Hi Andreas,

I always think it is inconvenient to let users configure "leftid" and
"rightid"  with complete DN or AltSubjectName. If the current version of
strongswan supports the automatic acquired of these two information even if
certificate is configured as "never to be send"? if not supported, is there
a plan for supporting this?

Best Regards,

发件人: users-boun...@lists.strongswan.org
[mailto:users-boun...@lists.strongswan.org] 代表 weiping deng
发送时间: 2009年8月28日 10:24
收件人: 'Andreas Steffen'
抄送: users@lists.strongswan.org
主题: [strongSwan] 答复: unable to initiate to %any

Hi Andreas, 

I got it. Thanks for your help. I have another question to ask:

If the "leftid" and "rightid" can not be provided when I configure two
peers?  If I did not provided these information, it will adopt the subject
id in the certificate. Is it right?

Best Regards,

发件人: Andreas Steffen [mailto:andreas.stef...@strongswan.org] 
发送时间: 2009年8月27日 18:58
收件人: weiping deng
抄送: 'Martin Willi'; users@lists.strongswan.org
主题: Re: [strongSwan] unable to initiate to %any

Hi David,

with right=%any you cannot actively initiate a connection as
an initiator since the peer's IP address is not known. You can
only act as a passive responder waiting for the other side to



weiping deng wrote:
> Hi Martin, Hi all,
> When I try to find out the mechanism of virtual IP and initiate the
> strongswan with the following configuration, but I always got the error
> indication: "unable to initiate to %any".
> Please give me a clue to trace down this problem , thanks.
> Configuration of two peers:
> -------- [moon]-----------------
> config setup
>         strictcrlpolicy=no
>         plutostart=no
>         keep_alive=40m
> conn %default
>         ikelifetime=60m
>         keylife=20m
>         rekeymargin=3m
>         keyingtries=1
>         keyexchange=ikev2
> conn host-host
>         left=
>         leftfirewall=yes
>         leftcert=/usr/local/etc/ipsec.d/certs/moonCert.pem
>         leftsubnet=
>         right=%any
>         rightsourcip=%config
>         auto=add
> ----------[sun]-----------------------
> config setup
>         strictcrlpolicy=no
>         plutostart=no
>            keep_alive=40m
> conn %default
>         ikelifetime=60m
>         keylife=20m
>         rekeymargin=3m
>         keyingtries=1
>         keyexchange=ikev2
> conn home
>         left=
>         leftsourceip=
>         leftcert=/usr/local/etc/ipsec.d/certs/sunCert.pem
>         leftfirewall=yes
>         right=
>         rightsubnet=
>         auto=add
> ---------------------------------------------
> BTW, I still have the following two questions:
> 1)      What's the mechanism of virtual ip?
> 2)      If I can simulate one gateway by setting the secondary ip address
> linux pc? If it is feasible, and then how?
> Best Regards,
> David 
Andreas Steffen                         andreas.stef...@strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!                www.strongswan.org

Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
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