maven-assembly-plugin and file problem

2007-05-04 Thread houzecl

With maven-assembly-plugin I can't filter files using a
(note that it works with pom built-in properties e.g. ${project.groupId} or

I've created a small project using mvn archetype:create and inserted the
assembly configuration (see below)
Everything works fine, except the file usage. It looks
like it is completely ignored
(even if this file is not present I dont get any error message from

any hint ?






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Question: rpm-maven-plugin and /usr/lib/rpm/check-files

2007-05-04 Thread Erez Nahir


We use rpm-maven-plugin version 2.0-alpha-3-SNAPSHOT.
We found that during its work, the /usr/lib/rpm/check-files run and and 
it generate the rpm first to /var/tmp

Is there an option to configure a different location to generate this 
rmp-temp file?


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Re: M2-Plugin Development: Reading POM programmatically

2007-05-04 Thread Martin Bengl

Hello Mark,

thanks a lot - where do you get such information from?
From my point of view maven is not well documentated, isn't it?

can i get your shared component somewhere before it's submitted and
is there already a jira entry to vote for it?


Mark Hobson schrieb:

On 03/05/07, Martin Bengl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hello folks,

I use following solution (with maven 2.0.4) to create a MavenProject at
runtime to extract informations like artifactId and groupid - this could
be also done by manually parsing the xml file - but i think its a better
way to use the maven classes.

File pomFile = new File(pom.xml);
MavenProjectBuilder projectBuilder;
ArtifactRepository localRepository;

MavenProject pom =, localRepository,
(ProfileManager)null );

My Question is: From which object can I receive a profileManager
instance? (the projectBuilder and localRepository are defined as plexus
components, the profileManager isn't!)

To simply parse the pom into a MavenProject, use something like:

MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
Model model =;
MavenProject project = new MavenProject(model);

I've got a shared component to help with introspecting the Maven
environment, as you describe, which I'm hoping to submit when I get a



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Re: Maven Community news @

2007-05-04 Thread Arnaud HERITIER

Hi Henry,

 Effectively, as Stephane said, you replied on the mailing list, thus I'll
reply in english ;-)

On 03/05/07, Stephane Nicoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Comments inline. Writing in English would have been more appropriate
but I guess you just send the mail to the wrong recipient :)

On 5/2/07, Henri Tremblay  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dommage, en fait c'était pour la mailing list, je croyais que j'avais
 reçu le mail personnellement.

;-) I preferred to announce it on the mailing list to be sure to not forget
a maven user ;-)

 Je voulais envoyer un message à la liste mais puisque je t'ai sous la
 main, je me pose des questions sur l'avenir de maven. En fait j'ai dû
 mener un dur combat contre certaine limitation et je me demande ce qui
 est prévu. Si je te saoule, prière de m'en avertir, je referai en
 anglais sur la mailing list. Mais comme d'habitude les gens d'Octo
 sont sympas :-)

Thanks. There's no problem. I always reply, not always quickly, but I reply.

 En fait c'est concernant les plugins. J'aimerai pouvoir faire les
 choses suivantes:

 1- Pouvoir retirer des plugins et configurations dans des poms
 enfants. À priori les poms s'agrègent mais il est impossible d'en
 enlever des morceaux.

That's an issue indeed. You can reconfigure the plugin or set the
inherited flag to false to avoid spreading the config the the

The only solution is actually to configure them in the pluginsManagement
part of the pom and stop the inheritence where you want in the parent. The
problem is that you have to be able to edit the parent pom. It's not
possible in a child to say that it musn't use settings coming from the
parent for a given plugin.

 2- Avoir un certain déterminisme sur l'ordre d'exécution des plugins /
 exécutions. Il peut arriver que je veuille faire un antrun suivi d'un
 minijar suivi d'un antrun et je n'arrive pas à faire respecter cet

This is scheduled for Maven 2.1

Maven 2.1-alpha-1 should be available in some weeks (we hope)

 3- Pouvoir détacher un plugin d'une phase auquel il est attaché par

You need to create a custom lifecycle for that. This is not certainly
ideal from your point's of view but it works. Some Mojos have a skip
attribute which can be set to true to ... well ... skip its execution.

This can maybe generalized.

 4- Avoir plus clairement les versions des documentations des plugins
 online et les release notes en chaque version pour limiter les

We're busy configuring the projects to deploy the site in a separate
space per version. Not sure how far we are, Wendy might answer that.

I just see, that Wendy replied.

 5- Aussi, avoir des archetypes de projects: webapp, ejb, applet (en
 particulier applet m'intrigue)

Archetype is completely re-written at the moment. As soon as it's done
I'm pretty sure that we will have many archetypes available. Not sure
I understand what applet means in this context.

The problem with the applet must be to correctly setup the assembly (and
certainly some others stuffs) to put all libraries in a given directory and
create the code for the html page.

 6- Connais-tu un exemple d'utilisation des phases de test d'intégration?

Check the Cargo's plugin which shows how you can start/stop a
container and run integration tests on them.

Yes, that's also, the only one I know actually...




 Merci pour toute réponse,

 On 5/2/07, Arnaud HERITIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everybody,
FYI, I publish each month in French a list of news about the maven
  community :
If you are not speaking french you can however easily understand the
  of releases.
If I forgot something, do not hesitate to tell me.
  Best Regards

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Arnaud Héritier
OCTO Technology
50, Avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
Tél : (33) 1 58 56 10 00
Fax : (33) 1 58 56 10 01
GSM : (33) 6 03 52 71 31 |

Re: M2-Plugin Development: Reading POM programmatically

2007-05-04 Thread Mark Hobson

Hi Martin,

On 04/05/07, Martin Bengl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Mark,

thanks a lot - where do you get such information from?
 From my point of view maven is not well documentated, isn't it?

Mainly from digging around the source code.  I do agree writing and
publishing some javadoc would lessen the learning curve..

can i get your shared component somewhere before it's submitted and
is there already a jira entry to vote for it?

I'll try to submit an initial version shortly via JIRA and will send
an announcement to the dev list.



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maven-surefire-plugin 2.2 ignoring skipExec

2007-05-04 Thread John Patrick

Is anyone else having issues with surefire plugin ignoring configuration.

According to the
configuration value of skipExec is valid and will compile but not execute

skiptrue/skip works skipExectrue/skipExec doesn't work

I've tried 2.0, 2.1.x and 2.2 and they all ignore skipExec.

I'm maintaining a multi module project and the root pom has configuration
for the surefire plugin. I just want to temporarily get a few modules to not
execute their tests.

Any ideas?


DBUnit and table list

2007-05-04 Thread Pete

Hi there,

1) Firstly I've noticed there appears to be two DBUnit plugins, not
sure which is best :

2) I'm trying to use the codehaus DBUnit plugin to export some data,
but one table is giving me an error so I thought I'd provide a list of
tables to export to the plugin configuration but not sure how to  :-

The docs says there is a configurable  :-
tables  Table[]   List of DbUnit's Table. See DbUnit's JavaDoc for details

I have tried :-


and tablestable1,table2tables

all inside the plugin's configuration.

The plugin requires org.dbunit.ant.Table but looks like the Strings
don't get converted to this.
Cannot assign configuration entry 'table' to 'class
org.dbunit.ant.Table' from 'acl_object_identity', which is of type
class java.lang.String

Help ?

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Re: DBUnit and table list

2007-05-04 Thread Gregory Kick

On 5/4/07, Pete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

1) Firstly I've noticed there appears to be two DBUnit plugins, not
sure which is best :

maven 2.x

maven 1.x

2) I'm trying to use the codehaus DBUnit plugin to export some data,
but one table is giving me an error so I thought I'd provide a list of
tables to export to the plugin configuration but not sure how to  :-

The docs says there is a configurable  :-
tables  Table[]   List of DbUnit's Table. See DbUnit's JavaDoc for details

I have tried :-


 and tablestable1,table2tables

all inside the plugin's configuration.

The plugin requires org.dbunit.ant.Table but looks like the Strings
don't get converted to this.
Cannot assign configuration entry 'table' to 'class
org.dbunit.ant.Table' from 'acl_object_identity', which is of type
class java.lang.String

Help ?

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Gregory Kick

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A project with two parents, a reasonable idea or a bad idea?

2007-05-04 Thread Peter Kahn

Can someone let me know what's the common pattern for dealing with an
artifact that is really a child of two projects?  This kind of thing smells
like an opportunity for refactoring and I feel like I should break the
child artifact into multiple projects.

I'm trying to convert a few products to use maven as their build system they
both rely on a commons project, but each builds it slightly differently.
Here's the pseudo example
   - Foo and Bar both both depend on commons.
   - Foo builds commons/src/commons and commons/src/foo.
   - Bar build commons/src/commons and commons/src/bar.

To me it looks like a straight forward refactoring case.
 Commons need to be split into commons-base, commons-foo and commons-bar
projects with the dependencies looking like this:
   -  Foo - commons-foo - commons-base
   -  Bar - commons-bar - commons-base
 or commons-foo and commons-bar could be named differently or moved into
Foo and Bar respectively.

Is this the right pattern or am I missing some maven nuance that would allow
for another way of arranging things?

Peter Kahn
Awareness - Intention - Action

maven MsDev/DevStudio

2007-05-04 Thread Peter Kahn

Does anyone know if there are plugins for building devstudio solutions
and/or projects?  Specifically for building projects  from project
definitions of msdev6.0 through visualstudio8 (2005).

It looks like theirs a nmaven incubation project and I've seen some mention
of projects,
 but it looks like people just use ant in as task or ant as a plugin.

I'm leaning towards making my own ant plugin since I already have stable ant
code to handle this task.

Peter Kahn
Awareness - Intention - Action

Passing in maven_opts at run time?

2007-05-04 Thread Jared Blitzstein
Is there a way to pass in maven_opts at run time? I have the  
environment variable set and it works when I run maven from my  
console, but I'm using a build manager and it seems to be calling  
maven and it's ignoring the environment variable some how. I was  
wondering if there was a way I could call maven and specify -Xmx384m  
-Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -verbose:gc via the command line to  
ensure it's using those.

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Conditional Dependencies?

2007-05-04 Thread Manos Batsis


Is there a way to have conditional dependencies based on custom 
properties, including artifacts and/or their versions?

Many thanks,


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One profile activate another

2007-05-04 Thread Paul Gier
I would like to have two profiles.  One profile can be called by 
itself.  The second one should activate the first one so that the 
configuration of the first is included.

Is this possible?


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Generating ejb-client jar using ejb 3.0??

2007-05-04 Thread copernic Jeremy

Hy everyone,

Is there any way to generate an ejb-client jar with EJB 3.0? I have tried
these following configuration using the maven-ejb-plugin
2.1-Snapshotwithout success :
Note that I have a dependency on javax.ejb.

Thanks in advance!



Re: pom.xml URL - CVS access

2007-05-04 Thread Rodrigo Gonçalves

Hi Martin...

THX very much for your answer, I don't know how I've miss that we could 
use the file protocol.


Martin Hoeller wrote:

Am Freitag, 27. April 2007 16:24 schrieb Rodrigo Gonçalves:

Hi Thierry...

Thx for your answer, but the Upload POM is not an option!!
Because when you do that continuum does not update the pom.xml file when
someone modify the file and commit the changes on CVS. Besides, the POM
upload works only for a single projects without modules.

That's not completely correct. You can upload local POMs by enabling 
the file:// protocol (see [0]) and specifying a POM in the URL-input 
field like file:///path/to/my/pom.xml. This way continuum adds submodules 

- martin


Re: A project with two parents, a reasonable idea or a bad idea?

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

That is the refactoring I would expect, and the correct Maven
approach to the situation.


On 5/4/07, Peter Kahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone let me know what's the common pattern for dealing with an
artifact that is really a child of two projects?  This kind of thing smells
like an opportunity for refactoring and I feel like I should break the
child artifact into multiple projects.

I'm trying to convert a few products to use maven as their build system they
both rely on a commons project, but each builds it slightly differently.
Here's the pseudo example
- Foo and Bar both both depend on commons.
- Foo builds commons/src/commons and commons/src/foo.
- Bar build commons/src/commons and commons/src/bar.

To me it looks like a straight forward refactoring case.
  Commons need to be split into commons-base, commons-foo and commons-bar
projects with the dependencies looking like this:
-  Foo - commons-foo - commons-base
-  Bar - commons-bar - commons-base
  or commons-foo and commons-bar could be named differently or moved into
Foo and Bar respectively.

Is this the right pattern or am I missing some maven nuance that would allow
for another way of arranging things?

Peter Kahn
Awareness - Intention - Action

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Re: Conditional Dependencies?

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

The only way I've seen of making dependencies conditional is via profiles.

What exactly are you trying to do?


On 5/4/07, Manos Batsis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is there a way to have conditional dependencies based on custom
properties, including artifacts and/or their versions?

Many thanks,


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Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread David Smith
I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.


How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.



[INFO] Building Unnamed -

[INFO]task-segment: [package]




[INFO] [resources:resources]

[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

[INFO] [compiler:compile]

Compiling 2 source files to




[INFO] Compilation failure


l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){


l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

for(Hotel hotel : hotels){


Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread copernic Jeremy

Add this to your POM.xml:

Best regards!

On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


[INFO] Building Unnamed -

[INFO]task-segment: [package]




[INFO] [resources:resources]

[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

[INFO] [compiler:compile]

Compiling 2 source files to




[INFO] Compilation failure

l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){

l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

Re: One profile activate another

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

Not that I'm aware of. But what's stopping you from simply specifying
2 profiles in the command line ie:
mvn -P abc, xyz package

See more information here:


On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to have two profiles.  One profile can be called by
itself.  The second one should activate the first one so that the
configuration of the first is included.
Is this possible?


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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

This is one of the most common questions on this list...

It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


[INFO] Building Unnamed -

[INFO]task-segment: [package]




[INFO] [resources:resources]

[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

[INFO] [compiler:compile]

Compiling 2 source files to




[INFO] Compilation failure

l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){

l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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Re: Conditional Dependencies?

2007-05-04 Thread Manos Batsis

Wayne Fay wrote:
The only way I've seen of making dependencies conditional is via 

That would create too many profiles for me.

Suppose an EAR parent's POM, where the EAR can have multiple modules one 
can choose from and configure. For example struts 1.x or 2.x based web 
module, ejb 2.1 or 3.0 module, use of HDIV [1] in the web module and so 
on and so forth.

I'm trying to figure the best way to go about this for my md4j [2] 
quickstarter project.




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Re: DBUnit and table list

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

I've never used the DBUnit plugin myself, but as Greg mentioned, the
Codehaus plugin is for M2 while the other one is for M1.

If you don't get the answers you seek here, send your email to the
Mojo-User list at Codehaus.


On 5/4/07, Gregory Kick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/4/07, Pete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,

 1) Firstly I've noticed there appears to be two DBUnit plugins, not
 sure which is best :
maven 2.x
maven 1.x

 2) I'm trying to use the codehaus DBUnit plugin to export some data,
 but one table is giving me an error so I thought I'd provide a list of
 tables to export to the plugin configuration but not sure how to  :-

 The docs says there is a configurable  :-
 tables  Table[]   List of DbUnit's Table. See DbUnit's JavaDoc for details

 I have tried :-


  and tablestable1,table2tables

 all inside the plugin's configuration.

 The plugin requires org.dbunit.ant.Table but looks like the Strings
 don't get converted to this.
 Cannot assign configuration entry 'table' to 'class
 org.dbunit.ant.Table' from 'acl_object_identity', which is of type
 class java.lang.String

 Help ?

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Gregory Kick

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Re: Conditional Dependencies?

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

If you can't/won't create the various profiles to support this
functionality, I think you're going to need to write a plugin (or two)
to do all this. Its just not supported in the core, and I don't see it
being added any time soon, so a plugin seems the only way forward.


On 5/4/07, Manos Batsis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wayne Fay wrote:
 The only way I've seen of making dependencies conditional is via

That would create too many profiles for me.

Suppose an EAR parent's POM, where the EAR can have multiple modules one
can choose from and configure. For example struts 1.x or 2.x based web
module, ejb 2.1 or 3.0 module, use of HDIV [1] in the web module and so
on and so forth.

I'm trying to figure the best way to go about this for my md4j [2]
quickstarter project.




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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Paul Gier
It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be 
to use the current jvm version.
If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to 
default to source level 1.5.

Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

Wayne Fay wrote:

This is one of the most common questions on this list...

It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


[INFO] Building Unnamed -

[INFO]task-segment: [package]




[INFO] [resources:resources]

[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

[INFO] [compiler:compile]

Compiling 2 source files to




[INFO] Compilation failure

l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){

l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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Re: DBUnit and table list

2007-05-04 Thread Dan Tran

Could you checkout the src/example in the source tree at mojo?


On 5/4/07, Pete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

1) Firstly I've noticed there appears to be two DBUnit plugins, not
sure which is best :

2) I'm trying to use the codehaus DBUnit plugin to export some data,
but one table is giving me an error so I thought I'd provide a list of
tables to export to the plugin configuration but not sure how to  :-

The docs says there is a configurable  :-
tables  Table[]   List of DbUnit's Table. See DbUnit's JavaDoc for details

I have tried :-


and tablestable1,table2tables

all inside the plugin's configuration.

The plugin requires org.dbunit.ant.Table but looks like the Strings
don't get converted to this.
Cannot assign configuration entry 'table' to 'class
org.dbunit.ant.Table' from 'acl_object_identity', which is of type
class java.lang.String

Help ?

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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Dan Tran

I totally agree with Paul here, any one else?

On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
to use the current jvm version.
If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
default to source level 1.5.
Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

Wayne Fay wrote:
 This is one of the most common questions on this list...

 It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

 Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
 FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

 Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


 On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
 using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
 build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

 How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
 classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


 [INFO] Building Unnamed -

 [INFO]task-segment: [package]




 [INFO] [resources:resources]

 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

 [INFO] [compiler:compile]

 Compiling 2 source files to




 [INFO] Compilation failure

 l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

 public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){

 l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

 for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Ian Springer


Dan Tran wrote:

I totally agree with Paul here, any one else?

On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
to use the current jvm version.
If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
default to source level 1.5.
Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

Wayne Fay wrote:
 This is one of the most common questions on this list...

 It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

 Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
 FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

 Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


 On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
 using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
 build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

 How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
 classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


 [INFO] Building Unnamed -

 [INFO]task-segment: [package]




 [INFO] [resources:resources]

 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

 [INFO] [compiler:compile]

 Compiling 2 source files to




 [INFO] Compilation failure

 l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

 public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){

 l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

 for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Wayne Fay

I believe the reason for this is as follows:
jdk3 is the lowest common denominator
pom.xml is supposedly the one true source for all data you need to
know about a project, and builds are supposed to be
repeatable/reproducible using only this information
automatically picking up and using the current jvm version would mean
that some important information about the project is not contained in
the pom
thus, the default is jdk3, and if you need anything else, you must
specify it explicitly

Another thing to remember is that Maven produces artifacts which are
not necessarily used under the same JVM that constructed them.
Everyone is OK with jdk3 jars (even older app servers) but not
everyone is OK with jdk5 jars, so the default is jdk3, and if you know
you can/should be targeting a newer jvm, then you need to explicitly
configure it as such.

I'm not 100% positive that is the reason, but this is my take on it,
and it doesn't sound completely crazy... to me at least. ;-)


On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
to use the current jvm version.
If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
default to source level 1.5.
Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

Wayne Fay wrote:
 This is one of the most common questions on this list...

 It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

 Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
 FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

 Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


 On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
 using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
 build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

 How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
 classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


 [INFO] Building Unnamed -

 [INFO]task-segment: [package]



 [INFO] [resources:resources]

 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

 [INFO] [compiler:compile]

 Compiling 2 source files to




 [INFO] Compilation failure

 l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

 public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){

 l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

 for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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Re : Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread spouynt
If I'm working on a project with the jdk 1.5 (using maven) and during my 
development period, I want to make a rapid update to an old jdk 1.3 based 
project from the svn including compiling == re-jaring and so on...

do I have to reinstall my old jdk for a 30min dev ?



- Message d'origine 
À : Maven Users List
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 4 Mai 2007, 15h52mn 07s
Objet : Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

I totally agree with Paul here, any one else?

On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
 to use the current jvm version.
 If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
 default to source level 1.5.
 Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

 Wayne Fay wrote:
  This is one of the most common questions on this list...
  It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.
  Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
  FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.
  Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.
  On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
  using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
  build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.
  How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
  classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.
  [INFO] Building Unnamed -
  [INFO]task-segment: [package]
  [INFO] [resources:resources]
  [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
  [INFO] [compiler:compile]
  Compiling 2 source files to
  [INFO] Compilation failure
  l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3
  (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)
  public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){
  l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3
  (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)
  for(Hotel hotel : hotels){
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Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions ! 
Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des expériences des internautes sur 
Yahoo! Questions/Réponses

Re: Problem with maven-archetype-quickstart Reason: Unable to determine the release version

2007-05-04 Thread Breznsoiza

venky4m wrote:
 [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
 GroupId: org.apache.maven.archetypes
 ArtifactId: maven-archetype-quickstart
 Version: RELEASE
 Reason: Unable to determine the release version
 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
 Then, install it using the command:
 mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes
 etype-quickstart \
 -Dversion=RELEASE -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

I guess you have to specify the version of the maven-archetype-quickstart
mvn -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart
-DarchetypeVersion=version-of-the-jar ...
Take a look at 
section 4: Install and run the archetype
View this message in context:
Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive at

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Re: One profile activate another

2007-05-04 Thread Roland Asmann
This is not possible, however a workaround exists!
You can set the first profile to be activated when a certain property is set, 
and the second one when it is set to a specific value. That way, if the value 
is 'correct', both profiles will be activated.

On Friday 04 May 2007 16:37, Paul Gier wrote:
 I would like to have two profiles.  One profile can be called by
 itself.  The second one should activate the first one so that the
 configuration of the first is included.
 Is this possible?


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Roland Asmann

CFC Informationssysteme Entwicklungsgesellschaft m.b.H
Bäckerstrasse 1/2/7
A-1010 Wien
FN 266155f, Handelsgericht Wien

Tel.: +43/1/513 88 77 - 27
Fax.: +43/1/513 88 62

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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Alan D. Salewski
I think the fact maven-2.x is written in Java should be treated just as
an implementation detail, not as something to be relied upon.
Hypothetically, someone could re-implement maven in something else, and
no Java version would be available from which to infer the version. So I
don't think the java compiler source level should be inferred at build

Also, not specifying the version needed hides information that may be
necessary to have a reproducible build.

OTOH, I would be in favor of such a default being inferred by an
archetype. At archetype:create time, the compiler source level
configuration would be inserted into the created pom.xml. This could
work regardless of the maven implementation language by using the first
found version of Java found by some search alorithm (i.e., $JAVA_HOME,
then $PATH, then /usr/bin, then default to 1.3)


On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 08:52:07AM -0700, Dan Tran spake thus:
 I totally agree with Paul here, any one else?
 On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
 to use the current jvm version.
 If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
 default to source level 1.5.
 Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Alan D. Salewski
Software Developer
Health Market Science, Inc.
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Thierry Lach

That makes perfect sense.

On 5/4/07, Wayne Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I believe the reason for this is as follows:
jdk3 is the lowest common denominator
pom.xml is supposedly the one true source for all data you need to
know about a project, and builds are supposed to be
repeatable/reproducible using only this information
automatically picking up and using the current jvm version would mean
that some important information about the project is not contained in
the pom
thus, the default is jdk3, and if you need anything else, you must
specify it explicitly

Another thing to remember is that Maven produces artifacts which are
not necessarily used under the same JVM that constructed them.
Everyone is OK with jdk3 jars (even older app servers) but not
everyone is OK with jdk5 jars, so the default is jdk3, and if you know
you can/should be targeting a newer jvm, then you need to explicitly
configure it as such.

I'm not 100% positive that is the reason, but this is my take on it,
and it doesn't sound completely crazy... to me at least. ;-)


On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
 to use the current jvm version.
 If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
 default to source level 1.5.
 Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

 Wayne Fay wrote:
  This is one of the most common questions on this list...
  It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.
  Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
  FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.
  Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.
  On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
  using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
  build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.
  How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
  classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.
  [INFO] Building Unnamed -
  [INFO]task-segment: [package]

  [INFO] [resources:resources]
  [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
  [INFO] [compiler:compile]
  Compiling 2 source files to


  [INFO] Compilation failure
  l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3
  (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)
  public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){
  l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3
  (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)
  for(Hotel hotel : hotels){
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  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Ian Springer

Nope, that doesn't sound crazy at all. Both of your points make perfect sense. 
I retract my earlier +1  :-)

One minor quip - the docs should be updated to state the default is 1.3...

Wayne Fay wrote:

I believe the reason for this is as follows:
jdk3 is the lowest common denominator
pom.xml is supposedly the one true source for all data you need to
know about a project, and builds are supposed to be
repeatable/reproducible using only this information
automatically picking up and using the current jvm version would mean
that some important information about the project is not contained in
the pom
thus, the default is jdk3, and if you need anything else, you must
specify it explicitly

Another thing to remember is that Maven produces artifacts which are
not necessarily used under the same JVM that constructed them.
Everyone is OK with jdk3 jars (even older app servers) but not
everyone is OK with jdk5 jars, so the default is jdk3, and if you know
you can/should be targeting a newer jvm, then you need to explicitly
configure it as such.

I'm not 100% positive that is the reason, but this is my take on it,
and it doesn't sound completely crazy... to me at least. ;-)


On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
to use the current jvm version.
If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
default to source level 1.5.
Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

Wayne Fay wrote:
 This is one of the most common questions on this list...

 It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

 Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
 FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

 Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


 On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
 using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
 build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

 How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
 classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


 [INFO] Building Unnamed -

 [INFO]task-segment: [package]




 [INFO] [resources:resources]

 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

 [INFO] [compiler:compile]

 Compiling 2 source files to




 [INFO] Compilation failure


 l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

 public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){


 l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

 (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

 for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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plexus-bootstrap error

2007-05-04 Thread spouynt
Hi friends,

while trying to run a process-resources goal for a project through the maven 
integration plug-in for (my)eclipse  I get this error :

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] reactor-execute : C:\works\workspaceM2\myProject-v1.3
Diagnosis: The internal default plexus-bootstrap.xml is missing. This is highly 
irregular, your plexus JAR is most likely corrupt. Realms:
  null.child-container[extensions] parent=null (null)
  plexus.core [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
FATAL ERROR: Error executing Maven for a project
[INFO] The internal default plexus-bootstrap.xml is missing. This is highly 
irregular, your plexus JAR is most likely corrupt. Realms:
  null.child-container[extensions] parent=null (null)
  plexus.core [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] Total time:  1 second
[INFO] Finished at: Fri May 04 15:59:06 GMT 2007
[INFO] Final Memory:
[INFO] Total time:  1 second
[INFO] Finished at: Fri May 04 15:59:06 GMT 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 1M/3M

can someone tell me what's happening ? :-)



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meta-meta information in the POM (was Re: RequireMavenVersion failed)

2007-05-04 Thread Jerome Lacoste

On 5/3/07, A. Kevin Baynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brian, you're right : there's a comment in the POM.xml also (found it
later), so the developers did a good job of trying to warn me... No
besmirchment of the Apache FTP team intended.

That's something I miss from maven: meta-meta data.

Often I take a decision that I will comment in the POM. E.g. the
reason why we choose a particular dependency version, etc... This
information is not available to the user nor the generated report,
forcing to read the POM.

It would be great if there was a way to comment any element in the POM
in such a way that these comments become available to the plugins.

Maybe something like: node comment=/node ?



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release plugin (scm via cvs)

2007-05-04 Thread David Corbin
I'm trying to use the release plugin.

When I do release:prepare it fails when it tries to commit the pom.xml files 
with this error:

[INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
[INFO] An error is occurred in the checkin 
was not contained in /home/dcorbin/workspac

The error statement is correct.  my master pom is a physical (on disk) 
sibling it's two children.

I've run it with -X, with native CVS and with cvs tracing turned on (I 
think - I never saw any evidence).  There was no addiational information or 
change in behavior?

What can I do that does not involve changing the directory structure to make 
this work?


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Re: release plugin (scm via cvs)

2007-05-04 Thread Emmanuel Venisse

What is your directory structure?
Flat directories aren't supported.

2 workarounds:
1. you can add a pom under /home/dcorbin/workspace/ and do the 
release on it
2. release your parent and children independently


David Corbin a écrit :

I'm trying to use the release plugin.

When I do release:prepare it fails when it tries to commit the pom.xml files 
with this error:

[INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
[INFO] An error is occurred in the checkin 
process: /home/dcorbin/workspace/ 
was not contained in /home/dcorbin/workspac


The error statement is correct.  my master pom is a physical (on disk) 
sibling it's two children.

I've run it with -X, with native CVS and with cvs tracing turned on (I 
think - I never saw any evidence).  There was no addiational information or 
change in behavior?

What can I do that does not involve changing the directory structure to make 
this work?


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[ANN] Maven Release Plugin 2.0-beta-5 Released

2007-05-04 Thread Stephane Nicoll

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Release Plugin,
version 2.0-beta-5

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Release Plugin - Version 2.0-beta-5

** Bug
 * [MRELEASE-3] - release:prepare should not require multimodule
artifacts to be in the local repository
 * [MRELEASE-6] - Multiproject Release: No check in
 * [MRELEASE-16] - release-pom is changed too much
 * [MRELEASE-35] - release plugin doesn't tag correctly with
svn+ssh when remote and local username don't match
 * [MRELEASE-90] - Exception if version is SNAPSHOT
 * [MRELEASE-91] - Updating of dependencyManagement inconsistent
with updating of dependencies with regard to SNAPSHOTs
 * [MRELEASE-94] - Modified Parent POM is not commited
 * [MRELEASE-107] - scm.url gets translated incorrectly during release
 * [MRELEASE-110] - release:prepare generates tags with dots,
causing problems with CVS
 * [MRELEASE-114] - ${project.artifactId} was replaced with it's
value during release:perform
 * [MRELEASE-115] - Issue URL on pom is incorrect
 * [MRELEASE-116] - Wrong SCM info put by the release plugin for modules
 * [MRELEASE-122] - Versionless Extension causes
NullPointerException in release:prepare
 * [MRELEASE-128] - SCM properties being replaced during release:perform
 * [MRELEASE-131] - release:prepare failed in 'cvs ... commit'
phase for multi-module build
 * [MRELEASE-137] - proposed SCM release tag or label in multiproject
 * [MRELEASE-142] - Batch mode release plugin uses an invalid tag
 * [MRELEASE-144] - Release plugin did not ask for a Subversion tag
 * [MRELEASE-147] - Version number for a dependency with
${pom.groupId} not updated in multi-module.
 * [MRELEASE-151] - All child modules are forced to share the same parent POM
 * [MRELEASE-160] - The next snapshot version is not used un submodules
 * [MRELEASE-168] - All submodule projects must be from the same
subversion repository
 * [MRELEASE-180] - Rewritten  poms loose comments
 * [MRELEASE-190] - scmTagPhase scm comment when creating the
branch/tag directory uses the prefix [maven-scm]
 * [MRELEASE-191] - Certain tests fail when checked-out in 'projects' subdir
 * [MRELEASE-194] - SNAPSHOT as property bypasses dependency snapshot check
 * [MRELEASE-197] - Release plugin documentation on has broken link to release:rollback
 * [MRELEASE-202] - snapshot versions in dependencyManagement are not updated
 * [MRELEASE-209] - Snapshot versions are not restored correctly on
next development version
 * [MRELEASE-219] - Spurious warnings given when a release contains
subversion externals
 * [MRELEASE-221] - XML header missing in modified POM after release:prepare
 * [MRELEASE-222] - Wrong default tag name when used in a reactor environment

** Improvement
 * [MRELEASE-112] - release plugin should have option to ignore
snapshots of the release plugin
 * [MRELEASE-145] - release:prepare requires all modules to be SNAPSHOTS
 * [MRELEASE-183] - should report all unresolved dependencies, not
just the first encountered.
 * [MRELEASE-208] - Support for ClearCase, and other SCMs that do
checkout projects to subdirectories of the checkout directory
 * [MRELEASE-214] - scm:tag with scmCommentPrefix
 * [MRELEASE-220] - Add property to keep released versions for dependencies

** New Feature
 * [MRELEASE-130] - Create a model for a release
 * [MRELEASE-157] - Share version for multi-module releases
 * [MRELEASE-169] - Provide a mechanism to undo the effects of prepare

** Task
 * [MRELEASE-141] - Review Plugin Documentation
 * [MRELEASE-162] - Move all release core code in maven/shared


- The Maven Team

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Re: [Spam] Re: release plugin (scm via cvs)

2007-05-04 Thread David Corbin
On Friday 04 May 2007 13:56, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 What is your directory structure?

 Flat directories aren't supported.

Right.  Unfortunately, Eclipse *only* supports flat directories.

 2 workarounds:
 1. you can add a pom under /home/dcorbin/workspace/ and do the
 release on it 

The problem with this is that directory is not under CVS.

 2. release your parent and children independently 

Well, this would work, but the parent (in -master) is where the version is.

Any plans to suppor this in the future? In general, maven seems to do fine 
with this.


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Re: [Spam] Re: release plugin (scm via cvs)

2007-05-04 Thread Stephane Nicoll

On 5/4/07, David Corbin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Friday 04 May 2007 13:56, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 What is your directory structure?

 Flat directories aren't supported.

Right.  Unfortunately, Eclipse *only* supports flat directories.

 2 workarounds:
 1. you can add a pom under /home/dcorbin/workspace/ and do the
 release on it

The problem with this is that directory is not under CVS.

You are missing an important concet of the release plugin. If the
plugin acts on something it should tag everything since
release:perform will do a checkout of the tag created during
release:prepare (in another directory).


 2. release your parent and children independently

Well, this would work, but the parent (in -master) is where the version is.

Any plans to suppor this in the future? In general, maven seems to do fine
with this.


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Re: [Spam] Re: release plugin (scm via cvs)

2007-05-04 Thread Roland Asmann
On Friday 04 May 2007 20:16, David Corbin wrote:
 On Friday 04 May 2007 13:56, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
  Flat directories aren't supported.

 Right.  Unfortunately, Eclipse *only* supports flat directories.

That depends. It is possible to import the sub-dirs as seperate projects in 
Eclipse. That way you can work on all modules as if they were in a flat 
structure. We've been doing that around here for quite some time!

Just run the eclipse:eclipse plugin on your projects and import the projects. 
Be carefull, this needs eclipse 3.1.x or newer (if I remember correctly), 
because you need to tell eclipse to NOT copy the project to the workspace.

When you have lots of sub-projects, you might also want to check out the 
multi-project importer 
(, which you 
just point to your root and it'll recursively find all projects to import 
into eclipse (except for POM-packaging, but that's the fault of the 

Roland Asmann

CFC Informationssysteme Entwicklungsgesellschaft m.b.H
Bäckerstrasse 1/2/7
A-1010 Wien
FN 266155f, Handelsgericht Wien

Tel.: +43/1/513 88 77 - 27
Fax.: +43/1/513 88 62

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Re: [Spam] Re: release plugin (scm via cvs)

2007-05-04 Thread Roland Asmann
On Friday 04 May 2007 20:43, Roland Asmann wrote:
 On Friday 04 May 2007 20:16, David Corbin wrote:
  On Friday 04 May 2007 13:56, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
   Flat directories aren't supported.
  Right.  Unfortunately, Eclipse *only* supports flat directories.

 That depends. It is possible to import the sub-dirs as seperate projects in
 Eclipse. That way you can work on all modules as if they were in a flat
 structure. We've been doing that around here for quite some time!

 Just run the eclipse:eclipse plugin on your projects and import the
 projects. Be carefull, this needs eclipse 3.1.x or newer (if I remember
 correctly), because you need to tell eclipse to NOT copy the project to the

Just read the web-page again, it seems that it'll work on 2.1 as well!

 When you have lots of sub-projects, you might also want to check out the
 multi-project importer
 (, which
 you just point to your root and it'll recursively find all projects to
 import into eclipse (except for POM-packaging, but that's the fault of the

Roland Asmann

CFC Informationssysteme Entwicklungsgesellschaft m.b.H
Bäckerstrasse 1/2/7
A-1010 Wien
FN 266155f, Handelsgericht Wien

Tel.: +43/1/513 88 77 - 27
Fax.: +43/1/513 88 62

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build plugin order in same phase

2007-05-04 Thread Joerg Hohwiller
Hash: SHA1

Hi there,

it seems to be impossible with maven 2.0.x to specify the order of plugins in
the build process that are attached to the same phase (please corret me if I am
wrong). The order in the POM does NOT matter.

Is this feature available in (or planned for) maven 2.1?

Are there any workarounds?

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Re: build plugin order in same phase

2007-05-04 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 5/4/07, Joerg Hohwiller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

it seems to be impossible with maven 2.0.x to specify the order of plugins in
the build process that are attached to the same phase (please corret me if I am
wrong). The order in the POM does NOT matter.

Is this feature available in (or planned for) maven 2.1?

Are there any workarounds?

Sometimes you can work around it by shifting an execution to the phase
before or after.


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How to use axis2-wsdl2code:wsdl2code?

2007-05-04 Thread Jaish.Singh

Can some help me to get the proper implementation for
axis2-wsdl2code:wsdl2code? I don't know If there is bug in this? What
dependency I need to put for using the plug in?
I remember I need to add wsdl dependency in plug-in pom. Is it really


Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread James Abley

1.3 has been end-of-lifed. Any reason not to make 1.4 the minimum base version?


On 04/05/07, Ian Springer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nope, that doesn't sound crazy at all. Both of your points make perfect sense. 
I retract my earlier +1  :-)

One minor quip - the docs should be updated to state the default is 1.3...

Wayne Fay wrote:
 I believe the reason for this is as follows:
 jdk3 is the lowest common denominator
 pom.xml is supposedly the one true source for all data you need to
 know about a project, and builds are supposed to be
 repeatable/reproducible using only this information
 automatically picking up and using the current jvm version would mean
 that some important information about the project is not contained in
 the pom
 thus, the default is jdk3, and if you need anything else, you must
 specify it explicitly

 Another thing to remember is that Maven produces artifacts which are
 not necessarily used under the same JVM that constructed them.
 Everyone is OK with jdk3 jars (even older app servers) but not
 everyone is OK with jdk5 jars, so the default is jdk3, and if you know
 you can/should be targeting a newer jvm, then you need to explicitly
 configure it as such.

 I'm not 100% positive that is the reason, but this is my take on it,
 and it doesn't sound completely crazy... to me at least. ;-)


 On 5/4/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be
 to use the current jvm version.
 If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to
 default to source level 1.5.
 Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

 Wayne Fay wrote:
  This is one of the most common questions on this list...
  It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.
  Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
  FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.
  Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.
  On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
  using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
  build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.
  How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
  classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.
  [INFO] Building Unnamed -
  [INFO]task-segment: [package]
  [INFO] [resources:resources]
  [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
  [INFO] [compiler:compile]
  Compiling 2 source files to
  [INFO] Compilation failure
  l\HotelM[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3
  (try -source 1.5 to enable generics)
  public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){
  l\HotelM[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3
  (try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)
  for(Hotel hotel : hotels){
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Re: Maven Community news @

2007-05-04 Thread Henri Tremblay

I'm starting a trend... Mailing to the complete mailing list... I did
this twice in two weeks... Good thing I'm going in holidays. Sorry for
the french spam. :-)

And thanks for the answers. :-)

On 5/4/07, Arnaud HERITIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Henry,

  Effectively, as Stephane said, you replied on the mailing list, thus I'll
reply in english ;-)

On 03/05/07, Stephane Nicoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Comments inline. Writing in English would have been more appropriate
 but I guess you just send the mail to the wrong recipient :)

 On 5/2/07, Henri Tremblay  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dommage, en fait c'était pour la mailing list, je croyais que j'avais
  reçu le mail personnellement.

;-) I preferred to announce it on the mailing list to be sure to not forget
a maven user ;-)

  Je voulais envoyer un message à la liste mais puisque je t'ai sous la
  main, je me pose des questions sur l'avenir de maven. En fait j'ai dû
  mener un dur combat contre certaine limitation et je me demande ce qui
  est prévu. Si je te saoule, prière de m'en avertir, je referai en
  anglais sur la mailing list. Mais comme d'habitude les gens d'Octo
  sont sympas :-)

Thanks. There's no problem. I always reply, not always quickly, but I reply.

  En fait c'est concernant les plugins. J'aimerai pouvoir faire les
  choses suivantes:
  1- Pouvoir retirer des plugins et configurations dans des poms
  enfants. À priori les poms s'agrègent mais il est impossible d'en
  enlever des morceaux.

 That's an issue indeed. You can reconfigure the plugin or set the
 inherited flag to false to avoid spreading the config the the

The only solution is actually to configure them in the pluginsManagement
part of the pom and stop the inheritence where you want in the parent. The
problem is that you have to be able to edit the parent pom. It's not
possible in a child to say that it musn't use settings coming from the
parent for a given plugin.

  2- Avoir un certain déterminisme sur l'ordre d'exécution des plugins /
  exécutions. Il peut arriver que je veuille faire un antrun suivi d'un
  minijar suivi d'un antrun et je n'arrive pas à faire respecter cet

 This is scheduled for Maven 2.1

Maven 2.1-alpha-1 should be available in some weeks (we hope)

  3- Pouvoir détacher un plugin d'une phase auquel il est attaché par

 You need to create a custom lifecycle for that. This is not certainly
 ideal from your point's of view but it works. Some Mojos have a skip
 attribute which can be set to true to ... well ... skip its execution.

 This can maybe generalized.

  4- Avoir plus clairement les versions des documentations des plugins
  online et les release notes en chaque version pour limiter les

 We're busy configuring the projects to deploy the site in a separate
 space per version. Not sure how far we are, Wendy might answer that.

I just see, that Wendy replied.

  5- Aussi, avoir des archetypes de projects: webapp, ejb, applet (en
  particulier applet m'intrigue)

 Archetype is completely re-written at the moment. As soon as it's done
 I'm pretty sure that we will have many archetypes available. Not sure
 I understand what applet means in this context.

The problem with the applet must be to correctly setup the assembly (and
certainly some others stuffs) to put all libraries in a given directory and
create the code for the html page.

  6- Connais-tu un exemple d'utilisation des phases de test d'intégration?

 Check the Cargo's plugin which shows how you can start/stop a
 container and run integration tests on them.

Yes, that's also, the only one I know actually...



  Merci pour toute réponse,
  On 5/2/07, Arnaud HERITIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi everybody,
 FYI, I publish each month in French a list of news about the maven
   community :
 If you are not speaking french you can however easily understand the
   of releases.
 If I forgot something, do not hesitate to tell me.
   Best Regards
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Arnaud Héritier
OCTO Technology
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75008 Paris
Tél : (33) 1 58 56 10 00
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maven-remote-resources-plugin/apache-jar-resource-bundle hints

2007-05-04 Thread Stefano Bagnara

I have 2 wishes related to this plugin, and I hope you have some hints
for me ;-)

1) I create source:jar and javadoc:jar using the source and javadoc
plugins. Is there a way to include the NOTICE/LICENSE from remote
resources into this jars too?

2) I configured my assembly descriptors so to take NOTICE/LICENSE from
the target/maven-shared-archive-resources while composing my
distrubution and distribution. The problem is that the SOURCE
distribution also contains COMPILE and TEST dependencies and I have to
make sure that also that dependencies are included in the NOTICE list. I
have not found a way to do this: is there a way to declare what scope
I'm interested in? Is there a way to have different NOTICE created for
different packages?


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