[Pw_forum] Problems with PH.X in QE-31

2006-07-12 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 04:29, Sigifredo Sanchez-Carrera wrote:

> I compiled espresso-3.1 using an intel fortran compiler (IFC) on a 
> machine that has intel xeon processors. I had no problem with pw.x 
> using MPI for parallel use, but whe I try to use the ph.x program 
> after a few seconds the following error message appears:

> Timeout alarm signaled

it looks like  a compiler problem or a problem with MPI libraries
or the interactions of the two. Your system administrator might be
able to understand where the code stops and why. You might try
a different compiler version and/or different MPI libraries

Paolo Giannozzi Phone:   +39/050-509876
DEMOCRITOS and SNS  Fax: +39/050-563513 
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7  I-56126 Pisa, Italy

[Pw_forum] about phonon calculation

2006-07-12 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 10:59, Ezad Shojaee wrote:

> i have made a phonon calculation with a small grid (221)  [...]
> when i  want to calculate the IFC's in the real space with q2r.x ,
> there is no dielectric tensor 

this is normal, if you do not explicitly require its calculation
by ph.x (epsil=.true.)

> & i have this error too : 

>from init : error # 1
>  q not allowed

there is a mismatch between what the q2r.x code thinks 
q-points should be, and what you provided. It is sufficient
that a coordinate differs by 10^-5 from what it should be
to get this error. Please check what you used as q-points

Paolo Giannozzi Phone:   +39/050-509876
DEMOCRITOS and SNS  Fax: +39/050-563513 
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7  I-56126 Pisa, Italy

[Pw_forum] Plot |psi|^2 for an arbitary k point

2006-07-12 Thread Tianshu Li
Dear PWSCF users and developers:

In running post-processing pp.x, I got an error message  "from 
local_dos : error # 1
 k must be zero" when calculating |psi|^2 for a non-zero K point. 
I've searched the code "local_dos.F90" and find that the non-zero K 
point does not seem to be allowed. Since there is a "kpoint" keyword in 
the input list, I just wonder if the non-zero K point wavefunction 
visualization has not been implemented yet. Thanks

Tianshu Li

[Pw_forum] Input file for cp.x system of C(111)2x1: diagonalization failed

2006-07-12 Thread Tim Teatro
Hello all.

Thank you in advance for your time.

I have been trying to get a C or Si (111) 2x1 surface to work in cp
for some time. I am using a small cluster, Intel processors (Itanium
32bit I think), IFC 9.0 with MKL. The version of cp.x I am working
with is from ESPRESSO 3.1.1, although I have had the same problems
with 3.1.

I started with a simple 8 atom bulk, which seems to work. Here is the
input file for reference:

   title='Carbon bulk'
   ndr = 51,
   ndw = 51,
   nstep = 2000,
   iprint = 10,
   isave = 100,
   tstress = .true.,
   tprnfor = .true.,
   dt  = 5.0d0,
   etot_conv_thr = 1.d-9,
   ekin_conv_thr = 1.d-4,
   pseudo_dir = '/home/tteatro/pseudo/',
   ibrav=1, celldm(1)=6.8d0,
   nat=8, ntyp=1,
   ecutwfc = 30.0d0,
   nr1b=10, nr2b=10, nr3b=10,
   xc_type = 'BLYP'
   emass = 400.d0,
   emass_cutoff = 2.5d0,
   electron_dynamics = 'verlet',

   fnosep = 32.d0,
   tempw = 300.0
 C  12.01  C.blyp-mt.UPF
C0.0   0.0   0.0   1 1 1
C0.25000   0.25000   0.25000   1 1 1
C0.5   0.5   0.0   1 1 1
C0.75000   0.75000   0.25000   1 1 1
C0.5   0.0   0.5   1 1 1
C0.25000   0.75000   0.75000   1 1 1
C0.0   0.5   0.5   1 1 1
C0.75000   0.25000   0.75000   1 1 1

I then changed only the geometry of the system to a 24 atom surface,
and got the following error:
  from rhoofr: total integrated electronic density
  in g-space =   96.00   in r-space =  96.00

from  dspev_drv  : error #47
 diagonalization failed

stopping ...
p0_12001:  p4_error: : 0

Here is a listing of the input file, but you should note that the
below file has additional changes beyond those of geom try. This is
because I tried changing various things, such as ibrav 8 to ibrav 14,
using, a different PP, etc.

   title='C(111)2x1 Surface'
   ndr = 51,
   ndw = 51,
   nstep = 2000,
   iprint = 10,
   isave = 100,
   tstress = .true.,
   tprnfor = .true.,
   dt  = 5.0d0,
   etot_conv_thr = 1.d-9,
   ekin_conv_thr = 1.d-4,
   pseudo_dir = '/home/tteatro/pseudo/',
   ibrav=8,  celldm(1)=8.206000,
   nat=24, ntyp=1,
   ecutwfc = 30.0d0,
   !emass = 400.d0,
   !emass_cutoff = 2.5d0,
   electron_dynamics = 'sd',

 C  12.01  C.pz-vbc.UPF
C  7.0186010.000  -10.447049
C  10.905062.368   -9.140353
C  4.4171840.000   -9.152089
C  8.3098872.368  -10.439228
C  5.4204610.000   -6.303335
C  9.7797002.368   -6.256876
C  2.7908150.000   -5.174785
C  6.8879452.368   -5.488460
C  2.7410550.000   -2.368432
C  6.8553682.368   -2.463769
C  0.000.000   -1.457720
C  4.1030802.368   -1.457720
C  0.000.0001.457720
C  4.1030802.3681.457720
C  -2.741055   0.0002.368432
C  1.3507922.3682.463769
C  -2.790815   0.0005.174785
C  1.3182152.3685.488460
C  -5.420461   0.0006.303335
C  -1.573540   2.3686.256876
C  -4.417184   0.0009.152089
C  -0.103727   2.368   10.439228
C  -7.018601   0.000   10.447049
C  -2.698906   2.3689.140353

I would think that the geometry is bad, except that these coordinates
have worked in both fhi98 AND pw.x!

Here is an input example for pw.x (which works)

   pseudo_dir = '/home/timtro/espresso-3.1/pseudo/',
   ibrav=8, celldm(1)=8.206000,
   nat=24, ntyp=1,
   ecutwfc = 30.0d0
   conv_thr =  1.0d-8,
   mixing_beta = 0.5
 C  12.01  C.pz-vbc.UPF
C 7.0186010.000  -10.447049
C10.9050662.368   -9.140353
C 4.4171840.000   -9.152089
C 8.3098872.368  -10.439228
C 5.4204610.000   -6.303335
C 9.7797002.368   -6.256876

[Pw_forum] projwfc.x

2006-07-12 Thread Alain Allouche
Dear all,

Running PROJWFC I often get the message:
  from davcio : error #10
  i/o error in davcio

although the pw.x step worked allright, what is the problem ?
Thanks a lot

[Pw_forum] same Problem with BFGS

2006-07-12 Thread Stefano de Gironcoli
your scf convergence threshold (10^-4) looks very lousy to me.
In particular it's larger than the required energy convergence 
in the bfgs relaxation (10^-5) !!
Lousy self consitency affects the quality of the computed forces ... 
indeed the "scf correction" is larger that the force itself.


Quoting mnunez at ncsu.edu:

> I am getting the same bfgs error posted before:
> -
>  from bfgs : error # 1
>  bfgs history already reset at previous step
> stopping ...
> the bfgs algorithm seems to get stucked.
> the total forces along the minimization  before it stops are:
>  Total force = 0.002868 Total SCF correction = 0.034876
>  Total force = 0.042610 Total SCF correction = 0.039637
>  Total force = 0.008934 Total SCF correction = 0.029486
>  Total force = 0.003953 Total SCF correction = 0.016921
>  Total force = 0.012592 Total SCF correction = 0.010567
>  Total force = 0.004110 Total SCF correction = 0.009995
>  Total force = 0.001633 Total SCF correction = 0.012211
>  Total force = 0.001412 Total SCF correction = 0.019146
>  Total force = 0.001607 Total SCF correction = 0.021538
>  Total force = 0.001555 Total SCF correction = 0.012259
>  Total force = 0.001361 Total SCF correction = 0.012868
>  Total force = 0.001432 Total SCF correction = 0.013882
>  Total force = 0.001343 Total SCF correction = 0.011201
>  Total force = 0.001422 Total SCF correction = 0.013635
>  Total force = 0.001369 Total SCF correction = 0.005947
>  Total force = 0.001317 Total SCF correction = 0.011391
>  Total force = 0.001485 Total SCF correction = 0.006279
>  Total force = 0.001351 Total SCF correction = 0.014118
>  Total force = 0.001475 Total SCF correction = 0.011927
> the input file
> calculation = "relax",
> title='scf BaOPtAl big slab 1 001'
> restart_mode="from_scratch",
> prefix="BaOPtAlSlabMeth",
> pseudo_dir ="/spin/home/mnunez/pwcheetah/pseudo/",
> outdir="/tmp/work/mnunez/BaOPtAlSlabMethod/",
> forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-4
> etot_conv_thr = 1.0d-5
> tstress = .true.,
> tprnfor = .true.
>  /
> ibrav = 6,
> celldm(1) =7.297,
> celldm(3) = 16.9397,
> nat = 42,
> ntyp = 4,
> nbnd=230,
> ecutwfc =35,
> ecutrho=245,
> occupations ='smearing',
> smearing='gaussian',
> degauss=0.008
>  / 
> mixing_mode= 'local-TF'
> diagonalization= 'cg'
> mixing_beta = 0.3,
> mixing_ndim = 11,
> conv_thr =  1.0d-4
>  /
> upscale=11
>  /
> O 15.9994  O.pz-rrkjus.UPF
> Ba 137.327 Ba.vdb.UPF
> Pt 195.078  Pt.pz-rrkjus.UPF
> Al 26.981538  Al.pz-vbc.UPF
> Pt   0.5   0.5  -5.843889151
> Pt   0.0   0.0  -5.841443397
> Pt   0.5   0.0  -5.341181221
> Pt   0.0   0.5  -5.341181221
> Pt   0.5   0.5  -4.831963549
> Pt   0.0   0.0  -4.829809502
> Pt   0.5   0.0  -4.316032074
> Pt   0.0   0.5  -4.316032074
> Pt   0.5   0.5  -3.800183390
> Pt   0.0   0.0  -3.799129595
> Pt   0.5   0.0  -3.250938002
> Pt   0.0   0.5  -3.250938002
> Al   0.5   0.5  -2.892741738
> Al   0.0   0.0  -2.774954863
> Ba   0.5   0.5  -2.105588663
> O0.0   0.0  -2.318966082
> Ba   0.0   0.0  -1.375247423
> O0.5   0.5  -1.434073949
> Ba   0.5   0.5  -0.681716547
> O0.0   0.0  -0.728523986
> Ba   0.0   0.0   0.025502608
> O0.5   0.5  -0.009862356
> Ba   0.5   0.5   0.726855678
> O0.0   0.0   0.705024595
> Ba   0.0   0.0   1.435097711
> O0.5   0.5   1.393104543
> Ba   0.5   0.5   2.115982686
> O0.0   0.0   2.118086625
> Pt   0.5   0.5   2.836917653
> Pt   0.0   0.0   2.696183926
> Pt   0.5   0.0   3.298956976
> Pt   0.0   0.5   3.298956976
> Pt   0.5   0.5   3.810364151
> Pt   0.0   0.0   3.819965483
> Pt   0.5   0.0   4.332138351
> Pt   0.0   0.5   4.332138351
> Pt   0.5