Well, imo you just want to totally wipe out your local repository regularly.
Everything will just be download properly next time you run mvn. Moreover,
locally maven won't install timestamped version by, so your repo is not
going to grow very quickly anyway.

If you speak about a maven deployment repository (managed by a maven
repository manager like archiva, nexus or so), then this is another problem
that has already had the corresponding feature for a long time (automatic
repository snapshot purge for archiva, I guess other mrm has an equivalent).


2008/12/24 Wim Deblauwe <wim.debla...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> after working on some version (e.g. 1.0-SNAPSHOT), you end up with a bunch
> of SNAPSHOT versions you don't need anymore once you released 1.0. What is
> the best way to delete those old snapshot versions? I've read about
> dependency:purge-local-repo, but does it work after the release also? How
> does it know what SNAPSHOTs to delete from your local repo?
> regards,
> Wim

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
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