Re: [Scilab-users] Variable scope in Scilab

2021-05-10 Thread Samuel Gougeon
Anyway, to me this topic looks (very) much less critical than the (bug 
or intentional?) disabling of funcprot() in Scilab 6.

In Scilab 6, on one hand all "control" keywords 
select/if/then/else/return/ etc are now protected. On the other hand, 
funcprot() no longer works and makes fragile all native macros and 
builtin symbols... A very inconsistent and impacting roadmap.

Putting Scilab in students hands is much more prone to errors due to 
this unprotection, than due to external initializations..


Le 10/05/2021 à 21:41, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :


Le 26/02/2021 à 14:38, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :

Hi all,

In Scilab the scope of variables is quite permissive but even in 
Julia (really strict rules) we can have the following behavior:


users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Variable scope in Scilab

2021-05-10 Thread Samuel Gougeon


Le 26/02/2021 à 14:38, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :

Hi all,

In Scilab the scope of variables is quite permissive but even in Julia 
(really strict rules) we can have the following behavior:

function y=f(x)


-> a=1;

--> f(2)
 ans  =


--> a=2;

--> f(3)
 ans  =


Yesterday afternoon I was my students for a Scilab beginners tutorial, 
and by accident one of them had "x" defined before in the main 
workspace and tried to call f without arguments. I reproduce the 
experiment here by explicitely defining x before the call:


--> x=1;

--> f
 ans  =


Allowing the function inner scope to see variables of the outer scope 
is one thing, you may or may not agree this is not the point here, but 
allowing to call f without arguments just because the formal input 
parameter has the same symbol as an outer scope symbol is another 
thing. I knew this was possible even if i never used such a feature, 
but my students were so puzzled by this, particularly those who 
already learned other low-level languages, that I decided to propose 
the suppression of this, that I consider as a serious potential source 
of many bugs. Don't tell me that this would break some user code 
because I frankly have no consideration for this kind of crappy 
shortcut and, sorry if it may sound rude, for programmers who use it...

If low-level languages would be mandatory references imposing all their 
constrains, Scilab and other high level languages would not exist. Most 
often, the same people knowing "only" low level languages do not 
understand vectorized syntaxes and prefer to write as many explicit 
(nested) /for/ loops as needed. Very nice... :-/

About the topic: likely, i would not consider input and output arguments 
in the same way:

Input arguments*: As soon as external variables can be seen from the 
function, i do not see fundamental differences between an input argument 
-- that technically speaking can always be optional --, and any other 
internal variable. /It's the author's responsibility to properly test 
and initialize input arguments as is. We can't replace this 
responsability with an exception to a general scoping rule./
Accepting that the result can be built from external objects out of the 
list of input arguments.. already weakens the specific role of these 
ones (by the way as in object oriented programming, where operands are 
most often class attributes "in an external context" out of the list of 
input arguments). You propose to "reinforce" the strictness of their 
role, but without weakening the accessibility of external objects. 
Doesn't it look  a bit arbitrary, and vain? I don't think it would make 
programming neither easier nor really more "reliable".

*Output arguments*: they are more clearly expected to be products of the 
function, not of anything else.  Initializing them from outside looks 
more awkward and tricky.

My two cents..

users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Curing scf() & figure() slowliness: a good target for Scilab 6.0.1

2021-05-10 Thread Samuel Gougeon

Le 25/02/2017 à 18:05, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :


Opening a new empty figure (without drawing anything) is a so common 
elementary task and it has become so long that i have built a short 
benchmark about it from Scilab 4.1.2 to Scilab 6.0.

Detailed results are here-below. The main conclusions are the following:

 1. with no pre-existing figure,*scf**() is **20 times slower in **5.5
and 6.0 than in *its best performances in *5.3.0*. On my computer,
it takes 0.062 s with 5.3.0 and 1.3 s now (5.5.2|6.0).
Scilab 5.4.0, 5.4.1 and 5.5.0 have dramatically damaged performances.
The loss is even 10x bigger with figure(): it is ~200 times slower
with Scilab 5.5 & 6.0 than with Scilab 4.1.2

 2. Since Scilab 5.5.0, the time taken to open a new figure increases
linearly with the number of already opened figures. On my
computer, opening the first one (after loading scf()) takes 1.8 s,
and opening the 20th one takes almost 10 s. This is still the case
with Scilab 6.0.

*Detailled results: *

 1. Opening the first figure :
Only 2 tests are reported with figure() instead of scf().
t=0;  for  i=1:50,  tic();  scf();  t=t+toc();  xdel();  end;  t,  t/50
  [s]  [s]  4.1.2 base  figure()
6.0.0  :  62.39/50   1.24818.5 2.32
5.5.2  :  73.62/50   1.4723   21.8
5.5.0  :  69.94/50   1.3988   20.8
5.4.1  :  37.33/50   0.7466   11.1
5.4.0  :  24.07/50   0.4814   7.14
5.3.0  :  3.102/50   0.0620   0.92
5.1.0  :  4.069/50   0.0814   1.21
4.1.2  :  3.370/50   0.0674   1.00 0.014
 2. Opening 20 figures :
t=[];  for  i=1:20,  tic();  scf();  t(i)=toc();  end;  sum(t)/20

6.0.0  :  5.30  [1.35  =>  9.51]
5.5.2  :  5.68  [1.77  =>  9.92]
5.5.0  :  5.66  [1.82  =>  9.85]  range from the #1 to #20
5.4.1  :  1.18
5.4.0  :  0.923
5.3.0  :  0.110
5.1.0  :  
4.1.2  :  0.0774


This issue is fixed in Scilab 6.1.0, on Windows 10. Fortunately.
Here are the current Scilab 6.1.0 performances (on another computer than 
in 2017):

It is still ~5x slower than with Scilab 4.1.2 (on the same computer),
but it no longer depends on the number or figures currently opened.


users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can crash scilab)

2021-05-10 Thread Antoine Monmayrant

Le 10/05/2021 à 15:35, Clément David a écrit :

-Original Message-
From: users  On Behalf Of Antoine
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can
crash scilab)

Le 10/05/2021 à 09:12, Clément David a écrit :

To fix, remove and on the Prerequirements;

Er, OK, I'm glad to do that, but I don't see what you are talking about.
Where are those 'Prerequirements' defined?

(I'm really not versed into compiling, I just barely know the basics...)

What we called Prerequirements (or thirdparties) are binaries used for the Scilab 
compilation but coming from external sources (for example, libxml2 or curl). At configure 
time, a detection is performed to use them rather than using the system's ones. If you 
used the cheatsheet, they are delivered with the svn command and should be located on the 
 "usr" directory.
Ah, OK, so I should just get rid of them after the svn command to rely 
on the binaries provided by my system.



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users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can crash scilab)

2021-05-10 Thread Clément David
> -Original Message-
> From: users  On Behalf Of Antoine
> Monmayrant
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2021 1:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can
> crash scilab)
> Le 10/05/2021 à 09:12, Clément David a écrit :
> > To fix, remove and on the Prerequirements;
> Er, OK, I'm glad to do that, but I don't see what you are talking about.
> Where are those 'Prerequirements' defined?
> (I'm really not versed into compiling, I just barely know the basics...)

What we called Prerequirements (or thirdparties) are binaries used for the 
Scilab compilation but coming from external sources (for example, libxml2 or 
curl). At configure time, a detection is performed to use them rather than 
using the system's ones. If you used the cheatsheet, they are delivered with 
the svn command and should be located on the  "usr" directory.

users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can crash scilab)

2021-05-10 Thread Antoine Monmayrant

Le 10/05/2021 à 10:25, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
I added also 'F77=gfortran-8' in the configure. 

What do you mean?

As a command line option to configure?


users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can crash scilab)

2021-05-10 Thread Antoine Monmayrant

Le 10/05/2021 à 09:12, Clément David a écrit :

To fix, remove and on the Prerequirements;

Er, OK, I'm glad to do that, but I don't see what you are talking about.
Where are those 'Prerequirements' defined?

(I'm really not versed into compiling, I just barely know the basics...)


users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can crash scilab)

2021-05-10 Thread Stéphane Mottelet


I added also 'F77=gfortran-8' in the configure.


Le 10/05/2021 à 09:12, Clément David a écrit :

This one is less obvious and will require more explanation.
In Scilab 6, we use modern C++ (C++11 and later) on our codebase which requires 
to have modern compilers and runtime libraries (libstdc++ libgfortran). For the 
compilation chain, we build gcc 8 on an old centos 6 distribution so runtimes 
are available. For people using Scilab, to avoid clashing between the system 
libstdc++/libgfortran and Scilab libstdc++/libgfortran, the Scilab runtime 
libraries are renamed to libscistdc++/libscigfortran.

For building toolboxes against the Scilab runtime libraries and their and development libraries are provided on the 
Prerequirements. This is the source of your issue as the Prerequirements 
LDFLAGS are detected and used at configure-time. To fix, remove 
and on the Prerequirements; this will make your Scilab-build 
tied to your system; this is good for development purposes.



-Original Message-
From: users  On Behalf Of Antoine
Sent: Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can
crash scilab)

Hello all,

Just a quick update:
(1) I installed & configured as default : openjdk-8 gcc-8 g++8
(2) I had to rm everything and restart from scratch: somehow, my first try at
compiling with openjdk-11 had left some *.class files behind (with the wrong
version) that make clean is not removing
(3) Now I am stuck at libscigfortran not being found. I'm pretty sure I miss
some mystery -lrandomlibame flag or someLD_* stuff... :
      /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by
not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)

If anyone who knows more than me about ld flags wants to chime in, I could
do with a bit of help...


PS: I tried to join config.log but the email got too big for the mailing list...

On 07/05/2021 18:18, Clément David wrote:

Hello Antoine,

This issue might comes from a wrong jdk version, you should have
openjdk8 installed on your machine and it should be listed at
configure time. Could you post the config.log file for further
investigation ?



-Original Message-
From: users  On Behalf Of Antoine
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 5:40 PM
Subject: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec
can crash scilab)

Hello all,

In order to try to mitigate bug 15330, I try to compile scilab from
source on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 64bits.
I follow the explanations from
 [Linux x86_64 cheat
Sadly, I don't go really far as the prebuild of java fails:

     Makefile:756: recipe for target 'java' failed

Am I missing something?
Are there other infos somewhere, in particular concerning the
dependencies ?
Is there a more detailed tutorial for building scilab?



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Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

users mailing list

Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can crash scilab)

2021-05-10 Thread Clément David
This one is less obvious and will require more explanation.
In Scilab 6, we use modern C++ (C++11 and later) on our codebase which requires 
to have modern compilers and runtime libraries (libstdc++ libgfortran). For the 
compilation chain, we build gcc 8 on an old centos 6 distribution so runtimes 
are available. For people using Scilab, to avoid clashing between the system 
libstdc++/libgfortran and Scilab libstdc++/libgfortran, the Scilab runtime 
libraries are renamed to libscistdc++/libscigfortran.  

For building toolboxes against the Scilab runtime libraries and their and development libraries are provided on the 
Prerequirements. This is the source of your issue as the Prerequirements 
LDFLAGS are detected and used at configure-time. To fix, remove 
and on the Prerequirements; this will make your Scilab-build 
tied to your system; this is good for development purposes.



> -Original Message-
> From: users  On Behalf Of Antoine
> Monmayrant
> Sent: Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec can
> crash scilab)
> Hello all,
> Just a quick update:
> (1) I installed & configured as default : openjdk-8 gcc-8 g++8
> (2) I had to rm everything and restart from scratch: somehow, my first try at
> compiling with openjdk-11 had left some *.class files behind (with the wrong
> version) that make clean is not removing
> (3) Now I am stuck at libscigfortran not being found. I'm pretty sure I miss
> some mystery -lrandomlibame flag or someLD_* stuff... :
>      /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by
> /home/amonmayr/softs/scilab-
> recompile/scilab_master/scilab/usr/lib/,
> not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
> If anyone who knows more than me about ld flags wants to chime in, I could
> do with a bit of help...
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> PS: I tried to join config.log but the email got too big for the mailing 
> list...
> On 07/05/2021 18:18, Clément David wrote:
> > Hello Antoine,
> >
> > This issue might comes from a wrong jdk version, you should have
> > openjdk8 installed on your machine and it should be listed at
> > configure time. Could you post the config.log file for further
> > investigation ?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Clément
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: users  On Behalf Of Antoine
> > Monmayrant
> > Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 5:40 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Scilab-users] Scilab compilation from scratch (was Re: spec
> > can crash scilab)
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > In order to try to mitigate bug 15330, I try to compile scilab from
> > source on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 64bits.
> > I follow the explanations from
> > [Linux x86_64 cheat
> > sheet].
> > Sadly, I don't go really far as the prebuild of java fails:
> >
> >
> >     Makefile:756: recipe for target 'java' failed
> >
> > Am I missing something?
> > Are there other infos somewhere, in particular concerning the
> > dependencies ?
> > Is there a more detailed tutorial for building scilab?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Antoine
> >
> >
> > ___
> > users mailing list
> >
> >
> > ___
> > users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> users mailing list
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