
 I used Brice's workaround and now mpirun works well in all computers !

Thank you all for your help


Le 14/11/2020 à 23:11, Brice Goglin via users a écrit :

The hwloc/X11 stuff is caused by OpenMPI using a hwloc that was built
with the GL backend enabled (in your case, it's because package
libhwloc-plugins is installed). That backend is used for querying the
locality of X11 displays running on NVIDIA GPUs (using libxnvctrl). Does
running "lstopo" fail/hang too? (it will basically run hwloc without

One workaround should be to set HWLOC_COMPONENTS=-gl in your environment
so that this backend is ignored. Recent hwloc releases have a way to
avoid some plugins at runtime through the C interface, we should likely
blacklist all plugins that are already blacklisted at compile time when
OMPI builds its own hwloc.


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