Re: [OMPI users] unexpected behavior when combining MPI_Gather and MPI_Type_vector

2021-12-16 Thread Jonas Thies via users

Hi George,

thanks, I'm starting to understand this now.

Still not quite intuitive that "Type_create_resized" allows me to reset 
the extent but not the size (just from a naming perspective).

The man page is talking about extent, upper and lower bounds, but the 
upper bound cannot be specified:

   MPI_Type_create_resized  -  Returns a new data type with new 
extent and

   upper and lower bounds.

C Syntax
   int MPI_Type_create_resized(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Aint lb,
    MPI_Aint extent, MPI_Datatype *newtype)


On 16-12-2021 22:39, George Bosilca wrote:
You are confusing the size and extent of the datatype. The size (aka 
the physical number of bytes described by the memory layout) would be 
m*nloc*sizeof(type), while the extent will be related to where you 
expect the second element of the same type to start. If you do resize, 
you will incorporate the leading dimension in your pointer 
computation, and will see the gaps you were reporting.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 3:03 PM Jonas Thies via users>> wrote:

Dear Gilles,

thanks, the resizing fixes the issue, it seems. It is not really
intuitive, though, because the actual extent of the data type is
m*nloc*sizeof(int) and I have to make MPI believe that it is
nloc*sizeof(int). And indeed, this seems to be not
OpenMPI-specific, sorry for that.



   MPI_Type_vector (Gilles Gouaillardet)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:29:27 +0100
From: Jonas Thies  <>  <>
Subject: [OMPI users] unexpected behavior when combining MPI_Gather
and MPI_Type_vector
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Dear OpenMPI community,

Here's a little puzzle for the Christmas holidays (although I would
really appreciate a quick solution!).

I'm stuck with the following relatively basic problem: given a local
nloc x m matrix X_p in column-major ordering on each MPI process p,
perform a single MPI_Gather operation to construct the matrix


again, in col-major ordering. My approach is to use MPI_Type_vector to
define an stype and an rtype, where stype has stride nloc, and rtype has
stride nproc*nloc. The observation is that there is an unexpected
displacement of (m-1)*n*p in the result array for the part arriving from
process p.

The MFE code is attached, and I use OpenMPI 4.0.5 with GCC 11.2
(although other versions and even distributions seem to display the same
behavior). Example (nloc=3, nproc=3, m=2, with some additional columns
printed for the sake of demonstration):

  > mpicxx -o matrix_gather matrix_gather.cpp
mpirun -np 3 ./matrix_gather

v_loc on P0: 3x2
0 9
1 10
2 11

v_loc on P1: 3x2
3 12
4 13
5 14

v_loc on P2: 3x2
6 15
7 16
8 17

v_glob on P0: 9x4
0 9 0 0
1 10 0 0
2 11 0 0
0 3 12 0
0 4 13 0
0 5 14 0
0 0 6 15
0 0 7 16
0 0 8 17

Any ideas?



*J. Thies*

Assistant Professor

TU Delft
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing Center
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft

T +31 15 27 
* <>*

*J. Thies*
Assistant Professor

TU Delft
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing Center
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft

T +31 15 27 

Re: [OMPI users] unexpected behavior when combining MPI_Gather and MPI_Type_vector

2021-12-16 Thread Jonas Thies via users

Dear Gilles,

thanks, the resizing fixes the issue, it seems. It is not really 
intuitive, though, because the actual extent of the data type is 
m*nloc*sizeof(int) and I have to make MPI believe that it is 
nloc*sizeof(int). And indeed, this seems to be not OpenMPI-specific, 
sorry for that.



   MPI_Type_vector (Gilles Gouaillardet)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:29:27 +0100
From: Jonas Thies 
Subject: [OMPI users] unexpected behavior when combining MPI_Gather
and MPI_Type_vector
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Dear OpenMPI community,

Here's a little puzzle for the Christmas holidays (although I would
really appreciate a quick solution!).

I'm stuck with the following relatively basic problem: given a local
nloc x m matrix X_p in column-major ordering on each MPI process p,
perform a single MPI_Gather operation to construct the matrix


again, in col-major ordering. My approach is to use MPI_Type_vector to
define an stype and an rtype, where stype has stride nloc, and rtype has
stride nproc*nloc. The observation is that there is an unexpected
displacement of (m-1)*n*p in the result array for the part arriving from
process p.

The MFE code is attached, and I use OpenMPI 4.0.5 with GCC 11.2
(although other versions and even distributions seem to display the same
behavior). Example (nloc=3, nproc=3, m=2, with some additional columns
printed for the sake of demonstration):

  > mpicxx -o matrix_gather matrix_gather.cpp
mpirun -np 3 ./matrix_gather

v_loc on P0: 3x2
0 9
1 10
2 11

v_loc on P1: 3x2
3 12
4 13
5 14

v_loc on P2: 3x2
6 15
7 16
8 17

v_glob on P0: 9x4
0 9 0 0
1 10 0 0
2 11 0 0
0 3 12 0
0 4 13 0
0 5 14 0
0 0 6 15
0 0 7 16
0 0 8 17

Any ideas?



*J. Thies*
Assistant Professor

TU Delft
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing Center
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft

T +31 15 27 

[OMPI users] unexpected behavior when combining MPI_Gather and MPI_Type_vector

2021-12-16 Thread Jonas Thies via users

Dear OpenMPI community,

Here's a little puzzle for the Christmas holidays (although I would 
really appreciate a quick solution!).

I'm stuck with the following relatively basic problem: given a local 
nloc x m matrix X_p in column-major ordering on each MPI process p, 
perform a single MPI_Gather operation to construct the matrix



again, in col-major ordering. My approach is to use MPI_Type_vector to 
define an stype and an rtype, where stype has stride nloc, and rtype has 
stride nproc*nloc. The observation is that there is an unexpected 
displacement of (m-1)*n*p in the result array for the part arriving from 
process p.

The MFE code is attached, and I use OpenMPI 4.0.5 with GCC 11.2 
(although other versions and even distributions seem to display the same 
behavior). Example (nloc=3, nproc=3, m=2, with some additional columns 
printed for the sake of demonstration):

> mpicxx -o matrix_gather matrix_gather.cpp
mpirun -np 3 ./matrix_gather

v_loc on P0: 3x2
0 9
1 10
2 11

v_loc on P1: 3x2
3 12
4 13
5 14

v_loc on P2: 3x2
6 15
7 16
8 17

v_glob on P0: 9x4
0 9 0 0
1 10 0 0
2 11 0 0
0 3 12 0
0 4 13 0
0 5 14 0
0 0 6 15
0 0 7 16
0 0 8 17

Any ideas?



*J. Thies*
Assistant Professor

TU Delft
Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing Center
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft

T +31 15 27 

void print(std::string label, int rank, int nloc, int m, int* array)
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << label << " on P"<