I’ve gone down the path of exploring parallelization of crypto in Strongswan 
from [1].

It seems to be working as a) the expected output shows up in ‘cat /proc/crypto’ 
and b) under load in htop, it’s now showing kernel activity on all cores vs. a 
single core before (not sophisticated, but it definitely changed after the 

My question to the group is, how does one make it stick across boots?  I tried 
the trick of putting the modprobe in /etc/rc.local and That Was Bad (continuous 
reboot loop).  Backed it out and we’re ok.  Obviously there has to be a better 
way.  Wondering what the proper way in Centos 7 is for this module.

The process in [2] doesn’t seem to work for installing them.

Thanks for sharing any experiences.


[1] https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/Pcrypt 

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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