Mojos and JDK5

2007-12-12 Thread Steve Ebersole
I am working on a plugin which uses JDK5 generics.  Attempting to build that 
plugin gives me:

com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.ParseException: syntax error @[744,56] in 
at com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.impl.Parser.yyerror(
at com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.impl.Parser.yyparse(
at com.thoughtworks.qdox.parser.impl.Parser.parse(Parser.j

That position in the file is method returning a generic collection.

Is JDK5 allowed in writing a plugin?  If so, any idea what I might be doing 

Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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Re: How to do incremental build?

2007-12-03 Thread Steve Ebersole
This is an idea that JBoss and myself, personally, have brought up with the 
Maven team quite a few times.  The terms we use is that of a binary (repo) 
dependency versus a source (module) dependency.  Another name for 'source 
dependency' might be 'local dependency'.  Whatever its term, I personally 
really see benefit in this when a project is modularized as an implement 
detail as opposed to any desire to have seperate release cycles to the 
modules.  For example, in the mavenization of Hibernate I chose to break 
out modules to better isolate dependencies.  I have no intention that the 
modules be versioned separately, or really even developed separately.  When I 
make a change in module, I want modules which depend in it to see that change 
just like when I operate within IntelliJ (and probably all other IDEs, I 
would assume).

On Monday 03 December 2007 05:09:48 am Dimitris Kapanidis wrote:
 I agree,

 When I started using maven with multi-module projects, intuively when
 doing mvn package in a module I was supposing that local changes of
 other modules will be used to test the local changes of the tested module.

 A possible solution that I can see would be to have an mvn parameter to
 trigger a classpath of the local modules, instead of the repository ones.

 for example (the name is just an example):

 $ mvn --help
 -lc --local-classpath Use local classpath instead of repository.

 if there is the following module structure:
 /pom.xml (root pom)
 /moduleA/pom.xml (changed module)
 /moduleB/pom.xml (changed module)
 /moduleC/pom.xml (unchanged module)

 the following command:
 /moduleA/$ mvn test
 should be testing moduleA with the last installed moduleB and moduleC.

 and the following command
 /moduleA/$ mvn -lc test
 should be testing moduleA with a classpath similar to

 I'd like some comments about if this is possible/desirable or not.

Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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Re: Maven2 and unit tests with hibernate and jpa connection problems

2007-12-01 Thread Steve Ebersole
On Saturday 01 December 2007 09:53:30 am Ryan Moquin wrote:
 I think my main concern with this (hence why I'm asking general advice) is
 that sometimes a unit test might work against HSQL and fail against another
 database such as MSSQL?  Or am I worrying about something I shouldn't?

 I did make some progress finally though, I kept connection pooling on in my
 unit tests since I don't think it's possible for me to run my build without
 it, and then I stopped using the maven-sql-plugin and went back to the
 hibernate ddl create-drop method of recreating my schema (which I ran into
 problems with, which caused me to go to maven-sql-plugin previously).  That
 alleviates the database in use when the plugin tries to drop and recreate

 Of course, this doesn't answer whether or not I should be using an inmem
 database like HSQL ... I think depending on people's experiences on the
 pros and cons will be what will cause me to switch.  I'm just worried that
 I might lose some accuracy in my unit tests going to that approach?

Speaking theoretically, a *unit test* for your application should not be 
concerned with the specific database being used under the covers.  That 
responsibility would fall under the unit tests of the code actually 
communicating with the database (Hibernate).

I stressed the term unit test above, because it has a very specific meaning 
that is actually not strictly adhered to alot of times; not saying this is 
good or bad, just saying it is the case.  So really it just comes down to 
personal choice.  The usual (productive) middle ground between theory and 
pragmatism in this realm is to use an in memory database (I actually prefer 
H2 over HSQLDB)

Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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Re: Maven/Hibernate error / anyone has find similar?

2007-11-15 Thread Steve Ebersole perchance?

On Thursday 15 November 2007 02:30:56 pm Marco Mistroni wrote:
  mm  not really :)
 found out that i had a clash between followign dependencies
 - hibernate 3.2.x
 - asm-all
 - spring ?

 i am trying to move my project from ant to maven, and we are using
 hibernate spring, cglib and asm libraries

 when i downloaded them from web, i got error,
 when instead i pointed to version installed on my local machine (teh
 one i m using with ant) everythign worked fine
 i'll need toinvestigate more as this may cause us problems if we
 update any versions of spring or hibernate

 i'll report back here my findings once i proceed with my investigation


 On Nov 14, 2007 9:04 PM, Wayne Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Take a look at your applicationContext.xml file, apparently you have
  an issue with how you've defined your sessionFactory bean (??).
  org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
  creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in class path
  resource [applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed;
  nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  On 11/14/07, Marco Mistroni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   hi all,
i am trying to port an app from ant to maven , but it looks like i am
   having troubles iwth dependencies.
   has anyone ever found the error below?
   i attach my dependencies at the end of message, hope someone can sort
   me out
   Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.39
   sec  FAILURE!
  .IssueDaoIntegrationTest) Time elapsed: 0.359 sec   ERROR!
   org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
   creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in class path
   resource [applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed;
   nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
   org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.cglib.CGLIBLazyInitializer.getProxyFactory(CGL at
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Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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Re: Test multiple DBs in sequence

2007-10-30 Thread Steve Ebersole
On Monday 29 October 2007 05:46:25 pm Yan Huang wrote:
 Hello Folks,

 If I want to run the same unit test cases against a list of DBs within a
 single build, is there a way to configure it in pom.xml? Basically, let's
 say I want to run the tests against oracle, sybase and mysql in sequence
 within the same test phase, how can I do it? Maven1 has a jelly's tag
 called j:forEach to navigate through a collection, how can I achieve
 the same on maven2?


I was never able to figure out a way to do it.  We ended up with with 
different test runs, one for each DB, using profiles.

Depending upon how you 'prepare and then acquire' connections to the DB, you 
would be able to achieve this using a custom suite.

Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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Re: Maven hibernate, dependencies not working,plz help :)

2007-07-19 Thread Steve Ebersole
I think you mean sp1, not spl

thats a 1 (one) ...

On Thursday 19 July 2007 08:57:14 pm Wayne Fay wrote:
 As you can see here:
 3.2.4.spl is not a valid hibernate version.

 Where did you get this version number?


 On 7/19/07, pinky88 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I'm a beginner to maven and hibernate, and i'm trying to build up a small
  project as a tutorial using maven.
  I'm using hibernate and hsqldb also.
  Using examples I've found on the net, I've added dependencies for both
  hibernate and hsqldb, so my pom.xml looks like this:
  project xmlns=;
  The versions are correct and i have both hibernate and hsqldb downloaded
  and unzipped..
   When i run mvn eclipse:eclipse i get the following :
  [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'eclipse'.
 --- [INFO] Building HibernateTutorial
  [INFO]task-segment: [eclipse:eclipse]
 --- [INFO] Preparing eclipse:eclipse
  [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
  [INFO] [eclipse:eclipse]
 .4.spl.pom Downloading:
 .4.spl.jar [WARNING] An error occurred during dependency resolution.
 Failed to retrieve hibernate:hibernate-3.2.4.spl
  Caused by: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
  Then, install it using the command:
 mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=hibernate -DartifactId=hibernate \
 -Dversion=3.2.4.spl -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file
  there: mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=hibernate
  -DartifactId=hibernate \
 -Dversion=3.2.4.spl -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file \
  -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
  Path to dependency:
 1) de.groegl.road2hibernate:HibernateTutorial:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
 2) hibernate:hibernate:jar:3.2.4.spl
  from the specified remote repositories:
   central (
  [INFO] Unable to read jar manifest from
 spl.jar Downloading:
  [WARNING] An error occurred during dependency resolution.
 Failed to retrieve hsqldb:hsqldb-
  Caused by: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
  Then, install it using the command:
 mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=hsqldb -DartifactId=hsqldb \
 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file
  there: mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=hsqldb -DartifactId=hsqldb \
 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file \
  -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
  Path to dependency:
 1) de.groegl.road2hibernate:HibernateTutorial:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
 2) hsqldb:hsqldb:jar:
  from the specified remote repositories:
   central (
  [INFO] Unable to read jar manifest from
  [INFO] Using source status cache:
  /home/karen/development/workspace/HibernateTutorial/target/mvn-eclipse-ca [INFO] Not writing settings - defaults suffice
  [INFO] File /home/karen/development/workspace/HibernateTutorial/.project
  already exists.
Additional settings will be preserved, run mvn eclipse:clean 

module ordering

2007-07-11 Thread Steve Ebersole
I am having a problem getting multi-module builds to work right.

All this stuff is publicly accessible, if someone was willing to take a look 
and try to help me figure it out.  There are a couple of piece of information 
you'd need:
1) First, you'd need to define the jboss repo in addition to the central repo:

2) Check out the parent poms and install them locally:

3) Check out the project:

The situation is that I have a root project (./pom.xml) which defines a number 
of sub-projects via modules.  Some of those sub-projects have dependencies on 
one another.  So for example, ./core/pom.xml is depended upon by a number of 
other modules.

Attempts to run 'mvn install' against the root project fail.  They fail in a 
bizarre fashion.  The output shows that maven believes (I think) that 
./core/pom.xml has a dependency on ./cache-ehcache/pom.xml.  It fails because 
./cache-ehcache/pom.xml does then in fact have a dependency back to 

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Reactor build order:
[INFO]   Hibernate Core
[INFO]   Hibernate Ehcache Integration
[INFO]   Hibernate JBossCache Integration
[INFO]   Hibernate JBossCache2.x Integration
[INFO]   Hibernate OSCache Integration
[INFO]   Hibernate SwarmCache Integration
[INFO]   Hibernate C3P0 ConnectionProvider
[INFO]   Hibernate Proxool ConnectionProvider
[INFO]   Hibernate JMX Module
[INFO]   Hibernate Testing
[INFO]   Hibernate Testsuite
[INFO]   Hibernate Example
[INFO]   Hibernate Manual (en-US)
[INFO]   Hibernate Manual (fr-FR)
[INFO]   Hibernate Manual (aggregator)
[INFO]   Hibernate Tutorial
[INFO]   Hibernate Core - Documentation
[INFO]   Hibernate Core Aggregator
[INFO] Building Hibernate Core
[INFO]task-segment: [install]
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
1) org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
  Then, install it using the command:
  mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.hibernate -DartifactId=hibernate-c
re \
  -Dversion=3.3.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.hibernate -DartifactId=hibernate-core
  -Dversion=3.3.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file \
   -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
  Path to dependency:
1) org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache:jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
2) org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
1 required artifact is missing.
for artifact:
from the specified remote repositories:
  central (,
  jboss (

But, dependency:analyze shows that core really does not have a dep on ehcache 

[INFO] [dependency:analyze]
[INFO] Used declared dependencies:
[INFO] Used undeclared dependencies:
[INFO] Unused 

Re: Release top pom without sub modules (projects)

2007-06-20 Thread Steve Ebersole

Ahh, the moving modules into profiles approach is nice.  Good thought.

Tim Kettler wrote:


you have a few options to achieve what you want:

I suppose you currently use the top level pom for two things: 
subproject aggregation (modules/ tag) and the definition of default 
values for you subprojects (parent pom). You can just split this two 
concerns in two distinct poms. For example you could create a 
'myproject-parent' subproject and release just that.

Maven has a command line option '--non-recursive' perhaps this does 
what you want.

Or you can move the module/ definitions in a profile in the pom and 
just activate it when you want to do a full release.

Hope this helps

gc134728 schrieb:

Hey maven users,

I have a multi-module project architecture with at the top one pom.  
This pom
contains several sub poms which contain sub poms ...  When i perform 
a release
on the top pom every project gets released with it.  How can i just 
perform a

release on the top pom without releasing it's subprojects with it?

One remark sometimes i do want to make a full release of top pom and all
subpoms.  So what I'm looking for is a property that blocks the 

release process of the maven-release-plugin.

for example : release:prepare -Dblock-reactor

Thx for any info

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Re: Release top pom without sub modules (projects)

2007-06-20 Thread Steve Ebersole
Don't know if this is the correct answer, but I have the same issue 
and here is how I plan on getting around it.  Basically, split the top 
poms into one for inheritance (used in the parent/ definition) and one 
for reactor/aggregation (defining the modules/).  This is based on the 
observation that typically it is this super class-type information 
that I generally need to install/deploy separately; given this breakdown 
I can do that without installing/deploying all the subprojects.

gc134728 wrote:

Hey maven users,

I have a multi-module project architecture with at the top one pom.  This pom
contains several sub poms which contain sub poms ...  When i perform a release
on the top pom every project gets released with it.  How can i just perform a
release on the top pom without releasing it's subprojects with it?

One remark sometimes i do want to make a full release of top pom and all
subpoms.  So what I'm looking for is a property that blocks the transitive
release process of the maven-release-plugin.

for example : release:prepare -Dblock-reactor

Thx for any info

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custom packaging

2007-06-20 Thread Steve Ebersole
I asked this before, but I don't think I understood the problem well 
enough to voice it properly nor had I sat down and implemented the 

This is in regards to my DocBook plugin which works completely off the 
Maven dependency mechanism.  So every aspect of the DocBook 
environment is defined by dependencies rather than having to have 
DocBook set up locally as is usual with DocBook plugins.  So everything 
from the DocBook XSLT and DTD distro to customizations, fonts and images 
are defined via dependencies and mixed together to actually perform 
the transformation.  Anyway, logically it makes sense to break the 
pieces up into a few dependencies:

1) DocBook distro
2) fonts
3) resources (images, css, etc)
4) custom XSLT (might contain #2 and/or #3 also)
5) DocBook sources (might contain #2, #3 and/or #4 also)

The way DocBook works, fonts and images have to be treated specially 
depending on the formating.  Thus, I need a way to be able to identify 
dependencies containing fonts and/or images and stage them.  It is 
this identification step on which I need advice.  Basically there seem 
to be 2 approaches.

The first approach I have seen in many plugins.  Here I would require 
the user to tell me the groupId/artifactId of dependency artifacts which 
contain fonts and images.  The (major) downside of this to me always 
seemed the duplication of this information.  For example, consider:

   !-- here is the duplication --

The other approach does not seem much used (that I could find).  The 
thought was to use custom packaging definitions for the various types of 
ingredients that go into this DocBook mixture.  Then I could 
distinguish the various pieces based on the artifact.type w/o any 


The other aspect of this comes into play after identification, when I 
need to stage these resources.  Basically, this means I need to 
aggregate the images and fonts from multiple sources into a local 
staging or work directory.  For dedicated bundles like #2 and #3, this 
is no issue as I can make the assumption that the directory structure 
inside the archive is the target structure as well as the fact that all 
files should get staged.  However, for #4 (and to an extent #5) that is 
most likely not the case. 

So again, applying the 2 approaches, the first seems pretty verbose:
   !-- here is the duplication --
   !-- here is the duplication --

Whereas with the second approach, because it is a known packaging, I can 
make educated assumptions about the contents and structure of those 

I guess, overall, a slight variation on the first approach would be to 
use dependency properties rather than explicit configuration.

Overall I really liked the idea of custom packaging as a solution here 
but I had concerns because I did not see anyone using packaging in this 
manner which leads me to believe that either this is not its intended 
use or there is some practical difficulty with using them. 

Anyway, if someone could validate my thinking here and give 
recomendations/suggestions, that would be much appreciated.


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Re: Enterprise M2 repository stored in subversion

2007-06-14 Thread Steve Ebersole
Sure.  The JBoss repo ( does exactly 
this.  If the SVN repo is enabled for http access, then its no different 
from accessing any other Maven repository.

Raphaël Piéroni wrote:


i have googled for an answer on the question whether
it is possible to store an entreprise Maven repository
in subversion and build a freshly checkouted project
in a computer with an empty local repository.

obviously the project's pom will contain the url
to the svn repository. but what such an URL would be ?

Thanks in advance for any help



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Re: docbook + maven

2007-06-08 Thread Steve Ebersole
If you look at the code and projects using it, yes, I am aware of this.
Or did you miss the directories containing the font definitios
tongue-in-cheekly named no-idea-what-to-do-with-these-yet? ;)

Actually I was leaning on the expertise of the Red Hat documentation
team here, since DocBook (nor xslt, really) is not my forte.  I have yet
to breach this particular topic with them.

If you have a particular need/requirement, well, patches welcome ;)

On Thu, 2007-06-07 at 13:15 +0200, Tamás Cservenák wrote:
 I had another problem with docbook plugins for maven2. I will just describe
 it, as it is too often overseen :)
 My problem was FOP and it's configuration in docbkx plugin. I needed docbook
 in maven2 to generate docs in Hungarian language. The FOP per default
 produces PDF with Adobe Default font set (16 fonts) and with all of them in
 LATIN1 encoding, which is not enough for Eastern European languages.
 The resolution is to introduce different fonts beside defaults to FOP.
 Just a thought, since as i read your code, you do the similar thing as
 The configuration customization for FOP is unreachable in both cases, thus
 it both would renders unusable PDFs in non-LATIN1 environments.
 The solution would be to make FOP configuration reachable from maven config,
 or at least create a possibility to direct the FOP to use some specific
 config-file from within the project.
 Btw, the docbkx project moved from to
 On 6/4/07, Steve Ebersole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As part of migrating Hibernate to use Maven, one of the big issues I ran
  into was the current state of DocBook plugins for Maven.  The current
  mojo-codehaus hosted plugin is insufficient.  There is another more
  widely used one done by one Wilfred Springer as part of something called
  agilejava.  The agilejava one is fairly full featured, but is really
  pretty bare bones in terms of configuration (its is mainly a simplistic
  wrapper around the defined DocBook xslt parameters).
  In my estimation the, agilejava one was closer to usability, but Mr.
  Springer did not seem interested in accepting my volunteer to help
  improve his plugin.  So I began implementing my own.
  It works off of a slightly different approach than the other two.  The
  biggest difference being that custom stylesheets are packaged as
  separate projects and included via the Maven dependency mechanism.  This
  allows true reuse of the stylesheets across projects.  The other is
  planned better support of translations which is important for Hibernate,
  and most projects using DocBook.
  This however led to a conceptual question regarding how to best handle
  image references.  As background, in DocBook, the way images normally
  get resolved is as via xslt templates.  The DocBook supplied templates
  do a hard file lookup relative to a xslt parameter named 'img.src.path'
  if it is set; and really this is format specific as well.  Regardless,
  though, I need a mechanism to access the image files from these style
  projects and be able to resolve reference to them from the DocBook
  source or xsl stylesheets.  I have identified a few potential approaches
  to achieve that:
  1) force separation of (a) xslt and (b) resources like images/css into
  separate projects.  Specifically, #b would need a custom packaging which
  would allow me to find resources and unarchive them locally into a
  staging dir for use in 'img.src.path'.  A variation on this would be to
  bundle them together with a custom packaging and somehow extract just
  the resources.
  2) Apply custom graphics resolution templates to the built xsl
  transformers, hoping that the custom xslt does not itself do this.
  I'm not (necessarily) looking for volunteers (although certainly that is
  welcome).  More I just need people's thoughts on the various approaches,
  especially those using or familiar with DocBook.
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Re: docbook + maven

2007-06-06 Thread Steve Ebersole

 Sure. What we do is we package the styles in a zip file using a
 standard maven project and the build-helper-mojo from codehaus. The
 zip file contains not only the CSS, the XSLT parameters but also the
 images linked to the style.
 Next, in a doc project, we depend on the zip above and we use the
 dependency plugin to inject the data (dependency:unpack) in the
 target/${artifactId} directory where the docb sources are copied.
I am not overly familiar with this dependency plugin, but the overall
approach sounds essentially the same as I described in my staging
approach.  The concern I had was knowing which dependencies to pull
resources from.  I would then guess that this dependency plugin you
mention requires you to explicitly state the coordinate to be unpacked;
essentially doubling the config?

 Now, we have a hard dependency on xmlto for the actual generation. If
 we can use a more elegant solution, I'll be glad to test :)
I am not overly familiar with 'xmlto' other than the fact it exists ;)
From my understanding, it is an xslt framework, right?  I just use SAXON
inline with the plugin using a Transformer built based on the
configuration, project, etc.  The only drawback I have seen is the fact
that SAXON eats large amounts of memory.

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Re: docbook + maven

2007-06-05 Thread Steve Ebersole
On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 09:18 +0200, Stephane Nicoll wrote:
 I am currently migration our doc on docbook+M2 and I ran in the same
 issues. Is your plugin freely available?
Sure, as of now it is in Hibernate SVN and published to the JBoss Maven repo.

 Regarding styles, we also use them as dependencies and images are
 located alongside the docbook file.
Images alongside the DocBook source is fine for images referenced from
those sources; that makes sense.  But I am talking about images packaged
with the styles.  Remember, the whole point is to have reusable xslt

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RE: Can a POM import a profile from anothe POM?

2007-06-04 Thread Steve Ebersole
I wanted to throw a comment into this discussion...

Please keep in mind that this level of build reproducibility is not
*necessarily* a good thing.  The particular issue I have with the
reproducibility is actually the testing side of it
(functional/integration testing).  I would love to use profiles in a
drop-in fashion specifically to alter the reproducibility of the builds
*from a test perspective*.  However, that would mean use of either
profiles.xml or profiles in settings.xml, neither of which is allowed to
change either of the two things which would be needed, in the name of
reproducibility: dependencies and testResources.

So I would argue that the notion of build reproducibility should be
limited to not cover test related concerns.

On Sat, 2007-06-02 at 15:09 -0500, Jeff Jensen wrote:
 I agree!  This I said: if they truly all have the same profiles and profile
 deps, which in your case fails - they share some, but not all share the
 same ones.
 In the spirit of idea exchange...if you really don't want poms having
 duplicate deps, profiles, etc., I would consider using multiple parent poms.
 One of the things I've done for my current customer is multiple base poms.
 There is the master base pom that they all use eventually extend from, and
 every component uses every dependency in that top base pom.  I'm sure you
 can imagine the next tier or two having one or a few poms.  Each component's
 pom extends from the correct parent pom so it has only the deps necessary
 from the lineage.  Component specific info is in its own pom.  There are
 only a handful of parent poms, so it is not unwieldy.  The thing I like is
 the change it in one place.  It's just like a class hierarchy in the end,
 but pom info instead :-).  It is a very large system (approaching 12,000
 classes) and many components (jars, wars, ear - web apps and batches), and
 this structure helps us ensure all components have the same dep versions per
 release as we need.
 This still has the inconvenience of new versions for _all_ poms when the
 top-level master changes, but it is fine for me (and a smaller impact when a
 different parent pom changes).  Things usually change when many components
 are in development mode; hence they are all in SNAPSHOT versions anyway.
 I would appreciate a better way suggestion or two if someone has any
 ideas.  This is what works well for us.
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 2:15 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Can a POM import a profile from anothe POM?
 My projects fit into the following groups:
   o jars containing business logic
   o jars containing common utilities
   o wars for specific application servers
 All of the above may share a parent POM, but why should a project that 
 produces a jars containing business logic be affected when a profile 
 that it does not use, like cargo_tomcat_test, is updated?
 Like you, I am just sharing my thoughts.  The more we understand how 
 something is used, the better decision we can make.  Worse yet, we may 
 learn something new in the process :)
 Paul Spencer
 Jeff Jensen wrote:
  Hi Paul,
  Indeed, yes.  My comment on lack of build reproducibility was addressing
  shared resource approach (and you did not suggest), which is usually not
  reproducible unless steps are deliberately made to source control the
  resource in a correct manner (in the codelines of all its dependents);
  apologies for not making that clear! :-)
  By the fact that your deps  profiles are in the pom, which is versioned
  its own series, the profiles have the build reproducibility.
  I also was commenting on the weigh the effort for the benefit of holding
  profiles in a parent pom, which you commented was impractical, but the
  benefit of reuse may outweigh the inconvenience, if they truly all have
  same profiles and profile deps.  That is kind of stating the obvious, but
  wanted to share the thought that it does have value even though I agree it
  can be inconvenient... :-)
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 12:59 PM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Re: Can a POM import a profile from anothe POM?
  I believe I address your concern, which I share, of build 
  reproducibility by including a version number on the imported profile's 
  artifact, essentially making it behave like a dependency.
  Below is the example, which was in my original post.
  * POM of project which imports the profiles cargo_tomcat_remote and
  * cargo_jetty_remote and selenium-integration-test.

docbook + maven

2007-06-04 Thread Steve Ebersole
As part of migrating Hibernate to use Maven, one of the big issues I ran
into was the current state of DocBook plugins for Maven.  The current
mojo-codehaus hosted plugin is insufficient.  There is another more
widely used one done by one Wilfred Springer as part of something called
agilejava.  The agilejava one is fairly full featured, but is really
pretty bare bones in terms of configuration (its is mainly a simplistic
wrapper around the defined DocBook xslt parameters).

In my estimation the, agilejava one was closer to usability, but Mr.
Springer did not seem interested in accepting my volunteer to help
improve his plugin.  So I began implementing my own.

It works off of a slightly different approach than the other two.  The
biggest difference being that custom stylesheets are packaged as
separate projects and included via the Maven dependency mechanism.  This
allows true reuse of the stylesheets across projects.  The other is
planned better support of translations which is important for Hibernate,
and most projects using DocBook.

This however led to a conceptual question regarding how to best handle
image references.  As background, in DocBook, the way images normally
get resolved is as via xslt templates.  The DocBook supplied templates
do a hard file lookup relative to a xslt parameter named 'img.src.path'
if it is set; and really this is format specific as well.  Regardless,
though, I need a mechanism to access the image files from these style
projects and be able to resolve reference to them from the DocBook
source or xsl stylesheets.  I have identified a few potential approaches
to achieve that:
1) force separation of (a) xslt and (b) resources like images/css into
separate projects.  Specifically, #b would need a custom packaging which
would allow me to find resources and unarchive them locally into a
staging dir for use in 'img.src.path'.  A variation on this would be to
bundle them together with a custom packaging and somehow extract just
the resources.
2) Apply custom graphics resolution templates to the built xsl
transformers, hoping that the custom xslt does not itself do this.

I'm not (necessarily) looking for volunteers (although certainly that is
welcome).  More I just need people's thoughts on the various approaches,
especially those using or familiar with DocBook.


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Re: [hibernate-dev] docbook + maven

2007-06-04 Thread Steve Ebersole
Mark and I already discussed this.  But its a different discussion,
since he does not deal with pre-packaged styles...

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 21:38 +0200, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
 one thing is for sure, the current image location in our docbook is  
 annoying ;(
 It is not relative to where the xml files are and hence it does not show up
 in e.g. xmlmind.
 What makes most sense to me is that the images is located  
 relative/correctly based
 on the actual xml they are referred in.
 I know Marc Proctor solved this (at least he claims so) - but I don't know  
 how so
 I cc'ed him in ;)
  As part of migrating Hibernate to use Maven, one of the big issues I ran
  into was the current state of DocBook plugins for Maven.  The current
  mojo-codehaus hosted plugin is insufficient.  There is another more
  widely used one done by one Wilfred Springer as part of something called
  agilejava.  The agilejava one is fairly full featured, but is really
  pretty bare bones in terms of configuration (its is mainly a simplistic
  wrapper around the defined DocBook xslt parameters).
  In my estimation the, agilejava one was closer to usability, but Mr.
  Springer did not seem interested in accepting my volunteer to help
  improve his plugin.  So I began implementing my own.
  It works off of a slightly different approach than the other two.  The
  biggest difference being that custom stylesheets are packaged as
  separate projects and included via the Maven dependency mechanism.  This
  allows true reuse of the stylesheets across projects.  The other is
  planned better support of translations which is important for Hibernate,
  and most projects using DocBook.
  This however led to a conceptual question regarding how to best handle
  image references.  As background, in DocBook, the way images normally
  get resolved is as via xslt templates.  The DocBook supplied templates
  do a hard file lookup relative to a xslt parameter named 'img.src.path'
  if it is set; and really this is format specific as well.  Regardless,
  though, I need a mechanism to access the image files from these style
  projects and be able to resolve reference to them from the DocBook
  source or xsl stylesheets.  I have identified a few potential approaches
  to achieve that:
  1) force separation of (a) xslt and (b) resources like images/css into
  separate projects.  Specifically, #b would need a custom packaging which
  would allow me to find resources and unarchive them locally into a
  staging dir for use in 'img.src.path'.  A variation on this would be to
  bundle them together with a custom packaging and somehow extract just
  the resources.
  2) Apply custom graphics resolution templates to the built xsl
  transformers, hoping that the custom xslt does not itself do this.
  I'm not (necessarily) looking for volunteers (although certainly that is
  welcome).  More I just need people's thoughts on the various approaches,
  especially those using or familiar with DocBook.
  hibernate-dev mailing list

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Re: extensible database integration testing

2007-05-25 Thread Steve Ebersole
I may never know :)  

I had thought of a similar approach, but some JDBC drivers are actually
mutliple jars...

On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 11:32 +0100, Pete wrote:
 I'm not sure I understand at which point you do know these 'execution
 environments' but maybe  you could specify the values on the command
 line along with a pom as follows :-
   !-- Database connection settings --
   property name=connection.url${jdbc.url}/property
   property name=connection.username${jdbc.username}/property
   property name=connection.password${jdbc.password}/property
   property name=dialect${hibernate.dialect}/property
   property name=show_sqltrue/property
 then specify the values using -Djdbc.driverClassName=etc
 or in the pom have a number of profiles that can be activated on demand e.g.
 On 23/05/07, Steve Ebersole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am looking to migrate Hibernate to use Maven for building.  I am
  currently running into a problem porting the Hibernate testsuite.  The
  Hibernate testsuite is mainly a bunch of functional and integration
  tests and not really unit tests per-se.  But it is built on top of
  Anyway, the problem I am facing is in regards to the need to run the
  Hibernate test suite against multiple databases and JDBC drivers.
  Basically I need the ability to vary (1) Hibernate configuration and (2)
  test dependencies (jdbc drivers) per environment.  Logically one would
  think of profiles to help solve this, with one profile per
  environment.  And in fact defining all the  profiles in the pom does
  in fact work, as i can separately define (1) dependencies and (2)
  resources (or properties) per profile.
  However, the trick is that I do not know all these execution
  environments up front.  And thus I cannot define them in the pom.  user
  supplied profiles.xmls would be an option, except that profiles.xml is
  not allowed to specify either of the two things I need (ok, ok, I could
  munge the requirements and get properties+resourceFilters to do the
  trick for Hibernate configuration).
  Anyone have any thoughts on how this may be achievable?
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extensible database integration testing

2007-05-23 Thread Steve Ebersole
I am looking to migrate Hibernate to use Maven for building.  I am
currently running into a problem porting the Hibernate testsuite.  The
Hibernate testsuite is mainly a bunch of functional and integration
tests and not really unit tests per-se.  But it is built on top of

Anyway, the problem I am facing is in regards to the need to run the
Hibernate test suite against multiple databases and JDBC drivers.
Basically I need the ability to vary (1) Hibernate configuration and (2)
test dependencies (jdbc drivers) per environment.  Logically one would
think of profiles to help solve this, with one profile per
environment.  And in fact defining all the  profiles in the pom does
in fact work, as i can separately define (1) dependencies and (2)
resources (or properties) per profile.  

However, the trick is that I do not know all these execution
environments up front.  And thus I cannot define them in the pom.  user
supplied profiles.xmls would be an option, except that profiles.xml is
not allowed to specify either of the two things I need (ok, ok, I could
munge the requirements and get properties+resourceFilters to do the
trick for Hibernate configuration).  

Anyone have any thoughts on how this may be achievable?


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