-DBD-MySQL, perl-Math-Function-Roots, perl-Data-Dumper, webmin,
> TeXmacs, fig2ps, gnuplot-latex, gv, lyx, maxima, maxima-gui, octave,
> qtoctave, perl-Math-Integral-Romberg perl-Digest-MD5, perl-Math-Random,
> perl-Email-Address-XS, perl-Encode, chemtool, perl-Tk, perl-tk-zinc, xfig,
> transfig, perl-Math-Random-Brownian, perl-GD, perl-Image-Sane,
> perl-MIME-Base64, perl-Unicode-String, perl-Math-BigInt-FastCalc,
> perl-PGPLOT, perl-Params-Util, perl-Sort-Fields, perl-PathTools, lzop,
> wine, usermin, valgrind, root, kernel-devel, kbibtex, kalzium, enscript
> digikam, perl-String-Scanf, perl-Tk-LineGraphDataset, perl-define,
> perl-the, perl-warnings-unused

What command are you using to upgrade?

Some of those above are related. The issue is to find what packages are the 
culprit for those removals.

As an example above why do you need qtoctave? Since octave 3.8, that octave 
has a GUI interface and qtoctave has been abandoned for a long time.

Most of the packages that you list above are available in Fedora 30.
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Re: Boot VGA modesetting in F30

2019-05-08 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 02.58.56 WEST Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> I distinctly remember reading somewhere about boot video mode initialization
> changes that were going into F30. IIRC, something about a "flicker-free"
> effort that tries to switch the video mode only once, permanently, during
> boot, and sticking with the same video mode all the way to the desktop. 
> I updated a system with an Nvidia chipset (an older Nvidia chipset that's  
> natively supported in Xorg without the need for a binary blob) that does
> not use plymouth, it boots using an old-fashioned system console, until X
> starts. In F29 its grub menu came up in standard VGA, then the mode quickly
> changes to 132 column VGA for the duration of the boot, until the regular
> 1920x1080 desktop. The 132 column VGA apparently is a 1920x1080 bitmap, so
> I pretty much had a single video mode change, already.
> After updating to F30, this grub menu comes up unexpectedly in some video  
> mode that looks like a 640x480 VGA mode. The font looks even larger than a
> normal 80 character font. After selecting the kernel, the boot starts, but
> only after an unnervingly lengthy delay, I'd say about 5-10 seconds, with a
> completely blank screen, before it switches to the same 132 column VGA,
> with the boot proceeding normally. This gave me heart palpitations,
> briefly, making me believe that the update bricked it.
> I can't find anything in the release notes or the documentation, about  
> fiddling boot screen modes. Any pointers?

Hans has a series of blog posts about this, the last one is:

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Re: gnuplot 5.2

2018-10-15 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Sunday, 14 October 2018 06.27.55 WEST Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 10/13/18 10:18 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> > Could update the gnuplot package in fedora 28?

Since gnuplot is also the basis for some other packages and any update 
requires lots of testing previous history suggests that this will not happen. 

> > In addition, could you compile it with the cerf library?

I have submitted libcerf for inclusion in Fedora:

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Re: Rstudio

2018-08-27 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Monday, 27 August 2018 05.53.04 WEST Javier Perez wrote:
> Fedora 28.
> Why is Rstudio 0.99.467 ?
> When I start it Rstudio tells me that there is a newer 1.1.456
> Just wondering.

Hi Javier,
  Rstudio is not on Fedora so you should have probably installed it by hand 
(eventually using the rpm provided there).

When rstudio starts it always checks if there is a new version available. That 
is what you are getting.

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Re: R as on Ubuntu and Fedora

2018-02-27 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Wednesday, 21 February 2018 03.10.31 WET Max Pyziur wrote:
> ggplot2, tibble, tidyr dplyr. They seem to be popular and becoming more
> integral to R.
> As for the point about 435 on Ubuntu vs the ~140 on Fedora: I assume those
> 435 are reflective of popularity, frequency of usage, and maintenance. It
> would be ridiculous to put all 6,000 CRAN packages into the Fedora eco
> system.
> But consider perl and the number of packages that have been rpm'd, even
> though some are close to stale. The benefit of having a package is that it
> is built with the whole distro in mind.
> If you install packages local to a user, then they might not/probably are
> not available to other users (but to engage in self argument: how many
> other "users" have access to your own systems - desktop & laptop?)
> Sure, there is little challenge to installing R packages using
> install.packages("SomePackageName"); my concern is more for the sake of
> consistency: if perl, python, php, etc., have their modules/function
> libraries built for Fedora, why not R?
> Curious, not kvetching,
> MP

BTW I think that CRAN now is over 10 000 packages so even 435 is less than 5%.

I maintain some of those packages in Fedora, and from practical experience I 
can tell you that 
one of the problems when packaging a new R package into Fedora is that every 
time you start 
you have to unravel all the dependencies. Sometimes you need to go 5 levels 
deeps, with a net 
result of ~40/50 new packages that need to be added before adding the package 
you interested 

Recently some of the packages required to have the packages you referred above 
are starting 
to show in Fedora. But that is a process that takes time and requires energy.

I presented a talk in useR 2008:

FWIW this problem is not specific to R the same happens for python. There are 
packages where 
unraveling new dependencies is also a problem.

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Re: To replace fc27 Gnome with KDE spin?

2018-02-16 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Saturday, 17 February 2018 00.30.34 WET Stephen Morris wrote:
> I'm using a desktop with a microsoft
> keyboard, which has separate keys for volume, mute and play/pause
> controls and even a key for a calculator, but by default none of them
> work under linux and I've never investigated what needs to be done to
> get them to work, even if it is possible.

I have also a keyboard like that and the only key that does not work by default 
is the 
"calculator" key that is over the numerical section.

FWIW I am using plasma (kde) on X11. I am not sure if this is different on 
wayland based 

Each key as an associated code (that I can see with xev), e.g. the key to 
play/pause media is 
associated with XF86AudioPlay. Actually most of the time the names are 

This is similar to what happens when you press the Fn key together with the 
associated orange 
key the code is the same XF86AudioPlay.

Actually I have these two options at the same time, if possible I always like 
to work with an 
external keyboard on my laptop.

So I would expect that those keys should work by default without any 

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Re: OT: Metapost experts help with soccerball

2017-08-06 Thread José Abílio Matos
On Sunday, 6 August 2017 19.40.55 WEST Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Dear Fedora users,
> Is there anyone that can help create a soccerball image using metapost?
> Use exact coordinates as recommended in
> I created one using gnuplot but it is just an approximation, the numbers are
> not correct.  The picture can be found 
> It is not mathematically correct, I believe that using metapost it can be
> drawn more precise, but my skills are limited.  If anyone can help with
> this, it is greatly appreciated.  
> Best Regards,
> Antonio

I have never used metapost but using tikz I found this:

Lately I have been using tikz and I like the final result.

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