
2021-04-29 Thread Michael Shaver
Set a row100 columnA to 1
Set a row 101 columnA to 0.0001
Set row 99 to =A100-$A$101

Pull A99 upwards to A0
Display the results at 20 decimals
Format the numbers to 20 decimals

At and above A89 the result is invalid.
This can be corrected by changing A100 to =TRUNC(A100-$A$101; 20)

Thank you for your attention
PS I tried but could not use Bugzilla.  


2021-04-29 Thread Steve
How about a Open Office that works on an Andriod tablet?

My windows RT tablet (2013 Surface) is dead by design. No upgrades/updates
available, even for the browser, which is pretty much not supported by any
websites anymore, andit no longer powers up. (the browser tha MS installed
is the only browser option, as MS never approved another for the Surface.
No browsers (including the "latest and greatest" by MS) will download or

I've used Open Office on my laptops and work desktops since 2000. I like
Open Office much more than MS WORD.
