MyFaces Extension Filter breaks ADF's af:inputFile

2006-04-03 Thread Rogers Reilly
I discovered this painfully today, thought I'd pass it along.  It seems 
that by the time the HttpRequest gets to the ADF Filter, it's input 
stream is all tapped out and doesn't contain the file data anymore.  I 
stepped through that filter (ADF) forever trying to find the error, 
couldn't, and so tried removing the MyFaces Extensions Filter, which 
worked.  Didn't feel like wasting any more hours figuring out the how's 
and why's, but I'm assuming the Extensions Filter does much the same as 
the ADF Filter and then leaves the stream dry.  Since I don't use any 
Tomahawk/Sandbox components yet (biding my time until InputAjaxSuggest 
is ready for primetime), I'm hoping the exclusion of this filter won't 
hurt me.

Side issue- are the ADF-specific incubator mailing lists operating?  I 
subscribed and got confirmation to all (both?) of them, but haven't 
received any messages.

Re: Anyone got a working ADF + MyFaces Tomahwak setup?

2006-03-20 Thread Rogers Reilly

Murray Brandon wrote:

If so, can you please shoot me a copy of your web.xml and
faces-config.xml files?


note- I'm using Facelets, Spring, Shale as well.

faces-config.xml (relevant parts)


web.xml (includes some stuff you don't need)

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
web-app xmlns=; 
xmlns:xsi=; version=2.4 




  !--  for custom JSON Shale remoting --








   servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name
   servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name


   servlet-nameFaces Servlet/servlet-name









Re: Migrating ADF Faces app to use Facelets

2006-02-28 Thread Rogers Reilly
I actually just finished doing the same thing, so I sympathize w/you, 
Frank.  :-)   Totally worth it, though- the ADF components are 
fantastic, and Facelets is great to work with.

Couple other tips I thought I'd chime in with, in the hopes of sparing 
others some time/web hunting:

1) It's crucial to put the context-param about the alternate view 
handler in web.xml, as Frank notes.  Declaring it in faces-config 
under application will blow up.

2) the latest drop I got hold of (the MyFaces drop, not the last 
Oracle version) had two facelet-taglib files, af.taglib.xml and 
afh.taglib.xml, which had incorrect XML syntax and blew up Tomcat on 
startup--specifically, the docTypes were 'taglib' but the root element 
was 'facelet-taglib'.  I unzipped adf-faces-implxxx and changed them, 
then zipped it back up; then was fine for a while.  I learned later, 
however, that these files (while seeming to provide facelets support out 
of the gate) were actually interfering with adf-facelets.jar, which 
provides real Facelets support.  (the other files worked for many 
things, but couldn't handle String[] attributes for whatever reason)  So 
I went back and removed af.taglib.xml and afh.taglib.xml from 
adf-faces-implxxx, letting adf-facelets.jar handle all the facelets 
stuff, and everything worked.

3) a tangent, but related- if you find yourself trying to get Tomahawk  
ADF components working together, you may find this example helpful.  The 
Tomahawk EqualsValidator won't work if you're comparing the component to 
an ADF component, and here's why:

UIInput foreignComp = (UIInput) uiComponent.getParent().findComponent(_for);
in EqualsValidator (line 72) is casting the compare to component to 
UIInput, but ADF input components don't extend UInput.  You can create a 
custom ADFEqualsValidator by replacing the above with:
UIXEditableValue foreignComp = (UIXEditableValue) 

or, of course, create an overarching EqualsValidator that tries both casts.

In general, if a Tomahawk component isn't playing nice with ADF, that 
might be a good first place to look- the ADF components' hierarchy jumps 
straight from UIComponent to UIXComponent, so any casts from 
UIComponentBase down are going to fail.  Perhaps this will change as ADF 
code moves into the fold, but for now, this is something you'll need to 
work around.

also HingTH-

Frank Felix Debatin wrote:


finally I managed to migrate our ADF Faces app to use facelets. Ton of work,
but it went smoothly and really pays off, making the page writing much more
clean and powerful. 

What a wonderful combination!!!

Here is a small migration guide for those who intend to do the same (note:
I'm a Facelets beginner so there might be alternatives or better solutions):

1. Get the ADF Facelets contribution on the Facelets website and precisely
follow the instructions provided there. I ended with the following entries
in web.xml:






2. Include the XML name spaces in your pages as follows (and don't forget to
change the extension .xhtml if you have the recommended web.xml

   title=Hello World
Hello World!

3. Directly replace af:forEach tags with c:forEach. The af:forEach
tags are not provided in the contributed tag library, but the c:forEach
worked fine wherever I substituted them. 

4. Replace af:region with ui:include, providing a src attribute pointing
to the page instead of the old region attributes. (Consider ui:decorate as
an alternative if you like.) This requires some manual rewriting. The region
af:attributes need to be replaces by include ui:params. Get rid of the
var. in the former region definition files. Consider surrounding the
region definition files with ui:composition. 

5. (Optionally - cleaner). Get rid of f:verbatim by writing straight
inline HTML.

6. (Optionally - cleaner). Replace af:outputFormatted with af:outputText
and HTML markup for user supplied values, so user-supplied markup is
filtered out.

7. Take care not to include any non-ADF stuff such as inline text or markup
in ADF tables, including the details. This will cause an ugly stack trace
that completely messes up the involved session. I didn't encounter 

Re: immediate action for non commands

2006-02-28 Thread Rogers Reilly
Best way to do this now is with Cherokee (or whatever it's called).  
af:selectOneListbox takes an autoSubmit attribute, which does 
exactly what you want.

I was thinking you could also set partialSubmit=true and do your 
refresh with PPR, which would be slick, but I'm not seeing that 
attribute in the docs.  Looks like autoSubmit mandates a full refresh. 

Dennis Byrne wrote:

The kludge you speak of is the most popular way to do this.

One warning.  Let's say you have two controls, selectOneMenu and inputText.  Your requirement is that the inputText is to be rendered *only* when a certain item (let's call it 'ITEM X') in the selectOneMenu is selected.  You accomplish this by hooking a js event hander into @onclick or @onchange of the selectOneMenu.  The js clicks a hidden commandButton and the form is submitted.  In the action or actionListener of the commandButton, you dynamically render the inputText element and the form is then rerendered.  

If the user clicks then back button, on both IE and FireFox at least, the 
browser will not go back to the server.  It will simple display the first page 
in the state it was in just *before* the form was submitted.  There are two 
important parts to keep in mind.  First, the selected item of the selectOneMenu 
was 'ITEM X'.  Second, the inputText field was *not* rendered when the form was 
submitted.  The user will have then effectivly placed the form into a state 
that is against the initial requirement.

Dennis Byrne


-Original Message-
From: Lance Frohman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 08:57 PM
To: ''MyFaces Discussion''
Subject: immediate action for non commands

What is the best practice if I need a drop down list -
h:selectOneListbox - change
to go to the server, as if there was an immediate=true on a command
Depending on what is selected in the h:selectOneListbox, the page will be
displayed differently.
I was using a kludge with onclick= submitting a h:commandButton
style=visibility:hidden; ...




facelet-taglib for Shale commonsValidator? + general facelet-taglib autocreation

2006-02-24 Thread Rogers Reilly
Is there a file floating around out there to use Shale validators (and 
tags in general) in Facelets?  I couldn't find one anywhere on the web.

I think I've also seen a Facelets utility somewhere around Sourceforge 
that auto-creates the facelet-taglib's- does anyone have experience with 
that tool?  Is it pretty much plug-'n'-play, or do a lot of components 
tend to need custom handlers?

dumb question about JARs

2006-02-12 Thread Rogers Reilly

where are they?

The Sandbox components don't seem to be in tomahawk-1.1.2xxx or 
myfaces-1.1.2xxx off the site, and although I do find references to 
sandbox.jar in posts here, for the life of me I can't find it anywhere 
online.  Can someone point me in the right direction?

Side question- I can look at the whole source tree in Eclipse (using SVN 
via Subclipse), and just copy-paste into my project, but I don't have a 
ton of confidence in my ability to pull in everything I need between 
/commons, /core, and /tomahawk/ Java source + resources.  Is there a 
file(s) that explains exactly what goes into the various distribution 
JARs?--a Maven file I'm guessing?

Thanks in advance-

best solution for partial page refresh

2006-02-09 Thread Rogers Reilly


I've been looking into different ways to partially refresh a JSF page 
(actually a Facelets page) to get more responsive components (datagrids, 
etc.), and have come up with a few options.  Thought I'd see if anyone 
on this list had strong opinions on one versus the others.  I'm willing 
to do client-side JS if necessary, but ideally the solution would be as 
simple as adding an attribute in a JSF-ish tag.

Here's what I've found:

1) ADF Faces.  Jacob Hookom did a blog entry in September with the 
following code snippet from Oracle's ADF:

af:commandButton action=#{bean.method} partialSubmit=true/
af:commandButton text=Refresh Some Things partialSubmit=true id=refresh/
af:outputText value=#{oneValue} partialTriggers=refresh/
af:outputText value=#{anotherValue} partialTriggers=refresh otherRefresh/

This is exactly what I'm looking for (assuming there are af:datagrid, 
af:xxx components for all the regular components), but I wasn't sure 
whether or not the donated Oracle components include this partial 
refresh capability.  I've heard some components are only available in 
the commercial release ... is this one of them?

2) ajaxanywhere  A pretty clean 
way to designate parts of the page to refresh.  This project looks like 
an option, but it does seem like triggering the partial refresh requires 
you to call an ajaxanywhere-specific JS function--which is not a 
dealbreaker, but less nice than the ADF method.  My sense is I could 
definitely make this work if the other two options aren't feasible yet.

3) JSF Avatar.  Not much info out there about Avatar, but it seems to be 
a Sun-powered extension of JSF that allows you to designate a 
ProcessingContext, so that JSF can organically create just the 
components that're asked for by an AJAX request.  This one is 
conceptually appealing, but it seems very nascent and I'm not sure how 
usable it is.  (only available in a Glassfish container?  I need 
something I can drop into Tomcat or Resin)  I've read that the 
server-side piece is implemented somewhere at Sun, and I'd be willing to 
homebrew the client piece if necessary.  Has anybody here actually used 
Avatar?  Do the Blueprints examples use Avatar?  (haven't looked yet)

I know about some others (ajax tags, some jhook plan on the horizon for 
a custom partial-page rendering engine), but these seem like the most 
practical options for a project migrating to JSF today.

Only other requirement is that it works in Facelets.  I'm even willing 
to switch to RI (I know, I know- it's a MyFaces list) if that's required 
for Avatar.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance-

Re: best solution for partial page refresh

2006-02-09 Thread Rogers Reilly
Thanks Jonas, that's great news.  I've got the zip here and am going to give it a 
shot.  Is Facelets supported baked into that archive (the one from 
wiki.apache/myFaces) somewhere, or do I need a separate jar to get ADF 
tags working in .xhtml files?

on a side note- I just realized the book I preordered a couple days ago 
is yours.  Hope it's good!  :-)

Jonas Jacobi wrote:

Hi Rogers,

The donation includes this functionality. The parts that are available 
in the commercial solution (and not in the donation) are RenderKits 
for Wireless and Telnet.

Partial Page Rendering should work out of the box :)


Rogers Reilly wrote:


I've been looking into different ways to partially refresh a JSF page 
(actually a Facelets page) to get more responsive components 
(datagrids, etc.), and have come up with a few options.  Thought I'd 
see if anyone on this list had strong opinions on one versus the 
others.  I'm willing to do client-side JS if necessary, but ideally 
the solution would be as simple as adding an attribute in a JSF-ish tag.

Here's what I've found:

1) ADF Faces.  Jacob Hookom did a blog entry in September with the 
following code snippet from Oracle's ADF:

af:commandButton action=#{bean.method} partialSubmit=true/
af:commandButton text=Refresh Some Things partialSubmit=true 

af:outputText value=#{oneValue} partialTriggers=refresh/
af:outputText value=#{anotherValue} partialTriggers=refresh 

This is exactly what I'm looking for (assuming there are 
af:datagrid, af:xxx components for all the regular components), but 
I wasn't sure whether or not the donated Oracle components include 
this partial refresh capability.  I've heard some components are only 
available in the commercial release ... is this one of them?

2) ajaxanywhere  A pretty 
clean way to designate parts of the page to refresh.  This project 
looks like an option, but it does seem like triggering the partial 
refresh requires you to call an ajaxanywhere-specific JS 
function--which is not a dealbreaker, but less nice than the ADF 
method.  My sense is I could definitely make this work if the other 
two options aren't feasible yet.

3) JSF Avatar.  Not much info out there about Avatar, but it seems to 
be a Sun-powered extension of JSF that allows you to designate a 
ProcessingContext, so that JSF can organically create just the 
components that're asked for by an AJAX request.  This one is 
conceptually appealing, but it seems very nascent and I'm not sure 
how usable it is.  (only available in a Glassfish container?  I need 
something I can drop into Tomcat or Resin)  I've read that the 
server-side piece is implemented somewhere at Sun, and I'd be willing 
to homebrew the client piece if necessary.  Has anybody here actually 
used Avatar?  Do the Blueprints examples use Avatar?  (haven't looked 

I know about some others (ajax tags, some jhook plan on the horizon 
for a custom partial-page rendering engine), but these seem like the 
most practical options for a project migrating to JSF today.

Only other requirement is that it works in Facelets.  I'm even 
willing to switch to RI (I know, I know- it's a MyFaces list) if 
that's required for Avatar.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance-

*Jonas Jacobi
Author*: Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components


Re: Dojo integration (was Re: 'Simulating' commandLink from Javascript')

2006-02-03 Thread Rogers Reilly

Martin Marinschek wrote:

Our final goal is to get rid of prototype and use dojo instead as our
base-library for AJAX.

So we want to further AJAXify our component set with the help of dojo,
and replace the existing implementations with dojo-functionality.


Fantastic, thanks for the clarification Martin.  Sounds like Dojo will 
be used under the covers, then.  At some point, it might be useful to 
expose which Dojo components are being loaded into the page, so 
developers can know which ones they're getting for free and don't need 
to load.

Dojo integration (was Re: 'Simulating' commandLink from Javascript')

2006-02-02 Thread Rogers Reilly

Laurie Harper wrote:

Hmm, OK, thanks; that makes sense. So, it's either time to start 
wrapping Dojo widgets with JSF components, or time to learn about 
Shale's remoting features ;-)

Picking up on this- I'm just about to refactor two Dojo/JSP projects 
(one work, one personal) into Dojo/Shale/JSF/Hibernate projects, and 
this sliver of the stack is exactly what I'm wrestling with.  My first 
thought was to define a relatively narrow Dojo interface for thick 
client-side stuff (letting MyFaces do simple stuff like autocompletes), 
keeping the server fairly decoupled, but now I'm wondering if they can 
be wired more tightly.

Somebody posted on the Dojo mailing list about weaving Dojo libraries 
into MyFaces ... it wasn't clear (to me, at least) whether this was just 
for the purpose of using it for behind-the-scenes utility functions, or 
for AJAX-ifying current JSF components, or for wrapping Dojo widgets as 
Laurie mentioned.  Does anyone know where MyFaces is going in this 
regard?  I expect at first I'll be doing a lot of hand-wired Shale 
remoting in widgets, but it'd be great to have some idea of where to 
expect help in the future.
