Re: [DISCUSS] Maven Dependency Plugin

2024-03-21 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
Like a couple of other folks 90% of my usage is dependency:analyze and
dependency:tree. Other goals I barely notice.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 12:06 PM Tamás Cservenák  wrote:
> Howdy,
> I'd would be interested in how users and devs are using
> maven-dependency-plugin:
> I collected some basic questions I'd like to have answered (but feel free
> to add more info!):
> - which goals are "must have" for you
> - which goals are "I never touched" for you (or, "I really don't need" or
> "never used" or "shrug")
> - what is missing?
> Thanks
> T

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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Re: Surefire plain text reports

2022-11-18 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
Please don't. I totally use that and expect them to be there without
any extra markup or systems. Plain text, FTW.

On Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 8:23 AM Slawomir Jaranowski
> Hi,
> By default Surefire generate plain text reports which is stored in
> target/surefire-reports/yourTestName.txt
> It can be disabled by using the "useFile" parameter.
> Question - Does somebody use such reports?
> I'm thinking about removing those at all and saving some CO2 :-)
> What do you think?
> --
> Sławomir Jaranowski

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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Running tests from a test jar

2021-03-31 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
I'm attempting to run the tests in a test jar rather than from source,
for reasons. That is, I set up the pom.xml like so to run the tests
that are bundled in





The problem I'm running into is that a lot, though not all,
dependencies seem to be non-transitive. I have to manually add the
various dependencies to the dependencies section. Is there any way
around this?

There's a more complete pom.xml here:

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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[ANN] Apache Maven Dependency Analyzer Plugin 1.11.3 Released

2020-09-16 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Dependency Analyzer Plugin, version 1.11.3

This plugin analyzes the dependencies of a project for undeclared and
unused artifacts.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Shared Components - Version

[MSHARED-949] - dependency:analyze should recommend narrower scope
where possible


[MSHARED-948] - Update link to Jira

Dependency upgrade
[MSHARED-932] - Remove JMock dependency


-The Apache Maven team

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[ANN] Apache Maven Dependency Analyzer Plugin 1.11.2 Released

2020-07-29 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Dependency Analyzer Plugin, version 1.11.2

This plugin analyzes the dependencies of a project for undeclared and
unused artifacts.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Dependency Analyzer Plugin - Version 1.11.2


[MSHARED-792] - Maven Dependency Analyzer ignores Java 8 type
annotations on local variables


[MSHARED-879] - make build Reproducible

Dependency upgrade

[MSHARED-810] - Support Java 12
[MSHARED-868] - Upgrade plexus-component-metadata to 2.1.0
[MSHARED-870] - Upgrade asm to 8.0.1


-The Apache Maven team

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Re: Maven moving to the next level: the build/consumer pom

2020-06-24 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
The XML handling code in this work is running into some common design
flaws in the JDK XML classes, in particular in the Factories class.

First, you probably shouldn't use SAXParserFactory or SAXParser at
all. They were added to the JDK to support SAX 1.0, and haven't been
needed for since SAX 2 was released (about 20 years ago). Modern code
should use XMLReader and XMLReaderFactory instead.

If you do stick with SAXParser, it's important to call
setNamespaceAware(true), since it's false by default, a legacy of its
use with the non-namespace supporting SAX 1.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 5:18 PM Robert Scholte  wrote:
> Hi,
> One of my long standing wishes has made it to the master branch of Maven: the 
> support for build/consumer pom.
> With this we can finally start improving the pom without breaking the Maven 
> eco system.
> Up until now the pom.xml has been distributed (installed/deployed) as is to 
> both local and remote repositories.
> The good thing is that is it fast and there is no magic.
> However, it sometimes implies adding redundant information and it also blocks 
> any chance of improvement for Maven
> The challenge is to make it possible to have an locally an improved "build" 
> pom while distributing a model 4.0.0 compatible "consumer" pom.
> The whole architecture of Maven was built upon an immutable pom.xml, so it 
> took a while to split this, but I managed to solve this.
> And to confirm that it works, some transformations have been added for the 
> next Maven release
> The local pom it still model 4.0.0 compatible, but some redundant elements 
> are not required anymore.
> - in case the  is located at its relativePath (default: ../pom.xml), 
> the version can be removed. groupId and artifactId are still required to 
> ensure it is being matched with the right parent.
> - dependencies that are part of the reactor don't need a version anymore
> These are implemented steps to get from the file model to the raw model, 
> where the required versions are added.
> When distributing the pom, the previous transformations are done, but also:
> - cifriendly placeholders in versions (${sha1}, ${revision}, ${changelist}) 
> will be resolved.
> -  from  will be removed
> -  from  will be removed
> These cleanups are context aware, if they appear in some configuration, they 
> won't be touched.
> One of our integration-tests[1] demonstrates how new poms in a multimodule 
> project might look like.
> Even though the latter steps look quite small (removing elements with 
> relative paths), it should give us enough feedback about the whole process.
> The status is that it is ready to be embedded in supporting tools like IDEs.
> We should give them time to work on this and share feedback.
> It might require some adjustments in Maven to improve user experience.
> In the meantime we need to work on plugins that will have impact by these 
> changes.
> Most significant is are signing maven plugins such as the maven-gpg-plugin, 
> which needs to work with the distributed pom instead of the local pom.
> Also all packaging plugin that can include the pom.xml and in 
> their archive should switch to the distributed pom.
> The maven-shade-plugin was marked as well, but at first glance this looks 
> fine.
> In the end all our plugins must be verified, just to be sure.
> So there's enough to work on.
> In general I avoid giving timelines about how fast a new release will be 
> available.
> Due to the overhead, the small amount of available time of the few volunteers 
> working on Maven, I prefer to have a worth set of changes.
> In this case the impact of the changes can be huge, and I want to have enough 
> faith that we won't introduce irreversible mistakes.
> Don't expect a new official release in the 3 next months, however we might 
> have alpha or beta releases.
> There is a wiki page that explains this topic in more detail[2]
> It is still a draft, as there are still parts where we need to reach 
> consensus.
> This page is intended as a base for discussions by Maven developers, users 
> and related projects, such as IDEs, Repository Managers, CI Servers, etc.
> Looking forward for any feedback,
> Robert Scholte
> Apache Maven project
> [1] 
> [2]

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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Re: Programmatic access to enforcer plugin

2018-07-21 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
There exists a very large group of open source libraries, some my
organization owns and a few we don't. It is not currently possible to
find a convergent set of versions for these libraries, and it's hard
to collect a set of versions that doesn't hit no such method errors
and other serious incompatibilities.

I want to generate a list of the version conflicts across all these
libraries, and then create an ordered list of the dependency upgrades
that need to be patched in and shipped so we can publish a BOM of
versions that at least work together, even if they're not necessarily
all the latest version. Then I want to keep publish newer versions of
the BOM as new versions of the dependencies ship.

We can't afford to simply fail the build of all the components on the
first convergence error. We tried that and it became quickly obvious
that none of them would or could build if we did. This is going to be
a multistep fix.

I'm considering whether it may be necessary to drop deeper down the
stack and write my own code to check for dependency convergence. I
actually have some existing Aether code that queries the repos for a
complete dependency graph. Unfortunately parts of it depend on M2E
which I don't want to use for this project. So I would need to rewrite
those lines to use org.apache.maven instead. If anyone has sample code
that queries repos for dependencies without M2E, that would also be

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 4:08 PM, Karl Heinz Marbaise  wrote:
> Hi,
> can explain more in detail what you like to achieve? Best would be based on
> an example...
> Apart from that maven-enforcer is intended to check for rules which if
> someone violates the defined rules...not really intended to make a report
> ?...
> Kind regards
> Karl Heinz Marbaise
> On 19/07/18 20:13, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
>> Short of forking the project, is any sort of programmatic API for the
>> Maven enforcer plugin available? E.g. I'd like to point a rule at a
>> dependency coordinates and get a report back in a somewhat more
>> structured form than System.out.println.
>> Has anyone done something like this? Are there any docs better than
>> reading the source code? Thanks.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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Programmatic access to enforcer plugin

2018-07-19 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
Short of forking the project, is any sort of programmatic API for the
Maven enforcer plugin available? E.g. I'd like to point a rule at a
dependency coordinates and get a report back in a somewhat more
structured form than System.out.println.

Has anyone done something like this? Are there any docs better than
reading the source code? Thanks.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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Reading dependencyManagement element with resolver

2018-03-27 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
Using the Maven resolver, is there an API hiding somewhere to read the
dependencyManagement element from a pom and return the list of
dependencies being managed?

That is, something short of just parsing the XML with XOM or
equivalent. I figure something inside Maven Resolver must be doing
that, but I can't find it.

P.S. The Maven resolver git repo at seems to
have gone 404.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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