Not Able To Use External Monitor with Laptop

2022-04-27 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

Hi, all,

I'm having an odd problem. On two of my laptops, on which I've just done 
fresh installs, I cannot get the external monitor to work. Using either 
the XFCE display configuration tool, it shows up, but it's marked as 
'disabled'. I do not seem to have the usual such tool under KDE, which 
is one of my puzzles.

The install was done the same way in both cases, and somewhat 
non-standardly, so I'm guessing I might be missing some package(s). I've 
had trouble using KDE with Wayland, so I installed the XFCE spin, then 
installed KDE via dnf, so Wayland does not get loaded, and is not even 

Graphics processor on this machine is AMD Renoir. It's a System 76 Pangolin.


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Very Weird Video Problem: SOLVED

2022-03-27 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
I'm posting this just because it was so weird, in the hopes that maybe 
it helps someone somewhere down the road.

Earlier today, videos embedded in web pages just stopped playing on my 
laptop. E.g., if I go to YouTube and click on any video at all, it won't 
start. Or, better, the ad won't. It just kind of sits there with this 
spinning thingy and in some cases pops up a dialog saying "If playback 
doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device".

Same problem with Chrome, Firefox, and Konqueror. Same problem in both 
KDE and XFCE. Same problem even with a new user. Some kind of system 
problem, apparently.

The web suggested disabling hardware accelaration in Chrome, but that 
didn't help. It turned out that the problem was a mis-configured audio 
device. I'd somehow managed to put the internal audio card into "Analog 
Output Stereo" instead of "Analog Output Duplex". Setting it back 
unblocked the device somehow and allowed the videos to play. Why that 
didn't affect videos playing in VLC, say, I don't know.

Thanks to

for the clue.


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NFS Mount Problem

2022-03-16 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

Fresh install of F35. I have these lines in /etc/fstab: /home/rikiheck/files nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,exec,_netdev 0 0  /mnt/mail/multi  nfs 
auto,user,noauto,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0 /mnt/mail/photos nfs 
auto,user,noauto,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0

The problem is that the first one works---i.e., it gets automatically 
mounted at start up---usually, though not always, but the others do not 
get mounted at all ever. I can manually mount them with sudo, but that 
shouldn't even be required, should it, given the 'user' flag?

I do see in /var/log/messages:

Mar 14 21:39:59 rkh-mega systemd[1]: mnt-mail-photos.mount: Deactivated 

This was the day I did the install. There is a similar line for the 
multi one.

Any ideas?


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Unable to Add Printer in Fedora 35

2022-01-16 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
I'm trying to add my Brother DL-5450DN printer in a new installation of 
Fedora 35. No matter what I do, I get this error:

Unable to create PPD file: Could not poll sufficient capability info 
from the printer

It's discovered just fine, and I've not had anything like this problem 
previously. Any suggestions?


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Re: Everyone: please keep it civil

2021-12-14 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 12/13/21 20:58, Samuel Sieb wrote:

On 12/13/21 17:49, old sixpack13 wrote:

On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 05:36:00PM -, old sixpack13 wrote:

Please do not call people's ideas "brain damaged" in Fedora spaces. 
This is

not okay.

not okay: full Agreed
to me it's slightly something more then just "ideas"

I get very very upset reading again and again on a "user list" where 
"helpless" (to make it more transparent) user asking for help 
confronted with the (for my taste) "condescending" answer: "you are 
wrong here, go !"  only !

this never ever will fit with my understanding of a user list.

I will never ever accept user (in this case: @POC) forcing their 
policy/rules on a list regarding what's allowed or not even when 
they're not the admin of that list.
"self-titled authorities" triggering my "toxicity" and then it gets 
really hard

evolution belong to gnome belongs fedora belong to fedora user list. 
Period !

Maybe you need to re-read the original email instead of assuming bad 

I suggest you ask directly on the Evolution list, as this isn't
specifically a Fedora question and you're likely to get a wider
audience there.

It was a suggestion, not an order. 

I don't think the objection was to that reply. It was to a very 
sarcastic one that followed it.


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Re: KDE not starting

2021-09-20 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 9/20/21 5:43 AM, GianPiero Puccioni wrote:
> On 19/09/2021 14:03, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 19/09/2021 19:50, GianPiero Puccioni wrote:
>>> This morning when I botted my laptop (Dell G15) and the login didn'
>>> appear, just the mouse arrow. I thougt it was a sddm problem so I
>>> switched to gdm and it worked and Gnome started but not KDE(X11),
>>> not even with a new user. I installed LXDE and that too worked
>>> without problems but it gave me an error about KDEconnect(crashed)
>>> and the same when I tried to start Konsole, while the LXDE
>>> terminal works.
>>> Journalctl reports a lot of kdesomething that dumped core,the first
>>> seems to be kdeconnect...
>>> It seems that KDE is, for some reason hosed. Is it possible to do a
>>> reinstall of KDE or reinstalling F34 is the only solution. 
>> Before taking any drastic measures.
>> 1.  Create a new user and see if it also has the issue.  It could
>> specific to your user.
>> 2.  Think about posting to the KDE list as more experienced folks may
>> hang out there.
> After every possible thing I could think of , I removed all KDE and
> reinstalled it, no joy, exactly the same. Time to reinstall F34, and
> this is when I discovered that it is nearly impossible to reinstall
> F34 on a btrfs system without reformatting /home too (!?) I thought
> that was to point of having /home on a different partition (which
> looks like it during install but it isn't in btrfs, I didn't know
> that). Having TWO full backups i started from scratch and reinstalled,
> and this time "standard partition" and "xfs" I don't think I'll touch
> btrfs again until the Fedora installer can deal with this absurdity.
> And now, back in business, writing this in my new KDE!

Thanks for the update. I've been having a lot of problems with KDE since
upgrading, too. Sounds like I need to do a fresh install.


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Re: Anyone got 2TB usb flash to work with Fedora 32?

2021-01-23 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 1/23/21 1:09 PM, Doug H. wrote:

On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, at 5:27 AM, Roger Heflin wrote:

I think the key part of these scams is the long shipping times.  That
gives the scammer 16-20 days of sales before the real reviews start
coming in with 1-star that the product is fake.  And after those start
the scammer has very likely already started the new ad for a new
product with its good fake reviews.  Searching on ebay for 2tb flash I
see lots of fake 2tb devices, and some of the listings look pretty
carefully done.   Likely whoever you bought yours from already has
their new listings up to continue the scam.

Besides Ebay, I have seen what looks like similar scams on other
websites.  So if something has a high shipping time for a high volume
sales item be worried.

Most of the items that have valid high shipping times are uncommon low
volume items that it is likely they are only selling a few of per

Out of curiosity I checked Amazon. "2tb usb flash drive"

Sure enough, for just $19.99. The first review shown:

This is not a 2tb drive
Reviewed in the United States on December 24, 2020
Verified Purchase
This product is falsely listed as 2tb. When inserted into a computer, it will 
report itself as 1tb, but it isn't even that - after some investigating I found 
that it's actually an 8gb drive with some malware on it that causes it to 
misreport its size. This is a straight-up 100% scam.

They're all over Amazon, indeed. I reported a couple of them. But at 
least there people should be able to get their money back.


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OT: XML Libraries (For Possible Use in LyX Code)

2021-01-04 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
Hi, all,

Over at the LyX development team, we've been working on DocBook support
(mostly new contributor Thibaut Cuvelier has) and are looking into the
idea of abandoning our home-brewed tag-writing routines in favor of an
XML reading and writing library. I know there are a lot of these and am
curious if anyone here has experience with any of them and preferences
about which are best maintained, etc. We know about QXmlStreamWriter, of
course, but would prefer not to get our code any more entangled with Qt
than it already is.

Our needs, I think, are pretty simple at this point: Mostly just writing
XML (and variants) in a sensible way. We have long thought, too, about
transitioning LyX's own file format to XML, but that's probably no
around the corner. Still, something with a decent parser (and maybe the
option to do it stream- or DOM-like) would be useful somewhere down the
road. Probably XSLT, etc, are not that important to us.


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Re: a Newbie question

2020-12-14 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 12/13/20 12:59 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 07:41:12PM -0600, David wrote:

If a Linux user was going to build a new desktop computer using 2020
components, for home use in January of 2021, what version of Fedora should
they use and what options or flavors or isos would one recommend ?

Unless you have a preference for a particular desktop environment, Fedora
Workstation is the recommended place to start. It's our offering with the
most resources behind it. If you're interested in playing around with the
various different environments Fedora makes available, though, you'll find
that our KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, etc., offerings are also very solid.

And just to emphasize: You can install Workstation and then also install 
the KDE or XFCE (or whatever) packages and try them all without having 
to do multiple installs of the OS. For KDE you can do:

# sudo dnf groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"


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Re: [SOLVED?] Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-27 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/26/20 3:26 PM, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 11:41 PM Richard Kimberly Heck

This problem seems to have been solved. I believe that the issue
was a misconfiguration of the NFS server. I had:


But /home/rikiheck/files was an ordinary directory that I want to
export, not the root for NFSv4. It was being mounted as NFSv3
(trying to mount with nfs4 would fail). But I'm guessing that it
was being treated inconsistently between the client and the
server. Removing the 'fsid=0' tag solved the problem. It's still a
bit of a mystery what exactly the firewall was blocking, but it
wasn't a firewall problem, in the end.

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions and advice, especially
Ed Greshko.

Probably I will take the opportunity to move anyway to NFSv4, now
that I've done all this reading about how to do that!

You have to be careful when using "fsid=0".

1) If you don't set it for any of the shares:

a) "/" is the "fsid=0" filesystem by default (this wasn't the case in
early nfsv4 implementations; verify with "cat /proc/fs/nfsd/exports")

b) If you have "/srv/nfs/share1 nfs_client(nfs_options)" in
"/etc/exports", you mount this share with "mount
nfs_server:/srv/nfs/share1 nfs_mountpoint1"

2) If you set it for "/srv/nfs":

a) If you have "/srv/nfs/share1 nfs_client(nfs_options)" in
"/etc/exports", you mount this share with "mount nfs_server:/share1

b) If you want to share "/home/user/files":

- you bind-mount "/home/user/files" to "/srv/nfs/share2"

- you add "/srv/nfs/share2 nfs_client(nfs_options)" to "/etc/exports"

- you mount this share with "mount nfs_server:/share2 nfs_mountpoint2"

Thanks. I appreciate the info.


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[SOLVED?] Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

This problem seems to have been solved. I believe that the issue was a 
misconfiguration of the NFS server. I had:


But /home/rikiheck/files was an ordinary directory that I want to 
export, not the root for NFSv4. It was being mounted as NFSv3 (trying to 
mount with nfs4 would fail). But I'm guessing that it was being treated 
inconsistently between the client and the server. Removing the 'fsid=0' 
tag solved the problem. It's still a bit of a mystery what exactly the 
firewall was blocking, but it wasn't a firewall problem, in the end.

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions and advice, especially Ed 

Probably I will take the opportunity to move anyway to NFSv4, now that 
I've done all this reading about how to do that!


On 11/25/20 4:55 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/25/20 4:28 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/25/20 12:56 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 25/11/2020 22:51, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

I can mount fine. The problem is that various programs (LyX, 
LibreOffice) freeze when attempting to open files on those 
filesystems. In LyX, I was able to trace the problem to a call to 
lockd, which never returns. So it seems there is some problem with 
file locking, which it was suggested involved some firewall 
problem. Which it does, since disabling the firewall on the server 
solves the problem. (There's no firewall on the client.) 

OK, sorry, I was only thinking about the initial post.

I tested and found some problems opening a file with LibreOffice in 
"edit" mode when using NFS-v3.
It would only open "read only".  Get a message from lockd that user 
is "unknown".  Too early in my
AM to track this down.  It maybe related to idmapd.  Will see if I 
can find the cause later today.

Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.

Just to clarify: Stopping the firewall solves my problem.

One more piece: I tried using rpcdebug to see if there were any error 
messages on the server. Nothing, at least with 'rpcdebug -m nfsd -s 
auth -s lockd -s fileop'. I also tried 'rpcdebug -m nlm -s all'. Again 

On the client, I tried 'rpcdebug -m nlm -s all'. That produced:

Nov 25 16:52:56 rkhstudy systemd[1540]: Started LibreOffice Writer - 
Word Processor.

Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: get host
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: get host
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: nsm_monitor(
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: call procedure 2 on
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: nlm_bind_host 

Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: next rebind in 6 jiffies
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: server not 
responding, still trying

It seems like it must be a firewall issue. But nothing has changed on 
the server (except my enabling more things on the firewall since all 
this started).


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/25/20 4:28 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/25/20 12:56 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 25/11/2020 22:51, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

I can mount fine. The problem is that various programs (LyX, 
LibreOffice) freeze when attempting to open files on those 
filesystems. In LyX, I was able to trace the problem to a call to 
lockd, which never returns. So it seems there is some problem with 
file locking, which it was suggested involved some firewall problem. 
Which it does, since disabling the firewall on the server solves the 
problem. (There's no firewall on the client.) 

OK, sorry, I was only thinking about the initial post.

I tested and found some problems opening a file with LibreOffice in 
"edit" mode when using NFS-v3.
It would only open "read only".  Get a message from lockd that user 
is "unknown".  Too early in my
AM to track this down.  It maybe related to idmapd.  Will see if I 
can find the cause later today.

Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.

Just to clarify: Stopping the firewall solves my problem.

One more piece: I tried using rpcdebug to see if there were any error 
messages on the server. Nothing, at least with 'rpcdebug -m nfsd -s auth 
-s lockd -s fileop'. I also tried 'rpcdebug -m nlm -s all'. Again nothing.

On the client, I tried 'rpcdebug -m nlm -s all'. That produced:

Nov 25 16:52:56 rkhstudy systemd[1540]: Started LibreOffice Writer - 
Word Processor.

Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: get host
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: get host
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: nsm_monitor(
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: call procedure 2 on
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: nlm_bind_host 

Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: next rebind in 6 jiffies
Nov 25 16:52:57 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: server not 
responding, still trying

It seems like it must be a firewall issue. But nothing has changed on 
the server (except my enabling more things on the firewall since all 
this started).


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/25/20 4:28 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/25/20 12:56 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 25/11/2020 22:51, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

I can mount fine. The problem is that various programs (LyX, 
LibreOffice) freeze when attempting to open files on those 
filesystems. In LyX, I was able to trace the problem to a call to 
lockd, which never returns. So it seems there is some problem with 
file locking, which it was suggested involved some firewall problem. 
Which it does, since disabling the firewall on the server solves the 
problem. (There's no firewall on the client.) 

OK, sorry, I was only thinking about the initial post.

I tested and found some problems opening a file with LibreOffice in 
"edit" mode when using NFS-v3.
It would only open "read only".  Get a message from lockd that user 
is "unknown".  Too early in my
AM to track this down.  It maybe related to idmapd.  Will see if I 
can find the cause later today.

Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.

Just to clarify: Stopping the firewall solves my problem.

One other data point. If I reload the firewall, I get a lot of errors:

Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table mangle --delete POSTROUTING 
--out-interface virbr0 --protocol udp --destination-port 68 --jump 
CHECKSUM --checksum-fill' failed: iptables: No chain/target/match by 
that name.
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN' failed: 
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source --destination --jump RETURN' failed: 
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source -p tcp ! --destination --jump 
MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535' failed: iptables: No 
chain/target/match by that name.
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source -p udp ! --destination --jump 
MASQUERADE --to-ports 1024-65535' failed: iptables: No 
chain/target/match by that name.
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source ! --destination --jump MASQUERADE' 
failed: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete FORWARD 
--destination --out-interface virbr0 --match conntrack 
--ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED --jump ACCEPT' failed: iptables: Bad rule 
(does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete FORWARD --source --in-interface virbr0 --jump ACCEPT' failed: iptables: 
Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete FORWARD 
--in-interface virbr0 --out-interface virbr0 --jump ACCEPT' failed: 
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete FORWARD 
--out-interface virbr0 --jump REJECT' failed: iptables: No 
chain/target/match by that name.
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete FORWARD 
--in-interface virbr0 --jump REJECT' failed: iptables: No 
chain/target/match by that name.
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete INPUT --in-interface 
virbr0 --protocol udp --destination-port 53 --jump ACCEPT' failed: 
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete INPUT --in-interface 
virbr0 --protocol tcp --destination-port 53 --jump ACCEPT' failed: 
iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -w --table filter --delete OUTPUT 
--out-interface virbr0 --protocol udp --destination-port 68 --jump 
ACCEPT' failed: iptables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that 
Nov 25 16:41:16 master firewalld[715]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: 
'/usr/sbin/iptables -

Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/25/20 12:56 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 25/11/2020 22:51, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

I can mount fine. The problem is that various programs (LyX, 
LibreOffice) freeze when attempting to open files on those 
filesystems. In LyX, I was able to trace the problem to a call to 
lockd, which never returns. So it seems there is some problem with 
file locking, which it was suggested involved some firewall problem. 
Which it does, since disabling the firewall on the server solves the 
problem. (There's no firewall on the client.) 

OK, sorry, I was only thinking about the initial post.

I tested and found some problems opening a file with LibreOffice in 
"edit" mode when using NFS-v3.
It would only open "read only".  Get a message from lockd that user is 
"unknown".  Too early in my
AM to track this down.  It maybe related to idmapd.  Will see if I can 
find the cause later today.

Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.

Just to clarify: Stopping the firewall solves my problem.

I enabled firewall debugging and tried to open a LyX file on the nfs 
share. I started seeing lots of these:

Nov 25 16:18:54 master kernel: FINAL_REJECT: IN=enp2s0 OUT= 
MAC=00:30:18:a6:7c:04:18:31:bf:4e:e7:a3:08:00 SRC= 
DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=21519 DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=872 DPT=36389 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
Nov 25 16:18:57 master kernel: FINAL_REJECT: IN=enp2s0 OUT= 
MAC=00:30:18:a6:7c:04:18:31:bf:4e:e7:a3:08:00 SRC= 
DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=49938 DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=872 DPT=36389 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 is the client; .2 is the server.

I then rebooted and tried a LibreOffice file:

Nov 25 16:24:15 master kernel: FINAL_REJECT: IN=enp2s0 OUT= 
MAC=00:30:18:a6:7c:04:18:31:bf:4e:e7:a3:08:00 SRC= 
DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=33548 DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=853 DPT=38641 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
Nov 25 16:24:18 master kernel: FINAL_REJECT: IN=enp2s0 OUT= 
MAC=00:30:18:a6:7c:04:18:31:bf:4e:e7:a3:08:00 SRC= 
DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=58996 DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=853 DPT=38641 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

I don't know if it matters, but I also see

Nov 25 16:24:37 master kernel: FINAL_REJECT: IN=enp2s0 OUT= 
MAC=00:30:18:a6:7c:04:18:31:bf:4e:e7:a3:08:00 SRC= 
DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=19835 DF PROTO=UDP 
SPT=810 DPT=57620 LEN=64

pretty much as soon as I boot.

I will see if I can reconfigure the server to use NFS-v4.


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/25/20 5:23 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 25/11/2020 09:40, Ed Greshko wrote:

Can you confirm that the NFS server is on a Centos7 system?

Is NFS-v3 required, or can you switch to NFS-v4?

FWIW, I installed a Centos7 VM.  And enabled nfs-server.service. The 
server has the following:

[root@cos7 etc]# firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  interfaces: eth0
[root@cos7 etc]# firewall-cmd --info-zone=public
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: eth0
  services: dhcpv6-client mountd nfs nfs3 rpc-bind ssh
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

[root@cos7 etc]# cat exports

On an F33 VM I have the following in /etc/fstab

#[2001:b030:112f:2::41]:/home/egreshko  /mnt nfs defaults  0 0
[2001:b030:112f:2::41]:/home/egreshko  /mnt nfs nfsvers=3,defaults  0 0

And, I am able to mount using either nfs-v3 or nfs-v4

I can mount fine. The problem is that various programs (LyX, 
LibreOffice) freeze when attempting to open files on those filesystems. 
In LyX, I was able to trace the problem to a call to lockd, which never 
returns. So it seems there is some problem with file locking, which it 
was suggested involved some firewall problem. Which it does, since 
disabling the firewall on the server solves the problem. (There's no 
firewall on the client.)


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-24 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/24/20 5:53 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 25/11/2020 05:43, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/24/20 2:12 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:

On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 02:06:46PM -0500, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

This looks like the issue:

Nov 22 23:10:03 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: server not 

still trying

This was working fine in Fedora 32, though, so I'm puzzled what's 
wrong now.
There's no firewall on the client, and nothing has changed on the 

and I do not see any error messages there. Is lockd perhaps using a
different port, which is blocked on the server? If so, how do I 
find out

what that is?

'rpcinfo -p' should tell you port numbers, although it's usually
something in the firewall that causes the issue.

Yes, thank you, that is definitely the problem. Disabling the 
firewall on the server solves it. (Disabling the firewall on the 
client has no effect.) But of course that's not a long-term solution, 
and I'm still puzzled why this is failing after the upgrade but was 
working before I found a few relevant pages on the web, but they 
tell me to enable services in the firewall that are already enabled.

Here's the firewall on the server:

# firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: enp2s0
  services: dhcpv6-client mountd nfs rpc-bind ssh
  ports: 9000/tcp 9000/udp 3483/tcp 3483/udp 9090/tcp 9090/udp 
1900/tcp 1900/udp

  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

I restarted it in case something was wonky. No effect.

If you are using nfs-V3 you need to enable the nfs3 service in the 
active zone.

I haven't used nfs-V3 in a long time.  However, I seem to remember 
that if you allow nfs3 in
the services there is no need to define open ports as that is taken 
care of.

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it does not seem to help. It 
still seems weird to me that it worked with F32 and now not with F33. 
What could have changed on that end?

I will check later with a machine still running F32 that it does still 
work there.


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-24 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/24/20 2:12 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:

On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 02:06:46PM -0500, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

This looks like the issue:

Nov 22 23:10:03 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: server not responding,
still trying

This was working fine in Fedora 32, though, so I'm puzzled what's wrong now.
There's no firewall on the client, and nothing has changed on the server,
and I do not see any error messages there. Is lockd perhaps using a
different port, which is blocked on the server? If so, how do I find out
what that is?

'rpcinfo -p' should tell you port numbers, although it's usually
something in the firewall that causes the issue.

Yes, thank you, that is definitely the problem. Disabling the firewall 
on the server solves it. (Disabling the firewall on the client has no 
effect.) But of course that's not a long-term solution, and I'm still 
puzzled why this is failing after the upgrade but was working before 
I found a few relevant pages on the web, but they tell me to enable 
services in the firewall that are already enabled.

Here's the firewall on the server:

# firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: enp2s0
  services: dhcpv6-client mountd nfs rpc-bind ssh
  ports: 9000/tcp 9000/udp 3483/tcp 3483/udp 9090/tcp 9090/udp 1900/tcp 

  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

I restarted it in case something was wonky. No effect.


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-24 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/24/20 7:55 AM, Jonathan Billings wrote:

On Nov 23, 2020, at 22:08, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:

I believe it is v3 on the server.

If so, you need to make sure that the rpc.lockd can communicate on both sides. 
That is probably why locking fails, and any program that is hanging is because 
locks are hanging.

This looks like the issue:

Nov 22 23:10:03 rkhstudy kernel: lockd: server not 
responding, still trying

This was working fine in Fedora 32, though, so I'm puzzled what's wrong 
now. There's no firewall on the client, and nothing has changed on the 
server, and I do not see any error messages there. Is lockd perhaps 
using a different port, which is blocked on the server? If so, how do I 
find out what that is?


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-24 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/24/20 2:18 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:

On 24/11/20 1:55 pm, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 11/23/20 9:17 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Nov 23, 2020, at 19:05, Richard Kimberly Heck  

LyX refuses to start, blocking at a call to
lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) at support/filetools.cpp, during startup. (I 
believe that fd here points at a file on the NFS share.)

Did you end up using NFSv4?  It sounds like a locking problem but 
the implementation differs significantly between v3 and v4.

I believe it is v3 on the server. If I specify nfs4 as the filesystem 
type, then I get:

mount.nfs4: mounting failed, reason given 
by server: No such file or directory

The directory exists, so I guess it must not be exported that way.

Here's the relevant portion of /etc/fstab on the client: /home/rikiheck/files nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,exec,_netdev 0 0  /mnt/mail/multi  nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0 /mnt/mail/photos nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0


I think Fedora uses nfs version 4 by default. As one of the options I 
think you can specify nfsver=3 which should cause Fedora to use 
version 3 of nfs, which might resolve your issue. I have a nas disk 
which uses nfs version 1 and I have had to specify nfsver=3 to mount it.

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, while it didn't hurt, it 
didn't help, either.


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Re: NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-23 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/23/20 9:17 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:

On Nov 23, 2020, at 19:05, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:

LyX refuses to start, blocking at a call to
lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) at support/filetools.cpp, during startup. (I 
believe that fd here points at a file on the NFS share.)

Did you end up using NFSv4?  It sounds like a locking problem but the 
implementation differs significantly between v3 and v4.

I believe it is v3 on the server. If I specify nfs4 as the filesystem 
type, then I get:

mount.nfs4: mounting failed, reason given by 
server: No such file or directory

The directory exists, so I guess it must not be exported that way.

Here's the relevant portion of /etc/fstab on the client: /home/rikiheck/files nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,exec,_netdev 0 0  /mnt/mail/multi  nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0 /mnt/mail/photos nfs 
auto,nouser,rw,dev,nosuid,noexec,_netdev 0 0


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NFS Problems in Fedora 33

2020-11-23 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

Hi, all,

Since upgrading to Fedora 33, I am having some problems accessing files 
on NFS shares. I should say first that, immediately after the upgrade, 
the shares would not mount at all. I was getting the error:

mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted when mounting NFS device

even when attempting to mount manually. Eventually, I found some info 
online that suggested mounting manually as root, which created some 
symlink or other. After that, the shares would mount automatically at boot.

However, now, as I said, I have problems accessing files on said shares. 
The directory ~/files/ is an NFS mount from a server running CentOS 7. 
My LyX user directory is at ~/files/config/lyx/ (symlinked from 
~/.lyx/). LyX refuses to start, blocking at a call to
lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) at support/filetools.cpp, during startup. (I 
believe that fd here points at a file on the NFS share.) I can 
successfully start LyX via:

    lyx -userdir ~/tmp/lyx

say. I can then restart LyX with the same command and all is well. I can 
also start it with

    lyx -userdir ~/files/lyxnew/

where that is a *non-existent* directory on the NFS share. In that case, 
LyX goes through its configuration process and starts normally. However, 
if I then attempt to run that same command again, LyX does not start. 
Also, if ~/files/lyxnew/ does exist, then LyX will not start, even if it 
is empty.

I am seeing a similar problem with Libre Office. I can starti fine, but 
if I then attempt to open a file from ~/files/, Libre Office freezes. It 
does not matter when it is ODT or ODS, say. I have not seen the problem 
in other programs, but I only upgraded yesterday.

I am guessing that there is something wrong with the NFS configuration. 
But I did not change anything myself.


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Re: Audio Disc Burning software recommendation

2020-11-21 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 11/20/20 3:40 PM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 4:31 PM Frank Elsner  > wrote:
> If it carrys an ISO9660 file system simpy mount it and play with
> any player.
> No that's not what I meant by reading.
> I meant before you actually write to a disc, you have to have the data
> from your original disc somewhere right ?
> What would you use to record that from the original disc ? That's what
> I meant.
> Sorry for the confusion.

You mean you want to copy the info off the CD and then re-record it?
Below is an old script I used to use to do this. Easily adaptable.
Everything is done with cdrdao.

I'll attach another one that I use to convert CDs to flac for my music
server. That one uses cdparanoia to rip the CD.


#Need to add an option for setting raw read or raw-subchan read

CDRDAO=`which cdrdao 2>/dev/null`;
if [ -z "$CDRDAO" ]; then
  echo "This script uses the cdrdao utility. It does not appear to be in
your path.";
  exit 1;


PROG=`basename $0`;

function printUsage {
cat < /tmp/$filename.toc;
  rm /tmp/$filename.toc2;

while [ "$WRITE" = "Yes" ]; do
    echo "Writing to $WRITE_DEVICE at speed $SPEED";
    cdrdao write -n --eject --device $WRITE_DEVICE --speed $SPEED
--driver $DRIVER /tmp/$filename.toc
    if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
        echo "Disk write failed!!";
        exit 1;

    echo "Write another?"
    select WRITE in "Yes" "No"; do

rm /tmp/$filename.bin /tmp/$filename.toc;


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import stat
import time
import shutil
import tempfile
import sys
from getopt import getopt
import re
import CDDB
import DiscID
import filecmp
from ripper import *
import getcover

origdir = os.getcwd()

#FIXME option chardeny
ropts = ripperopts()
#FIXME Options
ropts.formats['flac'] = ripformat("flac", "flac", "-V --best --replay-gain", 
ropts.filelocn = "/music/audio/%c/%A/%y-%T/"
# ropts.filelocn = "/mnt/mail/multi/%c/%A/%y-%T/"

usage = '''
cd2flac [-defhktv] [-Cn num] [-p opts] [-D device] [-E editor]
-C: Number of returned CDDB matches to use
-d: Debug
-D: CD Reader device (/dev/sr0)
-e: Create an empty list of titles, etc
-E: Edit the CDDB info with 
-f: File containing info we'd otherwise get from CDDB.
-G: Don't get cover file
-h: Help
-i: Write into directory, if it already exists
-k: Keep intermediate files
-n: Start numbering tracks with num
-o: Ignore dates (for old rips)
-p: Options to pass to cdparanoia
-t: Trust the drive: Don't do two rips to make sure it's OK
-v: Be verbose

  (options, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "C:dD:eE:f:Ghikn:op:tv")
  print usage

if args: #nothing should be left
  print usage

checkdates = True
emptyfile  = False

for (opt, param) in options:
if opt == "-C":
ropts.discnum = int(param)
elif opt == "-d":
ropts.debug = True
elif opt == "-D":
ropts.cddev = param
elif opt == "-E":
ropts.editor = param
elif opt == "-e":
emptyfile = True
elif opt == "-f":
ropts.tagfile = param
elif opt == "-G":
ropts.docover = False
elif opt == "-i":
checkdates = False
ropts.writinto = True
elif opt == "-k":
ropts.keeptemp = True
elif opt == "-n":
ropts.starttrk = int(param)
elif opt == "-o":
checkdates = False
elif opt == "-p":
ropts.cdpopts = param
elif opt == "-t":
ropts.tworips = False
elif opt == "-v":
ropts.verbose = True
print usage

# FIXME This ought to be a separate routine
usedtmp = False
if ropts.tagfile == "":
if not emptyfile:
# Get CDDB info
usedtmp = True
discid = DiscID.disc_id(
#print discid
(status, info) = CDDB.query(discid)

if status != 200 and status != 211 and status != 210:
print "Error accessing CDDB database!"

if status != 200:
if ropts.discnum == 0:
ropts.discnum = showChoices(discid, info, ropts)
if ropts.discnum == 0:
info = info[ropts.discnum - 1]


Re: Have I bricked a PC?

2020-11-09 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 11/8/20 8:57 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:

On 2020-11-08 13:07, Beartooth wrote:

I have a DVD with F 33 Live, in the drawer of an oldish machine.
I can't get it to boot from the DVD.

It was originally a System 76, which came with Ubuntu. I had to
get help to switch it to Fedora, but it's been OK till now. (I've been
doing system upgrades with dnf; but that doesn't work any more.

I have been using Fedora on System 76 machines for some time now as 
well. Which one is this? Desktop or laptop? On a laptop, the model 
number is on a tag on the bottom of the machine. I've not had a desktop, 
but something similar should be true.

I'd be shocked if it were a 32-bit machine, so I doubt that's the issue.

    The first display on boot says American Megatrends, copyright

I've been running Fedora since it came out; if I can get this
thing to boot from the live DVD, I ought to be able to install it to the
hard drive. But the boot options are innumerable -- most of them
apparently not connected with the BIOS, if there still is one.
It's the BIOS that controls that first screen, so it must still be 
functioning, to some extent. It's of course possible that the BIOS has 
gone bad, but that seems unlikely. Even if so, it ought to be possible 
to reinstall it. The System 76 folks could probably help with that, but 
we needn't go there yet.

If you can take a photo of the boot options (e.g., with a phone), I 
might be able to help figure out which one you want. Send it privately 
if need be.

I think your worst-case scenario, really, would be to install a new hard 


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Re: Thunderbird changes to tree view - added icons taking up space

2020-10-13 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 10/12/20 7:31 PM, Digimer wrote:
> On 2020-10-12 2:47 p.m., Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> I just got around to doing an update and reboot, been running for 40+
>> days and got some changes in Thunderbird that are rather distracting.
>> In the tree view, there are now icons along with the name.  I did some
>> googling and this is "a new vector style"?
>> Just takes up screen space and distracting.  Anyone know how to turn
>> these off?
>> thanks
> Same issue here. Attached a screenshot to show how bad it looks.

Thunderbird has various themes. You'll find the choices under Tools> Add
Ons, and can download other themes, etc, if you don't like the default.
I'm guessing this is the new default.


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Bluetooth Headset Not Working

2020-08-23 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
Hi, all,

I gather this is something of a known issue, but I wonder if anyone here
can help. I'm trying to set up a bluetooth headset for use when teaching
by Zoom. I have tried this with two different headsets and have the same
problem with both.

Pairing goes fine. If I choose "High Fidelity Playback" as the profile,
the sound works, but the mic does not work (unsurprisingly). If I choose
"Headset Head Unit (HSP/HFP)", then nothing works: No sound, and no mic.
This is all being done in pavucontrol, and I'm running KDE if that's

Thanks for any help.


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Re: dnf update question

2020-04-14 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 4/14/20 1:33 PM, David wrote:
> I use the following command to update
>  $ sudo dnf update & flatpak update
> Is there a better way to do this. Does anyone have a script or
> alias thing
> that does all that with just sudo dufu or something simple ?

Why not just put

    alias dufu="sudo dnf update && flatpak update";

into .bashrc? (Note that you want two  there.)

Then just "dufu" will run that command.


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CMake Build Problem

2019-12-16 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
I'm getting a repeatable error when building the master branch of LyX
with cmake on Fedora 30. What I've done is:

mkdir build-cmake
cd build-cmake
cmake ..


[ 70%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/lyx2.4
cd /cvs/lyx/lyx-devel/build-cmake/src && /usr/bin/cmake -E
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/usr/bin/c++  -Wall -Wunused-parameter --std=c++14 -fno-strict-aliasing 
-O0 -g3 -D_DEBUG -flto -fno-fat-lto-objects  -rdynamic
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/BiblioInfo.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Box.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Bullet.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Changes.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/CmdDef.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Color.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Counters.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Cursor.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Floating.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Font.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/FontList.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Format.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/FuncStatus.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Graph.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/InsetList.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Intl.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Language.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Layout.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Length.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Lexer.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/LyX.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/LyXAction.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/LyXRC.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/LyXVC.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/ModuleList.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Mover.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Row.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/RowPainter.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Session.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Spacing.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/TexRow.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Text.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Text2.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Text3.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/TocBuilder.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Trans.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/Undo.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/VCBackend.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/VSpace.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/WordList.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/lyxfind.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/main.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/sgml.cpp.o CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/texstream.cpp.o
CMakeFiles/lyx2.4.dir/version.cpp.o  -o ../bin/lyx2.4 ../lib/libmathed.a
../lib/libinsets.a ../lib/libfrontends.a ../lib/libfrontend_qt.a
../lib/libgraphics.a ../lib/libsupport.a ../lib/libmytheslibstatic.a
-lX11 /usr/lib64/ -lxcb -lmagic
../lib/libfrontends.a /usr/lib64/
/usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
/usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ -lz
lto1: internal compiler error: in add_symbol_to_partition_1, at
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See  for 

QtCreator on F29

2019-06-10 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
Since upgrading to Fedora 29 (yes, I tend to be a bit behind), I've been
having problems using QtCreator as I always have to work on LyX.
Specifically, QtCreator fails to find a lot of included files, with the
result that there are gazillions of 'parse errors' displayed in the
editor. For example, our own generated config.h is not found, and
QtCreator complains that none of the Qt headers are found.

Any idea what has changed or what I might do? I've tried deleting all
the *.creator files, etc.


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kbibtex Issue

2019-01-17 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
I have tried to find some other place to ask questions about kbibtex,
but have struck out, so if anyone knows

I've grown frustrated with JabRef, due to display problems on different
systems, and so am looking for a new bibliography manager. I've found
kbibtex quite useful, but now I've found a real annoyance: It seems to
`translate' such LaTeX constucts as --, \'a, etc, to –, á, etc, which
breaks the compilation of some of my documents (and was a total hassle
to revert). So far as I can tell, there is no option to turn this off,
but maybe I'm missing it? It seems a very strange thing to do by default.

If there isn't an option to suppress this, I may try to create a patch


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Windows Dual Boot

2018-04-11 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
For reasons connected with LyX development, I need to install Windows 10
on one of my machines. It is already running Fedora 27, and my intention
is to install Windows 10 on a separate SSD. I've not done this in a long
time, and, as I recall, in the past, it was by far best to install
Windows first. (That's what Google thinks, too.) But it's too late for
that, and I'd really rather not have to re-install Fedora.

I take it the main issue here is getting GRUB back up and running. Can
somone give me hints how to do that?

Thanks for any help,

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