Re: [OT] RE: JSF is the answer? I don't think so...

2006-12-13 Thread Adam Koprowski

   Hello everybody,

 Thanks for all your answers, hints, encouragement... I really appreciate
that. I'm not about to give up, I'm just trying to figure out what's the
best thing to do. Using plain old links may work in some cases but often you
really have some kind of a state in your web application to deal with and
this seems pretty difficult with JSF (although ADF processScope makes it
somehow easier). And in fact our (implicit) goal was to limit the technology
stack not to depend from too many frameworks. And we thought (naively?) that
EJB + JSF should be enough as EJB takes care of business logic and database
mapping and JSF is supposed to deal with the web presentation layer. 
  Anyhow, Seam seems pretty interesting for us, especially that we are
already using JBoss AS. Couple of questions though:

-) Is it possible to use Seam with EJB 2.0 or only with EJB3? I don't think
we're ready to move to EJB3 at the moment (mainly out of concern that it
seems to be too young to be production ready)

-) Suppose we want to move to JSF+Seam+Facelets instead of JSF+JSP. How much
do those approaches differ? Would it require us to write all the
presentation stuff from scratch or could we somehow use what we have up till

-) I saw in [1] that usage of Tomahawk components is not recommended - does
it pose some (serious) problems? Is it possible at all to use them? How
about dojo?

   Thanks a lot for your help,
   Adam Koprowski


Daniel Young wrote:
 Hi Adam,
 I would recommend taking a look at JBoss Seam, which solves many (possibly
 all) of these issues.
 Enjoy, and don't give up,

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JSF is the answer? I don't think so...

2006-12-11 Thread Adam Koprowski

 Approximately one year ago, together with my colleague, we had to make a
decision what technology to use for the development in some project of ours.
At the time, after quick investigation, we came up with the idea of using
J2EE, that is EJB + JSF. Let alone the EJB but let me share with you some
thoughts that I have about JSF after this year of work with it.
 Below you will find a mixture of features (that I would expect any decent
web framework to support) and problems (that I would expect any decent
framework to solve and let developer not worry about it). Here we go:
-) use of browser back button,
-) page bookmarking,
-) double form submission (by double user click),
-) opening link in new browser tab/window,
-) having multiple copies of a page/service in different browser
 Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all of the above pose some (lots
of?) difficulties in JSF. And I know that some of those are not easy issues
(like browser's back button) but personally I think this list is way too
 I don't really know any alternative web frameworks so I cannot compare but
is it really that the developer has to deal with all of those issues on his
own? Or are there frameworks where one does not need to worry about those
irritating problems and can concentrate on real development... and JSF is
just too immature to provide that? I know this is not a myfaces specific
question but I decided to post this provocative question on this list as I'm
curious about your opinion guys...
 Best wishes,
  Adam Koprowski

The difference between impossible and possible
lies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)

ADF faces: when?

2006-02-17 Thread Adam Koprowski
 Hello,I was very excited to read about the incorporation of ADF components into myfaces. I am just wondering when we should expect them to come bundled with the standard distribution of myfaces... anybody can cast some light on this issue? And otherwise: is there an easy way to use ADF components with myfaces before that?
 Thanks a lot! Adam-- =[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: 3204612 difference between impossible and possiblelies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)=

Problems with ADF-drop

2006-02-17 Thread Adam Koprowski
 Hello,Sorry for what may be a stupid question but I was trying to put to work the drop of ADF faces and during deploying the demo adf-faces-demo-ea20-SNAPSHOT.war (in JBoss 4.0.3) I got the following error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.myfaces.custom.ajax.api.AjaxPhaseListener at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.configure( at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.configure
( at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal( at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild
( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor324.invoke(Unknown Source)  [...] Any idea on that? I was also somehow surprised that the sun implementation of JSF is being used (??).
 Regards, Adam-- =[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: 3204612 difference between impossible and possiblelies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)=

jsValueChangeListener radio buttons.

2006-02-09 Thread Adam Koprowski
 Hello,some time ago there's been a post of somebody struggeling to put jsValueChangeListener to work with radio buttons. Now I have similar problem. I use the snippet:x:selectOneRadio id=locationType layout=spread value=locationProdvided
 f:selectItem itemLabel=#{bun.newTask_location_matters} itemValue=locationProvided / f:selectItem itemLabel=#{bun.newTask_location_doesnt_matter} itemValue=locationNA /   
 x:jsValueChangeListener for="" property=value expressionValue=$srcElem[1].value //x:selectOneRadiox:radio for="" index=0 /
x:radio for="" index=1 / But then I get _javascript_ exception on the client. After some debugging I figured out that the problem seems to be the fact that unlike for other form controls, radio buttons are not accessible via 
document.getElementById('radioName') call which is used by jsValueChangeListener. document.formName.radioName seems to work though.  Any ideas on how to make jsValueChangeListener to work with radio buttons? (ie. make a inputText that will be filled with the id/name/whatever of the choosen radio button).
 Any help greatly appreciated!  Adam K. -- =[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: 3204612 difference between impossible and possiblelies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)=

Some questions about collapsiblePanel component.

2006-02-01 Thread Adam Koprowski
 Hi there!I've been trying to put the collapsiblePanel component to some use as I need exactly this behaviour. This turned out not to be that easy as I couldn't find any documentation whatsoever but I decided to try on. Here are the problems that I encountered:
-) I want to use collapsiblePanel within the dataTable but then I keep on getting the error message:javax.servlet.ServletException: Client-id : _id18ToggleCollapsed is duplicated in the faces tree. As far as I could figure out from the source code this is caused by duplicated identifiers assigned to the commandLinks generated within collapsiblePanel. Is it correct? Is there any way to use collapsiblePanel in dataTable?
-) The configurability of the component seems to be pretty limited. I'd like to have custom links collapsing/extending the panel (for instance images) or more than one such link, is it possible to achieve it somehow?
 Thanks in advance for any help! Kind regards, Adam Koprowski-- =[EMAIL PROTECTED]
, ICQ: 3204612 difference between impossible and possiblelies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)=

xtree2 actionListener for navigation events.

2006-01-28 Thread Adam Koprowski
 Hello everybody,Some time ago I started using myfaces implementation of JSF and I'm truly satisfied. Keep up the good work, guys!However I have one question that turns out to be problematic for me. Namely I'm using tree2 component and I'd like to be notified of user pressing + or - navigation buttons (I'm using server side expand/collapse). Can I somehow register an event listener for those events? How? Or do I have to turn off the navigation with showNav=false and do it on my own by using commandLink component (with event listener associated with it)?
 Thanks a lot in advance! Adam Koprowski-- =[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: 3204612 difference between impossible and possiblelies in determination (Tommy Lasorda)=