[Pw_forum] Integrated DOS in dos.x output is not consistent in nelec

2007-01-31 Thread yukihiro_ok...@fujifilm.co.jp
Dear PWscf Users.

I had calculated PbTiO3 dos by the following procedure,

1)  I did scf calculation

2) then I increase KPOINTS and do non-scf run,

3) finally I had calculate total DOS by dos.x

The all valence electron number nelec = 44
and the Fermi Enegy output which lay in the energy gap
is  ( in 2) process I set occupation='tetrahedra' )

the Fermi Enegy is 11.1368 eV

But I see the output total DOS in 3)  around Fermi Energy

eVdos(E) Int dos(E)

10.850  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 10.900  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 10.950  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.000  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.050  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.100  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.150  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.200  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.250  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.300  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.350  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.400  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.450  0.E+00  0.3353E+02
 11.500  0.E+00  0.3353E+02

The Integrated Dos around Fermi Enegy for the case of insulater

it must be nelec/2 = 22 ( for non-spin polarized case)

but, it seems different number 33.5333

Why such a problem have happen?


Yukihiro Okuno.

With my input file are

calculation  = 'scf',
restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
pseudo_dir   = '/home/okuno/PWSCF/espresso-3.1.1/pseudo/',
outdir   = './',
prefix = "PbTiO3"
occupations = 'fixed'
conv_thr = 1e-12,
  Pb207.2 Pb.vdb.UPF
  O 15.9994   O.vdb.UPF
Pb   0.0   0.0  -0.01472
Ti   0.5   0.5   0.533084193
O0.0   0.5   0.615412576
O0.5   0.0   0.615412576
O0.5   0.5   0.111205097
K_POINTS {automatic}
  4 4 4 1 1 1

and process 2) for nscf run for DOS

calculation  = 'nscf',
pseudo_dir   = '/home/okuno/PWSCF/espresso-3.1.1/pseudo/',
outdir   = './',
prefix = 'PbTiO3'
occupations = 'tetrahedra'
conv_thr = 1e-12,
  Pb207.2 Pb.vdb.UPF
  O 15.9994   O.vdb.UPF
Pb   0.0   0.0  -0.01472
Ti   0.5   0.5   0.533084193
O0.0   0.5   0.615412576
O0.5   0.0   0.615412576
O0.5   0.5   0.111205097
K_POINTS {automatic}
  8 8 8 1 1 1

and process 3) for dos.x input file is

Emin=-15.0, Emax=20.0, DeltaE=0.05

[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation

2007-01-31 Thread Alexander Shaposhnikov
Why the average hartree potential? 
Shouldn't it be the total potential averaged in  the median plane 
in-between the slabs?

Best Regards,
Alexander Shaposhnikov

On Wednesday 31 January 2007 21:14, Davide Ceresoli wrote:
> Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
> > I have tried several slab models and the first conduction band
> > is still meaningless, i.e. much higher than it should be in real
> > crystall. I have not tried to optimize the structures though.
> Have you subtracted the value of the vacuum level from the edge
> of the conduction band? in a slab geometry the vacuum level is
> given by the average hartree potential in the vacuum region,
> in between the slab.
> Davide
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] a question about a calculation on a relatively large system

2007-01-31 Thread Nichols A. Romero
> C 0.7607 0.91281 0.5116
> C 0.7393 0.08719 0.0116
> C 0.2393 0.41281 0.4884
> C 0.2607 0.58719 0.9884
> C 0.3266 0.04374 0.4613
> C 0.1734 0.95626 0.9613
> C 0.6734 0.54374 0.5387
> C 0.8266 0.45626 0.0387
> C 0.6734 0.95626 0.5387
> C 0.8266 0.04374 0.0387
> C 0.3266 0.45626 0.4613
> C 0.1734 0.54374 0.9613
> C 0.3386 0.0266 0.3431
> C 0.1614 0.9734 0.8431
> C 0.6614 0.5266 0.6569
> C 0.8386 0.4734 0.1569
> C 0.6614 0.9734 0.6569
> C 0.8386 0.0266 0.1569
> C 0.3386 0.4734 0.3431
> C 0.1614 0.5266 0.8431
> C 0.2643 0.05242 0.2492
> C 0.2357 0.94758 0.7492
> C 0.7357 0.55242 0.7508
> C 0.7643 0.44758 0.2508
> C 0.7357 0.94758 0.7508
> C 0.7643 0.05242 0.2508
> C 0.2643 0.44758 0.2492
> C 0.2357 0.55242 0.7492
> C 0.177 0.09588 0.2738
> C 0.323 0.90412 0.7738
> C 0.823 0.59588 0.7262
> C 0.677 0.40412 0.2262
> C 0.823 0.90412 0.7262
> C 0.677 0.09588 0.2262
> C 0.177 0.40412 0.2738
> C 0.323 0.59588 0.7738
> C 0.2052 0.1385 0.9741
> C 0.2948 0.8615 0.4741
> C 0.7948 0.6385 0.0259
> C 0.7052 0.3615 0.5259
> C 0.7948 0.8615 0.0259
> C 0.7052 0.1385 0.5259
> C 0.2052 0.3615 0.9741
> C 0.2948 0.6385 0.4741
> C 0.2871 0.09507 0.9432
> C 0.2129 0.90493 0.4432
> C 0.7129 0.59507 0.0568
> C 0.7871 0.40493 0.5568
> C 0.7129 0.90493 0.0568
> C 0.7871 0.09507 0.5568
> C 0.2871 0.40493 0.9432
> C 0.2129 0.59507 0.4432
> C 0.3808 0.09512 0.8396
> C 0.1192 0.90488 0.3396
> C 0.6192 0.59512 0.1604
> C 0.8808 0.40488 0.6604
> C 0.6192 0.90488 0.1604
> C 0.8808 0.09512 0.6604
> C 0.3808 0.40488 0.8396
> C 0.1192 0.59512 0.3396
> C 0.3916 0.13816 0.7686
> C 0.1084 0.86184 0.2686
> C 0.6084 0.63816 0.2314
> C 0.8916 0.36184 0.7314
> C 0.6084 0.86184 0.2314
> C 0.8916 0.13816 0.7314
> C 0.3916 0.36184 0.7686
> C 0.1084 0.63816 0.2686
> C 0.3093 0.18228 0.7974
> C 0.1907 0.81772 0.2974
> C 0.6907 0.68228 0.2026
> C 0.8093 0.31772 0.7026
> C 0.6907 0.81772 0.2026
> C 0.8093 0.18228 0.7026
> C 0.3093 0.31772 0.7974
> C 0.1907 0.68228 0.2974
> C 0.2145 0.18316 0.89954
> C 0.2855 0.81684 0.39954
> C 0.7855 0.68316 0.10046
> C 0.7145 0.31684 0.60046
> C 0.7855 0.81684 0.10046
> C 0.7145 0.18316 0.60046
> C 0.2145 0.31684 0.89954
> C 0.2855 0.68316 0.39954
> H 0.1087 0.1988 0.5547
> H 0.3913 0.8012 0.0547
> H 0.8913 0.6988 0.4453
> H 0.6087 0.3012 0.9453
> H 0.8913 0.8012 0.4453
> H 0.6087 0.1988 0.9453
> H 0.1087 0.3012 0.5547
> H 0.3913 0.6988 0.0547
> H 0.2312 0.0989 0.5694
> H 0.2688 0.9011 0.0694
> H 0.7688 0.5989 0.4306
> H 0.7312 0.4011 0.9306
> H 0.7688 0.9011 0.4306
> H 0.7312 0.0989 0.9306
> H 0.2312 0.4011 0.5694
> H 0.2688 0.5989 0.0694
> H 0.3783 0.0258 0.5242
> H 0.1217 0.9742 0.0242
> H 0.6217 0.5258 0.4758
> H 0.8783 0.4742 0.9758
> H 0.6217 0.9742 0.4758
> H 0.8783 0.0258 0.9758
> H 0.3783 0.4742 0.5242
> H 0.1217 0.5258 0.0242
> H 0.3981 0.9969 0.3259
> H 0.1019 0.0031 0.8259
> H 0.6019 0.4969 0.6741
> H 0.8981 0.5031 0.1741
> H 0.6019 0.0031 0.6741
> H 0.8981 0.9969 0.1741
> H 0.3981 0.5031 0.3259
> H 0.1019 0.4969 0.8259
> H 0.2733 0.0403 0.1686
> H 0.2267 0.9597 0.6686
> H 0.7267 0.5403 0.8314
> H 0.7733 0.4597 0.3314
> H 0.7267 0.9597 0.8314
> H 0.7733 0.0403 0.3314
> H 0.2733 0.4597 0.1686
> H 0.2267 0.5403 0.6686
> H 0.28 0.0654 0.9919
> H 0.22 0.9346 0.4919
> H 0.72 0.5654 0.0081
> H 0.78 0.4346 0.5081
> H 0.72 0.9346 0.0081
> H 0.78 0.0654 0.5081
> H 0.28 0.4346 0.9919
> H 0.22 0.5654 0.4919
> H 0.4373 0.0653 0.8181
> H 0.0627 0.9347 0.3181
> H 0.5627 0.5653 0.1819
> H 0.9373 0.4347 0.6819
> H 0.5627 0.9347 0.1819
> H 0.9373 0.0653 0.6819
> H 0.4373 0.4347 0.8181
> H 0.0627 0.5653 0.3181
> H 0.4562 0.1377 0.6988
> H 0.0438 0.8623 0.1988
> H 0.5438 0.6377 0.3012
> H 0.9562 0.3623 0.8012
> H 0.5438 0.8623 0.3012
> H 0.9562 0.1377 0.8012
> H 0.4562 0.3623 0.6988
> H 0.0438 0.6377 0.1988
> H 0.3178 0.2116 0.7476
> H 0.1822 0.7884 0.2476
> H 0.6822 0.7116 0.2524
> H 0.8178 0.2884 0.7524
> H 0.6822 0.7884 0.2524
> H 0.8178 0.2116 0.7524
> H 0.3178 0.2884 0.7476
> H 0.1822 0.7116 0.2476

Nichols A. Romero, Ph.D.
1613 Denise Dr. Apt. D
Forest Hill, MD 21050
443-567-8328 (C)
410-306-0709 (O)
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[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation

2007-01-31 Thread Alexander Shaposhnikov
I have tried several slab models and the first conduction band
is still meaningless, i.e. much higher than it should be in real crystall.
I have not tried to optimize the structures though.

I guess, i have to
1. Optimize the structure.
2. Remove some electrons from the system, hoping to create surface charge. 

Am i right here?

Best Regards,
Alexander Shaposhnikov

On Saturday 27 January 2007 14:22, Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
> Hello Dr. Baroni,
> Thank you, i was thinking about  surface myself,
> good to know i was in the right direction!
> I will try to create slab surface model.
> Best Regards,
> Alexander Shaposhnkov
> On Saturday 27 January 2007 13:54, Stefano Baroni wrote:
> > On Jan 27, 2007, at 8:39 AM, Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
> > > My question is, what is the established approach for the
> > > calculations of
> > > electron affinity for the plane wave band dft calculations?
> >
> > I believe, you should first ask (and answer) the preliminary
> > question: what makes " ... the first conduction band ...
> > meaningful ..?.. " The answer does not depend on the theoretical
> > approach (DFT), nor on the basis set (plane waves), but on nature:
> > the surface. So, in order to calculate electron affinities in an
> > extended system you have to simulate "the place the added electron
> > comes from", i.e. the vacuum, and the interface between that place
> > and the solid, i.e. a surface.
> >
> > Hope this clarifies a bit.
> >
> > Stefano
> >
> > ---
> > Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center -
> > Trieste
> > [+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni (skype)
> >
> > Please, if possible, don't  send me MS Word or PowerPoint attachments
> > Why? See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

[Pw_forum] lambda calculation from the a2F(w) files

2007-01-31 Thread Alexander Hernandez
Dear pw_users,
does someone know which is the normalization of the a2F function
generated by the espresso 3.2 during an electron-phonon calculation?

We tried to reproduce the lambda values generated by matdyn.f90 using
the a2F(w) files. At first, we used the formula that appears in the
majority of the papers, including the McMillan and the Allen-Dynes
papers that is  (lambda=2*\int a2F/w dw), and we could not obtain the
same results. A quick inspection of the source code suggests that in
order to used the above formula, the a2F values should first be divided
by  2*pi. Or what is the same, one should instead use the formula
(lambda=(1/\pi)*\int a2F/w dw) that seems to be implemented in matdyn.
Is this correct?

Thanks in advance,

[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation

2007-01-31 Thread Stefano Baroni
because they tend to the same value far out in the vacuum, but the  
Hartree potential does so more fast than the total potential. can you  
tell why? SB

On Jan 31, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:

> Why the average hartree potential?
> Shouldn't it be the total potential averaged in  the median plane
> in-between the slabs?
> Best Regards,
> Alexander Shaposhnikov
> On Wednesday 31 January 2007 21:14, Davide Ceresoli wrote:
>> Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
>>> I have tried several slab models and the first conduction band
>>> is still meaningless, i.e. much higher than it should be in real
>>> crystall. I have not tried to optimize the structures though.
>> Have you subtracted the value of the vacuum level from the edge
>> of the conduction band? in a slab geometry the vacuum level is
>> given by the average hartree potential in the vacuum region,
>> in between the slab.
>> HTH
>> Davide
>> ___
>> Pw_forum mailing list
>> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center -  
[+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni (skype)

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Why? See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation

2007-01-31 Thread Davide Ceresoli
Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
> Why the average hartree potential? 
> Shouldn't it be the total potential averaged in  the median plane 
> in-between the slabs?
All right. It's the electrostatic potential.
I generally use plot_num = 11 (11=the V_bare + V_H potential)
in postprocessing.

[Pw_forum] a question about a calculation on a relatively large system

2007-01-31 Thread Peter Winey
 0.6192 0.90488 0.1604
C 0.8808 0.09512 0.6604
C 0.3808 0.40488 0.8396
C 0.1192 0.59512 0.3396
C 0.3916 0.13816 0.7686
C 0.1084 0.86184 0.2686
C 0.6084 0.63816 0.2314
C 0.8916 0.36184 0.7314
C 0.6084 0.86184 0.2314
C 0.8916 0.13816 0.7314
C 0.3916 0.36184 0.7686
C 0.1084 0.63816 0.2686
C 0.3093 0.18228 0.7974
C 0.1907 0.81772 0.2974
C 0.6907 0.68228 0.2026
C 0.8093 0.31772 0.7026
C 0.6907 0.81772 0.2026
C 0.8093 0.18228 0.7026
C 0.3093 0.31772 0.7974
C 0.1907 0.68228 0.2974
C 0.2145 0.18316 0.89954
C 0.2855 0.81684 0.39954
C 0.7855 0.68316 0.10046
C 0.7145 0.31684 0.60046
C 0.7855 0.81684 0.10046
C 0.7145 0.18316 0.60046
C 0.2145 0.31684 0.89954
C 0.2855 0.68316 0.39954
H 0.1087 0.1988 0.5547
H 0.3913 0.8012 0.0547
H 0.8913 0.6988 0.4453
H 0.6087 0.3012 0.9453
H 0.8913 0.8012 0.4453
H 0.6087 0.1988 0.9453
H 0.1087 0.3012 0.5547
H 0.3913 0.6988 0.0547
H 0.2312 0.0989 0.5694
H 0.2688 0.9011 0.0694
H 0.7688 0.5989 0.4306
H 0.7312 0.4011 0.9306
H 0.7688 0.9011 0.4306
H 0.7312 0.0989 0.9306
H 0.2312 0.4011 0.5694
H 0.2688 0.5989 0.0694
H 0.3783 0.0258 0.5242
H 0.1217 0.9742 0.0242
H 0.6217 0.5258 0.4758
H 0.8783 0.4742 0.9758
H 0.6217 0.9742 0.4758
H 0.8783 0.0258 0.9758
H 0.3783 0.4742 0.5242
H 0.1217 0.5258 0.0242
H 0.3981 0.9969 0.3259
H 0.1019 0.0031 0.8259
H 0.6019 0.4969 0.6741
H 0.8981 0.5031 0.1741
H 0.6019 0.0031 0.6741
H 0.8981 0.9969 0.1741
H 0.3981 0.5031 0.3259
H 0.1019 0.4969 0.8259
H 0.2733 0.0403 0.1686
H 0.2267 0.9597 0.6686
H 0.7267 0.5403 0.8314
H 0.7733 0.4597 0.3314
H 0.7267 0.9597 0.8314
H 0.7733 0.0403 0.3314
H 0.2733 0.4597 0.1686
H 0.2267 0.5403 0.6686
H 0.28 0.0654 0.9919
H 0.22 0.9346 0.4919
H 0.72 0.5654 0.0081
H 0.78 0.4346 0.5081
H 0.72 0.9346 0.0081
H 0.78 0.0654 0.5081
H 0.28 0.4346 0.9919
H 0.22 0.5654 0.4919
H 0.4373 0.0653 0.8181
H 0.0627 0.9347 0.3181
H 0.5627 0.5653 0.1819
H 0.9373 0.4347 0.6819
H 0.5627 0.9347 0.1819
H 0.9373 0.0653 0.6819
H 0.4373 0.4347 0.8181
H 0.0627 0.5653 0.3181
H 0.4562 0.1377 0.6988
H 0.0438 0.8623 0.1988
H 0.5438 0.6377 0.3012
H 0.9562 0.3623 0.8012
H 0.5438 0.8623 0.3012
H 0.9562 0.1377 0.8012
H 0.4562 0.3623 0.6988
H 0.0438 0.6377 0.1988
H 0.3178 0.2116 0.7476
H 0.1822 0.7884 0.2476
H 0.6822 0.7116 0.2524
H 0.8178 0.2884 0.7524
H 0.6822 0.7884 0.2524
H 0.8178 0.2116 0.7524
H 0.3178 0.2884 0.7476
H 0.1822 0.7116 0.2476
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[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation

2007-01-31 Thread Stefano Baroni

On Jan 31, 2007, at 3:50 PM, Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:

> I have tried several slab models and the first conduction band
> is still meaningless, i.e. much higher than it should be in real  
> crystall.

the absolute value of the energy levels are of course as meaningless  
as they are for a bulk calculation, and for the same reason: the  
average electrostatic potential of an infinite solid is ill defined  
(periodically repeated slabs do constitute an infinite, periodic,  
system). What you ought to look after is the position of individual  
energy levels *with respect to the value of the potential in the  
vacuum region*.

> I have not tried to optimize the structures though.
> I guess, i have to
> 1. Optimize the structure.


> 2. Remove some electrons from the system, hoping to create surface  
> charge.

I think that the value of the lumo energy with respect to the vacuum  
potential should be a fair estimate of the electron affinity you are  
looking for.


Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center -  
[+39] 040 3787 406 (tel) -528 (fax) / stefanobaroni (skype)

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Why? See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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[Pw_forum] Electron affinity calculation

2007-01-31 Thread Davide Ceresoli
Alexander Shaposhnikov wrote:
> I have tried several slab models and the first conduction band
> is still meaningless, i.e. much higher than it should be in real crystall.
> I have not tried to optimize the structures though.

Have you subtracted the value of the vacuum level from the edge
of the conduction band? in a slab geometry the vacuum level is
given by the average hartree potential in the vacuum region,
in between the slab.



[Pw_forum] Integrated DOS in dos.x output is not consistent in nelec

2007-01-31 Thread Andrea Ferretti
Dear Yukihiro,

> The all valence electron number nelec = 44
> []
> but, it seems different number 33.5333
> Why such a problem have happen?
>  &inputpp
> outdir='/home/okuno/PWSCF/espresso-3.1.1/Work/PbTiO3',
> prefix='PbTiO3',
> fildos='PbTiO3.dos',
> Emin=-15.0, Emax=20.0, DeltaE=0.05
>  /

I suspect your problems are due to the values you specified for

Emin=-15.0  or  DeltaE=0.05

small numbers of electron from the DOS may be due to the fact Emin is not 
below the lowest eigenvalue (my suggestion is to avoid providing Emin except 
really need it)...

a second problem may be connected with the DeltaE value: since the 
integration of the DOS is performed on the output energy grid, a too 
coarse grid may result in wrong integration...
( note that the default value for DeltaE is 0.01 eV ) 

hope it helps

Andrea Ferretti
National Research Center S3, CNR-INFM  ( http://s3.infm.it )
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Via Campi 213/A I-41100 Modena, Italy
Tel: +39 059 2055301  Fax: +39 059 374794
Skype:   andrea_ferretti
URL: http://www.nanoscience.unimo.it

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Why? See:  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

[Pw_forum] About (7,3) nanowire coordinates

2007-01-31 Thread A Sen
Dear All,

 I would like to generate all of the 85 coordinates of the (7,3) Au chiral

nanowire using PWScf, which has already been done a long ago by

Dr. Andrea (Ref. Science, v291,pp290,2001). I would greatly

appreciate if you could please provide me the input file for this. What would be

the input file for the (6,0) nanowire as well?

With best regards,

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[Pw_forum] On tne optimization error in PbTiO3

2007-01-31 Thread yukihiro_ok...@fujifilm.co.jp
Dear PWscf Users.

I'm now working the optimization of PbTiO3

But in the process of calculation, my calculation

stopped with an error like below

   CASE: energy_new > energy_old

 new trust radius=   0.499856 bohr

 trust_radius < trust_radius_min

 resetting bfgs history

 from bfgs : error # 1
 bfgs history already reset at previous step


 stopping ...

What is wrong and how to treat such an erro?

This is my input file

calculation  = 'relax',
restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
pseudo_dir   = '/home/okuno/PWSCF/espresso-3.1.1/pseudo/',
outdir   = './',
forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-5
occupations = 'fixed'
conv_thr = 1e-7,
 pot_extrapolation = "second_order"
 wfc_extrapolation = "second_order"
  Pb207.2 Pb.vdb.UPF
  O 15.9994   O.vdb.UPF
Pb   0.0   0.0   0.0
Ti   0.5   0.5   0.53402
O0.0   0.5   0.61123
O0.5   0.0   0.61123
O0.5   0.5   0.10391
K_POINTS {automatic}
  4 4 4 1 1 1

[Pw_forum] On tne optimization error in PbTiO3

2007-01-31 Thread degironc
In general calculated energies are a little noisy (due to insufficient 
scf accuracy and/or
insufficient accuracy in the integration of the XC functional on the FFT 
real space grid).
Moreover Energies and forces are slightly inconsistent (due to 
insufficient scf accuracy).
Hence it is pointless to pretend a convergence in the relaxation below 
this noise level.
When the history of the relaxation makes no sense the code reduce the 
size of the tipical
step and restart  the history, but if the step is so small that you are 
already digging below
the noise level this does not help.

By the way forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-5 is an extremey strict threshold.
default value is 1.0d-3 and usually is alread fine. 1.0d-4 should be 
more than
enough for any purpouse.


yukihiro_okuno at fujifilm.co.jp wrote:

>Dear PWscf Users.
>I'm now working the optimization of PbTiO3
>But in the process of calculation, my calculation
>stopped with an error like below
>   CASE: energy_new > energy_old
> new trust radius=   0.499856 bohr
> trust_radius < trust_radius_min
> resetting bfgs history
> from bfgs : error # 1
> bfgs history already reset at previous step
> stopping ...
>What is wrong and how to treat such an erro?
>This is my input file
>calculation  = 'relax',
>restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
>pseudo_dir   = '/home/okuno/PWSCF/espresso-3.1.1/pseudo/',
>outdir   = './',
>forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-5
> /
> &system
>occupations = 'fixed'
> /
> &electrons
>conv_thr = 1e-7,
> /
> ion_dynamics='bfgs'
> bfgs_ndim=3
> pot_extrapolation = "second_order"
> wfc_extrapolation = "second_order"
>  Pb207.2 Pb.vdb.UPF
>  Ti47.867Ti.vdb.UPF
>  O 15.9994   O.vdb.UPF
>Pb   0.0   0.0   0.0
>Ti   0.5   0.5   0.53402
>O0.0   0.5   0.61123
>O0.5   0.0   0.61123
>O0.5   0.5   0.10391
>K_POINTS {automatic}
>  4 4 4 1 1 1
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org

[Pw_forum] Plot phonon dispersion

2007-01-31 Thread Igor R. Shein
Hi, Eyvas,

And as and on conditions it is possible to receive these programs?


Eyvaz Isaev ?:
> Hi, 
> How it is possible (for example - plotband) from .freq to
> construct the postscript plot file for a phonon  dispersion ?
> It is possible, as example, using my little program and script.
> Bests,
> Eyvaz.
> Igor Shein
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PhD Igor R. Shein

Leading researcher
Insitute of the Solid State Chemistry
Ural Branch Of the Russial Academy of Sciences
Pervomaiskaya st. 91, 620041
Yekaterinburg, Russia

Tel: +7 343 362 3387
Fax: +7 343 374 4495

[Pw_forum] Induced charge density, phonon.

2007-01-31 Thread Vasile Chis
Dear users.

I was wondering if I could get some help regarding the induced charge
density at a surface due to a phonon at a specific q-point.

The surface is based on the slab model.

For a specific mode (surface mode) at a specific q-parallel-point (SBZ
zone boundary) I would like to extract the induced charge density in
real space along the slab z-axis, delta-n(R,z) where R=(x,y) (a point i
the slab plane).

I have tried with some lighter examples to use and try to understand the
option in INPUT_PH namely fildrho. All this gave was a lot of zeros,
regardless at which q-point this was done. Any explanations why?

I've would be pleased for any ideas of how to access this problem and
how to get the desired charge density in real space.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards
  Vasile Chis, Ph.D Student
  Interface Modelling Group
  Department of Physics
  G?teborgs Universitet
  Fysikg?rden 6B
  S-412 96 G?teborg, SWEDEN
  tel:+46 (0) 31 7723338
  mobile :+46 (0) 70 8348867
  fax.   :+46 (0) 31 7723367
  email  :Vasile.Chis at physics.gu.se

[Pw_forum] On tne optimization error in PbTiO3

2007-01-31 Thread Axel Kohlmeyer
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, degironc wrote:


let me translate this into 'beginner speak':

the problem here essentially boils down to: you cannot get more
accuracy on one property, if you do not calculate the property it
depends on accurate enough. if one changes a parameter, one has to
check, what other parameters need to be changed as well.

in case of geometry optimization. if you want to converge the
geometry very accurately (as stefano pointed out, 1.0e-5 is 
extreme), you first have to make sure that you compute the forces
on the atoms accurate enough. that accuracy depends primarily on 
the basis set size (plane wave energy cutoff) and the convergence
parameter for single point energy. so you have to do a run of
single point calculations where you print out the forces to find
out how high you have to crank up the PW-cutoff and how tight
you have to converge the wavefunction to get forces that accurate.

the second point is the 'noise' from evaluating the xc-functionals
(especially when you include gradient correction). and interpolated
with splines, with a very coarse grid the forces may be pretty random.
now, with ultra-soft pseudopotentials, the wavefunction cutoff needed
to get a converged energy is rather low, but to avoid the noise from
the xc-functional evaluation (and from the augmentation charges), 
you need a higher density cutoff (by default 4x the wavefunction 
cutoff). if you search the mailing archive you'll find that 30-40ry
for the wavefunction cutoff and a factor of 10 for the density cutoff
(i.e. 300-400ry) is a conservative choice.

hope that helps,

SdG> In general calculated energies are a little noisy (due to insufficient 
SdG> scf accuracy and/or
SdG> insufficient accuracy in the integration of the XC functional on the FFT 
SdG> real space grid).
SdG> Moreover Energies and forces are slightly inconsistent (due to 
SdG> insufficient scf accuracy).
SdG> Hence it is pointless to pretend a convergence in the relaxation below 
SdG> this noise level.
SdG> When the history of the relaxation makes no sense the code reduce the 
SdG> size of the tipical
SdG> step and restart  the history, but if the step is so small that you are 
SdG> already digging below
SdG> the noise level this does not help.
SdG> By the way forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-5 is an extremey strict threshold.
SdG> default value is 1.0d-3 and usually is alread fine. 1.0d-4 should be 
SdG> more than
SdG> enough for any purpouse.
SdG> stefano
SdG> yukihiro_okuno at fujifilm.co.jp wrote:
SdG> >Dear PWscf Users.
SdG> >
SdG> >I'm now working the optimization of PbTiO3
SdG> >
SdG> >But in the process of calculation, my calculation
SdG> >
SdG> >stopped with an error like below
SdG> >
SdG> >   CASE: energy_new > energy_old
SdG> >
SdG> > new trust radius=   0.499856 bohr
SdG> >
SdG> > trust_radius < trust_radius_min
SdG> >
SdG> > resetting bfgs history
SdG> >
SdG> >
SdG> >
SdG> > from bfgs : error # 1
SdG> > bfgs history already reset at previous step
SdG> >
SdG> >
SdG> > stopping ...
SdG> >
SdG> >
SdG> >What is wrong and how to treat such an erro?
SdG> >
SdG> >This is my input file
SdG> >
SdG> >&control
SdG> >calculation  = 'relax',
SdG> >restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
SdG> >pseudo_dir   = '/home/okuno/PWSCF/espresso-3.1.1/pseudo/',
SdG> >outdir   = './',
SdG> >forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-5
SdG> > /
SdG> > &system
SdG> >ibrav=6
SdG> >celldm(1)=7.36203352272
SdG> >celldm(3)=1.07
SdG> >nat=5
SdG> >ntyp=3
SdG> >nbnd=25
SdG> >ecutwfc=30.0
SdG> >occupations = 'fixed'
SdG> >degauss=0.00
SdG> > /
SdG> > &electrons
SdG> >conv_thr = 1e-7,
SdG> >mixing_beta=0.3,
SdG> > /
SdG> > ion_dynamics='bfgs'
SdG> > bfgs_ndim=3
SdG> > pot_extrapolation = "second_order"
SdG> > wfc_extrapolation = "second_order"
SdG> >/
SdG> >  Pb207.2 Pb.vdb.UPF
SdG> >  Ti47.867Ti.vdb.UPF
SdG> >  O 15.9994   O.vdb.UPF
SdG> >Pb   0.0   0.0   0.0
SdG> >Ti   0.5   0.5   0.53402
SdG> >O0.0   0.5   0.61123
SdG> >O0.5   0.0   0.61123
SdG> >O0.5   0.5   0.10391
SdG> >K_POINTS {automatic}
SdG> >  4 4 4 1 1 1
SdG> >
SdG> >
SdG> >___
SdG> >Pw_forum mailing list
SdG> >Pw_forum at pwscf.org
SdG> >http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum
SdG> >  
SdG> >
SdG> ___
SdG> Pw_forum mailing list
SdG> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
SdG> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Axel Kohlmeye

[Pw_forum] About (7,3) nanowire coordinates

2007-01-31 Thread stew...@cnf.cornell.edu
Hi Arijit, 

The coordinates for the (7,3) Au nanowire are available on the Science 
website.  Check under the supplemental data for the paper.  This provides 
the positions in a_0 units as well as the forces on each atom.  If you are 
unable to access this, let me know and I'll send them your way. 

Best regards, 


A Sen writes: 

> Dear All, 
>  I would like to generate all of the 85 coordinates of the (7,3) Au chiral 
> nanowire using PWScf, which has already been done a long ago by 
> Dr. Andrea (Ref. Science, v291,pp290,2001). I would greatly 
> appreciate if you could please provide me the input file for this. What would 
> be 
> the input file for the (6,0) nanowire as well? 
> With best regards, 
> Arijit 

Derek Stewart, Ph. D.
Scientific Computation Associate
250 Duffield Hall
Cornell Nanoscale Facility (CNF)
Ithaca, NY 14853
stewart (at) cnf.cornell.edu
(607) 255-2856

[Pw_forum] q not allowed

2007-01-31 Thread Ezad Shojaee
trying phonon calculation, i used a small grid (331). but using q2r.x, the 
code has given " q not allowed"
in the archive i saw this:
>there is a mismatch between what the q2r.x code thinks q-points should be, 
>and what you provided.
what should i do? so i have to forget this grid? how should i choose the 
grid not to have this error?
my case is base-centered tetragonal

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[Pw_forum] q not allowed

2007-01-31 Thread Eyvaz Isaev

> trying phonon calculation, i used a small grid
> (331). but using q2r.x, the 
> code has given " q not allowed"
> in the archive i saw this:
> >there is a mismatch between what the q2r.x code
> thinks q-points should be, 
> >and what you provided.
Sorry, but quite stupid question: are these q-vectros
you used in cartesian or wrt basis vescors? As far as
I know q2r.x uses q-vectors in cartesian.
Besides, it might be that you specified insufficent
digits for q-vectors, so they  do not coincide with
those generated by q2r.x. 

> what should i do? so i have to forget this grid? how
> should i choose the  grid not to have this error?
> my case is base-centered tetragonal
The best way is using of the latest version of QE
where  you can specify nx,ny,nz in ph.in file so that
the program ph.x generates q-vectors and then
calculates dynamical matrices for thes q-points. The
next step is  FFT by means of q2r.x. See example 6.


> thanx
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> ___
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