Come find out why leading enterprises are adopting Ceph, why Ceph is the
lowest cost per gig storage solution, and how easy it is to deploy your own
Ceph cluster!
Event Description CFP is open until June 3rd. Please submit your
presentation here. <>

A full-day event dedicated to sharing Ceph’s transformative power and
fostering the vibrant Ceph community, Ceph Day Netherlands is hosted by
Utrecht Media Plaza, the Ceph community, and our friends.

The expert Ceph team, Ceph’s customers and partners, and the Ceph community
join forces to discuss things like the status of the Ceph project, recent
Ceph project improvements and roadmap, and Ceph community news. The day
ends with a networking reception, to foster more Ceph learning.

K Rain Leander
OpenStack Community Liaison
Open Source Program Office
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