(Sending this to the users list, not to just the owner of the users list)

It looks like you might have installed Open MPI correctly.

But you have to give some command line options to mpirun to tell it what to do 
-- you're basically getting an error saying "you didn't tell me what to do, so 
I didn't do anything."

You can do "mpirun --help" to see common options, or "mpirun --help --all" to 
see *all* of mpirun's options (there are many).  You can also see them man page 
for mpirun(1).

Generally, if you're not running in a scheduled environment (e.g., you're just 
running on your laptop, or a handful of nodes that are not using SLURM, Torque, 
or some other scheduler), you tell mpirun what nodes to use, what MPI 
application executable to launch, and how many copies to launch (i.e., the size 
of MPI_COMM_WORLD).  For example:

$ mpirun --host node1,node2,node3,node4 -np 96 ./my_mpi_program


- node1-node4 is the IP-resolvable name of your 4 nodes
- "-np 96" means to launch 96 copies (e.g., 24 per node -- for this example, 
I'm assuming you have 24 cores per node)
- ./my_mpi_program: a compiled MPI application that you build with mpicc or 
mpifort (e.g., a C or Fortran program that calls MPI_Init, MPI_Finalize, 

You might also want to see: https://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running

> On Mar 15, 2018, at 8:23 PM, Keshab Bashyal <kbash...@crimson.ua.edu> wrote:
> Dear Sir, 
> I installed openmpi version3.0 in ubuntu 16.04.
> I followed the exact instruction in the pdf file attached here.
> I set up the path as in the pdf.
> After installing I tried to type "mpirun" in the terminal I get the following 
> message:
> --------------
> mpirun could not find anything to do.
> It is possible that you forgot to specify how many processes to run via the 
> "-np" argument
> --------------------------------
> Previously, I had installed openmpi (1.6.5) , and when I used to type 
> "mpirun",
> it used to give me bunch of options showing how to use it. 
> Could you help me installing openmpi in a correct way. 
> Thank you.
> <Install_OpenMPI_en.pdf>

Jeff Squyres

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