[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.22.0 Released

2024-04-25 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.22.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste

fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.22.0

* [MPMD-379] - Upgrade to use PMD 7.0.0 by default

Dependency upgrade
* [MPMD-388] - Upgrade to Parent 41
* [MPMD-393] - Upgrade commons-io:commons-io to 2.16.1
* [MPMD-394] - Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins from 41 to 42


-The Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.19.0 Released

2022-09-05 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.19.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste

fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.19.0

* [MPMD-353] API incompatibility with jansi after upgrading m-shared-utils

* [MPMD-354] Upgrade to PMD 6.49.0


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.17.0 Released

2022-06-04 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.17.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste

fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.17.0

* [MPMD-342] No debug log message issued when empty report shall be 
skipped and no issues have been found

* [MPMD-334] Source Encoding parameter is ignored

* [MPMD-333] Add release notes documentation
* [MPMD-309] Add configuration option to show suppressed violations

New Feature
* [MPMD-332] Support Java 18

* [MPMD-343] Upgrade to PMD 6.46.0
* [MPMD-341] Upgrade Maven Plugin Test Harness to 3.3.0
* [MPMD-340] Upgrade Maven Reporting API/Impl to 3.1.0
* [MPMD-339] Upgrade plugins in ITs
* [MPMD-338] Upgrade to Doxia/Doxia Sitetools to 1.11.1
* [MPMD-337] Upgrade Maven Parent to 36
* [MPMD-336] Replace deprecated calls to PMD
* [MPMD-331] Require Maven 3.2.5+
* [MPMD-330] Upgrade Maven Parent to 35
* [MPMD-329] Upgrade to PMD 6.45.0


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.16.0 Released

2022-02-15 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.16.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste

fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.16.0

* [MPMD-325] Could not find class due to IncompatibleClassChangeError 

* [MPMD-324] Ruleset URLs have hyphen replaced with forwardslash
* [MPMD-323] ResourceManager should use project base dir instead of pom 

* [MPMD-328] Shared GitHub Actions

* [MPMD-327] Upgrade to PMD 6.42.0
* [MPMD-326] Set Maven 3.1.1 as minimum version


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.15.0 Released

2021-09-10 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.15.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste

fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.15.0

* [MPMD-320] Error when using toolchain and spaces in repository path
* [MPMD-318] Incorrect aux classpath if 'includeTests' set to true
* [MPMD-317] NoClassDefFoundError for provided classes
* [MPMD-315] Maven PMD Plugin fails on Java 16: Unsupported targetJdk 
value '16'.

* [MPMD-314] PMD report extension not set correctly for custom report class

* [MPMD-322] Display when PMD/CPD is skipped
* [MPMD-321] Display PMD version that is being used also for pmd:pmd and 

* [MPMD-319] Add GitHub Action to confirm build PR
* [MPMD-313] Improve  parameter description
* [MPMD-311] Improve excludeFromFailureFile docs

* [MPMD-316] Require Java 8
* [MPMD-312] Upgrade to PMD 6.38.0
* [MPMD-308] Set Maven 3.1.0 as minimum version
* [MPMD-283] Create a real aggregate goal


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.14.0 Released

2020-11-23 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PMD Plugin, version 3.14.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code 
rule violations and detected copy and paste

fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.14.0

* [MPMD-297] - Classloader not being closed after PMD run
* [MPMD-300] - Unable to format output with custom renderer 

* [MPMD-305] - CPD goal does not support txt as a format parameter
* [MPMD-307] - NPE when using custom rule

* [MPMD-290] - Add CPD example for C#
* [MPMD-301] - make build Reproducible
* [MPMD-304] - maven-pmd-plugin should be toolchains-aware

Dependency upgrade
* [MPMD-298] - Upgrade Doxia Sitetools to 1.9.2 to remove dependency on 

* [MPMD-302] - Upgrade to PMD 6.29.0


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.13.0 Released

2020-02-03 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven
PMD Plugin, version 3.13.0

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Apache Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.13.0

* [MPMD-295] Maven PMD Plugin fails on Java 13: Unsupported targetJdk
value '13'
* [MPMD-292] PMD Log is not always integrated into maven log
* [MPMD-289] check: unable to find pmd.xml
* [MPMD-288] NullPointerException when File.list() returns null

* [MPMD-296] Copy ruleset files into a subdirectory of target
* [MPMD-287] Add additional contribution information for GitHub
* [MPMD-241] Document the version relationship between plugin and pmd

New Feature
* [MPMD-269] Display PMD version that is being used

* [MPMD-293] Fix integration test builds on jenkins
* [MPMD-291] Upgrade to PMD 6.21.0
* [MPMD-285] remove pluginTools version override for build (which block
reproducible build...)
* [MPMD-225] Create  report even if no warnings have been found by default


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.12.0 Released

2019-04-22 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven PMD Plugin, version 3.12.0
A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.12.0

** Bug
    * [MPMD-277] - Plugin tries to download local submodules from repo
** New Feature
    * [MPMD-280] - Support targetJdk 12
    * [MPMD-281] - Display found violations grouped by priority
** Improvement
    * [MPMD-279] - Improve documentation of maxAllowedViolations
    * [MPMD-282] - Add rule name to HTML report
** Dependency upgrade
    * [MPMD-275] - Upgrade to PMD 6.13.0
    * [MPMD-284] - Upgrade parent to 33

-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.10.0 Released

2018-06-06 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven PMD Plugin, version 3.10.0
A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.10.0

** Bug
* [MPMD-253] - PMD links to java Xref fail in aggregated report
* [MPMD-257] - Allow to disable analysisCache completely, avoid warnings
* [MPMD-258] - PMD output multiplies with every module in multi module 
* [MPMD-259] - FileNotFoundException with analysisCache=true, 
includeTests=true and no test classes

** New Feature
* [MPMD-256] - Add maxAllowedViolations property for PMD

** Improvement
* [MPMD-261] - Upgrade to PMD 6.4.0
* [MPMD-263] - Add documentation information for GitHub
* [MPMD-264] - Add rule priority to HTML report

** Dependency upgrade
* [MPMD-252] - Upgrade parent to 31
* [MPMD-262] - Upgrade maven-surefire/failsafe-plugin 2.21.0

-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.9.0 Released

2018-01-29 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven PMD Plugin, version 3.9.0
A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:
Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.9.0
** Bug
    * [MPMD-235] - Javadoc errors when building with java8
    * [MPMD-240] - Migrate plugin to Maven 3.0
    * [MPMD-244] - Maven PMD plugin fails but no reason is given for the
    * [MPMD-245] - targetJdk property should use maven.compiler.source
by default
    * [MPMD-248] - cpd-check goal leaks file handle
    * [MPMD-249] - The plugin documentation point to old (deprecated)
    * [MPMD-251] - Invalid report XML is generated with

** Improvement
    * [MPMD-239] - Add documentation about upgrading PMD version at runtime
    * [MPMD-246] - Output details of processing errors
    * [MPMD-247] - Upgrade to PMD 6.0.1
-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.8 Released

2017-05-05 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven PMD Plugin, version 3.8
A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.8


* [MPMD-232] - Enable typeResolution by default
* [MPMD-233] - Upgrade to PMD 5.6.1

New Features:

* [MPMD-234] - Support incremental analysis cache


* [MPMD-230] - Required class missing: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils

-The Apache Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Apache Maven PMD Plugin 3.7 Released

2016-10-16 Thread Andreas Dangel
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven
PMD Plugin, version 3.7

A Maven plugin for the PMD toolkit, that produces a report on both code
rule violations and detected copy and paste
fragments, as well as being able to fail the build based on these metrics.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Apache Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.7

* [MPMD-162] - PMD/CPD report does not take into account
* [MPMD-178] - ExcludeRoots doesn't handle subdirectories (PMD isn't
working nicely with Android projects)
* [MPMD-213] - Remove unnecessary (read-only) parameter "language" from
check goal
* [MPMD-219] - Maven PMD Plugin ignores PMD processing errors

* [MPMD-212] - Add documentation and IT for MPMD-206
* [MPMD-220] - Upgrade to PMD 5.5.1 (requires Java 7)
* [MPMD-227] - Document multimodule configuration example
* [MPMD-228] - Upgrade maven-plugins to version 30
* [MPMD-229] - Cleanup POM, remove temporary workarounds


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

Re: Apache Maven PMD Plugin - Language XML

2016-04-10 Thread Andreas Dangel
Hi Jérémie,

I'm not aware of such an improvement. However, I've created an
improvement ticket in JIRA [1],
as this would be a very useful feature.


[1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPMD-221

On 31.03.2016 15:42, Jérémie DENOYER wrote:
> Hi,
> PMD can be used for XML language (
> https://pmd.github.io/pmd-5.4.1/pmd-xml/rules/index.html).
> Therefore, Apache Maven PMD Plugin supports only java, javascriptand jsp.
> Is somebody aware of any improvement to support new language (like XML)
> with the Maven PMD Plugin ?
> Regards,
> Jérémie

Andreas Dangel
skype: andreas_dangel

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