
I'm currently moving from RI to myfaces1.1 - and I am encountering some
problems with sitemesh. Sitemesh decorates the pages after they were
rendered. It does so by parsing the page and then giving you tags to place
the head and the body. Works like a charm and has the big bonus over
tiles&facelets, that the decorated page does not know, that it gets

Unfortunately, I noticed that some functionality now does not work anymore
with decorated pages. The simplest problem is a commandlink, that is not
submitted because of a javascript-error. After some investigation, I found
that the generated javascript (in this case the getScrolling()) is placed
outside the body of the page - and there, it gets lost when the page is

I can fix that by manually adding the getScrolling() to the Decorator, but
I'm sure, there will be other problems with other generated scripts. Is
there a hidden concept in the fact that the scripts are placed outside? And
can I change this behaviour somehow? Have all scripts rendered into the head
or the body?!


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