Dear all,

we would like to remind you that the deadline of the following AiiDA tutorial is approaching (April 30th). In the tutorial, the AiiDA developers will explain how to use the AiiDA code (in combination with a number of quantum codes, including Quantum ESPRESSO) to perform high-throughput computations, with particular focus also on the new features of the new AiiDA version. The tutorial also includes two talks on actual high-throughput research projects using AiiDA (see below).

The tutorial is free of charge for the selected participants, and some travel grants are also available.

Further information can be found at the tutorial's web-page:

Best regards,
Giovanni Pizzi

Giovanni Pizzi
Theory and Simulation of Materials and MARVEL, EPFL

PRACE-MaX Tutorial on high-throughput computations: general methods and applications using AiiDA@Cineca

AiiDA is a flexible and scalable informatics infrastructure to manage, preserve, and disseminate the simulations, data, and workflows of modern-day computational science. The PRACE-MaX tutorial is targeted at about 40 students, postdocs and researchers interested in applying high-throughput computations in their research, and in particular to those interested in learning how to use the AiiDA platform.

The tutorial will be held by members of the AiiDA developers team (Sebastiaan Huber, Leonid Kahle, Giovanni Pizzi Martin Uhrin and Spyros Zoupanos). Moreover, two scientific talks will be given by Giovanni Pizzi (Discovering two-dimensional materials from high-throughput computational exfoliation of experimentally known compounds) and Leonid Kahle (Fast screening of solid-state lithium-ion conductors) on their research using AiiDA and high-throughput.

By the end of the tutorial the students should:
• have an in depth understanding of AiiDA and how it can be used to facilitate and automatise their research
• know how to setup and manage AiiDA
• know how to submit calculations, write and submit workflows
• know how to query their results and manage their high-throughput research

Target Audience:
Researchers in materials science, chemistry and related fields interested in applying high-throughput computations in their research, and in particular to those interested in learning how to use the AiiDA platform.

Poster session:
Participants are typically expected to bring a poster. Please send an email to <> with subject "PATC - AiiDA tutorial - Poster session" indicating the title and a brief abstract (max 1500 characters).

• knowledge of Linux;
• familiarity with the use of a job scheduler (slurm, torque, pbspro, sge, ...); • knowledge of Python will be valuable (please indicate your level in the registration form);
• knowledge of Quantum ESPRESSO will be valuable.

Registration and attendance are free of charge for the selected applicants. The lunch for the three days will be offered to all the participants and some grants are available. In order to be eligible for a grant, you should not be funded by your institution and you should also work & live outside the Bologna area. The grant will be 300 euros for students working and living outside Italy and 150 euros for students working and living in Italy (outside Bologna area). It will be provided after the end of the tutorial, after a certified attendance to the lectures (minimum 80%) and some proof regarding the place of work or residence.

Further information about how to request the grant, will be provided at the confirmation of the course: about 3 weeks before the starting date.

CINECA in Casalecchio di Reno (near Bologna). More information on how to reach it can be found at the event page

The number of participants is limited to 40 students. Applicants will be selected according to their experience qualification and scientific interest BASED ON WHAT WRITTEN IN THE "Reason for participation" FIELD OF THE REGISTRATION FORM. Please indicate your Python level in the registration form and if you would like to attend a preliminary Python course the days before the tutorial.

Social dinner:
An evening buffet will be offered by the tutorial sponsors to all participants on the second day of the course.

Important dates:
Start of registration: February, 3rd 2018
End of registration: April, 30th 2018
Contact of successful applicants: May, 7th 2018

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