Hello there

I've been building RPM's out of the strongswan sources for some time now..
since 5.3.0 basically... every version has been ok with the approach below.

However the latest release have me stumped... I get these errors at the end
of the build

error: File not found by glob:
File not found:
File not found by glob:
build errors: File not found by glob:
File not found:
File not found by glob:

I'm running RHEL6 on GCP


Steps taken to get this error

yum groupinstall "development tools"
yum install openldap-devel openssl-devel sqlite-devel trousers-devel
libxml2-devel pam-devel json-c-devel libgcrypt-devel systemd-devel
libcurl-devel gmp-devel
mkdir /root/rpmbuild /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES /root/rpmbuild/SPECS
git clone http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/git/strongswan.git
wget -P /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/strongswan.spec /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/vi
/root/rpmbuild/SPECS/strongswan.specrpmbuild -ba

I edit the spec file and change the version to 5.6.0 and remove the
depedency on systemd-devel

Any suggestions appreciated


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