RE: clearing input texts

2007-06-08 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Anoe,

Does any of the information on this page help?



-Original Message-
From: anoe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 June 2007 14:28
Subject: clearing input texts

hi all, i guess this is an easy one, but was looking around and couldn't
find an answer. Ok, i've got this combo and these inputText fields, i
also have an t:commandButton type=reset. When i choose st in the
list my inputTexts are updating, when i push the 'reset' button is not
doing anything. Well, actually it is doing something, it's reverting the
inputs to their original state, that is, to the last value selected in
the combo :). But what i want is the inputs to clear, not to reset. I
guess i should do that with javascript, but i am not sure about how to
access myfaces javascript components from within a funcition. Any help?
tx in advance.
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RE: Transfer Object in JSF, Spring, and Hibernate

2007-06-07 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Caroline,

IMO Transfer Objects were invented to combat the problem with
transferring heavyweight EJB 2 beans around.  EJB3 beans are much
lighter, or you could be using POJOs instead, in which case you may not
need the Transfer Object.

I would use the managed beans of my JSF application as Controllers /
Handlers which  pass the values to the business beans.  The use your ORM
(JDO / Hibernate) to pass these business beans to the database.  No need
to duplicate the same beans, just to pass them around.

You can use your managed beans to convert things like y/n to true/false
in the business bean, or use the ORM layer to convert them as they are
passed to the database.

If you set up your ORM layer correctly the business beans do not have to
correspond to the database tables - this is the whole point of the
Object Relational Mapping!



-Original Message-
From: Caroline Jen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 June 2007 15:51
Subject: Transfer Object in JSF, Spring, and Hibernate

The application on which I am working deploys the
JavaServer Faces, Spring and Hibernate frameworks.

We are going to use the transfer object to move data
between J2EE tiers from the front end to the back end
and vice versa.  In addition, data types may need to
be converted --

At the front end, the type of the data that are
entered by users may not match that in the database
table.  For example, checkboxes may be marked or left
blank by users.  The type of the checkboxes is
boolean in the JSF backing bean.  However, we have
either Y or N for the corresponding field in the
database table.

The JSF backing bean holds data as well as controller functionality.  Of
course, the transfer object holds data only.

With regard to class properties, Is the transfer
object an exact copy of the JSF backing bean?  And at
which tier the data are converted to match their
correspoding types in the database tables?

We also have the data objects which are exact
representation of database tables.

Thanks for your advices.


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RE: force to start a new servlet session

2007-04-27 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Dave,
In the Sandbox there is a killSession (I think that is what it is
called) tag that should refresh the session state.

-Original Message-
From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 April 2007 09:41
To: Tomcat Users List;
Subject: force to start a new servlet session

On JSF page, click a button to open a new window. The request
will join the existing session. Is there a way to create a new HTTP
servlet session for the request(clicking the button)?
public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) 

Create a new session only when no session already exists even if
What I am trying to do is to Start a brand new session so that
the new session
will not have the user authentication information from the
existing session.
Thanks for ideas.

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RE: JSF Value Binding Technique

2007-04-26 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Bansi,

Is B a managed bean as well?

You might have to explicitly call the getter for id in B

i.e. value=#{backingBean.A.B.getId()}

-Original Message-
From: bansi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 April 2007 18:47
Subject: JSF Value Binding Technique

Wondering if its feasible to set the values for java.util.Set using JSF
value binding expression

For example

h:selectOneMenu id=contact value=#{backingBean.model.contacts} 
f:selectItems value=#{backingBean.contactList} / 

Please note contacts is defined as java.util.Set in model

I have one more question on Value Binding
Here is the situation
I have two model/pojo classes
Class A{
private B b;

Class B{
private long id;

The jsf page has following snippet
h:selectOneMenu id=ptrType value=#{backingBean.A.B} 
f:selectItems value=#{backingBean.ptrTypeList} / 

Here is backing bean snippet
ListSelectItem ptrTypeList = new ArrayListSelectItem(); 
ptrTypeList.add(new SelectItem(10,Primary PTR)); ptrTypeList.add(new
SelectItem(20,No PTR)); return ptrTypeList;

So the JSF page shows a dropdown list of values. When i pick a value
from the list it should set the value to the id attribute in Class B
i.e. h:selectOneMenu id=ptrType value=#{}  

I am getting error Target is Unreachable

I have setter/getter methods in both Class A  B
Please note hibernate mapping file shows the relationship between A and
B as the id in class A is foreign key and references id as the primary
key of class B

Any pointers/suggestions will be highly appreciated
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RE: 1.1.5 and t:selectOneMenu

2007-04-19 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Francesco,

Is it a typo, or do your getter and setter not match the variable
declaration.  I.E.

   private int id_cassa_int = 0;

   public int getId_cassa_fat

Note _int on end of variable name, and _fat on end of getter  setter.



-Original Message-
From: Francesco Consumi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 April 2007 08:05
Subject: Re: 1.1.5 and t:selectOneMenu

Citando Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Short answer:  Old behavior was broken.  New behavior matches the 
 spec. Long answer:  Read through this thread, probably starting at the

 beginning (postings after the one below probably aren't relevent to 
 your issue):

 Solution:  Make sure that your itemValue attributes have value
 bindings that return the correct type.   If your value points to a
 Long, this can be as simple as using #{3} to return a Long 3. 
 Otherwise, you'll have to convert or fetch the correct value type 

 Nice Long-term solution:  submit a patch for Tomahawk selectItem so 
 that it automatically coerces the type like the old f:selectItem 
 component used to do.

a big thanks, but I don't understant what selectItem has to convert:

this is the tag:

   t:selectOneMenu value=#{mb.id_cassa_int} 
 f:selectItems value=#{mb.dblCasse.rows}/

this is the id_cassa_int declaration:

   private int id_cassa_int = 0;

   public int getId_cassa_fat() { return id_cassa_fat;}
   public void setId_cassa_fat(int id_cassa_fat) { this.id_cassa_fat =  
id_cassa_fat; }

selectItems points to an ArrayList of selectItem, filled with strings,  
where Value is converted from Int.

So, why does it need to convert something ?

really thanks,
Francesco Consumi
Ufficio Sistemi informativi
Istituto degli Innocenti
Piazza SS.Annunziata, 12
50122 Firenze
consumi at
Tel. +39 055 2037320
ICQ# 12516133

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RE: Navigation Rules - Model based (dynamic) navigation support possible?

2007-04-16 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Thorsten,

Have a look at the reply to this mail.

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Mike Kienenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 April 2007 15:09
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Navigation Rules - Model based (dynamic) navigation support

Use a custom NavigationHandler.  :-)

That's why the hook exists, so not using it is like saying you want to
develop a JSF application without using JSF.

Have you ever used JDeveloper? (free download from Oracle, so if not,
download it and take a look)

Basically, it uses the exact process you describe (model showing pages
as objects, the user draws lines between the pages and labels each line
with the outcome on which to navigate from one object to the next), and
creates the navigation rules from it.

It sounds like the only difference between what you want and what
JDeveloper demonstrates using the standard NavigationHandler is that
you want to change the rules on the fly.Seems like that should be
a fairly straight-forward customization of the existing handler -- worse
case you'd copy the NavigationHandler source code, and change it to
fetch data from an internal data source instead of a static set of
rules read from the config file.And if you did it in a generic
enough way, we might even be able to make it a configurable option for
MyFaces where all you need to do is supply an alternate rule data source
in your config file rather than providing an entire new navigation

If nothing else, we could probably support it as a Tomahawk option.
Tomahawk already is set up to share code with MyFaces, so it should be
trivial to push the navigation handler into the shared core project, add
the hooks to customize it from Tomahawk, and create a Tomahawk subclass
to make use of those hooks.

On 4/16/07, Torsten Krah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By default jsf is using a outcome based navigation model.

 But consider a content managment system, where the user can model 
 navigation decisions by drawing connections from one object to 
 another. Data is modeled in some known way to map them to an url, 
 navigation between this model can be defined from the user.

 The object defines the view to be rendered, how to navigate through 
 the views, when the navigation decision is done in the model (have to 
 be done there to be changeable by the user).

 How could this be done with JSF.
 Navigation rules have to be there before starting the webapp. So how

 can a navigation be handled in a jsf compatible way, to support 
 dynamic made navigation rules in the model tier (and maybe support url

 based navigation).

 Is there any good way to do this, maybe some thought?


 PS: Please dont tell only to use a custom NavigationHandler (i guess, 
 but dont know if all these wishes could be done with it), some more 
 comments are welcome.

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RE: Cross validation problem

2007-04-13 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Stephane,
One way to do this is to set a hidden field as the *last* component on
your page.  
h:inputHidden id=loginCheck validator=#{backingBean.validateLogin}
Note : you need to have some value for the field, hence 'value=needed'
When you run your validation on this component all the others have been
backingBean is your backing bean with a validateLogin() method.

-Original Message-
Sent: 12 April 2007 16:56
Subject: Cross validation problem


In a login page I have 3 components: 


I have a validator for Login  Password 

I should like in Validator of password to knows the value of
the Domain. 
The value of the domain is not set when I validate the password.

Do I have somethink special to do for defining the setting

How to perform a cross component validation? 

Thanks a lot. 


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RE: Custom Managed Bean scope

2007-04-11 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Mario,

Does Orchestra require you to use Spring?

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
From: Mario Ivankovits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 April 2007 14:44
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Custom Managed Bean scope


 What other ways such a problem can be handled?
You can use JBoss Seam or Apache MyFaces Orchestra (which is the
successor of the MyFaces conversation tag).

JBoss Seam is a rather full blown thing which can do much more 
please refer to their homepage for further informations.

Orchestra in contrast is relatively young and you have to use svn [1] to
get in touch with it. It uses Spring to provide two new scopes - a
conversation scope and a flash scope. In the svn checkout you will find
some examples and xdocs which should help to jump up. The website should
be online within the next week.

Compared to Seam - Orchestra is very feature less, it just tries to
solve the problems you have together with ORM mapper and it do not use
annotations, but you can use it without ORM too ... thats the nice
thing, its just a matter of configuration - and IMHO its a little easier
to understand.



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RE: Custom Managed Bean scope

2007-04-11 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Ivan,  8^)

Do not worry, you are not the first person to do this, and probably will
not be the last  :-)

-Original Message-
From: Mario Ivankovits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 April 2007 15:30
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Custom Managed Bean scope

 Hi Conway!
Uhm .. sorry, should have been Hi Fintan!

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The Definitive Guide Apache MyFaces

2007-04-11 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
The Definitive Guide Apache MyFaces/Ajax by Zubin Wadia, Martin
Marinschek, Thomas Spiegl.

Is this book available to buy?

Is this (or is there) an English version of [EMAIL PROTECTED] : JSF  MyFaces



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RE: setting default value for input field?

2007-03-12 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi David,

One approach for textual values is to put the value e.g.
requestedNodeResults in a message properties file and call it like a
message text.

For the param.searchScope - I think that JSF requires most things in
managed beans.  What you could do is define a Defaults bean, which would
hold all of the application scoped defaults.  The bean itself would have
getters and setters for each property.

public class Defaults {
private int nodeResults;
private String scope;

public int getNodeResults() {
return nodeResults;

public void setNodeResults(int results) {
nodeResults = results;

public String getScope() {
return scope;

public void setScope(String scope) {
this.scope = scope;


h:inputHidden value=#{default.nodeResults}
h:inputHidden value=#{theForm.scope}

-Original Message-
From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 March 2007 15:51
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: setting default value for input field?


I need to design a form in JSF where there are various default value for
various fields. However, the default value is separated from the backing
bean (it's something to display in initial form). I am not sure how to
do this, i don't see in h:inputHidden anything that relate to a default

I need to convert this struts form:

html:hidden property=scope value=${param.searchScope}/
html:hidden property=requestedNodeResults value=15/
html:text property=query styleClass=search/
to a JSF form, but i don't know where to put the '15' and
'param.searchScope' in JSf

setting h:inputHidden value=#{theForm.requestedNodeResults}/ does
not set the default value to 15.

Any suggestion to set default value? Do i have to do h:inputHidden
value=#{theForm.requestedNodeResults}15/h:inputHidden or something
like that? Can't find documentation on setting default form values...

Help appreciated.

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RE: very simple question regarding h:inputText

2006-08-24 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Martin,

I have designed my application in the classical obejct-oriented way so
that each use case has a controller, some boundary objects (JSF pages)
and entities.  I believe your page-bean is the controller for your
application use case.  I do not see how you can avoid a controller,
unless you go back to lumping everything into one object.

I have a navigation aspect for each business object.  This aspect
introduces a navigateTo() method into the object, which contains the
logic for navigation. I.e. returns the String to be used in the
navigation case.  I have not tested this with an object which can be
used over multiple pages yet.

Note this is a pet project, so I will be making slow progress.



-Original Message-
From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 August 2006 20:03
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText

You're using aspects?

great! Manfred and me have been working on what we call Lightweight
aspect-oriented JSF-UIs ;)

where each business-object is automatically wrapped in a JSF-enhanced
aspect, if necessary. We still have a page-bean, though. for storing the
aspects, if nothing else.



On 8/23/06, Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have to disagree.  The way that I read Martin's setup is that Martin

 is keeping the UI/navigation logic of his application in a different 
 class/layer to the business model. (You may correct me if I am wrong)

 I like the fact that I can use a simple POJO (business model) as the 
 centre of my application.  In my applications the business model is a 
 managed bean.  Using JDO I can also persist this POJO to the database 
 in a similar fashion.  In order to keep View and Control separate from

 the Model I use aspects to capture the navigation and persistence 
 stuff. Thus I do NOT duplicate any business logic, and I keep the 
 Model separate from and View or Control logic.

 -Original Message-
 From: Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 22 August 2006 22:00
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: RE: very simple question regarding h:inputText

 That's point. You are essentially duplicating your business model in 
 order to fit the UI framework.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:52 PM
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText

 Personally, I don't use my business model as managed beans. My 
 managed-beans are a layer of page-supporting Java-classes instead, 
 and they carry business model objects as properties.

 e.g. I don't use person as a managed bean - instead I have a 
 PersonEditor bean which will allow me to edit not only the person, but

 all accompanying information as well.



 On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, it's defined in a Java class that contains action methods for 
  several different (but conceptually related) forms. I'd like my
  beans to not have any JSF API dependencies. IMHO, this is one of 
  the biggest problems with JSF - it's too API intrusive as a 
  framework. It seems to me that it likes to either (1) make your 
  business model dependent on it or (2) force you to duplicate your 
  business model. But
  might be mistaken, haven't used it enough yet.
  -Original Message-
  From: Behrang Saeedzadeh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:14 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText
  Isn't the action method a method defined in the backing bean :-?
  On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I don't have a backing bean and I don't want to have one as it
   make sense for such an add new text box. The action method is 
   the proper place, thanks a lot.
   -Original Message-
   From: Andrew Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:47 PM
   To: MyFaces Discussion
   Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText
   Answer: it depends
   if you want the value to be cleared even though there are 

   errors or if your submit is immediate, then you can bind your text
   to a varaible on the backing bean. In the actionListener or action
   the submit, clear the submitted value and local value of the 
   if you want the value to be cleared when a normal 
   (non-immediate) action is run, just clear the value from the 
   backing bean that the text box is bound to.
   On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have an input box and an Add button next to it that allows 
   user to
enter new entries of something. After each submit, the text of 
   input box
must be cleared empty. But by default

RE: very simple question regarding h:inputText

2006-08-24 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Martin,

This weekend I will dig up some stuff for you.

Until then,


-Original Message-
From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 August 2006 09:22
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText

I'd be interested in some code snippets as to how you extend the
business object with the navigateTo method - we have aspect-classe, and
have a central map, where the aspect will be retrieved from (cached for
the associated object) if the developer desires so.



On 8/24/06, Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Martin,

 I have designed my application in the classical obejct-oriented way so

 that each use case has a controller, some boundary objects (JSF pages)

 and entities.  I believe your page-bean is the controller for your 
 application use case.  I do not see how you can avoid a controller, 
 unless you go back to lumping everything into one object.

 I have a navigation aspect for each business object.  This aspect 
 introduces a navigateTo() method into the object, which contains the 
 logic for navigation. I.e. returns the String to be used in the 
 navigation case.  I have not tested this with an object which can be 
 used over multiple pages yet.

 Note this is a pet project, so I will be making slow progress.



 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 23 August 2006 20:03
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText

 You're using aspects?

 great! Manfred and me have been working on what we call Lightweight 
 aspect-oriented JSF-UIs ;)

 where each business-object is automatically wrapped in a JSF-enhanced 
 aspect, if necessary. We still have a page-bean, though. for storing 
 the aspects, if nothing else.



 On 8/23/06, Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I have to disagree.  The way that I read Martin's setup is that 

  is keeping the UI/navigation logic of his application in a different

  class/layer to the business model. (You may correct me if I am 
  I like the fact that I can use a simple POJO (business model) as the

  centre of my application.  In my applications the business model is 
  a managed bean.  Using JDO I can also persist this POJO to the 
  database in a similar fashion.  In order to keep View and Control 
  separate from

  the Model I use aspects to capture the navigation and persistence 
  stuff. Thus I do NOT duplicate any business logic, and I keep the 
  Model separate from and View or Control logic.
  -Original Message-
  From: Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 22 August 2006 22:00
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: RE: very simple question regarding h:inputText
  That's point. You are essentially duplicating your business model in

  order to fit the UI framework.
  -Original Message-
  From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:52 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText
  Personally, I don't use my business model as managed beans. My 
  managed-beans are a layer of page-supporting Java-classes instead,

  and they carry business model objects as properties.
  e.g. I don't use person as a managed bean - instead I have a 
  PersonEditor bean which will allow me to edit not only the person, 

  all accompanying information as well.
  On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   No, it's defined in a Java class that contains action methods for 
   several different (but conceptually related) forms. I'd like my
   beans to not have any JSF API dependencies. IMHO, this is one of 
   the biggest problems with JSF - it's too API intrusive as a 
   framework. It seems to me that it likes to either (1) make your 
   business model dependent on it or (2) force you to duplicate your 
   business model. But
   might be mistaken, haven't used it enough yet.
   -Original Message-
   From: Behrang Saeedzadeh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:14 PM
   To: MyFaces Discussion
   Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText
   Isn't the action method a method defined in the backing bean :-?
   On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't have a backing bean and I don't want to have one as it
make sense for such an add new text box. The action method is 
the proper place, thanks a lot.
-Original Message-
From: Andrew Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:47 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText
Answer: it depends
if you want the value to be cleared even

RE: MyFaces failing to show JSF error page (bug)

2006-08-24 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


  However, also here MyFaces throws an 
  006-08-24 13:32:56,672 ERROR 
  - Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
  of these errors are thrown from MyFaces. These look like pure Tomcat 
  might indicate that Tomcat is incorrectly configured.

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RE: MessageBundle: internationalization problem

2006-08-24 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
But seriously folks, this might be a good way to test changes to the
properties file.  Write the new changes in your Zulu properties file,
change the locale in your browser to Zulu and check the new changes are
OK.  If something is wrong, you simply keep your original properties
file.  If the changes are OK, just change the '_zu' part of the new
properties file (overwriting the original) and you are good to go.

Gives a different meaning to localisation testing?

-Original Message-
This is also the way to slip in some jokes; you could e.g. use a  
weird extention never used at your place (like the one for swahili)  
to provide a local German dialect version of your app.
(to make that work, your users would of course add that to their  
browser languages... )

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RE: very simple question regarding h:inputText

2006-08-23 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
I have to disagree.  The way that I read Martin's setup is that Martin
is keeping the UI/navigation logic of his application in a different
class/layer to the business model. (You may correct me if I am wrong)

I like the fact that I can use a simple POJO (business model) as the
centre of my application.  In my applications the business model is a
managed bean.  Using JDO I can also persist this POJO to the database in
a similar fashion.  In order to keep View and Control separate from the
Model I use aspects to capture the navigation and persistence stuff.
Thus I do NOT duplicate any business logic, and I keep the Model
separate from and View or Control logic.

-Original Message-
From: Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 August 2006 22:00
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: very simple question regarding h:inputText

That's point. You are essentially duplicating your business model in
order to fit the UI framework.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:52 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText

Personally, I don't use my business model as managed beans. My
managed-beans are a layer of page-supporting Java-classes instead, and
they carry business model objects as properties.

e.g. I don't use person as a managed bean - instead I have a
PersonEditor bean which will allow me to edit not only the person, but
all accompanying information as well.



On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, it's defined in a Java class that contains action methods for 
 several different (but conceptually related) forms. I'd like my
 beans to not have any JSF API dependencies. IMHO, this is one of the 
 biggest problems with JSF - it's too API intrusive as a framework. It 
 seems to me that it likes to either (1) make your business model 
 dependent on it or (2) force you to duplicate your business model. But
 might be mistaken, haven't used it enough yet.


 -Original Message-
 From: Behrang Saeedzadeh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:14 PM
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText

 Isn't the action method a method defined in the backing bean :-?


 On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't have a backing bean and I don't want to have one as it
  make sense for such an add new text box. The action method is the 
  proper place, thanks a lot.
  -Original Message-
  From: Andrew Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:47 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: very simple question regarding h:inputText
  Answer: it depends
  if you want the value to be cleared even though there are validation

  errors or if your submit is immediate, then you can bind your text
  to a varaible on the backing bean. In the actionListener or action
  the submit, clear the submitted value and local value of the 
  if you want the value to be cleared when a normal (non-immediate) 
  action is run, just clear the value from the backing bean that the 
  text box is bound to.
  On 8/22/06, Iordanov, Borislav (GIC) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have an input box and an Add button next to it that allows the
  user to
   enter new entries of something. After each submit, the text of my
  input box
   must be cleared empty. But by default JSF keeps that last
  value as
   the value of the component. How do I circumvent that? Any ideas?

 We can only see a short distance ahead,
 but we can see plenty there
 that needs to be done. - Alan Turing

 Science is a differential equation. Religion
 is a boundary condition - Alan Turing

 Behrang Saeedzadeh


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RE: Passing Parameters Between Backing Beans

2006-08-23 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Daniel,

The Tomahawk SaveState component sounds like it may do the job for you.

Otherwise look at



-Original Message-
From: Daniel Murley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 August 2006 10:33
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: Passing Parameters Between Backing Beans

Hi all,

Is it at all possible to pass a value from one backing bean to another,
without accessing that bean and setting the value manually?

Currently we set parameters for beans using f:param, however I now
have a situation where bean A will return navigation that will result in
bean B being called, and needing that f:param value.  Is there some
way I can replicate this, or store a variable somewhere for another bean
to pick up (or preferably, have injected)?



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RE: Outputting text file

2006-08-14 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Eurig,

Try the following :



-Original Message-
From: Eurig Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 August 2006 09:57
Subject: Outputting text file

I have a link on a facelets page which I want to users to be able to 
click and download a text file (with it's own extension such as .csv). 
The contents of this text file is simply the contents of a String 
property in a jsf bean.

I'm not sure how to go about doing the above, I'm not even sure if it's 
possible using JSF. Any ideas?



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RE: [OT] Book

2006-08-11 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Matthias,

Let us know what you think when you read it.


-Original Message-
Matthias Wessendorf
Sent: 10 August 2006 16:31
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: [OT] Book

to be serious. It's great to have book which contains tomahawk (and
other stuff) I ordered it already :)

On 8/10/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/10/06, Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Should we wait for the next edition when Tomahawk has upgraded to 
  JSF 1.2?

 :) No. Tomahawk JSF 1.2 ?
 When will that be? 2008 ? :)

  -Original Message-

  Of Matthias Wessendorf
  Sent: 09 August 2006 22:06
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: [OT] Book
  what I found JavaServer Faces Component Catalog: From Tomahawk to 
  AJAX. I nice title, I think I order it :)
  Matthias Wessendorf
  further stuff:
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
  * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** *
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  * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** *

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

RE: many components to one (or more) validation?

2006-08-10 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Joe,

If you bind each component in the group to a backing bean, then you
attach a custom converter to the last control of the group that appears
on the page (e.g. input field).

public class BackingBean {
private SelectOneRadio radio;
private UIInput radioInput;
public void validateRadioText(FacesContext context, UIComponent
component, Object value) {
   Boolean buttonClicked = ((Boolean)
   String radioText = (String)value;  // 1

   if (buttonClicked) {
  if(!validText(radioText)) {
 FacesMessage message = ...;
 throw new ValidatorException(message);

Private validText(String textToValidate) {
   // validate the text here

NB - The last component will not have its local value set yet (see //1)

In the JSF page set the validator of the last component to this
validator method
t:inputText value=#{...} binding=#{bb.radioInput}

Where bb is set as a managed Backing Bean in faces-config.

Alternatively you could use a hidden field which is the last field on
the page :
h:inputHidden validator=#{bb.validateRadioText} value=needed/

In this case you get the value for radioText (see //1), similarly to how
it was gotten for buttonClicked, as the local value has been set.

Otherwise you can define your own component similarly to above, if you
will need this functionality in more than one page.



-Original Message-
From: Joe ersinghaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 August 2006 00:35
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: many components to one (or more) validation?


Is it possible to have more than one component validated as a group? For

example:  let's say I've have a radio button that when activated, text 
must be entered/validated in that radio button's associated input field?

In other words, only when the radio button is selected, should the input

filed be validated.


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* ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** *

RE: [OT] Book

2006-08-10 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Should we wait for the next edition when Tomahawk has upgraded to JSF

-Original Message-
Matthias Wessendorf
Sent: 09 August 2006 22:06
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: [OT] Book

what I found JavaServer Faces Component Catalog: From Tomahawk to
AJAX. I nice title, I think I order it :)

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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RE: Injecting Java 5 Enums into a managed bean

2006-08-09 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Andrew / JB,

Could you guys put an entry in the Wiki on how this Converter should

It would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
From: Baker,Jonathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 August 2006 22:24
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: Injecting Java 5 Enums into a managed bean

Thanks, the stack trace in my logs basically told me the same thing.  I
added a converter for that type and everything works great. 


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 4:07 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Injecting Java 5 Enums into a managed bean

I use converters to convert strings to the enum and back.

You can create your own custom EL resolver, but I am not sure if one is
already written and available.


On 8/8/06, Baker,Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to inject an instance of an enumeration class into one of
 my ViewControllers.  Spring has the capability to define a 
 PropertyEditor so that you can pass Strings as values to beans, and 
 the PropertyEditor will convert to the correct object, but I do not 
 seee a way to accomplish the same thing in my faces-config.xml.  When 
 I tried to define my ViewController in my spring
applicationContext.xml file jsf couldn't find it.

 I did some research and it looks like if you are using jsf 1.2 you can

 define a el-resolver that can use a special EnumManagedBean class to
 expose enumerations to your jsp, and I assume that the ELResolver 
 would work on the faces-config file as well, but we are using myfaces 
 with Shale, and it only implements the jsf 1.1 spec.  Is there an 
 equivalent to the el-resolver tag in jsf 1.1?


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RE: Needed Information on Any Integrated JSF and Struts FrameWork

2006-08-09 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message

site should be of use -

  -Original Message-From: Chandra Sekhar 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 August 2006 
  10:15To: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: Needed Information 
  on Any Integrated JSF and Struts FrameWork
  Hi Group,
   I'munaware whether 
  I can put this question here or not.I need the procedure how to Integrate   Struts with JSF framework. Are there any separate frame works for this   purpose. If so, please reply me.,I'm ingreat need of it.

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RE: How to active a JSF action by HTTP GET, like STRUTS

2006-08-08 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Brian,

This page should help you -



-Original Message-
From: Brian Woolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 August 2006 14:21
Subject: How to active a JSF action by HTTP GET, like STRUTS

Assuming our customers need a web interface to query their recent
transactions, The customers using program to do this (without user

How to do this in JSF, without user interact?

View this message in context:
Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at

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* ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** *

RE: Neede Suggestion for my Query through JSF way

2006-08-02 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


youbind the particular field (formField) in your form to a field (bbField) 
in your backing bean (bb), then you can have a method in your backing bean that 
returns the next page to go to (navMethod). The logic in this method will 
look at the value in the field in order to determine which page to go to 

'submit' button on your form should have an 'action="" 

UpdateModel phase will store the value that was entered onto the form 
(formField) in the backing bean field (bbField).
InvokeApplication phase will execute the navMethod() to determine which page to 
go to next.

Since the UpdateModel phase executes before the 
InvokeApplication phase the bbField will have been set when the navMethod checks 
it to decide which page to go to.



  -Original Message-From: Chandra Sekhar 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 02 August 2006 
  13:49To: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: Neede Suggestion for 
  my Query through JSF way
  I need away to forward to the JSF 
  page to the another JSF Page basing upon the value in a Particular field. For 
  form page validations I'm using _javascript_ .Please suggest a way to do   this.

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RE: partial validation of value

2006-07-26 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi David,

It is possible the s:subform component in Tomahawk Sandbox will do what
you require.



-Original Message-
From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 July 2006 11:20
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: partial validation of value


is it possible to handle partial validation of form content? I need 1 or

several items in a forms to be valid at a specific submit, but as it is 
only a request for partial change in the form, it is most probable the 
rest is not valid / finished. However, i need to keep information in 
rest of form even if it's not valid.

Here is how my form must look like:

data1 [.]
data2 [.]
data3 [.]
  subdata1 (read-only)
  subdata2 (read-only)
  subdata3 (read-only)
  subdata4 [..]  [add-subdata-button]
data4 [.]
data5 [.]

when i click add-subdata-button, i need subdata4 to be validate, but 
textual content of data 1 - 5  must be kept without any validation 
when i click submit, data 1-5 must be validated, but content of 
subdata4 ignored.

I suppose the JSF framework has something for this, but am not sure

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* ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** *

RE: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?

2006-07-25 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Chandru,

This page should describe what you want to do :



-Original Message-
From: Chandra Sekhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 July 2006 16:19
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?


When the User presses the Cancel Button the Page should not refresh, for

that I used type = button in the h:commandButton and for me the
is all of my form should get cleared without refreshing and that is
of the Cancel Button, but from one of the discussions i heard that is
standard to use the type = button . rather I have to use immedieate =
in the CommandButton .But when I mention this the form is getting
Can you provide me a solution for this.


- Original Message - 
From: Cosma Colanicchia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: MyFaces Discussion
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?

 What page should not get refreshed? Can you try to explain exactly in 
 what context that cancel button is to be places, and what you want to 
 happen when the user press it?


 2006/7/25, Chandra Sekhar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi ,
 Thanks for your good reasoning.But, when I click the Cancel the 
 page should not get refreshed as per our standards.So can I take the 
 immedieate attribute to work granted for without refreshing my page 
 as it is a command

 - Original Message -
 From: Dhananjay Prasanna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:05 AM
 Subject: RE: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?

  You cant navigate to another page without a proper submit (for 
  example, to cancel and return to a calling page). This is why 
  immediate is preferred to skip updating the backing bean, but to 
  invoke a bound action anyway.
  The type=button option is meant for plain buttons to invoke 
  client-side javascript. It is therefore bad practise to use it as a

  Cancel button, not to mention semantically misleading.
  It should be remembered, of course, that once properly considered, 
  use whatever works for you in your scenario.
  -Original Message-
  From: Chandra Sekhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, 25 July 2006 2:43 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?
  When type = button is given h:commandButton will act as html 
  button , and a necessary javaScript function wcan be called on an 
  event. So there
  no point of going upto the bean. It can be handled at the JSP Side
 If there are any other specific reasons for immedieate = true   
  please mention it.
  - Original Message -
  From: Dhananjay Prasanna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:03 AM
  Subject: RE: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?
  I believe the preferred way is to set the attribute, 
  the button, so that the POST contents are not merged into the 
  backing bean.
  -Original Message-
  From: Chandra Sekhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, 25 July 2006 2:32 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?
  Instead you can do it as type = button  in the h:commandButton

  , then it will function as a normal Button.
  - Original Message -
  From: Julian Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
  Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:12 AM
  Subject: RE: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?
  Add immediate=true to the command button. This will by pass any
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 4:37 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: how do you folks handle a Cancel button?
  hello to everyone,
  I have a form that displays detail data from a backing bean.
  The same bean supplies properties for an update page.
  The update page has a Cancel button and when selected should 
  to the detail page with no changes saved.
  Simple enough use, but when the Cancel button is selected, the
  is updated and the detail page shows modified data.
  How do you folks handle similar situations?
  Thanks in advance for your help.
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RE: JSF Performance Problems

2006-07-17 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Guys,

If you are putting these slides onto the wiki / other places, could you label 
the bar charts?  The one in this document do not say whether they are for CPU, 
memory utilisation, etc?  It is hard to figure out if the large numbers are 
good / bad for performance.

Other than that it is very useful.

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
From: Martin Marinschek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 July 2006 22:54
To: MyFaces Discussion; Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21); Matthias Wessendorf
Subject: Re: JSF Performance Problems

I hope it works to send them to the list, but here the slides! If it doesn't, 
kann either Matt or Alexander put 'em up?



On 7/14/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 actually it was a BOF, dunno what about them

 On 7/14/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I only attended. Gerald and Catalin did the work for the session. 
  They did some research on the performance numbers.
  I think the sessions are now donwloadable.
  let me search for  a link
  On 7/14/06, Jesse Alexander (KSFD 121) 
   do you have the slides of the J1-session or some notes?
   We could place it somewhere and link to it, or copy the info to 
   the wiki...
   but I have neither the slides nor notes nor was I there...
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Matthias Wessendorf
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:02 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: JSF Performance Problems
there should be more on this added to the wiki
the JavaOne session was cool.
On 7/12/06, Jesse Alexander (KSFD 121) 
 A search in the wiki just gave ONE hit... the info I added
yesterday based
 on the mail from Gerald...


  -Original Message-
  On Behalf Of Matthias Wessendorf
  Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:08 PM
  To: MyFaces Discussion
  Subject: Re: JSF Performance Problems
  I think this is already documented on the wiki, isnt' it ß
  On 7/11/06, Gerald Müllan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   sure thing; Just tell JSF in web.xml the context 
   descriptionOnly applicable if state saving 
   method is server (= default).
   Defines the amount (default = 20) of the 
  views are
   stored in session.
   On 7/11/06, Jesse Alexander (KSFD 121) 
Is there a parameter telling MyFaces-StateManager how
  many views to
store/cache? That parameter can have an influence on
the amount of
used in the HttpSesssion and therefor has an impact on 
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:27 AM
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Re: JSF Performance Problems

 Could you please rerun the metrics with the 
 performance tuning suggestion found at:



   Gerald Müllan
   Schelleingasse 2/11
   1040 Vienna, Austria
   0043 699 11772506
  Matthias Wessendorf
  futher stuff:
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Matthias Wessendorf
further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com
  Matthias Wessendorf
  further stuff:
  mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

 Matthias Wessendorf

 further stuff:
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com


Your JSF powerhouse -
JSF Consulting, Development and
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RE: Is serverSideTabSwitch=true required when using validation with t:panelTabbedPane?

2006-07-14 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Paul,

I am not sure if this could work, it is just an idea.  Could you put
some javascript into the button's onClick() method to set the
selectedIndex of the tabbedPane before it submits?  This may give the
behaviour you are looking for?



-Original Message-
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 July 2006 21:21
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Is serverSideTabSwitch=true required when using
validation with t:panelTabbedPane?


Their is a selectedIndex attribute on t:panelTabbedPane.  I would
contend that the selectIndex is not getting set/restored when
serverSiteTabSwitch=false. This show up when the validation phase

Or said another way:
   MyFaces does not know which tab the clicked button was on and it
always display the tab
   identified by selectIndex when serverSiteTabSwitch=false when their
is a validation failure.

May I enter this as a bug, enhancement, or wish?

Paul Spencer

Mike Kienenberger wrote:
 On 7/13/06, Paul Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1) Why is the behavior different between client and sever side 
 Because the server-side tab switching renders only the existing tab in

 the generated html. Client-side tab switching renders all of the tabs 
 but only makes one visible in the browser.
 2) The application is just the included below surrounded by the
 minimal set
of  html, jsp, and jsf tags.  Their are no backing beans involved.

 In short
this is a mock-up.
 It's not so much your application code.   It's your application
 behavior (ie, when I submit a form on tab X, I want tab X to be 
 visible on the response if there's an error).
 3) How would I set the panel tab index?
 This is the part I don't have enough experience with to help you with.

 I vaguely recall that here's a selectedIndex attribute for tabbed 

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RE: HtmlDataTable and HtmlCommandLink

2006-07-14 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


is a page which does something similar to what you are trying 



  -Original Message-From: ved.gunjan 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 13 July 2006 
  19:38To: MyFaces Discussion; guillaume bouichetSubject: 
  Re: HtmlDataTable and HtmlCommandLink
  Hi Guillaume,
  Im running in to similar kind of fact my problem is 
  worsemy requirment is that i have to create a dynamic datatable and which 
  contains listing of question and and respectives answer. these questions and 
  answer come from the server and along with the answer i also get the answer 
  type , which tells what is the type of the UIComponent that is associated with 
  the answer, so i have to dynamically create these UIComponent inside the   datable.
  My problem is that im not able to create this componets.
  After going through your code below, it seems that u are doing similer 
  kind of stuff.
  Can u please provide me the entire java method which creates the 
  uicomponents along with the jsp.
  it will be greate if can help me out as im really in a bad shape.
  looking forward for a positive response.
  guillaume bouichet [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
trying to render dynamic HtmlDataTable with HtmlCommandLink as rows 
://my binding with my jsp is on HtmlPanelGrid grid Application 
app = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();HtmlPanelGrid 
grid = new HtmlPanelGrid();List children = 
grid.getChildren();HtmlDataTable dataTableComponent = new 
HtmlDataTable();String simpleName = 
(each columns) {//Populate with UIColumn , it works 
fine}//Last columnUIColumn columnComponent = new UIColumn();HtmlOutputText headerComponent = new 
argTypes = {ActionEvent.class }; MethodBinding 
argTypes);htmlCommandLink.setActionListener(vb);MethodBinding mb = 
Then populate with data , work fine too.The problem, is when I click 
on the html link no action is called, it just return to my original page ( 
my htmldatatable) with no data :-(I've tried different ways but it 
always do the same.I only succeed once but not programmatically ( just 
)I think it's the same problem as :
  Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new 
  Yahoo! Mail Beta.

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RE: datatable and table nxn

2006-07-14 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Nico,

Yes t is tomahawk from -
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=t %

See the following url for a description of newspaperColumns.  There is a
small example at the end.



-Original Message-
From: Nicola Benaglia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 July 2006 11:24
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: datatable and table nxn

Conway. Fintan (IT Solutions) ha scritto:
 Hi Nico,
 Try using :
 t:datatable align=center newspaperColumns=3 ...
 This should work,
Hi ! :)
I don't see the attribute newspaperColumns in the list. 
t is tomahawk ?



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RE: [newbie] MyFaces or Barracuda ??

2006-07-13 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Cyrille,

I would suggest a Persistence framework for firing your objects into and
out of the database.  Something like JDO - a free and highly polished
implementation of this is JPox.  IMO this will be a lot less bother than
having to learn JDBC, which is the basic method of communicating with
the database (JPox does the work of translating your calls into JDBC

I would be wary of trying to learn too much at once unless the cost of
learning the framework is less than the cost of learning how to do
things without the framework.  Therefore my minimum framework stack
would be :
MyFaces to build the UI and map your UI components (textboxes, etc.) to
your business logic classes (backing beans)
JPox to persist these same business logic objects to the database.

This way you use the same class in the middle tier (business logic) to
map (1) to the Web page and (2) to the database.

Once you have these working you can look at introducing frameworks like
Spring, etc.

Unfortunately I have not seen Barracuda and so cannot comment on it.



-Original Message-
From: Cyrille37 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 July 2006 19:38
Cc: MyFaces Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] MyFaces or Barracuda ??


I'm exploring Java solutions for a new Web Application project.

I'm coming from ASP.Net but for the new starting project, the first rule

is plateform portability, so Java is the solution.

Unfortunately, unlike .Net, Java for Web Application is not delivered as

a package. So I've to make an assembly of solutions to get an 
environment for creating the Web Application.

After surfing onto Java/J2EE projects, I've selected some nice stuff :
- App Server : Enhydra
- Framework : here is my interogation, MyFaces or Barracuda ??
- What else is needed for a strong and well formed Web Application

I guess you have opinion on that question ...

Please, share your mind ;o)

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RE: datatable and table nxn

2006-07-12 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


using :
t:datatable align="center" newspaperColumns="3" 

should work,


  -Original Message-From: Nicola Benaglia 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 12 July 2006 
  16:36To: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: datatable and table 
  nxnHi, I'd like to use a datable and display my item 
  in this pattern:   
   1  2  
   5  6  
7  8 
   ..I tried to put a panelGrid inside datatable tag but 
  nothing is rendered.
  x:dataTable align="center" ...h:panelGrid columns="2" 
  could I reach my goal, please?Thank you in 
  advance,Nico--- Questa mail ed eventuali suoi allegati sono 
  strettamente confidenziali. Se ricevete per errore questa mail, Vi preghiamo 
  cortesemente di cancellarla immediatamente e di segnalare l'errore a chi ve 
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RE: components and valuechange events - forgotten update of othercomponents watching the same backing bean attribute - Updates lost onbacking bean when the last rendered component isn't used

2006-07-05 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Torsten,

You mention that the last rendered component is the value that is used.
Would a hidden component at the end of the form, which is set to the
changed value work for you?

Failing this you could use JavaScript to make sure that both selectOne
values are changed when one changes.



-Original Message-
From: Torsten Krah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 July 2006 16:08
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: components and valuechange events - forgotten update of
othercomponents watching the same backing bean attribute - Updates lost
onbacking bean when the last rendered component isn't used


I've got 2 components, watching one backing bean value:

h:selectOneMenu value=#{}
onchange=submit() immediate=true

value=#{tableData.countryNames} /
h:selectOneMenu value=#{}
onchange=submit() immediate=true
value=#{tableData.countryNames} /

If i change the value of the one component, the other dont get it - of
cause, because the new value is in the event object and these are
processed later, the other component saw the old value, which is changed
after that - so the component missed the update.

Doing a second submit of another kind, shows the correct active value
for the attribute watched, now correct on the former wrong displayed
component. How to solve this problem, that a value may be watched by
different components ( doesnt matter if the components use the same
listener or not  ). ?

Lets call the above problem X.

Now it also happens, that if another valuechangeevent for another
component is thrown and the View gets updated, X shows the wrong active
value, the one of the X component which didnt get updated right.


Y: 10
X1: en
X2: en

click on X1: change it to - de

update view shows:

Y: 10
X1: de
X2: en

The UI is now rendered with german messages from the de_DE message

now click on Y and change it to 5:

updated view shows:

Y: 5
X1: en
X2: en

But the UI is still in german text, not english  - the value of the
backing bean is en, making some updates on Y from 10 to 5 or 20 shows en
in the backing bean, but somewhere the UI forgot to change the locale

Testing a little bit, it seems that the last rendered component watching
this value is the one which counts, regardless if other components
rendered before does some changes to the value of the backing bean, the
value of the last one overrides - although the first ones do update the
view to the correct languages, the event gets called. If i only use the
last rendered component watching the value, backing bean value gets
updated right every time - although the other ones still lack the
problem mentioned X above.

Hope its not to confusing ;).

Bug or not, any solution  for the tow problems or am i doing a fatal
mistake here?

kind regards


-- Press every key to continue. --

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RE: selectManyCheckbox and pre-selected values

2006-06-30 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


to be pedantic :
int counter = 0;for 
(Market m : marketList) { 
marketArray[counter] = m.getMarketCode();}
counter is not being incremented in the for loop. Is this a typo? 
An undocumented feature of new for .. in loop? a small bug?



  -Original Message-From: Gregg Bolinger 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 June 2006 
  21:59To: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: selectManyCheckbox 
  and pre-selected valuesI have written some code that I am 
  waiting for some of the DAO stuff to get finished before I can test it. 
  So thought I'd go ahead and ping this list and see if what I am trying to do 
  might actually work.I have an Article. Each article contains a 
  ListMarket. When I view the Article details for 
  review/modify/aprove, etc, I display a group of checkboxes for the Markets 
  using t:selectManyCheckbox. But what I need is for the markets to be 
  checked that are in the ListMarket. So I have the following   method: public String[] getMarkets() 
  { String[] marketArray =   {}; ListMarket 
  marketList = 
  if (marketList != null)   {   marketArray = new String[ 
  int counter = 
  0; for 
  (Market m : 
  marketArray[counter] = 
  } return marketArray; 
   }public ListSelectItem 
  { ListSelectItem list = 
  ListMarket marketList = 
  articleService.getMarkets(); for 
  (Market m : marketList) 
  {   list.add(new SelectItem(m.getMarketCode(), 
  } return 
  list; }t:selectManyCheckbox layoutWidth="2" 
  layout="lineDirection" f:selectItems 
   /t:selectManyCheckboxSo does this look 
  correct? If not, what would need to be changed? 

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RE: Master detail for selectOneMenu

2006-06-30 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Johnny,

Greg Bollinger started a thread which details what you are trying to do only a 
few days ago.  A number of suggestions were made in that thread.  I believe 
Greg went with using JavaScript to populate the second and third combo box.

Look for a thread named Design Type Question.



-Original Message-
From: Johnny Gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2006 17:55
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Master detail for selectOneMenu

Hello everybody,

I'd like to know if there's a component or how to
achieve a master - detail behaviour for a
selectOneMenu. The idea is that I'd like to have to selectOneMenu, and 
depending on what's selected on the first component the other selectOneMenu 
must be filled of values (the appropiate values for the value of the first 
selectOneMenu). Any ideas on this?

thanks a lot,

LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. 
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.

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RE: Does SubForm do anything?

2006-06-16 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Andrew / Matthias,

Just a wild guess, would immediate=true in the subform, cause
validation to be skipped like you want?



-Original Message-
From: Andrew Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 June 2006 01:18
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Does SubForm do anything?

My problem is that I would have to put a subForm around every input
component, since the only parent component that I could wrap multiple
elements contains the commandLink that I wouldn't want to trigger the
validations from. Can a link in a subform NOT validate the sub for it is
in? IOW is this possible?

s:subForm id=helperForm
  t:inputText /
  t:commandLink actionFor=nothingForm /

s:subForm id=nothingForm /

Clicking on the link should not include helperForm - is this true?


On 6/15/06, Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you may take a look at [1].
 This example uses two s:subForm/ component's and the 
 t:commandButton for=idOfSubForm/ when you are outside of any 
 subform. When you click the first button (Show current values of
 Person) - on a empty form_page - you'll get validations messages for 
 First name and last name.

 For the second button (Show current values of Vehicle) you'll only get

 the validation messages for Type and Make.

 The example has no global input component (like yours).



 On 6/15/06, Adam Winer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know the subform sandbox component specifically (just the 
  Trinidad component that partly inspired it);  but I suspect that 
  components that are outside of any subform will always process.  
  Components that are in a subform other than the one that was 
  submitted will not.
  -- Adam
  On 6/13/06, Andrew Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I attempted to use the subForm sandbox component with absolutely 
   no luck.
   I had a page like:
 t:inputText required=truef:validateLength minimum=15
 s:subForm id=clickMeForm
   t:commandLink value=clickMe /
   When I click the command link, I get validation errors from the 
   input text outside of the subform. Correct me if I am wrong, but I

   thought the whole point of the subform was to stop validation and 
   updating outside of that component.
   What am I doing wrong?
   Tomahawk 1.1.2
   Sandbox snapshot 2006-05-13

 Matthias Wessendorf
 Aechterhoek 18
 48282 Emsdetten
 mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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RE: How can I display radio buttons in 2 columns?

2006-06-14 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Paul,

Would the Newspaper Table component work?



-Original Message-
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 June 2006 17:57
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: How can I display radio buttons in 2 columns?

I would like to display a long list of radio buttons in 3 columns?

Paul Spencer

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RE: Text html in jsf

2006-06-08 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Ould,

The simplest way is to surround your text with f:verbatim tags.

Good luck a href=[EMAIL PROTECTED]



-Original Message-
From: ould sid'ahmed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 June 2006 08:54
Subject: Text html in jsf

I would like know, how I can print a text html in jsf :

I have this text : Good luck a href=[EMAIL PROTECTED], I would print the 
text in my page jsf.


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RE: Multiple frames apps with JSF?

2006-06-08 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Cosma,

I am not sure if this is what you want but you can use Tiles in JSF to
achieve the situation you describe[1].




-Original Message-
From: Cosma Colanicchia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 June 2006 09:48
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Multiple frames apps with JSF?


I'm trying to build an application that uses frames with JSF. Is this

Suppose a page with two frames, an upper one for menu and a bottom one
that is again composed by a left frame for filter settings and a right
one for a list. How can these frames talk each other?

1) The menu reload the bottom frame
2) The filter reload the list frame

Now, with struts I simply used the form target attribute.. but how can
this be done with JSF?

Thank you

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RE: How to make reset command button clear all form fields

2006-06-07 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Anthony,

Perhaps this link may help?



-Original Message-
From: Anthony Hong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 June 2006 06:51
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: How to make reset command button clear all form fields

Hi all,

Jsf has a command button with type=reset that can reset current form
components to the latest state.

How can I make this reset button to clear all fields with empty value
under this form. Is it the only way I have to write a action method and
clear fields in page bean one by one?

And Can I re-new a page bean when I required? If can, how to achieve


Anthony Hong

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RE: Beginner: html-attributes and bean-values

2006-05-19 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Chrisi,

Not sure if this is a typo.  Try changing Nr 2 from ${mybean.value} to



-Original Message-
From: Chrisi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 May 2006 11:18
Subject: Beginner: html-attributes and bean-values


it's me again with a non magic beginner question;):

We've got some html templates from our web-agency.
I like to use them in my JSF pages.

In the html template I've got for example the following line:

DIV class=navigationActive lorum  /DIV

I need to replace the class-style with a managed bean property and tried
the following:

1.)  DIV class=h:outputText value='#{mybean.value}'/ lorum 

2.)  DIV class=${mybean.value} lorum  /DIV

Nr 1) doesn't work, because the beans value is not placed between the
attributes double quotes.

Nr 2) seems not to work on the first JSF request. An empty String is
returned. On following requests this works.

What is the correct and easy way to populated JSF bean values into
already existing HTML-Code?

Thanks and Greetings

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RE: Need to use Spring

2006-05-05 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)

I use JSF, but I do not use Spring at all in my applications.  I use JDO
to persist my objects to the database, but can use any database
technology - including writing the JDBC code yourself, instead of

The good thing about Java is that you have a wide choice as to what
technologies to use.  Spring, JPox (my choice of JDO technology),
Hibernate, Ibatis and many, many more frameworks are available - if you
want to use them.  If you are learning one technology e.g. JSF, you may
find it easier to not use any other frameworks until you are confident
in that technology.  Then you could look at adding another framework,
e.g. JDO to store/retrieve data from the database.  This way you are
only looking at one new technology at a time.  If you tried to start
from scratch and learn 3 or 4 technologies at once you are bound to find
yourself very confused.

In short JSF does not require you to use any other technologies.



-Original Message-
From: 101questionjsf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 May 2006 10:21
Subject: Need to use Spring

Currently I'm using JSF myfaces, do I need to use Spring + Hibernate?
Find them quite complex to use...
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Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at

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RE: Who called my bean?

2006-05-04 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message

It was 

I won't do it again



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RE: subview id value added to child t:div

2006-05-04 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)

You can use forceId from MyFaces to force the id in HTML to be the id
that you use.



-Original Message-
From: fischman_98 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 May 2006 00:35
Subject: f:subview id value added to child t:div

Why does the subview id get added to the child div id?  Is there any way
to stop this from happening?

f:subview id=foo
t:div id=bar

The resulting HTML is:

div id=foo:bar

View this message in context:
Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at

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RE: selectListBox

2006-04-26 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Sophie,

There is a 'disabled' attribute for the selectOneListbox.  
h:selectOneListbox value=#{Class.list} id=list disabled=true
f:selectItems value=#{Class.item}/ 

There is also a 'disabledItem' attribute for f:selectItem
h:selectOneListbox value=#{Class.list} id=list 
f:selectItems value=#{Class.item} itemDisabled=true/ 

One of these should work for you.



-Original Message-
Sent: 26 April 2006 15:25
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'
Subject: selectListBox


Does somebody know if there is a way to display a list of String without
selectItems. I do not want the user to select an item of this list, I
just want to display it.

It does not seem possible to use selectOneListBox without retrieving an

h:selectOneListbox value=#{Class.list} id=list 
%--f:selectItems value=#{Class.item}/--% /h:selectOneListbox

Thanks in advance

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RE: Where does t:saveState save?

2006-04-24 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


big difference is that myFaces removes whatever it saves when there is no longer 
any t:saveState's for the bean that was saved.



  -Original Message-From: Frank Russo 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 21 April 2006 
  22:12To: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: Where does 
  t:saveState save?
  Is it in session? 
  If so, how is that different from using a bean in session? 

  RussoSenior DeveloperFX   Alliance, LLC900 Third Avenue, 3rd   FloorNew York, 
  NY 10022646.268.9949

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RE: AW: id of a datatable

2006-04-04 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
It might be that you are setting the id to a literal value 
#{Travel.travelNr}, instead of asking MyFaces to get the travelNr from the 
Travel bean #{Travel.travelNr} - Note no quotes here.  If you need the id 
surrounded by quotes the following might work -   id = ''  #{Travel.travelNr} 



-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Bratkus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 April 2006 08:40
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: AW: id of a datatable

thx for your fast response,

but this case i tryed yesterday by myself and i've got h:dataTable 
id=#{Travel.travelNr} value=#{Travel.hopsModel} 
var=Hop first=#{Travel.hopsTable.firstRowIndex} 
rows=#{Travel.hopsTable.noOfRows} styleClass=rka 
rowClasses=firstRow, secondRow

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: component identifier's first 
character must be a letter or an underscore ('_')! But it is #

Schaal, Roland schrieb:
 Something like h:datatable id=#{managedbean.datatableId} should 
 work with public String getDatatableId() in your bean that returns the 
 String of your ID

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Benjamin Bratkus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. April 2006 08:58
 An: MyFaces Discussion
 Betreff: id of a datatable

 hello users,

 can anyone tell me how to set the id to a variable of my managedbean ?
 i.e a String called travelNr.

 best regards,



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RE: how to set ROWS attribute in t:dataTable using Resource Bundle ?

2006-03-23 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Sunil,

Just a guess

t:dataTable rows=#{(int)bundle.MaxRecordsDisplayed_PerPage} 
t:dataTable rows=#{(Integer)bundle.MaxRecordsDisplayed_PerPage} 



-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sunil
Sent: 21 March 2006 22:45
Subject: how to set ROWS attribute in t:dataTable using Resource Bundle


I want to limit the No. of Rows that can be displayed in the table by
using the Value from the Resource Bundle (something like below ):

#JSP page
t:dataTable rows=#{bundle.MaxRecordsDisplayed_PerPage} 

# Resource bundle File

But I am getting a ClassCastException in doing this. I was under the
impression the Expression language does the casting implicitly. ROWS
attribute needs an Integer value but since the value being retrieved
from Bundle is as a String, its causing this Exception :

at javax.faces.component.UIData.getRows(

Is there any other way other than using a getter from the Backing Bean ?


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RE: saveState question

2006-03-23 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


simplest way to pass data from page1 to page2 is to use 
onemanaged bean, and use t:saveState on both pages referring to that onemanaged bean.

If the 
managed-bean is in request scope, then when you move from page1 to page2 you 
will lose the data in managed-bean - unless you are using t:saveState. If 
you have t:saveState on page1 and page2 which references managed-bean, when you 
leave page1 saveState saves the state of managed-bean. Then when you enter 
page2 saveState reads the state of managed-bean and restores the data saved from 

out :

another way which does not involve t:saveState, look at :



  -Original Message-From: 
  Sent: 23 March 2006 13:16To: 
  users@myfaces.apache.orgSubject: saveState 
  I just started use component 
  saveState from Tomahawk.
  I have two pages page1 (managed-bean {#page1}) and   page2 (managed-bean {#page2}). 
  All these beans are in request scope
  Is it possible to pass from page1 
  data {#page1.mapping} to page2 
  Thanks for any 

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RE: panelNavigation

2006-03-07 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


could just be a typo, but you have 3 t:commandNavigation's and only 2 



  -Original Message-From: Garner Shawn 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 07 March 2006 
  05:33To: users@myfaces.apache.orgSubject: 
  t:panelNavigationI have a panel navigation.The 
  structure of the links ist:panelNavigation id="panelNavigation1" 
  ...t:commandNavigation id="productLink2" action="" 
  value="Software Products"  t:commandNavigation 
  id="exampleProductLink2" action="" value="Example 
  Product" t:commandNavigation 
  id="exampleProductDownloadLink2" action="" 
  when you click on the products link you get a page where you can view a little 
  bit about "example product" and click on a details link that takes you to the 
  same place as the commandNavigation "example product" however since you didn't 
  use the panelNavigation to get there you don't see "download" since it didn't 
  expand. How do I fix this so it displays the sub commandNavigation 
  links for page your on even if you don't use the panel navigation to get   there?

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RE: Setting CSS Programatically

2006-02-15 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
It will work because the style is set depending on the row variable yourVar.  
The example shown will work for one column.  

To get this to work for the entire row you will need to add the :
styleClass=#{(yourVar.valueToCheck  backingBean.threshold)? 'styleClass2' : 
attribute to each column in the row.



-Original Message-
From: Bruno Aranda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 February 2006 10:17
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Setting CSS Programatically

May it seem so, but believe me... I am going to write an example eventually :-)


On 2/15/06, Matthias Kahlau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  t:column styleClass=#{(yourVar.valueToCheck  
  backingBean.threshold)? 'styleClass2' : 'styleClass2'}/

 Won't this only affect the column style, but not the row style?



  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Auftrag von Bruno Aranda
  Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2006 00:35
  An: MyFaces Discussion
  Betreff: Re: Setting CSS Programatically
  Yes you can using the t:column. Something like this
  t:dataTable var=yourVar ... 
  t:column styleClass=#{(yourVar.valueToCheck  
  backingBean.threshold)? 'styleClass2' : 'styleClass2'}/ 
  Use a managed bean with the exposed threshold variable.
  Hope that helps,
  On 2/14/06, Elam Daly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Howdy all,
   Is it possible to set the css of row in a dataTable 
   programmatically?  I have a dataTable bound to a UIData component 
   and I cycle
  through the rows of
   the table and calculate some values.  If the value is greater
  than a certain
   threshold, I need to highlight the entire row, say by coloring
  it red.  Is
   is possible to manipulate the style for that single row?

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RE: JSF log activity

2006-02-15 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Norbert,

For simple pages maybe you could retrieve the title of the page to identify it?



-Original Message-
From: Csík Norbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 February 2006 13:22
Subject: JSF log activity

 but in that case getting the name of the page is not so easy because the 
naviagtion rule decides which JSF should be displayed.


 Norbert Csík

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RE: NavigationHandler fails to find navigation rule

2006-02-09 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Tony,

I am not an expert, but have you tried moving the default rule to the
end of the list?

Otherwise you could specify some from-view-id's in your



-Original Message-
From: Tonio Caputo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 February 2006 21:28
To: MyFaces-Users-List
Subject: NavigationHandler fails to find navigation rule


 I implemented a custom NavigationHandler, that just do
some stuff and them call the default Implementation.

 The application is running correctly with Sun Faces implementation.

 What is happening is that NavigationHandler is not
matching any rule and always going to the 
default rule. 

 I've checked the outcome parameter, it is correct.
 I've checked that my Navigation Handler is called, yes.

 I send you a portion if my navigation configuration
to see if it helps:


  !--  This is the default destination  --







Any Ideas will be great

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RE: [JSF] multiple beans and binding stage

2006-01-20 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


you submit a form the values are saved as "submitted values". It is only 
when all validations are passed that the values are stored in the backing bean. This way if there are invalid values, the original view is restored 
and its values are pulled in from the "submitted values" and not from the bean.



  -Original Message-From: Garner, Shawn 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 19 January 2006 
  19:37To: 'MyFaces Discussion'Subject: [JSF] multiple 
  beans and binding stage
  The only examples I've seen are 
  binding one managed bean's values to form controls.
  Can you use values from multiple 
  managed beans in controls on the same form?
  Can an you stop the form from 
  binding the values to the beans after they press submit if the values are   invalid for whatever reason?
  I know you can return to the 
  original view if there are errors but I assume the values are still bound to 
  the bean.
  This email may contain confidential material. If you were 
  not an intended recipient, Please notify the sender and delete all copies. 
  We may monitor email to and from our network.

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RE: utf-8 from resource bundle?

2006-01-04 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


could try adding the following to your web.xml :
This sets a context parameter indicating the charset choice for all forms in the application.HTH,Fintan

  -Original Message-From: 
  McArthurSent: 04 January 2006 16:37To: MyFaces 
  DiscussionSubject: Re: utf-8 from resource 
  bundle?By the way, I'm using Tomcat 5 where I set 
  URIEncoding="UTF-8" in the Connector tag.Also have a catch all filter 
  request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");   response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");All is good except for display 
  of content from my ResourceBundle.I'd really appreciate any ideas any 
  one may have.Thanks,Ken
  On 1/4/06, Ken   McArthur [EMAIL PROTECTED]   wrote:
my pages start with [EMAIL PROTECTED] pageEncoding="utf-8" contentType="text/html; 
charset=utf-8" %and have meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" in the html head tag.Output 
from all database derived unicode characters look fine. However, output from resource bundle is garbled. i.e. "Español" comes back as 
"Espa#195;#177;ol". File check on 
resource properties file comes back returns UTF-8 Unicode English text, with 
very long lines. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or what more I need to 

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RE: Retrieving component values in validation methods

2005-12-15 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)

 2) Which is the right method to get the values of other components in 
 the validator method, getSubmittedValue(), getLocalValue(), dependent 
 on configuration issues (immediate) of the component owning the 
 validator and other components asked in the validator method?

Would the following work for you?
(Taken directly from Core Java Server Faces book)

The trick is to attach the validator to the last of the components. By
the time its
validator is called, the preceding components passed validation and had
local values set. The last component has passed conversion, and the
value is passed as the Object parameter of the validation method.

Of course, you need to have access to the other components. You can
achieve that access by using a backing bean that contains all components
of the
current form. Simply attach the validation method to the backing bean:

public class BackingBean {
private UIInput dayInput;
private UIInput monthInput;

public void validateDate(FacesContext context, UIComponent
Object value) {

int d = ((Integer) dayInput.getLocalValue()).intValue();
int m = ((Integer) monthInput.getLocalValue()).intValue();
int y = ((Integer) value).intValue();
if (!isValidDate(d, m, y)) {
FacesMessage message = ...;
throw new ValidatorException(message);

Note that the value lookup is a bit asymmetric. The last component does
yet have the local value set since it has not passed validation.

An alternative approach is to attach the validator to a hidden input
field that
comes after all other fields on the form.

h:inputHidden id=datecheck validator=#{bb.validateDate}

The hidden field is rendered as a hidden HTML input field. When the
value is posted back, the validator kicks in. (It is essential that you
supply some
field value. Otherwise, the component value is never updated.) With this
approach, the validation function is more symmetrical since all other
components already have their local values set.

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RE: UI component behavior problem

2005-12-01 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Matthias,

One solution is to have a method in your backing bean which validates
the entire backing bean values (or have a separate
MyBackingBeanValidator class which does the same).  This method is
called just before the save() method is called on your bean.  This way
you are validating only when you need to save the data.

Just a thought,


-Original Message-
Sent: 01 December 2005 09:30
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: AW: UI component behavior problem

I think that's some kind of problem with JSF. I want the validation to
be applied when the form is submitted to save, of cource, at the end of
the user task. But I do not want the page to be validated only when the
user navigates to an edit details page, which is part of the form of the
first page. I also do not want the page to be validated only when the
user changes a selection in a selectOneMenu. Both will break the user
work flow, because the selectOneMany or the edit details link comes
logically before some other input components, or worse, depend on the
selection of the selectOneMenu or selectOneRadio - that would cause
that the user has to input mandatory info which is not relevant or
required after the selection, which may show a partly different form.

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RE: Redisplay a JSF site after submit with the scrolling state previously used?

2005-11-28 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)

Would the new focus component in the sandbox achieve this?

I.E. if the component which receives the focus is not on the first screenful, 
will the browser automatically scroll to the component which has the focus?

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
Sent: 28 November 2005 15:45
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: AW: Redisplay a JSF site after submit with the scrolling state 
previously used?


Is there a separate component which supports autoscrolling to the component 
which submitted the form? I can't find one in the Tomahawk TLD Doc.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Auftrag von Mike Kienenberger
 Gesendet: Montag, 28. November 2005 16:26
 An: MyFaces Discussion
 Betreff: Re: Redisplay a JSF site after submit with the scrolling 
 state previously used?


 There's already javascript support in MyFaces for doing 

 Currently, it always scrolls back to the UICommand component that 
 submitted the form.

 I've tried to write my own javascript that scrolls it to any arbitrary 
 component on the page, but I don't really know javascript.

 It'd be great if you could figure out how to take advantage of the 
 existing autoscroll javascript to make it work with arbitrary
 components.   Maybe we could then figure out a tag to set the
 autoscroller -- f:setAutoScrollToHere or something like that :)

 On 11/26/05, Matthias Kahlau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I use a method for valueChangeListeners of selectOneMenu and other 
  multi choice tags. In the valueChangeListeners method, I can set the 
  state of boolean variables, which are used in the JSF site in 
  attributes like disabled and rendered of some tags.
  A valueChangeListener method is invoked when the value of the
 related tag
  changes, which causes a submit of the form. The problem is,
 that some tags
  are below the fold, and when the form is submitted because of a
 value change
  and then redisplayed again, the site is scrolled to top, and
 the user has to
  scroll down to the component, where he changed the value.
  Does somebody know if it is possible to redisplay the site with the 
  scrolling state previoulsy used? (I know that I could
 alternatively set the
  disabled and rendered states of the tags by using client-side
  without submitting the form and changing the scrolling state, but 
  that's more work and doesn't use the server-side facilities).

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RE: survey: what tool are you using for JSF ?

2005-10-19 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Ted,

Does the Web Tool Platform plugin have a JSF GUI tool?  If it has I
would be very interested in using it.

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
From: Ted Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 October 2005 18:02
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: survey: what tool are you using for JSF ?

We are using Eclipse 3.1 with the Web Tool Platform plugin
( Very fast and WST has a
lot of great features.

-Original Message-
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 12:43 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: survey: what tool are you using for JSF ?

NB 5.0 here too. I develop my JSF pages as .xml files, so in fact any
editor would work.


Francesco Consumi wrote:

 Hi people,

 I'm asking what kind of IDE/Tool are you using for developing your JSF

 Web apps.
 We're using NetBeans 5.0, but I'm beginning to think it isn't too

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RE: What am I doing wrong with DEFAULT_SUFFIX?

2005-10-14 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Boris,

Have you tried using 'xhtml' instead of '.xhtml' (notice no '.') in the
param-value?  Just a guess


-Original Message-
From: Boris Kovalenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 October 2005 06:55
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: What am I doing wrong with DEFAULT_SUFFIX?


I want my pages to be .xhtml extension instead of standard jsp. So 
in my web.xml I use

And nothing happened. Files not going through MyFaces precompiler and I 
getting them as is. Where am I wrong? Or may be this is a bug?

MyFaces RC2 as of 20051009, resin 3.0.14 standalone

With respect,

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RE: [ANNOUNCE] Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 Studio - Early Access 1

2005-09-23 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Title: Message


I am 
using the J2EE Developer preview version Build 

this release provide me with any more features / functionality for developing 
JSF pages?



  -Original Message-From: Jonas Jacobi 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 23 September 2005 
  00:56To: MyFaces DiscussionSubject: [ANNOUNCE] Oracle 
  JDeveloper 10.1.3 Studio - Early Access 1Hi 
  All,This is just an FYI for anyone working on JSF projects. We have 
  just released a new version of JDeveloper that has full support for JSF, ADF 
  Faces, MyFaces Tomahawk, and other third party component 
  libraries.Apart from the fact that it is a new release it - Oracle 
  JDeveloper 10g (10.1.3) - adds many new features, including a new 
  look and feel, a greatly improved coding environment, extensive refactoring 
  options, J2EE 1.4/J2SE 5.0/EJB 3.0 support, and visual JSF 
  development.This early access release is available for Windows NT/2000/XP, Linux, Mac platforms 
  more information about the Early Access Release please read the release   notes:, 
  then when you have tried it out let me know you what you think. If there are 
  any bugs related to the MyFaces implementation/components not working properly 
  please let me know and I'll make sure to have them filed and communicated to 
  the dev team.CheersJonas 
  --- Jonas   JacobiPrincipal Product Manager - JSF  ADF FacesOracle   JDeveloper Author: Pro JSF: Building 
  Rich Internet ComponentsBlog:

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RE: [OT] ADF Dialog Framework

2005-04-22 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Does this mean that you cannot use ADF unless you have bought

-Original Message-
From: Jonas Jacobi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 April 2005 18:21
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: [OT] ADF Dialog Framework

Hi Everybody,

I'm sorry that the message has been confusing or frustrating (even for 
me), but as Matt said. ADF Faces is part of the JDeveloper/ADF package, 
which license is currently $995. ADF Faces, as you probably know, is 
still not production and as such does not currently land in the 
license swamp and as such is free to use, but as soon as we go 
production they will follow what ever license term comes with JDeveloper

and ADF.

One of the reasons why we have not talked much about this is that we 
have proposed a new license to upper management and have been waiting 
for approval, and believe me when I say that these things take forever. 
There are so many things to take in account before something like this 
can get approved e.g. legal, current customers etc...

- Jonas
ADF Faces team

Matt Raible wrote:

 At TSSS, I talked to one of the Oracle guys and he said their license
 was basically $1000 to use in production.  You get ADF Faces for free

 when you buy a copy of JDeveloper ($1000).


 On Apr 20, 2005, at 8:42 AM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:


 hey... cool down!

 Oracle tests MyFaces. So why not *telling* you guys about Oracle 

 The licensing will be come out on JavaOne or so, I guess.

 Perhaps, here comes an announcement on something like that.


 On 4/20/05, Jozef Hribik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi MyFaces fans,

 Nobody from Oracle guys can answer my BIG QUESTION: WHAT IS THE


 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:


 (was also topic in Duncan Mills's WebLog from GroundSide)

 also very interestin is Jonas' Blog


 Matthias Wessendorf

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RE: Cross component validation question

2005-04-22 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Use a hidden field on the form.  Associate a custom validator with the
hidden field.  When the application is submitted, the custom validator
compares both text field and combo box and throws a validation error
only if both are null.



-Original Message-
From: Srikanth Madarapu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 April 2005 16:07
To: MyFaces Discussion; Matthias Wessendorf
Subject: RE: Cross component validation question

At first look I did not understand why this new tag was posted in this

 Because, the need to get another component's could arise in the
following scenario too... ( I had this scenario ).

 On a form I have few input fields. One of them is school name. The
school name can be input by choosing from a drop down or by entering in
a text field, this piece of information is required, but I cannot set
the required attribute to true because the user could choose or enter in
the text field. So in my validator of the drop down I get the submitted
value of the text field and if both are null throw a validator

 I don't know if there is a better way of handling this.


-Original Message-
From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 10:50 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Cross component validation question

I have created an equal validator for MyFaces (x:validateEqual/)

h:inputText id=passwd1 .../
h:inputText id=passwd2 ...
  x:validateEqual for=passwd1/

but it is limited to JSF spec 1.1 ...

in other words, you can't place it before passwd1

SRC can be found in CVS


On 4/22/05, Srikanth Madarapu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you know the id of component B, you could get using... (you already

 have access to component A)
 componentA.findComponent( id of component B).getSubmittedValue()
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Breidecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:42 PM
 To: MyFaces Discussion
 Subject: Cross component validation question
 This is something I think I should be able to figure
 out, but haven't been able to yet.
 Does anyone know how to get the value of another
 component that was entered in the form when validating
 for another component.
 Let's say I have Component A and Component B.  A has a
 value of 1 and B a value of 2.  On the screen I enter
 11 for A and 12 for B.  In my validator for B I want
 to see the value of 11 for A.  However, I get the
 value of 1 for A which is the value stored in the
 backing bean.  How can I get to the value of 11?
 Rob Breidecker
 Do You Yahoo!?
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Matthias Wessendorf

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RE: Multiple time method is executing for tree2

2005-04-13 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi Mihir,

Is it because your commandLink has both an action and an actionListener?



-Original Message-
From: Mihir Solanki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 April 2005 10:10
To: 'MyFaces Discussion'; 'Enrique Medina'
Subject: RE: Multiple time method is executing for tree2


As per your suggestion I have gone through the JSF request processing
life cycle.

But still I am not 100% clear on the things. Could you please give me
some idea that during which phases the backing beans method will be
called and why?


-Original Message-
From: Enrique Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:46 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Multiple time method is executing for tree2

Take a look at the JSF LifeCycle and you'll understand ;-)

On 4/13/05, Mihir Solanki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am having a tree2 component (only one component) in my JSF page.
 h:panelGrid id=grid2 columns=1 border=0 cellpadding=1 
 cellspacing=1 align=left
 x:tree2 value=#{TreeBean.treeData} id=cabinet-tree var=node  
 varNodeToggler=t clientSideToggle=false
 f:facet name=folder
 h:commandLink immediate=true action=#{t.toggleExpanded} 
 h:graphicImage value=/images/blue-folder-open.png
 rendered=#{t.nodeExpanded} border=0/
 h:graphicImage value=/images/blue-folder-closed.png
 rendered=#{!t.nodeExpanded} border=0/
 h:outputText value=#{node.description} styleClass=nodeTree/
 h:outputText value= (#{node.childCount}) styleClass=childCount  
 rendered=#{!empty node.children}/
 Now when I load this page, I have noticed that the getTreeData 
 method of TreeBean is called two times. Further whenever I click on 
 the tree node (or navigation icons), the same methods gets called 
 three times.
 Can anybody tell me what is happening behind the scenes? Why this 
 called multiple times?
 Patni Computer Systems Ltd.
 Tel : 91 79 23240905 Ext : 413
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SQL Injection attack

2005-03-24 Thread Conway. Fintan \(IT Solutions\)
Hi all,

Is there anything in JSF (or in MyFaces) which can detect / filter out
text entered into a text box which could inject and run SQL commands on
the database?

Any thoughts on this matter would be appreciated,



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