
I've got a question regarding the Maven Enforcer Plugin.

There is a behaviour I do not fully understand with the dependency
convergence rule.

When the enforcer plugin launches, it tries to download the
maven-metadata.xml of the module it tries to enforce. I would expect
it to download snapshot updates for dependencies, but not for the
current module.

I have created a minimal reproducible example here :


The project uses a single repository with snapshot update policy set
to always, and we can see that enforcer always tries to download the
maven-metadata of the currently analyzed project, as shown in the
sample output of my build below:


[INFO] ------------------< com.geomatys.debug:enforcer-test >------------------
[INFO] Building Enforcer test 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce (enforce) @ enforcer-test ---
Downloading from spring.releases:


Is there a configuration available at the Enforcer level, to force it
to ignore snapshot update of current module ?
If not, could it be added in the future ?
Last question : is it wanted to download the maven-metadata of the
current module ? If yes, why is it ? What purpose does it serve ?

Thanks for your time,

P.S: Do you want me to create a JIRA issue for this ?

Alexis Manin,
Développeur JAVA/JEE.

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